Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1458: The origin of the night of the curse (sixteen)

Chapter 1458 The beginning of the night of the curse

clang. The black man who was being smothered by Merlin had already pulled out the little dagger hidden in his arms. Sting to Merlin's throat. Fortunately, the King of Great Britain pulled the sword fast enough. A sword was poked before his prime minister was cut. Blocked this blow.

Oh. The cross-stamp of the sword of the Holy King is quite strong. It not only blocked the opponent's sneak attack. The little dagger in the hands of the masked assassin was also shot. Merlin is rushing back. At the same time, the staff in the hand has already waved. Sweep out an ice arrow. The ice arrow skillfully shot from the arm of King Arthur. Hit the black man who just got up from the ground. Take him all through the chest. Sold directly to the wall.

Oh. The black man was nailed to the wall. At the same time, most of the body has been eroded by the ice. It merges with the ice that spreads on the wall. Lost resistance.

"Damn. Still being put together..." However, Merlin still cursed angrily. It seems a bit irritating.

"Don't care. This doesn't mean anything. It only shows that your enemy is smarter than you." Knight Wang Yijian swept and cut the head of another black man. On one side, he also sneered at the stone. However, this sword feels very wrong. When Arthur cut the other's head, he couldn't help but frown. The black man was cut off on the neck without blood flying. There is no flesh and blood adhesion on the sword of the Holy King. because--

That black man is not a human at all. It is a golem.

No wonder hypnotic gas didn't stun these guys. Merlin’s enemies are embarrassing. From the beginning, no personnel were sent to personally assassinate the Master. Instead, four statues were sent to do the dirty work of killing.

"It's really smart." Prime Minister Merlin said. In this case, there is no need to leave any living. The staff in the hands of the mage is raised. Two ice arrows will completely solve the remaining golems.

"Smash their heads." Merlin shouted. Going forward is a crit on the head of one of the Golems. The head of the guy's light metal was completely smashed.

King Arthur also acted quickly. A few times with Merlin, the heads of the remaining Golems were completely destroyed.

"Is it out?" Cavalier King smiled. "Despite this. Your plan is still frustrated. What should I do next?"

"No. My plan has not completely failed." Merlin stubbornly said: "You know what you are. These golems are able to make such a high level of stealing magic. And they have a smooth movement. How do they look at it?" I don't want to rely on my own artificial intelligence to act independently. That is -"

"Some people are controlling them in the distance." The Cavaliers instantly concluded.

"Positive solution - and even now. The ivory tower's protective cover is still in normal operation." Merlin continued to analyze: "That is a powerful enchantment that can easily be blocked by shells. The magic signals of remote control It is even more impossible to penetrate this shield. That is to say -"

"The person who controls these golems must stay in the ivory tower." The Cavaliers came straight to the conclusion.

"Positive solution." The prime minister said again: "Your wise. You should know what we are going to do next. Right."

"Of course, I found the Golem in the ivory tower. Kill him - oh no. Take him alive."

Merlin nodded. "But this time I have already lost the game. I want to catch the old fox. It is not easy." But I will first send a notice to the Masters Association. Let them completely close the ivory tower. Get up."

The Cavalier King frowned. indeed. The person who came to assassinate Merlin was a dead man. As I said before. Once this kind of dead is forced to a desperate situation. It is very likely that the poisonous capsules hidden in his teeth will be crushed and killed. Do not let his enemies get a chance to cross-examine. The hypnotic smog that Merlin just used is the most correct way to capture the opponent. However, that hair has already failed. The other party estimates that it will not be easy to be fooled.

Then they even put on the hypnotic smoke jet to hunt down the hidden golem. It is estimated that he will commit suicide while the hypnotic gas hits the opponent. In that case, Merlin’s plan will be defeated.

It’s really hard to bone.

"Don't worry. Your Majesty." Merlin said: "It's really because I expected this error. I have always left Harry in the ivory tower."


"We are only responsible for finding out the enemy. The hunt is handed over to Harry," Merlin said. Also hold the forehead. It seems that he is using telepathy to talk to his ambassador: "Harry. Are you already back?"

"The enemy has been annihilated successfully. But I am sorry for Master Merlin. The task of catching the enemy is still a failure."

