Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1478: The origin of the night of the curse (36)

Chapter 1478 The origin of the night of the curse 36

On the surface of the treasure chest door, there is only a simple digital turntable. The edge of the turntable is covered with a slightly rusty old iron handle for the door.

This was originally a rather simple design, but Paramitis can be quickly determined with a glance, the internal structure of this door is absolutely not simple. Rosetta held the surface of the turntable, turned left at a certain angle, and turned right at a certain angle. After a complicated input of about two hundred steps, a heavy and low squeak came out in the door.

吱 ——The door finally opened with the friction of several old rusted door hinges. It shook a lot of dust, and Rosetta had already retired a few steps, lest the dust fall on her beautiful clothes.

As the treasure house opened, some kind of red light oozes from the depths of the treasure house and begins to imprint the mark on the retina of Paramitis.

The origin of the red light, needless to say, is the gem that is stored in the center of the treasure chest and kept in a glass cabinet.

Heart of Africa.

That is not so much a "one" ruby, but rather a collection of ruby ​​precision structures?

In the interior of a high-transparent ruby ​​that is the size of a fist, there are about twenty translucent blood-red rubies flickering. It seems that there is still water inside the big gem, because the twenty flashing blood rubies are Floating, the position changes constantly. Among the large hollow gemstones, more than 20 small gemstones of various shapes are dazzling, and each piece is sculpted into tens of millions of mirrors.

They each emit shimmers, which are emitted from these small light sources, and are refracted many times between the prism faces of other gemstones. At the same time, they seem to blend into the hollow large gemstones. Among the liquids that do not contain any bubbles, the liquid suspected of being water is also illuminated as if it were self-illuminating. These rays are refracted and absorbed between small stones and liquids for countless times before they finally penetrate through the high-transparency hollow ruby. The light actually has no original brightness, but with a strange gentleness, like The water on the clear lake slowly spreads to the outside world.

What a nice view. But Paramitis always felt that the beauty of red light is a kind of beauty. Looking at this gentle and dangerous red light, Paramitis suddenly thinks of the whole world being swallowed up by the fire.

Palamidis has heard that precious treasures will shine in the dark, but he never knows that this African heart can shine like this – even if the surrounding environment is not very dark. . What light is that light? Unbelievable, it feels like a huge amount of energy stored in rubies, because it is already saturated, and it is constantly emitting excess light.

With such a unique structure and such a stunning shape, Paramitis knows that this gem must not be naturally formed. But who can put twenty small gems inside a hollow huge ruby? It is estimated that only the ancients can do it.

"As you know, this gem is actually an ancient artifact excavated from the underground ruins of Egypt a long time ago." Rosetta walked to the heart of Africa, reached out and touched its glass protective cover, whispered: "What is its real role, and who made it for what purpose, we know nothing. But we can infer from the impact of this gem on the surrounding environment that this gem should be a kind of storage. Device."


"More correctly, it's a device for storing photons." Gemstone Queen Rosetta further explained: "Even now, this gem is still absorbing photons from the surrounding environment, compressing them highly, and Similar to the structure of the intrinsic photon, it is stored inside the gemstone. The photon concentration in this room is lower than any outside space, because the photons in this room are continuously sucked away by it."

In this way, Paramitis really feels a little heavy when standing in this treasure room. In fact, this heavy feeling is really only a slight point. After all, the photons that exist in the human body are relatively stable, and it is impossible to be sucked up as soon as they are sucked away. But the power inside the body is taken away by something else, and it always feels very uncomfortable.

"It’s like an epic level," Paramitis whispered.

"Maybe." Rosetta nodded. "Other epic creatures can absorb photons from the environment into the body and solidify the photons into intrinsic photons. The principle of this gem is the same, the only difference is that it is Inorganic, there is no life."

