Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1409: The battle for the latent teeth (25)

Chapter 1409 The Battle of the Treacher Twenty-five

Bedyville’s guess is quite correct, and that’s not the army of the guards at all. It is a collection of corpses, or a collection of numerous corpses, connected by a group of sticky and cytoplasmic cytoplasm.

The soft meat wall monster can instantly turn people into a part of it. But there are so many people in the entire institute. The monsters can kill these people, but they can't "digest" them. So they form the weird collection of semi-aggregated corpses. Its degree of nausea has not decreased with its degree of incompleteness, but it has been said to be a big increase. Under a large group of wet and slippery things are thousands of pieces of intact or torn broken human legs, and there are fragments of internal organs that are torn apart. This disgusting thing can still be maintained from a distance. The shape of a vague army is simply full of deception.

If Ge Wen just slowed down and went to meet the group of meatballs, it would probably be swallowed up by the endless stream of meat before he hit the opponent. A person can't fight a legion at all, even the great round table knight will die in the torrent of meat.

"Polymer...but how could it be." Bettiville stunned a cold sweat and screamed: "I and Kana Mingming have wiped them all out..."

"It’s obviously missing a few." Albert sneered.

"Don't say it, push it fast." The Knights of the Round Table commanded briefly and forcefully.

The torrent of meat is less than ten yards away from the crowd, and it’s too late to escape.

Albert and Bedieville did not hesitate. The tiger raised his violent gun blade in an instant, and fired several shots at the group of meat behind him. At the same time, even the plug on the gun blade was triggered, and the jet was continuously ejected. Several shock waves; his weapon caused a strong push, pushing the entire smoke sled forward.

And Bedieville is not idle, he has already rolled the tungsten tortoise whip on his left hand into a spring shape. After the power was completed, it slanted toward the ground and launched a powerful blow. This kind of powerful attack can also bring huge reaction. With this reaction, the smoke sled can slide faster and farther...

The Duke of Gwen is an expert in manipulating smoke. He releases a huge arm of smoke from his sleeve, controls the smoke arm, and grabs it far away from the front. He immediately retracts when he grabs the ground. The arm pulls hard like a slap, pulling the entire smoke sled farther.

Bedyville and others, who were almost inundated by the torrent of meat, opened their distance with the monsters by a powerful push. But the monsters are still very fierce. They are coming faster than the original. They are simply chasing after them. They seem to have swallowed Bediville and others before they will give up.

"Well, I can't hurry up any more..." Albert continued to drive the gun, but his bullets were limited and he needed to change the bullets to continue shooting. The plug of the storm gun blade didn't need to be changed, but the energy was limited. I used it all the time. After Albert ran a row of shots, he changed his bullets in a hurry, but he looked at the flood of meat that was chasing after him. He couldn’t help but feel inexplicable.

"It’s fine to stick to it." Biddiville once again shrank the tungsten tortoise whip as a spring and stabbed it toward the ground. A strong thorn brings efficiency to the advancement, but Bediville also feels sore shoulders, and the tungsten tortoise whip is more squeaky due to prolonged overuse. If you go on like this, how many times the same trick can be used is also a problem. It is really worrying.

Ge Wen did not speak, and they could see a faint light that seemed to indicate the exit from the farthest direction of their direction. But how far is that. One hundred yards is still one thousand yards. neither knows. Even if the power is like the round table knight Ge Wen, his ability to use this smoke is limited, and at the same time carrying so many people with the smog sled, he has to release the smog giant arm to involve the sled, with everyone moving forward, Ge Wen's body energy loss is the greatest among everyone.

"In this case, if there is a round table knight to summon the Holy Spirit, then it will be fine." Albert finished the bullet and continued to shoot, but his mouth was groaning.

However, there is no such good thing. As a round table knight, Ge Wen has only one chance to summon the Holy Spirit every day. But Bedwell's heart is very clear. Ge Wen’s chance to summon the Holy Spirit today has already been used up. At noon, in the Sahara Desert, Ge Wen used the power of the Holy Spirit to blast a large pit from the sand to give everyone a chance. Invade the interior of the [Golden Ship Desert Boat] buried deep in the sand.

