Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1579: The battle in the battlefield (23)

Chapter 1579 The Battle of the Battlefield (23)

The shocked Paramitis grabbed the blow and grabbed it quickly! But it is too late, Paramidis only feels the whirlwind, the poisonous liquid inside the poison blow arrow is estimated to have invaded his liver! !

Leopard warriors still rely on their strong anti-virus ability and willpower, forcibly retreat a few tens of yards, and temporarily retreated to a safer distance! However, he could feel that the wonderful venom spread in his body, spread even out of control, and could not be stopped by the power of the green knight. The situation is not good!

"This, this is... what poison?!" Paramitis squatted on the ground and used his last strength to maintain lucidity. He was quite surprised, because no matter how powerful the toxins, it is reasonable to say that Paramitis can temporarily seal them, so that the toxins will not continue to spread in the body!

[Anti-Poison] is the most basic ability of Paramidis as a green knight. This ability is not only a literal resistance to toxins. In fact, the body of a big cat can automatically recognize that everything is harmful to the body. The thing, in the moment of poisoning, quickly stop these harmful substances from spreading in the body, and even take the initiative to excrete these substances!

However, this time, the toxins in Paramidis were unexpectedly stubborn, and the big cats could not only prevent it from spreading, or even find a way to exclude them! ?

"Where--" Bate also hid in the distance, while slowly bandaging his shoulders, and the other side was so popular that the toxins spread on Paramitis: "The Green Knight Paramidi Sri Lanka, you are the most difficult opponent I have ever seen. The body that is resistant to poison is simply my nemesis. No matter how powerful my toxins are, I can’t really let you Poisoning. However -"

"Hah, ha, ha...but...?" The big cat's forehead had a cold sweat, and his face became flushed and gasped. He tried to support himself, and he barely managed to avoid falling into the ground in the feeling of turning around.

Bate sneered sneerly: "However, I changed my mind and thought of an interesting fact - if you are not harmful to the body, but other [harmless things]?"

Paramitis was silent for a while, not only because he was physically uncomfortable, but because he couldn’t understand.

"The green knight's body is really interesting." Seeing that Paramitis did not answer, Bette began to talk there and said: "Normally, the green knight's body will automatically stop the spread of toxins in the body, and in the short The venom is removed from the body within the time. However, in this case, the immune system in the Green Knight must first confirm that the substance will cause harm to the body and determine the substance as [toxin]. After all, if even [toxin] and [nutrition] Can't distinguish, even the emerald knight can't survive."

The truth is that Paramitis understands, but -

"So, just injected into your body is not [poison], but something else." Bitter sneered: "I also spent a lot of effort to find out the path from the old man who is talking nonsense." Message."

The old man who talks nonsense? Does it mean Professor Paul?

"You have a very poor amount of alcohol, aren't you?" Bett said to the big cat.

Paramitis was shocked, and Bett’s words were sharp. ——

In the past, it was actually okay, but since it became a green knight, the amount of Paramitis seems to have become surprisingly poor! Why is it that even Paramitis himself has completely lost his mind before – is alcohol not poisonous? Why is the green knight still drunk?

However, after an analysis of Bitter's "good heart", Paramitis probably figured it out.

For ordinary people, alcohol may be a poison that harms the body, but alcohol may not cause a particularly serious hazard to the body of the Green Knight! The defense system in Paramidis "skips" the alcohol, so Paramidis has zero resistance to alcohol! After the alcohol invades his body, his body does not know how to automatically remove the problematic alcohol from the body - because strictly speaking, this is not a toxin!

"Calling... It turns out..." Paramitis stood swayingly. In fact, it was a miracle that he could stand still: "I am... lost in drunkenness..."

He even began to blur his speech.

"You are defeated by my wit." Bett sneered, and this time he took out the kill - he summoned two huge snakes from his sleeve. The monsters are clawing and ready to rush to tear the big cat! And now Paramitis can be said that there is not much resistance!

Everything happens, everything goes on. What can we do to reverse this absolute disadvantage? !

At the same time, on the bridge of the Great Britain battleship, King Arthur is watching the game of each candidate. The battle over Bedyville has not yet been finished, and it is in the midst of a stalemate, and the battle of Paramitis has such a huge turn.

"It seems that Sir Paramitis is also a light enemy." The round table knight Cador couldn’t help but scream: "It was deceived by that little trick because he has become a stone for a long time, even the warrior’s intuition. Has it become dull?"

