Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1419: The battle for the latent teeth (35)

Chapter 1419 The Battle of the Tooth

"Ha ha ha ha" Juliet is wearing a sturdy leopard, and the boy ran to the mall. She felt that the distance should be safe. At least the Cairo police who were not rushed to the troubles finally stopped.

"I was really dangerous just now." The girl wiped a sweat: "So you said that a child should not run around the city of Cairo. Of course, you can’t run around in the slums. The law and order in recent years in Egypt is very unstable. dangerous"

Seglad looked at the woman with an annoyed look: "I know, my father, I have to thank you, so I will thank you for your help. But just like this, you don't have to follow me anymore." Meow"

"I didn't follow you, I just happened to pass the righteous partner Crystal Moon." Juliet is still loading garlic: "My duty is to execute justice instead of the moon to punish the bad guys, hahahahaha"

Seglad looked at Juliet with an incredibly complex expression: "You must be kidding me."

"It’s not true." Juliet puts on a handsome hero’s trick: "Replace the moon to punish you."

"Let's just squat", the leopard man can't help but talk to this kind of person. It feels really tired: "If you have finished talking, just give me a quick return to the Cairo Hotel. You should also finish playing." When the game is back, I will stay in the hotel room. If you have something to look for, please go now. Otherwise, he will go back to the room for a while, and after the rectification, he will know if he will go out and look for the girl again."

"Can it be, but where are you going to go, don't you go back to the hotel?" Juliet looked worried at Segrad: "How dangerous is the city street in Cairo. You haven't figured out after the incident. "

"I don't care if you don't follow me," Segrad immediately angered: "I just said that even if you don't help to deal with the little role, I am alone. We are not as weak as you humans. It’s good to see the leopard."

"Okay, if you insist on it," Juliet couldn't help but sue Sadly and compromised: "But let me come to me with a place before I let you go. I will not finish it after I finish one thing." Entangled you"

Slaged slightly doubted the authenticity of the other party's words but he really wanted to get rid of Juliet and he knew that he was not arrogant. It was impossible to get rid of this woman's entanglement in the ordinary way, so he gently agreed. : "Okay, what's the matter?"

Anyway, he has already taught Juliet’s skills in the previous battle. He is confident that using his own combat power to suppress Juliet by force is not difficult. The place where Juliet took him is not the most dangerous place. Otherwise, I see something wrong. Where Slagard must take the knife out and the troublesome woman turned her face

As if from the eyes of the leopard teenager, the hidden killings of Juliet smiled indifferently: "The relaxation point is not to take you to any dangerous place. It just takes you to my hometown to take a trip."


After a 20-minute walk, the two crossed the downtown area of ​​Cairo and gradually reached the coast of the northern suburbs of Cairo. On a beautiful cliff, Sedge was able to see a rather ancient but well preserved Stone fort

This is a castle. It may be a bit too much. Its scale can only be compared with the smallest castle in the world. The whole stone fort is presented in a very unpredictable casual style. It has no moat walls in front of Segrad. Very short and casual, a tall adult can easily turn over and can only be used as a fence. There is no half guard in front of the stone fort. The whole stone fort is filled with low shrubs everywhere. The green is everywhere. a casual lazy atmosphere

This unique but lacking defense of the stone fort is not so much a military fortress as a private estate of a family resembling a holiday home or villa.

"This is the Lusfu family in Cairo's villa family. People come over to avoid the cold in winter." Juliet went to the stone fort and said: "But now it's spring. People in the hot family of Egypt have a lot of business. I have to say that people who come to vacation can almost say no."

Segrad took aim at the cliff on the back of the castle and looked at the cliff from the cliff. The entire endless Mediterranean landscape was shocking. The Lucifer family was really rich and knew how to live a beautiful resort in this beautiful place.

Seglader had heard about this place from the mouth of the Count of Lusford before. The prince of the prince seems to have recovered the high-quality lightsaber that was preserved here at the arsenal of this place and was treated as a trophy. Segred - so there should be a large arsenal inside which contains a lot of things of the same quality as the lightsaber.

"You are still making a quick move in." Juliet pushed the main entrance of the castle.

