Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1435: The battle for the latent teeth (51)

Chapter 1435 The Battle of the Tooth

Intense acupoint attack and defense is still going on

"Ha ha ha ha" Solar gasp the consumption of crude gas has obviously reached the limit. In addition to excessive fatigue, he is still injured. Although these are some small wounds caught by the white shark's elaine claws, but this small wound A little bit of accumulation and the damage caused by Solar's further tearing of these small wounds during the strenuous exercise is still quite considerable. In fact, Solar has become a "blood person" constantly moving. I made myself blood and the blood is still splashing.

And Elaine can be said that the Vietnam War is more and more daring. It’s just a moment. After a moment, the White Sharks no longer feel paralyzed. Elaine didn't have any damage and couldn't stop the White Shark's next move. He is now standing upright with his hands constantly waving against Solar, who is circling around himself, and the scratching is not completely useless. From the initial volatility to the gradual mastery of 诀窍Ilain's attack accuracy is getting higher and higher, Solar is also more and more difficult to escape the shark's claw attack.

The white shark's claws like a sharp knife gradually covered the blood of Solar and even the flesh from the swordsman.

It’s already a decisive thing to lose Solar. The rest is only a matter of time. According to Buddyville’s estimate, it’s never more than ten minutes.

"I can't stand it anymore" The werewolf took a step forward: "I have to do something"

He thinks that he and Soral can always do something with the tungsten tortoise whip that can be discharged in his hand. Although he thinks this is very silly, Elaine is obviously not afraid of Bettiville's whip and Badiville. The combat power also has no effect on the outcome.

"Stop" round table knight Ge Wen released an orange-colored corrosive smoke blocking the front of the werewolf to prevent Biddeville from moving on.

"What do you mean by Ge Wen adults"

"It's literally Mr. Bedieville." Ge Wen said with no emotion: "You should not be obstructed by this kid who belongs to the Soral kid."

"If he doesn't help, he will die." The werewolf snarled that he knew that Ge Wen was the father of Solar, but the father and son had already broken. Ge Wen is now blocking Bediville from helping Solar. Is this a public feud?

"Oh, no, he won't die," said the Knight of the Round Table, Gwen. "The kid has a cheating physique. No matter what happens, he can finally stand in the [unbeaten] place. You don't have to worry about him. It’s just waiting here."

Bediville finally understood that Ge Wen was trying to force Solar to make an immortal dragon scale swordsman. Solar was forced by White Shark Elaine to have a life-threatening life. Move

The existence of the immortal dragon scales makes Solar possess the same physique as the cheating body. The soaring dragon of the immortal dragon scale is almost invincible and can immunize all attacks in the world. However, this physique is not in this roundtable trial. It is allowed to be too cheating. In other words, as long as Solar makes an immortal ancient dragon scale, it will be judged by the test organizer to be cheating to cancel his examination.

So this is indeed the communion of private enemies. Ge Wen wants to force Solar to make the dragon scales and use cheating as an excuse to expel the swordsman from this exam. Ge Wen simply does not intend to let Solar continue to take the test. He is definitely not willing. See this son who hates you the most, become a round table knight.

"You don't think it's a bit bully too much? Ge Wen adults." Bettiville's white-haired uncle's round table knight seemed to be able to see a sinister look from the eyes of the old man in front of him.

"I don't think Mr. Bedieville," Ge Wen still said with some emotions: "The reason why the white bear Elaine will become the present is also because of the carelessness of the son of Solar." Therefore, it is one of his responsibilities to save Elaine in good condition. This is something that must be done by him alone. You better not to intervene."

"If I say [no], do you want to even cancel my exam qualification?" The werewolf grinned angrily.

"I don't have the right to do this." Ge Wen raised some kind of smoke in his arm sleeves and seemed to be ready to go: "But I can put you all down before you hinder him from fulfilling his responsibilities."

auzw.comBeddyville knows that the Duke of Gwen is serious about the strength of the Knights of the Round Table. It’s not a problem to make Bedieville and Albert a simple spike. Gewen just doesn’t want anyone to help. Solar also hopes that the Swordsman will be forced to make an immortal dragon scale in isolation.