"So the ancients had invented this inorganic device that absorbs photons in the environment." Palamidis sighed: "If a similar device is used in large quantities in the military, the impact is simply unimaginable."" Anyway," the Queen of Gems continued, "This gem has been taking photos from the environment from ancient times to the present. If it is only two days a day, this amount is not counted. What, but thousands of years of accumulation, the amount of photons stored in it will be very terrible. If there are accurate measurement methods, we may measure the amount of photons in it is already hundreds of millions of astronomical figures. "

Rosetta turned her head and looked at Paramitis seriously: "Although the structure of this gemstone is extremely stable, the ordinary means can't destroy it, nor can it use the huge amount of photons that exist in it." -

But, God knows if there is any way to break it in the world, or to detonate?

Once these photons, which have been stored for thousands of years, are detonated, their power can be razed to the whole of Africa and even most of Europe. Therefore, depending on the user's usage, this small gem can be an ornament or a weapon of mass destruction that destroys the world. "

Rosetta opened the glass cover of the heart of Africa, carefully removed the gem from the heavy protection, and entrusted it to the hands of Paramitis: "So, I begged you for the last time, please be proper in any case. Keep this gem in the place. I will tell you that our meeting here today is an absolute secret. However, the existence of the secret is to be revealed. One day, this secret will still leak the wind.

When people know that the heart of Africa has fallen into your hands, there will definitely be forces from all sides to come to you for trouble, to take advantage of it, to be tempted, and to find ways to get this jewel from your hands.

Please think twice at that time. Whether you intend to use all your strength to protect this gem, or to entrust this gem to the next person you trust, before doing so, you must think clearly and remember how much this gem is. It's important to remember how much harm it can cause. I believe in your judgment, Paramitis. I know that you will protect this heart of Africa. "

"Yeah." The Leopard Warrior received the gem in his hand as if he felt the weight of a whole world. He took a deep breath and made up his mind: "Let me take a dagger."

"What are you going to do?" Rosetta pulled out a hidden, sharp bodyguard with a silver dagger in her belt.

"I will hide the gems in the safest place in the world. That is -" Paramitis took off a few small buttons that the shirt collar saw: "My body."

He took the dagger and cut his chest in a cold.

The blood didn't splatter a lot. Paramitis basically cut away from his own arteries. He opened his chest and buried the gems in his body. Then, as the emerald knight, Paramidis had a strong self-healing ability, and began to automatically bond the gap in the chest. In addition to a small amount of blood stains on the chest of Paramitis, everything is seamless, and no one can know that the big cat hides such precious stones in his own body.

"Really. No one can find it in that place." Rosetta sighed: "Besides you take it out, or take the gem from your body after the other party kills you, There is no other way. It is safe."

Paramitis grabbed his chest. The foreign body is buried in the body, and the big cat is not used to it for a while. But he is a green knight, and he can constantly change his body structure. After he buried the gemstone in his chest, he only needs to reduce the ribs in the vicinity by a little, or make the rib structure cross, and if he is integrated with the gem, he will soon be able to completely embed the body into the foreign body. eliminate.

"Well," he said with a sigh of relief: "And I guess, you must talk about this thing to Sphinx, right?"

"Yes, I will." Jewel Queen Rosetta said with a wry smile: "I will want to completely fight with Sphinx. After that, he will definitely find a chance to urge me to sell my heart to Africa." I will try to continue to glare at him and delay the time. But when it is impossible to lie, I will tell him the truth and tell him that I have entrusted the gems to you."

"At that time, it became me and Sphinx." Paramitis couldn't help but shudder. Rosetta handed the most difficult problem to Paramitis. The gem queen is not the old fox who has been stalking the business for many years. This ball is really good.

"So," Rosetta saw that the things to be explained were also confessed, and he smiled at Paramitis with a bit of confusion: "I have really handed the heart of Africa to your hand. The matter is finished, it is time to send you back."

"Thank you." Paramitis said with no emotions, "I can send it to the outside. I will open the portal and go back to the battleship in Great Britain, and then return to the hotel from there. This way I can avoid outsiders as much as possible." Seeing that I am in your territory - I hope I can get hot spots."

"As you wish." The Queen of Gems nodded. "I will take you to the top of the fort. There are few people open and wide, just right for you to keep it secret. Come with me."

"Okay." Paramitis only whispered, and left the treasure room with the jewel queen Rosetta.

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