Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1431: The battle for the latent teeth (47)

Chapter 1431 The Battle of the Dense Teeth

Boom! The sound of the giant sword hitting the object blew behind Bettyville, and the destructive power of the blow was amazing, but Bedieville had already avoided it and was not crushed into meat by this deadly attack, or baked into coke. !

That's it! Even Bedieville did not expect that his tungsten tortoise whip can still be used like this! Although that was the new move he had come up with in the millennium, but if you can use it, don't worry, Bedieville didn't hesitate for a moment. When his two feet just touched the ground, he immediately pulled out the whip!

This time he used more power and pulled the whip farther away, so the side of the whip with the jagged side nailed to the ground, shrinking, and the traction force for Bediville was even greater! Bedyville leaped forward almost five yards, and gradually opened the chasing after him! It seems that he has found a special way to escape. To escape from these monsters, it is not impossible!

The werewolf was a bit smug, and once again pulled out the whip and slammed the ground. He was pulled by the whip in the flip, flew out and flew out, and because the feet and the ground did not rub, he could fly farther! He thought that this self-motivated escape method would further help him to expand his opponent's speed advantage, but he did not know that he only turned half, and suddenly found himself behind the wind!

sickle! It is the sickle falling down! The tail of the scorpion monster can still play very far, and it uses the insect's foot to move forward, while maintaining the stability of the body, so its tail movement is extremely accurate, and the big sickle on its tail is smashing. Sting down to Bediville! The werewolf only cares about playing the flip, but completely ignores a fatal weakness of his escape method - his escape direction is completely predictable!

After all, it is a move that relies on the whip to slam the ground and uses the reaction force of the whip to pull the body of Bediville to leap forward! He will then fly there, from the very beginning, he will be restricted by the direction of the whip, and the opponent is not a blind man, how can he not see it! Although this move can make Bedieville instantly speed up to escape, but it also means that his next action will be completely known to the enemy, it is a move of risk and interest at the same time!

Beddyville secretly concealed his stupidity and recklessness, even the simple truth did not figure out. It’s too late to regret it now, the opponent’s sickle fell, and he was only a little less than a yard away, and Betdiville, who was playing in the air in the air, wanted to hide. I can only watch myself being assassinated by a sickle!

Boom! However, the sickle was blocked by something at the moment of being hit!

"Are you alright, my friend?" The voice of the swordsman Soral sounded in the distance. He just seemed to be throwing out some sort of light weapon, such as a dagger with him, and bounced the sickle that would have killed Biddiville on the occasion of the millennium!

"Soral!" Biddeville saw the magician who had come to support him as if he had seen the savior. His mouth has been complaining all the time: "It’s so slow, you have gone anywhere to be lazy, I almost got killed a few times!"

"I am very sorry to be late, my friend." Solar rushed to Bettyville's side, holding the Moon God steel scimitar behind the temple: "Does your chest hurt?"

"I still can't die." The werewolf returned a cold voice. In fact, in a series of strenuous exercise, the injury to the chest has deteriorated to a very bad degree, and when it will become a major bleeding, shock is also an unknown number.

"Then run!" Duke Gewen seems to have completely solved the group of desert konjac. It has already arrived, and he arrived at the "sled" he made with smoke. He grabbed Bediville on the sled, and the other hand pulled the Soral, and then used his smoked giant arm to constantly pull the ground in front, pulling the entire smoke sled forward!

"呜" The werewolf was free to stop and breathe a sigh of relief, smothering his **** wounds and spraying a medical gel to stop bleeding: "Can we escape?"

"The three of us can escape." Round table knight Ge Wen took a look at Elaine and Albert: "It is impossible to add more occupants."

After all, this is a vehicle made of smoke, and the driving force is still entirely dependent on Ge Wen’s smoke arm. The more people, the greater the quality, and the slower the speed of the sleigh.

Bedyville looked far away at the light at the end of the cave. I am afraid that the distance is only 60 yards. I can finish the 60 yards. After I go out, it should be the underground glass sea of ​​the Sahara Desert.

"There is no way." The werewolf took the opportunity to make a decision: "I, Ayr and Solar stayed behind the temple, and Gewen adults sent Elaine away. After sending Elaine, we merged again and solved the four monsters completely. Drop it."

