Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1421: The battle for the latent teeth (37)


Chapter 1421 The Battle of the Tooth

He had intended to guess the life of the young Master Kamal from the inscription on the tombstone. However, the photographs on this ancient stone tombstone without any memorization were only engraved with short inscriptions and because the writing was actually scribbling in Segrad. I can barely recognize the biggest line of words and those little words that he can’t understand.

"At that time, my brother and Kamar lived a very happy childhood together. We made all kinds of novel and interesting gadgets. Every day, we spent every day in learning, adventure and production. It was full and interesting." Juliet recalls Dao: "The child is very keen to play the righteous partner and often wears the whales we are developing [the battle suit] to go [to justice] until one day we run into nails and meet the real bad guys. Not fighting is just a small Kamal being unilaterally slaughtered"

Seglad seems to be able to understand vaguely why Juliet had to wear that wonderful masked sailor suit to play a righteous partner. Is it a tribute to past friends?

Although this behavior is still very strange, the miraculous behavior is always wonderful, no matter what the reason

"Little Kamal died so badly that we couldn't even get back his body from the bad guys. It's just his empty grave." Juliet sighed long and said, "We have been there since that time." Learned that we understand that a good ideal is to achieve justice. First, we must make ourselves stronger. There is no power to maintain justice.

"And don't mention this right." She turned her head and looked at SGL. She glanced out of the belt and took a sword-like hilt into the leopard boy's hand: "Little Harris, please turn this off after you go back." How about your Singer brother?"

Segred reached out and took the handle. The special shape of the hilt, but it was thick and durable. It looked like he had met him. He seemed to have seen it.

There should be no mistakes. This should be the same as the weapon of the same producer, the same quality, and the high-quality lightsaber that was sent to the former Sergeant Lusford.

"This light sword is called [the earth's interest]. The toy that we developed when we were young was originally paired with another light sword called [The Sky of the Sky]." Juliet said: "They were buried in the tomb of Little Kamal." But my stupid brother actually digs the grave and takes [the interest of the sky] for use in the round-table trial of the knockout game, thinking that Xiao Kamar’s [the interest of the sky] can bring him victory."

"But he was defeated by my Singer brother and finally gave [Sky of the Sky] as a bet to the Singer brother. I know this." Seglad went on to say: "But why? The Viscount Lusford just lost one of the two weapons and there is no need to send another one to Sergey’s brother."

"It is necessary" blonde girl smiled lightly: "[The interest of the sky] and [the interest of the earth] are originally paired lightsabers. They are inseparable since my stupid brother has given [the interest of the sky] to others. Even [the interest of the earth] is also sent out together, so that they are the happiest thing for them in pairs."

There is such a reason that Juliet is really a weapon craftsman. Only weapon craftsmen will put so much feelings on their works as if they were treating their own children.

"Although they are just toys that we made when we were young, but their lethality can still be compared with most of today's photon weapons. Please take note of it." Juliet ordered to shoot the head of Segrad's kitten. : "Now go back and remember to deliver this light sword to your Serge's brother and I have nothing to look for your brothers."

The leopard teenager wondered that this woman followed him all the time to do so many things to give him this light sword.

Then why did she not directly put the lightsaber to the original "Little Harris" because the people in front of them are small children?

That's why she is willing to believe in this "Little Harris" now.

I don't understand that the minds of women are always a mystery for Segrad. Maybe one day he can really understand all of this. He is no longer a boy but a real man. A variety of complex emotions embarked on the road back to Cairo Hotel

At the same time, Paramitis and Rosetta rushed out of the shopping mall and rushed into a coffee shop to sit down and pretend to be ignorant of everything. There are many Cairo outside the cafe. The police rushed over the police and used the stretcher to carry the group of thugs to the ambulance. "It’s really interesting to hear what’s happening today." Rosetta said with a smile

"Is this interesting? If you don't do well, it will hurt you." The big cat looked helplessly at the Queen of Gems, but he also knew that Rosetta was a dark elf. She was far more lively than her on her face. In the long years, I’m afraid I’ve already experienced countless storms, waves and waves. Everything that happened today may be just a play for Rosetta.

"And your son is really funny," Rosetta looked at Paramitis with a smile.

"So you still eavesdropped on our conversation"

"I didn't guarantee that I was holding my ears at the time." Rosetta sighed and said: "Although I guessed one or two from the beginning"

Palamidis’s blushing face is quite awkward: "Please forgive the rudeness of the kid about our dating. They can say that they are ignorant, so they will make that kind of act to ugly in front of you."

"Not so much [excessive action]" Rosetta smiled. "Children who are not worried about their parents are not good children. They just follow them because they are worried."

"Maybe," Paramitis squinted. "I owe the two children a lot. In the seven years when I became a stone, the two boys were brought up by Vivienne and I was I have never fulfilled my father’s obligations in these seven years. I honestly don’t know how to take a face to face the two brothers. Now they have grown up to take care of themselves and they are so amazing. Behave like that to follow me haha"

"Children will know how to grow up and you become a stone and sleep for seven years. It is force majeure. I believe your children will not blame you." Rosetta hand-carved a beautiful silver spoon. With a cup of ice cream, a small mouthful of vanilla-flavored ice-cream is sent into the mouth and is obviously very enjoyable.

Paramitis looked at Rosetta and asked tentatively: "So, Ms. Rosetta, you have not had a baby with your ex-husband?"

"I am very difficult," the gem queen said with a smile: "After all, the physical condition of the dark elf is not compatible with human beings. It is not easy to have children. Don't say that the elves and humans combine to have children. Two purebred elves want to have children. Difficult things or else the life of the elves will have a thousand-year-old fertility, so the earth has already broken through."

"Is it?" Paramitis has a sweat on his forehead.

"I didn't try to get to common sense, but I tried to give up for a long time." Rosetta laughed and laughed. "And it’s even more difficult for me to know that I am a rich woman and that my man is close to me. They are all lies for the money. I can see through the moment and the kind of people can’t communicate with each other, let alone marry and have children. I think I am destined to be lonely and old."

"This way," another drop of cold sweat emerged from the front of the Paramitis

"I told you a good thing by the way." Rosetta joked and said: "My first husband is the tailor I mentioned to you before. He is actually infertile. We have been married for many years. No child later turned to the hospital for investigation and found that his reproductive system had problems. He couldn’t make a real thing that could breed. [This kind of thing] For this matter, our husband and wife still quarreled for many years but found that they found Even if there is no problem on his side as a dark elf, I am not easy to conceive a human child. So we were doomed from the beginning without a child."

"Despite this, you still love him to keep him until he is old." Paramitis looked serious: "Is this true love?"

Rosetta’s face swept through the incomparably complex expression, and then she turned it away and smiled bitterly: "Probably it."

Then she suddenly turned to tell Paramitis an amazing secret: "Actually, Mr. Paramitis, my first husband actually [live] at least part of his body is still alive. "

"What" Paramitis looked confused and said that she did not understand that she had previously said that her first husband was dead and that it should have been three hundred years ago, and died three hundred years ago. People are still alive

"The fact is" After considering it for a long time, Rosetta said with a plain face:

"The parts below Sphinx’s head are all my first husband."

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