Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1451: The origin of the night of the curse (nine)

Chapter 1451 The Beginning of the Curse Night Nine

"Wow, it’s terrible," Hal whispered. The average person ate such a powerful lightning strike. It is estimated that it will soon be wiped out. The most terrible thing is that this kind of lightning strike is simply impossible to dodge because the current travel speed is close to the speed of light. In other words, as long as the enemy is hit by the first lightning rod, the basics will be sentenced to death. Waiting for them will be close to the speed of light, the power can melt the gold and thunder

"The introduction of the Thunderbolt Magic is here." The night demon looked at the two stunned orc boys who couldn’t help but close their hands: "So the commonly used entropy attack magic is basically divided into these three categories: Thermodynamic Entropy Band The cold and heat, the shock wave brought by the dynamic entropy, and the lightning strike caused by the electromagnetic entropy. Of course, these are different forms of energy. The magic of all of them can be transformed into each other because the energy can be between different forms. Conversion and conversion"

"Is it?" The canine boy feels a bit too addictive: "I always feel that something is missing."

"In addition to these three major categories of magic control energy, there are of course control time and subspace [time and space magic] and control material [Creation Magic] [Time and Space Magic] We have already talked a little bit before [Creation Magic] It’s a more complicated and unintuitive thing. We won’t talk about it for the time being.” The night magic took a shot of Husky’s shoulder:

"But I can simply tell you that one of your orcs' transformations, whether it's bloating the muscles or making the whole body into a beast form, is all from [Creation Magic] It’s evolved, so the orcs actually use magic. You are just [only use this particular magic].

"Are we? Wang"

"Yes [Creation Magic] says that it is the use of photons to create virtual quality or even anti-quality for objects. These virtual qualities that are temporarily created will make people's physical expansion the basis of madness. Adult trained orcs. It seems that I can use [Rage] to make my body bigger than three times the specific value I don't know."

"The big brother of Yeha to Yehaski can also become a big wolf." The canine boy is happy to say how proud he is to show off his father to his friends.

The wolf star raised his eyebrows and felt that something was wrong but could not say

"Transfer the magic," Hal then curiously asked.

"This is more complicated." The night magic subconsciously touched the hair on his forehead: "First of all, you have to know that the transmission magic is divided into two major categories. One is to open the portal directly on both sides to be transmitted. The remote transmission that the user walks directly through the portal; another transmission called [jumping] or [flashing] follows a completely different principle. It changes the user to particles and then approaches the speed of light. Fly to where you want to go"

The leopard boy nodded: "Hal's mother used the second one."

"your mom"

"Smurf Vivian" was originally a very quiet comet in the side of the mouth

"Oh, mother is a succubus son is a leopard? It is an interesting combination." Harry did squint at the leopard, a young boy: "But you said that the leaping transmission is one of the succulent abilities of the succubus family. Creatures are inherently good at a particular kind of magic, especially the devil."

"Harry brother, you left the question," Husky was a little unhappy to urge.

"Oh right," the night magic touched the forehead again: "We explain one by one, although the steps involved in the very complicated ones are many, but the kind of transmission used in the two transmissions is basically Relying on subspace magic

From the starting point to the destination, there must be a sub-space connection. It is open on both sides of the sub-space. The portal can cross the sub-space to reach the other end. This transfer advantage is completely independent of the distance. Can transmit the past but this transmission is based on [has ever reached the other end] if the user has never set the anchor point of the portal after never reaching the destination. You can't use a dragon here. You should also be good at using this portal-style transmission magic. You should have seen him use this magic right away."

The two orc boys nodded at the same time. They also knew that the dragon scale used by Uncle Uncle was the anchor of the transmission. As long as the dragon scale was left somewhere, it would be convenient to transfer it. However, if you don’t leave the dragon scale, you can’t go it. Can only rely on the past" and the second transfer is that the [jumping] transfer principle is completely different. It uses the creation magic to simply break people into very small The mass of the particle compression has reached a speed close to the speed of light. This spell does not require an anchor point. As long as it has been seen, it can be transmitted. The skilled magician who is flying like a fly in the air can even locate the purpose from the memory of others. Then use the physical contact to send one or more companions together

Of course, this kind of transmission is not a panacea. In fact, its use range is narrower than that of portal-type transmission. It can only be used in outdoor open spaces to compress people into very small particles and then move at a speed close to the speed of light. It’s a very dangerous thing. If you accidentally hit something, you will have a big horror explosion. So the jump-type transfer is actually a very difficult and extremely unstable magic. No matter the talent you use. The succubuses want to master this kind of leaping transfer from scratch for at least ten or twenty years for ordinary human wizards."

The comet suddenly asked: "Merlin will also use this but the guy does not seem to be thirty years old."

"Master Merlin was originally a special one." The night magic mysteriously looks like a star: "Although he tells me nothing, I can vaguely think that the adult is the sum of the experience of a lot of life."


Harry whispered more sullenly and said: "Although this is just a feeling, but Merlin's body seems to have hundreds of millions of different lives. Every time is a different character. Every life has experience. It may be explained by his thorough absorption as part of his total knowledge. This explains why he has such a strong status at a young age."

"You said that Merlin lived hundreds of millions of times, how can this be possible?"

However, when the comet saw Harry’s serious look for a year, he quickly put away his ironic smile.

"I can only talk about it here." The night demon coughed: "The conversation between His Majesty King Arthur and Master Merlin is almost over. The primary magic explanation for the visitor II is basically only this content. Today's visit is So far, of course, if you are interested, I can also take you to visit the ivory tower's sky garden where there are many rare magic plants to see."

"好汪(喵)~" Husky and Hal are arrogantly yelling at them. For them, the bases of the Masters are simply a new world full of infinite novelty. Although this world is full of new things that are difficult to understand, The two children's curiosity about new things can't be reduced because of difficulties. Husky has already seen the ivory tower's sky garden a little bit. This is full of magic crystals that are fascinated by the strange sky blue and lavender. The garden has an infinite mysterious beauty

"So" Harry led the crowd out of the back door of the tower and pushed the door open: "Here is the back garden of the ivory tower. Please visit the magic plants here. Not all of them are safe and harmless. If you are close, you may Injured by some of these plants"

"Like that?" Husky pointed at an interesting flower ten yards away. The flowering part of the plant is particularly eye-catching. Its petals are not solid but a light blue flame. It should be said that the flame is directly from the flame. The appearance of the flowers between the bracts of the flowers makes them look very hot.

"That is a phoenix flower, but its petals are harmless. The low-temperature flame will not be burnt even if it touches it," Harry said. "You can just pick it up and don't take it off."

"Good yeah" is allowed, and Husky also rushes to play. He is only a child. For children, it is more intuitive and more attractive to children than the lengthy and incomprehensible magic.

However, the night demon suddenly noticed what he wanted to take back. He had just ran out of less than five yards. He immediately chased him up and shouted: "Be careful."


Something exploded on top of their heads.

The tower of the Grand Master was immediately swaying on the top of the sharp-edged tower. There were dozens of bricks falling from this height and falling from the height of several hundred yards.

Harry certainly perceives these deadly dead tiles. He suddenly grows the crow's black wings from his back and unfolds a powerful protective cover that is almost invisible. La la la la la tiles fall down like a protective cover. At the same time

The comet here also protects the leopard, the young boy, Hal, who looks around: "What is going on?"

"It is an enemy attack" night magic whisper

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