Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1462: The origin of the night of the curse (20)

Chapter 1462 The beginning of the night of the curse

"What are you." Bedieville looked at Albert in an incredible way.

This stupid tiger usually dismissed the precision machinery almost always, and suddenly became interested in the iron ride. Moreover, in such a strange time, this strange request was made to Bediville.

"Why do you want to borrow my iron ride. Do you want to go far?" The werewolf asked with a puzzled question: "You will have a round table trial knockout tomorrow, and it is very late today. I want to go back to the hotel to rest. It’s better not to run around."

"No, no, I don't want to go far." Albert shook his head. "You know you. My opponent tomorrow is the Dragon Knight Doha. That guy I have seen today, and he still owns A very powerful dragon rider, iron ride."

"You must be joking with me." Bettiville seems to understand a rough, can not help but frown: "So you think that your opponent dragon rider Doha tomorrow, will drive his iron ride, and fight against you. How is it possible, this is too cheating."

"This is cheating." Albert replied faintly, as if complaining that Biddyville had said this stupidity without brain.

This is really not a cheating. The round table trial knockouts did not have any restrictions on the tool weapons used in the game. Basically, no matter how powerful the weapon is, as long as the candidates get them, they can be brought to the battlefield. The swordsman Seren, who played against Paramitis, even used the sword of the national treasure sky of Egypt. The dragon knight Doha was driving an iron ride to fight. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

No wonder Albert wants to borrow iron from Bediville. It is estimated that the tiger knows that it is impossible to fight against the opponent's iron heavy fighter with a flesh-and-blood body. I would like to seek some extra help from Bediville.


What did Bedieville just want to say, but Albert couldn’t wait to intervene: "Don’t be like this~ I helped a lot of you today, and I’m sure I saved it. So, you owe me one time. No. Compared with this, borrowing an iron ride is not a big deal. If you don't have an iron ride, tomorrow's game is really more exciting. You can help me, pull me a hand."

Beddyville had thought about lending the iron ride directly to Albert, but the tiger said that the werewolf’s forehead immediately had a blue vein – he had never seen such a brazen man.

Because, first of all, although the white shark's dorsal fin is indeed the one that Albert is responsible for cutting off, the tiger is equivalent to a knife in the past. The real rescue of Elaine is actually Solar. Secondly, Albert’s help to help today is actually nothing, but when Bediville and others were born and died in the underground research institute of the Mohammed business group, the tiger did not know which corner to hide. . In addition, Albert actually saved Elaine. This matter has nothing to do with Bedieville. When the tiger is looking for someone to help, I will go to Elaine. Why should Bedieville help the white bears wipe their ass?

Almost no help, but when I came up, I said that I was like a debt collector. This attitude made Alberti very hot.

"Okay, I can only pull you, pull a few of them." So Bediville did not sneer.

"Don't be so embarrassed -" Elbertra grew his face.

But the Werewolf is also a good person who has seen the world. He is too lazy to go to see the tiger. It is better to follow Albert: "Actually, I can't afford to lend you the iron ride."

But there are three problems:

First, my iron ride is a junk bought from the black market in Cairo. Its photon reflex engine has long been replaced, and now it uses a relatively poorly functioning electromagnetic engine. It can only float a few feet from the ground and can't fly. You are driving an old iron ride that can only fly and can't fly, and you can really compete with your opponent's fully armed iron ride.

Second, driving an iron ride is not as easy as you think. Even me, after a long period of training, can barely drive the iron ride smoothly. You learn from scratch, how many days to learn, in order to drive the iron ride.

Third, even if you can get through one night, driving my iron ride to fight with the dragon knight Doha, my dilapidated iron ride is not strong enough. I think Doha’s iron ride must have been armed to the teeth. How do you compete with your opponent's heavy firepower?


When Albert heard half of it, he began to be impatient, but he was asking for Bediville after all, so he waited for the werewolf to finish his words and retorted: "In short, you are looking for an excuse, don't want to spend the big money. The baby iron ride back came back to me for use, right. I understand -"

"It's not like this, I just want to say that you lack consideration."

"I didn't." Elbert pouted and said, "In short, lend me the iron ride first. Other problems, I will come back later to find a solution."