"This can't blame Paramitis." King Arthur calmly analyzed: "It's not that Palamidis is too slow, but that Bite is more awkward. Fighting is a fair thing, whether it's right or wrong, or integrity. Still despicable, the goddess of victory will always smile only to the side that is more prepared. The poison pharmacist Bitter should have stolen and hid the gods of Paramitis, and he is against the green knight. I did a full study, so I know the [weakness] of Paramidis. This person is very aware of the limits of his strength, so he will not force to break through his limits, but rely on his wit to remedy his own strengths. Whether it is mean or not, wit is commendable. "

"That said -" Cador looked at King Arthur and tentatively asked: "Do you like the fighting style like Bett?"

"What nonsense!" Arthur’s forehead has a blue vein: "He hates this kind of battle. The poison pharmacist Bitter can do this. It is entirely the mechanism of the game, so he has time to study his opponent. But In the fierce actual battle between you and me, who has the spare time to do so much research on the opponents who have not met, and do so many small means?!"

"Exactly." King Arthur's idea, Cador could probably understand.

All in all, the Cavaliers do not like the kind of inferior guy who is intriguing in the background; he will highly praise the fighters who improvise on the battlefield and win with the [tact of the spot].

In this way, the type of the trick should also be counted among the "failed" people. No matter how good the poison pharmacist is in this battle, the "effectiveness" of this battle will be big. discount. Cador, who thought so in his heart, began to work hard in his electronic book.

"And," while Cador wrote a non-stop there, the Cavaliers said: "The poison pharmacist's research on the opponent is actually not thorough."

"How do you say this, sire?"

"He missed a basic fact. He thought that Palamidis would be unable to resist after being drunk, but in fact it was the opposite -" King Arthur's forehead had a cold sweat: "Palamidis's wine Very bad. After getting drunk, there is a possibility of making a big noise."


"Cador, is there a way to interrupt the video of Paramitis and Bate?" King Arthur continued to ask: "The ugly state of the big cat will be reflected on the half-television TV screen." Up."

"Do you can't do it, it's all live, if you go to recover the bee, you will have a big problem..."

"So," the Cavaliers reached out and wiped the cold sweat on the forehead: "I just hope that the guy of Paramitis doesn't make too much ugly..."

"Oh, oh, oh, hahahahaha--" On the battlefield, Palamidis suddenly began to smirk.

"Is it difficult to laugh?" Bate took the poisonous flying knife from his arms and released the two big snakes on the ground. He was ready to let the snake and the flying knife make the final attack on the big cat: "But it doesn't matter. I will let you go quickly."

(It seems to be wrong, this game can not kill the opponent.)

"Where is whistling~" Paramitis smirked and took off his shirt: "It’s hot and hot... Don’t say that stuffy words on a hot day, I don’t think I’m listening. I have to sweat!"

"If he starts to take off his pants, he will interrupt the live broadcast anyway." King Arthur, who watched the battle in the bridge, said: "Even if television stations in African countries send protests, don't worry. That kind of lens can't let it go to TV."

Cador, who is sweating in the forehead, has moved his finger to the position of the control panel "Interrupted Recording".

"You are a drunk cat." The poison pharmacist's face changed: "I am so drunk, I still want to resist?"

"Hey--" Paramitis swayed toward Bite: "Why not? Hey, smash your arrogant guy, half dead, but my uncle is a hobby."

(This guy is distorted.)

"The **** guy--" poison pharmacist Bate is too lazy to go to the paralyzed Paramitis, drove the two big snakes to attack, and he himself put poisonous flying knives in the rear!

"Hey!" After the first arrival, the flying knife that should have been hit, but was blocked by the unstable station Paramitis over there, blocked in a strange posture!

What the **** is it? Poison pharmacists look dumbfounded. Paramidis almost twisted his body into a question mark "?" shape, smiling with a sly smile, and swept the attack with the weapon in his hand!

Then, the two big snakes also attacked, and they flew like a bite to the neck and legs of Paramitis! Unexpectedly, the big cat twisted the opponent's attack with a softer motion than the big snake, and clamped the neck of a big snake with his own legs, aimed at the throat of another big snake, and bit it down!

Nourish your life! Blood splatters! Paramidis directly killed an arm-like serpent with his mouth!

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