"Wise decision." Ge Wen admired without emotion: "As long as your injury does not matter." Biddyville did not answer, but jumped off the sleigh with the Solar. The situation has been reversed. From the beginning, Bedieville was surrounded by four monsters, and now he is fighting side by side with Solar, and even the subsequent four-on-four fair confrontation. The werewolf, who had been suppressed and beaten, had no confidence in his heart. He suddenly felt confident.

The Duke of Gwen rushed past the sleigh and took Elaine from Albert. After the white bear man was left behind, the tiger immediately understood the plan of the werewolf, and he rushed over.

"Wow, a bunch of ugly monsters." Albert saw the four monsterized black robe geeks and immediately spit.

"You are ugly!" The scorpion monster said vaguely that it seemed to be irritated by Albert, waiting for Bediville and others to be ready, and immediately attacked it madly. Its tail is rolling a huge sickle, and it is a thorn in the face of the tiger!

Boom! Albert is not so irritating, and directly hit the opponent's killing blow with the storm blade in his hand.

"This guy gave me the good." The tiger and the scorpion monster slammed on, and turned to stun the old wolf: "There is no problem with the chest injury? Don't die with blood loss."

"You don't need to worry about it." Biddiville waved his whip to cope with the monster's flying knife combo, while still sneaking the mud-touching monster's tentacle with a blade and flame tentacles. However, he only needs one-on-two now, so it is really a lot easier. Although the injury to the chest has not improved, it is because he can avoid the opponent's attack with a lighter footwork and more effective dodge action. The amount of exercise has been greatly reduced, but it has gained the upper hand, or at least able to maintain this defensive position.

And Solar is also entangled with the rotten giant. Although the other's big sword is amazingly destructive, the body of the rotten giant also has the ability to sneak into the glass sea, but the sorak's dodge ability is no less than that of Brady. Weier, the rotten giant's repeated attacks can't be successful, and the two are still in a fierce battle between the two.

Albert took out a collection of ammunition from his belt, a powerful frozen bomb that he had never used. When he saw that Bettiville and Solar were still playing hard with the monsters, they were somewhat proud: "Hah, it seems that I can finish it at the earliest."

tie! The attack of the sickle scorpion monster was once again bounced off by Albert, and the tiger just dialed it lightly with a sword. The boiled sickle penetrated deep into the glass floor and couldn't be pulled out for a while, and this was the trap that Albert had originally designed. In the previous battle, he has already seen through the attack mode of this scythe enemy and its weaknesses, so this time he took the initiative to attack and try to kill this monster!

Hey! Albert turned over and ran away, disappearing from the horizon of everyone in a flash.

That is Albert's [God]!

This move has been repeatedly used by Albert in the previous dark American football game, and now he has been able to control the timing quite accurately. It’s easy to disappear from the enemy’s face for a second and a half seconds! For this kind of fierce battle that you live and die, if you catch an opportunity that disappears completely and is not perceived by the enemy, then it means that Albert can kill the opponent with a fatal kill!

The scorpion monster couldn't feel the presence of Albert for a moment, and suddenly fell into a loss. When it turned its insects and eyes, looking for Albert's traces, the tiger actually reached the front of the monster!

That's right, this is the weakness of the scorpion monster! Although its tail can stretch and swing freely like a whip, it can hit very far, but it takes a while to retract it after it has been thrown out, and this time is enough for Albert. Get close to it quickly and make a close attack on it!

Of course, the reaction of the scorpion monster is extremely fast. It found Albert's moment, and immediately waved two huge crab claws to attack, trying to push the tiger back first! However, Albert was originally a pre-emptive party. How could the other side scare the tiger when the other party’s slow-moving reaction and the unbeatable attack?

He swayed the two big crab claws of the scorpion monster twice, and pointed his monster's face with his storm gun blade: "Death!"

lb! A powerful refrigerating bomb was fired from the muzzle of the storm gun blade in an instant. It is not so much a bullet, it is better to say that it is a cold frozen pellet composed of cold liquid! The scorpion monster, which was battered by this refrigerant at a close distance, was immediately frozen in the entire front body!

At the moment when the opponent freezes, Albert also took out a sword!

Hey la la la la la la! !

The slamming is very effective, and the head of the scorpion monster that has formed an ice block is smashed by a single blow! The whole scorpion monster begins to collapse!

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