Your kid is really optimistic. Beddyville couldn’t help but spit.

This is a terrible plan. The result is also obvious: Biddyville's iron ride to Albert will be beaten by the dragon rider Doha's iron ride, and instantly scrapped. Lending the iron ride to the tiger is like throwing a baby into the pit. It is an inevitable act of violent things.

However, Bedieville is very clear that the tiger will not give up without borrowing the iron ride. Although Albert did not speak, Biddyville was the only friend who could help Albert. If Biddiville does not lend the iron ride to the tiger this time, Albert will definitely find an excuse to complain after he loses the game tomorrow. That time is the real hell.

"With a friend like you, I really fell down for eight lifetimes." The werewolf stunned the hoe, and there was a sense of despair that would soon go to the execution ground - oh no, I will soon cherish my precious baby. The sense of desperation sent to the pit - then he bite his teeth and agreed: "Okay. I lend it to you. I can also teach you some basic driving skills. But can this level of posture technology be able? Help you win Doha, I can't guarantee it."

"This is OK." Albert's face suddenly changed. He smiled and said to Bedieville: "Hello, hahaha, you are a good person, Brady. I will compensate you later, I promise." "

"Yes, let's say it first." Biddyville was actually very unwilling, and he knew that the compensation that Albert said was definitely nothing but empty talk. The tiger is such an unreliable guy.

"It’s a coincidence that my iron ride was being repaired in the warehouse of the Paramitis." The werewolf added: "The repair work should be done, let's go take the iron ride."

"Of course, it's better," Albert looked at, as if he were a child who was about to receive a Christmas present and was about to unpack it. Seeing the tiger's expression, the werewolf is more convinced that the iron ride he borrowed will definitely be seriously damaged in tomorrow's battle.

However, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Iron riding is nothing but machinery. One day, it will still be used badly. Once the friendship breaks down, it is difficult to repair. It’s no problem to scream for bad luck. If you want to borrow it, you can borrow it. Moreover, if the iron rider is broken, it can be repaired. If you ask King Arthur to come out and let Cador use the Holy Spirit to restore it, the iron ride can be repaired if it is damaged seriously.

Bedyville sighed long: "Follow me."

"Oh yeah," Albert replied frivolously, not at all for the pity that Badiville's baby iron ride was about to be broken, or maybe he never thought that he would put Beddyville in battle. The iron ride is broken. This guy is really arrogant and unhelpful.

Bedyville was guilty of guilt, but he was helplessly carrying the tiger and walking uneasy. He was not the first time to come to the warships of Great Britain. He had a certain degree of familiarity with the internal structure of the warship, so he did not take more detours, and under the corner of the corridor, he immediately reached Parami. The mechanical warehouse of the Discus.

"I have to explain first, the performance of the iron ride may disappoint you. After all, it is second-hand goods bought from the black market for 30,000 Egyptian coins." Bettiville said this, pushing the door of the mechanical warehouse. He had a little hope that Albert would die of the iron ride. After all, if the performance of the iron ride is too bad, riding on that kind of battle is not as good as riding.

吱 ——The door was pushed open, although the door itself was not heavy, but when Bedieville piled the door, he felt a heavy weight from his heart. The iron ride that was completely destroyed at noon, even the engine was shredded, what would it look like now.

However, a silver flash almost brightened the eyes of Bediville's dog, but the scene in front of him was far beyond the expectations of the werewolf.

The iron ride that was quietly parked in the middle of the warehouse has already been completely renewed. Its shell is clearly destroyed in the noon task, the damage is not like human form, but now it has been repaired like a new one.

No, it seems that it is not just a repair of the outer casing. Bedyville can clearly see from the armor of this machine that the precision and meticulous parts are made by Great Britain.

Yes, the second-hand iron rider was originally shredded, and the electromagnetic force engine that should have been completely reimbursed has been completely replaced, becoming a standard photon reflection engine, and I am afraid this is the latest model this year. Thanks to the dramatic improvement of the power system and the ability to support high-energy output, the iron rider even added large-caliber heavy-duty photon guns and a heavy-duty lightsaber on board.

It was fixed to standard combat specifications, even more than the iron riders used by the regular Knights of the British Knights, with a slightly higher specification and a little bit.

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