Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1411: The battle for the latent teeth (27)

Chapter 1411 The Battle of the Tooth

Solar in front of the giant tonsil spider eye. In fact, it is just a trivial little black spot. However, it is this little black spot. Let the monsters hate it. I want to kill it soon. The eyes of the tonsil spider are all open again. Every black eye with no gods is staring at the swordsman. Among them, there are even more murderous things that are incomparably vicious and dark. Always spray from the compound eyes of those insects.

And Solar. Then hold the sword. Start running. As he had dealt with the black robe man before. The sword skills that Solar has made are beyond the reach of ordinary people. It is a special sword that physically reaches the level equivalent to the big magic.

Its name is. [Sparks Dragon Sword].

of course. In order to make this powerful sword. A lot of preparation actions are necessary. Solar is running around the almond spider at this moment. It is this preparation movement. The first part.

See that Solar has run. The tonsil spider also uses his thousands of black eyeballs to shoot wildly. Trying to push the swordsman into desperation. But the fact that Surar is running does not mean that he is running. Not only did he not lose without running fast. Instead, it becomes more agile. Easily dodge thousands of black corrosive liquid beams. I don't know if I am tired or tired. The tonsil spider gave up the beam for a while and gave up. It may know that it is shooting by its own eyes. It is impossible to hit the speed so fast. Soar, who is so agile.

However, the deadlock has not been broken. Because the group of black fog protects the body. Solar could not get close to the tonsil spider. Once inside the range of black fog. The swordsman will be affected by the hypnotic ability of the black fog. The speed has dropped. And that hesitation in that moment is enough for the spider to use the huge foot to make the swordsman into a meat.

However, the preparation of the Sparks Dragon Sword is not just as simple as running around the opponent. It should be said that running around the circle is only the most basic part. At the expense of the weapons in your hands. We must also put the power of weapons above the critical point. This is the essence of the Sparks Dragon Sword. Powerful swordsmanship is also accompanied by great sacrifices. Solar used a lizard to make a spark of the sword. Just used it once. The lizard has been completely reimbursed. And this time. Solar is using the metal blade he has already burned in battle. Only the glass-shaped core of the Luna steel scimitar is used to make the sparks rise the sword. He was ready to use it before using it. Knowing that this superb weapon made by Seglade may be completely destroyed.

despite this. Solar has still used it without hesitation. His Luna steel scimitar madly stroked the flaming red trails on the ground. This underground glass has a large hollow floor. It is hard and flexible emery; but Solar's Luna steel scimitar. It is a "glass" blade that is made up of a huge amount of magnesium alloy quenched. At the same time "glass". Luna Steel's scimitar cuts the ground like a butter.

Many people may take it for granted that the sound of cutting the ground at this moment must be an unpleasant shaving sound. But this speculation is completely wrong - when the "glass knife" sharpens beyond a certain critical point. It cuts the moment to the ground. The "glass" ground is solved. It only shines like when the rock melts into magma. Almost inaudible whisper. But there wasn't even a little bit of scraping glass.

It's a nourishment and a nourishment – ​​but there are actually other sounds. That is the sound of the spark that is ejected when the blade cuts the ground. There is glass everywhere in this place. The world of underground glass is extremely transparent and reflective. This continuous spark is particularly conspicuous. The people are dizzy. The trajectory of the spark quickly formed a fire arc. One by one. Surrounded by giant tonsil spiders. It’s fast enough for Solar to run. Add a dazzling spark. Very confusing people's eyes. When the other party is dazzled. The Luna steel scimitar in the hands of the Swordsman is also extremely hot due to the intense friction for a long time. A fatal blow can be made at any time.

"Hah--" The swordsman shouted. Draw a sword. He and his opponent actually have five yards away. That is the distance that Lunaos Steel's machete can't reach anyway. But he made this sword but it was amazing. And with a scorching heat. Mars slammed into the air with a sharp airflow.

啪滋. The heat wave hit the huge head of the giant spider. Dispel the black fog. Create a crack that has been hit by a strong wind. The black fog that tangles around the tonsil spider makes it impossible for Solar to get close. But relying on the sparks to raise the dragon sword in the preparation phase of the long-range attack. The same can actually cause damage to the tonsil spider.