Segrad is still wondering if this is a trap, but the huge weapon treasury that may exist in the castle is indeed a huge temptation for him. The leopard is a young man who wants to go deep into the tiger's den. Among the ancient stone fort

"Welcome to" Just after entering the door, Slagard saw something in his eyes and he saw that it was a magical figure. The appearance of the magical figure seemed to be made of stainless steel. Wearing a butler's clothes, the look of the butler here is a courtesy to the guests.

"Ha Tie barrel head 喵" Segred said that his Vivian aunt's research institute is also full of similar devils, so he is full of familiarity with this housekeeping type of guru despite the housekeeper's demon The styling is different from what he usually sees. In a building that has not been inhabited for a long time, a large number of servants are arranged to take care of the unreasonable and hiring of workers. Therefore, a group of housewives are placed in such places. We are a common sense of the upper class.

Even in the research institute of Vivian Aunt, there are about 200 statues in the management of the whole research institute, all kinds of life measures. If the whole institute only has Vivienne alone, it is just hygienic. It will make her busy, but of course, Xiao Aunt has enough economic conditions to invite a lot of servants, but she hates human beings who like quiet and hidden life, or she hates to communicate with others or because of the same The reason why Aunt Vivienne will only throw the three brothers of Saifei, Segrad and Hal in the abrupt moorland, no matter only occasionally come and visit them, and most of the time is to hand over the three brothers. Turkic elephants raise people, God knows maybe Seglader is just a burden to Vivienne Auntie.

Well, the topic is far away. Slagard shook his head and tried to pull his consciousness back from reality into reality.

"So I followed you here and oh," he said. "Segred opened the door and asked, "Is there anything to do? I have to go back as soon as possible to continue to follow my father."

"What I want you to do is actually very simple." Juliet walked to the leopard boy: "This way"

She was cold and she slid down the Syed’s shorts from the next squat.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The leopard boy fell backwards.

"Help you take off your pants, of course~" Juliet took the opportunity to pull the SGL's pants down and then turned her head to the magical butler: "Licks sent our little guests to the bathroom for a shower." "

"You, you, you, you, what are you doing?" Seglad slammed his back and slammed back and cried. "Who wants to take a shower?" Come to the magical housekeeper) Don't touch me"

"You haven't noticed it until now." Juliet shook her head and raised the trousers that had just been removed from Seglad. "This large piece of water shows what you know?"

"Why" Slagrid felt that his **** was cool not only because the stone floor of Shibao was cold but also because his underwear was wet and wet.

"Why am I when?" Leopard boy was shocked.

"When you were taken hostage by adult sex," Juliet dropped Segrad's little shorts and walked over to the head of the leopard boy. "Well, the big sister won't make fun of you. You were The bad guys are afraid of being taken for granted. There is nothing shameful about this little thing."

However, it is not the case that Slaged’s heart is hard to say that he was not afraid at all to fear that he was only concentrating on himself and looking for a chance to fight back and prepare to kill the mob before he was killed by the mob. What is this? Why is he wet his pants when he is completely unaware of it?

Is it because the body suddenly became the body of this little child, and the nervous system of the body has not yet adapted? He just estimated that he has invested too much attention on one thing. The child’s body began to get tired of adapting, so he was incontinent.

It’s too shameful, that is to say, he has been keeping this kind of urinating pants from the beginning. He has escaped from the shopping center and crossed about half of Cairo. He has been seen by countless people.

Seglad was so shy and flushed that his body was more uncontrollable when he was ashamed. There was a large pool of water on the ground that had been licking his only remaining underwear for shame.

"Relaxed the big sister to understand" Juliet did not know and still had a tolerant expression to comfort the leopard young man in front of him as if to comfort a child who is only a few years old: "Don't be afraid that there is no other person except us here today. I don’t know what the third person knows. I’m going to wash it now. There are some clothes that my brother used to replace when I was a child. You can change it after you take a shower and then you can go there anyway. I can’t manage it. "

"呜喵" SGLADE was so shy that he didn't want to say a little more than half a sentence. So he was left in the direction of the bathroom by the magical butler.

"Although he is stubborn, but he is always a child?" Juliet looked at the back of the leopard boy and sighed.

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