"It doesn't matter. We have one last chance." Merlin briefly explained his battle plan to the night demon: "Can you do it?"

"It's very difficult but I will try my best." Harry promised.

"Then let's act." Merlin turned to the Cavaliers and gave him a wink. Signal to start chasing the enemy.

"Yes. Right. Action." The Cavalier shrugged his shoulders: "But what should we use to find the Golem."

"This." The Master was in the wreckage of the head of a smashed Golem. A wafer was picked up.

That seems to be a signal transceiver. However, King Arthur did not know much about the Golem and the precision machinery. So he had to continue to shrug.

Master Merlin is too lazy to explain to the King of Great Britain. It goes directly. Hit the chip into the head of his own golem: "Try the model number 16. Get up. Track the source of the signal from this chip."

"Follow the fate." That was originally disguised as a substitute by Merlin, and also a magical figure that emits hypnotic smoke to people in black. Climb up. However, this golem is obviously given a very low level of artificial intelligence. The sense of hardness when speaking is very obvious. King Arthur couldn't help but wonder if this stupid iron bucket would think for himself.

However, this stupid iron bucket head removed his head. And the stupid iron bucket head has its own flying jet. So floating in the air: "Now start tracking the source of the signal. Please follow."

It flew out of the door. Arthur almost did not reflect the past. He saw that Merlin had already caught up with it one step at a time. I also had to run out. I hope I will not chase it. Lost in this huge maze-like ivory tower. It’s not a joke.

Merlin also seems to use some kind of telepathy to announce the wizards in the ivory tower. Let the mages stay where they are. And the ivory tower was sealed with enchantment. Thus. The golem makes it really impossible to escape. His end is either captured by Arthur and Merlin. Either die or die.

The sky garden outside the ivory tower. The night magic Harry also just came back from the outside. Catch the ground before the ivory tower enchantment blockade.

"Harry brother is so powerful." Husky shook his tail as soon as he came up.

"Hey. Thank you. I just did my part." The night replied modestly. He found that the comet on the side was watching him hostilely - knowing what Harry could do. The comet will be so **** against the night magic. It is also a matter of course.

But the night demon is too lazy to take care of the Xinghui Dragon. He was anxious to rush to support Prime Minister Merlin and King Arthur: "Master Merlin still has something to do. I am missing."

Harry instantly became a (standard size) crow. flew away.

"Oh. This virtue. Politeness is feeding the dog." The comet dissatisfied with a sentence.

"Harry brother should be really busy." Leopard, a young boy, couldn't help but pick up one sentence. It seems to be playing for the night magic.

The comet stunned Hal. I thought that these little devils simply did not know the horror and danger of the higher Mozu. Net knows to evaluate a stranger with what you see twice. But it is because they are so childish that they will be called imps. Comet is too lazy to care about them.

"What's wrong now." Xinghui Long turned to ask Professor Snape. The comet is not a person in the ivory tower. No notifications were received from Merlin. So he doesn't know what the next plan is. I don't understand why the ivory tower was suddenly blocked. But he saw that Professor Snape, who should have been very busy, did not go back to his own workshop to continue his research. Instead, stand still and stay still. It is also an instant to judge what Professor Snape knows. Then there was such a question.

"Now." Professor Snape had a slightly hesitant look at the Stars. "Wait here. Merlin seems to be chasing the people who invaded the tower of the Archmage. The less people hunt, the better. Helping the past. It will only let the intruders run away."

The more people should not be hunt, the better. What logic is this? But the Masters may not have followed the normal logic to think about the problem. They estimate that Merlin has the means to quickly and accurately pursue the goal that he wants to hunt. So they don't think it doesn't matter if they don't have to help. This group is usually busy and busy. The wizards who are doing magic research in their own workshops all day long. Nowadays, they are standing in this garden to enjoy flowers. This kind of scene is also rare in a hundred years.

"We changed how to do Wang." Husky looked at his uncle Uncle with a look of anticipation.

"We are waiting here." The comet said: "Don't think about the two of you. I will never take you with you to hunt down the invaders. No matter how dangerous it is. It is plain. I am. There is no obligation to help."

The two orc boys couldn't help but feel a little lost.

"If you want to watch the war, you can see it from here." Professor Snape suddenly added a sentence.

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