Another hot knife wind hit the tonsil spider. However, the monster raised its hairy and sharply dark spider feet. Immediately block the knife wind. The high heat and high pressure airflow slammed on the spider's foot. It is like hitting a heavy steel shield. A thick, low-pitched sound.

However, this blow is not the end. It starts. Solar has already circulated to the back of the tonsil spider. Also draw a sword. The same fatal high heat and high pressure knife rushed. Ruthlessly tearing the atmosphere. Bite to the enemy like a rabid dog.

Uh...but the tonsil spider seems to have a long eye. It immediately waved another leg behind him. Blocked the second shock wave.

However, this is not over yet. Solar has long since smashed to another angle. Draw another sword again. He also moved again while hitting the shock wave. Another wave of shocks is produced from the other direction.

咚, 咚, 咚咚, 咚咚咚咚咚咚. The impact sounded one after another. Gradually changed from low to sharp. The whistling sound of the airflow. As if to tell its danger of approaching the tipping point. A tornado was blowing around. And there is an increasing trend.

La la la la la - Solar sprinted in the storm. Drag a long spark of arc on the ground. His preparations are over. It's time to use the sniper to finally solve his opponent.

"Do you know why this move is called [Sparks Dragon Sword]?" Just like teasing opponents. It is like a fixed mantra in the chanting. The sound of Solar made it to all directions. Stubbornly repeating: "Because there will be dragons."

The tonsil spider that has lost its mind will certainly not answer. It is concentrating on waving his feet in vain. Make the airtight protection again and again. It is very confident because of its size and amazing agility. I think that I only need to wave my feet to easily resist the childish swords of the next Soral -

however. It will be disappointing.

"Changlong--" The swordsman suddenly slammed into the ground with a machete. Accompanied by his own rush. His Luna steel scimitar, which is heated to a red, cracks the ground like a broken egg shell. Complementing the destructive power that has continued to accumulate before. Damage caused by geometric growth.

With countless sparks. The cracked ground was gradually sucked away by the tornado. The tornado, which was already deadly enough, was involved in a lot of sharp and hot rocks. Become more deadly. And Solar is in this tornado. Constantly swing the sword to attack the opponent. He played countless hot shock waves. At the same time, it also hits the rock group in the tornado. Shoot them like bullets. The scorching stone is like a raindrop. Thousands of arcs are drawn toward the opponents. Squatting to the giant tonsil spider. Even the monsters are waving dozens of giant foot block blocks. Numerous cracks are still created on the surface of these spider legs.

hiss. The tonsils of the tonsil spider seem to reveal vaguely in the compound eyes of thousands of black insects. It previously believed that it would be able to block the absolute confidence of the Solar attack. It has disappeared.

After launching countless times of attack on the opponent. All the preparations that Solar has to do have been completed. It's time to make a finishing touch.

"Get up -" He suddenly stopped. Spread the machete with both hands. Strive for the ground.

La la la la la la la la la - centered on the tonsil spider. The entire ground began to collapse. It cracks extremely uniformly and orderly. Each rock is split along the trajectory of the Solar. Instantly split into hundreds of millions of rocks that cannot be counted. The original ground has been turned into a rolling rock torrent. It is involved in irresistible forces of nature. Flying along the tornado. It is like a living, ascending dragon.

Hey, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. It also creates an abnormal sound like a dragon roaring. The hot rock flow was swept up by a violent storm. Flying straight to the dark, empty zenith of the underground glass world. The spark it emits shines through the entire glass cavity. Countless rays are refracted countless times on numerous glass surfaces or planes. Like the moment of the Star River Big Bang. It is also like a brilliant fireworks.

And Solar also jumped a few steps. Stay away from this dangerous tornado.

"Solution, solved?" The swordsman gasped. Look at the giant flame vortex that is still inflicting damage on the enemy in the air. The brightness of the environment is greatly increased due to the continuous reflection of the surrounding glass. The entire underground glass cavity is almost dazzling. Solar could only glimpse that there was a huge spider shadow in the flame vortex that was weakly hovering with the whirlwind. The monster seems to be being caught by the dragon of the flame. Was slowly swallowed by the fire dragon. Until it becomes ashes.

if it is like this. The battle should be over.

but. Is it really going to be so smooth? Although Solar's swordsmanship is an almost irresistible absolute killer. But the enemy's resistance will still be too little.

Solar suddenly had a bad feeling. as expected. A huge spider head suddenly emerged from the flame vortex.

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