Bedyville sighed and put away his weapon: "Do you really hate your son?"

"I just acted in accordance with the charter and Mr. Bedieville." The round table knight Ge Wen is still clumsy and cheeky.

"What son did I miss?" Albert listened to the fog.

Bedieville was too lazy to take care of the tiger and watched the battle in the distance with a little worry. In fact, he did not specifically want to help Solar. After all, Solar came to the round table for the purpose of fighting with the strong. And the strong person that Solar has fancy this time is Betdiville. That is to say, if he let the Solar leave, this guy will eventually stand in front of Bediville and it is a threat to the werewolf.

Perhaps this opportunity makes it impossible for Solar to be able to make the immortal dragon scale lose the qualification to participate in the round table trial. If there is no such strong enemy, it will be a good thing for Biddiville. Things

And as long as Solar makes an immortal dragon scale event, it can be solved smoothly. At that time, Solar is invincible. Even White Shark Elaine can't win because all the attacks can't hurt the swordsman for a long time. After the killing war, the white shark, Elaine, must fall down first.

In other words, if Solar will sacrifice his right to the Knights of the Round Table, Elaine will be saved.

But in fact, how is it? Biddiville always has a very unpleasant feeling. Isn’t this just a risk of arbitrarily forcing Sorral to foul? If you use this method to force Soral, then even let Betteville successfully become a round table. The Cavaliers Werewolf’s heart is estimated to leave a shackle forever.

He felt that he had to try to help Soral. However, it is also very unwise to go to the rebellious round table Knight Ge Wen. After all, Bediville is not enough to play Ge Wen.

So what should I do?

Just as Bediville was hesitant to do anything, the battle on the side of Solar has also seemed to have reached the end. The swordsman is always human beings. The physical exhaustion under this big action is only a matter of time. The movement gradually slowed down. Once it slowed down, I couldn’t escape Elaine’s claws. I was almost hit by a few times and I was so shocked that Solar was still dead and did not use immortality. Dragon scale body protection

Of course, he knew that Duke Gewen was there to watch him. Once he used the dragon scale, he would be disqualified from the exam. He still remembers clearly.

However, he should also be very clear that he would really die if he did not use the immortal dragon scale. Elaine is already a human being without a human being. It is definitely not a blow to Soral’s mercy. After the stomach, I will pounce on it and feed it. Even if Bediville and others came to the rescue, it was too late.

"The idiot is more energetic." At this time, Biddiville couldn't stand it anymore. It was another sense that couldn't stand: "It's more important to compare your own life with the exam. The exam can be done every year but the life is Only this one"

"Soral uses dragon scales quickly" The werewolf couldn't help but shouted: "Come on, do you want to die?"

The Swordsman didn’t take care of Biddyville’s stubbornness. He was so **** around the white shark’s dodging. He even made a few acupuncture attacks. Even though the wound on his body was still broken, every drop of blood in the body was constantly The loss of the ground will be **** shock for a while. In this bad situation, I still don’t want to use the dragon scale. Is this guy’s brain already short-circuited because of excessive blood loss?

"I forgot to say that the round table knight Ge Wen added a sentence at this time and it was a fatal sentence:" He did not have the qualification to be disqualified for [cheating] in the last two roundtable trials. However, if this roundtable trial is still disqualified for the same reason, he will never lose the qualification to participate in roundtable trials. Great Britain does not need such irresponsible cheaters, no matter how strong his fighting ability is. We don't need him"

Bediville’s heart is still tight. It’s just that the round table knight Ge Wen is also insidious. Isn’t it trying to force it or even kill Solar?

No, I have to think of a way to go on like this. Solar will be killed by the white shark Elaine. The only wish of his life is to fight the strong. If he is not allowed to participate in the round table trial, this guy will definitely I’m not going to die, he’s never killed the dragon scales of the immortal cologne, and he’s really killed this time.

"Ayr, this is my life's request." Bettiville's forehead whispered cold sweat and said to the tiger youth next to him: "Please listen carefully according to my plan."

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