In other words, Bedieville has nothing to rely on now. The means they have in their hands are all that they escape from here. There are no more reinforcements, and there is no possibility that the Holy Spirit will appear to help them. They can only rely on themselves, from this ghost place, from this disgusting meat rush, escape from birth.

However, the more I think about it, the more I feel that Bediville is desperate. It is said that it is a flood, and the meat is actually more like an oncoming wave. It is unstoppable at all, and it cannot escape. It is less than ten yards away from the smog sled where Bediville and others are located, and this distance is still being drawn closer, even though Bedyville and others have tried their best to escape. will be caught up. Absolutely can't run away. There is no way to do it. Deeper despair spread in the heart of Bedyville. He never thought that he would inexplicably die at this juncture, but this is reality.

But wait and see if something is wrong...

Bedyville looked at the disgusting meat wall monsters carefully.

The situation is indeed embarrassing, but he does not feel the [malicious] that he felt before.

When Bedieville battled the same monster on the top of the glass inverted pyramid, the monster was full of malicious and killing, almost always looking for an opportunity to kill Bettiville. In fact, the same is true. Lawrence Lawrence, who is working with Bedieville, is also hit by the monster's spine and hits the chest. It is almost fatally wounded. The monster later killed two other guards even before being killed by ultraviolet light.

But the [aggregate] made up of a large number of bodies in front of Bediville does not seem to show such [malicious].

It is less than five yards away from Bediville and others. The meat waves it creates can immediately cover them in Bediville, but it is just [catch up], and there is no chance to stab deadly to Bediville and others. The vicious spinal tentacles.

Is it purely because of the focus on catching up with this matter, and it is not enough to attack Badiville and others.

Or, it is not intended to attack with tentacles at all, and it is intended to drown Bediville and others by the wave of meat.

However, if you want to kill them, you can't just go out of your tentacles. This must be faster and more efficient, and it can also guarantee the death of Bediville. In fact, Bediville can only afford to escape, and there is no power to fight back. Anyone who stabs a tentacle can put them to death. However, the monster is waiting patiently, instead of ending the chase early, is to want to play with its prey before eating.

Is it really. Or

"Lift." The werewolf suddenly figured everything and shouted: "Let the smoke rise as high as possible, avoiding the monster from above..."

"What. You are crazy..." Albert first disagreed. "When the speed slows down, it will be swallowed up by it. And how it might let us go."

"I don't think Mr. Bedieville's statement is correct. I will try it out." Ge Wen immediately agreed with the battle of Bediville. Not waiting for Albert to continue to protest, the smoke giant released by the Duke of Gewen had already shot the ground in front, and the reaction force of the slap led the entire sleigh to ascend from the ground, and it took more than ten yards... ...

"Keep it like this... let it pass from our feet..." The werewolf watched the momentum of the sleigh sleigh flying and could cross the disgusting mass of meat and continued to shout. He saw a crack in the glass on the zenith of the cave, and he whipped his hand and smashed it. His tungsten tortoise whip was instantly embedded in the crevice of the glass zenith, pulling like a hook, pulling the entire smoke sled higher.

"Wow, ah, I’m going to hit it." Albert was scared and fell down.

Hey. Before the sleigh hit the zenith, it made a wonderful muffled sound. Gewen's smog giant arm has a buffering effect. The arm of smoke holds the zenith to prevent the sleigh from hitting hard and even sharp glass walls. The pillar-like things that the giant arm later formed quickly fixed the glass zenith and the smog sled, so that everyone could sit on the high place like a Ferris wheel and watch the things happening on the ground with cold eyes.

That's right. With a surprisingly accurate intuition, Bedieville once again guessed it. The meat wall monster did not attack Bediville and others at all. The previous chase was just a unilateral idea of ​​Bediville, thinking that the monsters would harm them.

In fact, like a few ants at the foot of the giant elephant, Bedyville and others are simply unremarkable for this huge meat group monster. It does not care about the small creatures at the foot, nor does it have to continue to pursue the meaning of Bediville and others. It has no innocence with Bediville and others, and it has no motives and obsessions to kill the werewolves.

It just happened to be [passing by].

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