Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1602: Change to the battle (seven)

Chapter 1602 is transformed into a battle (seven)

When I heard this, the look of the round table knight Cador was suddenly serious.

The baby born in the world, at the moment of birth, is it possible to see all the truths of the universe...?

Although it sounds like a fool after a drunkenness, this inference is inexplicably with some mysterious philosophy.

In any case, Lawrence is pursuing the issue of [outside the circle], which has become an indisputable fact.

What Kadall knows at present is that from the time of birth, he was completely disabled. He couldn’t stand up anymore. He couldn’t even live to the lawmaker Lawrence, who was alive, but suddenly awakened because of a certain opportunity. Some kind of power.

Because [Miracle], Lawrence Lawrence, who should have been awkward, suddenly recovered all his ability to act and stood up like a normal person.

The purpose of Lawrence’s participation in roundtable trials is also clear:

He wants to take a look at [the outside of the circle], understand the essence of all the truths in this universe, and get infinitely close to the power of God.

If you get that kind of power, he may be able to recover from his disability. Instead of relying on miracles to control physical activity, he really uses his power to control this body to move.

In short, Chris Lawrence wants [free].

Thinking of this, the round table knight Cador suddenly remembered the encounter of the white dragon Elaine.


Originally used as a [sacrificial] to open the wall of the world, it was sealed in ice, and Elaine lost [freedom] from the beginning. Seven years ago, the child’s body was destroyed, leaving only one head squatting, and the head was stitched by Constantine to the headless body of a wild brown bear, turning Elaine into the present Iraq. Ryan.

Even the body is borrowed, and even the fate is given to him by others. Is such an Elaine a "free"?

On the battlefield side, the battle between Elaine and Lawrence continued.

The Bailong people are recovering from the surprise. Although he could not understand the principle of the lawsuit Lawrence floating in the air.

"It’s so beautiful to do well." Lawrence flew back into the air from the battlefield in the midair of the battlefield, and the body remained almost in its original position. Nothing was moved: "It is the position to launch the flight." Punch, in order to drive me out of the battlefield? You can move your brain to this part, you are actually quite smart."

Elaine didn't answer, just a drop of cold sweat in the forehead.

"Ah, it hurts. I was interrupted by at least ten ribs by your fist." Lawrence continued: "With this kind of injury, I shouldn't have been fighting with you. But since you let them see When I used [Second Miracle], I couldn’t go back like this. It’s always a bit of performance."

Elaine's forehead has more cold sweat. He still knows the things of [miracle], such as the [third miracle - photon creation] that Arthur can use, and the second wonder that can be used by the round table knight Lancelot [second miracle - quality creation]. Coach Lawrence claimed that he was floating in the air by running [Second Miracle], and that he must have generated kinetic energy from his body to offset the gravity.

It’s really tricky for this guy to fly in the air without restrictions. Influenced by the magic bracelet, even Elaine, who is now a white dragon, cannot fly.

Since Lawrence has been flying in midair, it means that most of the ground attacks of Elaine will be invalidated, even if the attack is obtained, the power will be greatly reduced. The White Bears originally planned to attack the opponent with the moon and the sword, and it seems that this strategy has become useless.

Elaine pouted and first took back the steel box that was fired. The retracted steel cable was pulled, and the steel fist was continuously recovered. Finally, it merged with the steel ring on Elaine's arm and changed back to impact steel boxing. The part of the spur that had been shot out before also flew back, just in time to catch up with the steel boxing part, and the whole weapon became a complete impact spur.

But the White Dragons felt a little confused and didn't know what to do next. Most of the previous styles were taught by his peers, and he could catch well if he followed the instructions of others. But the plan never caught up with the change, and Elaine suddenly discovered that his opponent would fly, and the plans he had remembered were all gone!

"Don't you attack it? The current situation is powerful for you?" said the lawyer Lawrence in a slightly mocking tone.

More cold sweat emerged from the white dragon's forehead. He is trying to calm himself down and figure out how to beat his opponent. Directly rushing up to fight with the opponent ... certainly not, because he can not fly after all, in the air battle will certainly occupy an absolute disadvantage."Oh, don't you plan to attack it? Since you haven't attacked it, then change me to attack." Lawrence sneered.

He spread his arms and floated in the air, and the lightsaber and light shield in his hands fell.

But they did not fall to the ground, but floated in the air like other floating weapons, dominated by the minds of the strategist Lawrence.

In fact, Lawrence does not need to use both hands to take swords and shields. The previous battles of swinging swords and shields are all in the way of loading.

The weapons in his hands are all floating weapons with brainwave sensing systems, including the light sword, including the shield. And when they are used as floating weapons, they are much more powerful than those that are still placed in all corners of the battlefield. They can run through the hard dragon scales of the White Dragon.

Without waiting for Elaine to hesitate, Lawrence’s floating lightsaber attacked in an instant! That is a blow to the white dragon's throat! Elaine rushed to avoid, waving his assault spurs, trying to destroy the lightsaber!

However, the lightsaber suddenly circumvented before stabbing. The quality of the lightsaber was very small. It was a hundred times more flexible without the user waving. It just circumvented Elaine's counterattack and immediately reached the back of the White Dragon man, a sword fell!

"Yeah!" Elaine felt a burning pain on his back. The power of the lightsaber is too great, and the dragon scales on his back can't be completely defended, so there is still a wound about two inches deep on his back! If you smash another sword on the same wound, it will become seriously injured!

Elaine rushed to raise the shield backhand, and planned to use the Luna Steel Shield to smash the floating lightsaber! But he did not expect the lightsaber to fly away, not to continue to attack Elaine! On the contrary, there is something flying fast on the ground!

"What?!" White Dragon Elaine didn't even have a time to exclaim. His legs were cut off by something like a large saw blade!

With a bang, Elaine fell awkwardly!

"Hey...!" He was twitching because of the pain in his leg. The White Dragon climbed up and glanced at the thing that saw his legs.

It is a shield! That thing is the photon shield that Cethe Lawrence had released before! The shield itself is a kind of photon weapon. When it rotates at high speed, it becomes a deadly circular saw blade. This kind of thing can easily run through the dragon scales on Elaine's feet and knock the white dragon's legs off. !

"You can't escape now?" Lawrence, who was floating in the air, smiled. The lightsaber and the light shield have returned to him, flying around Lawrence like two patrons. If this is the sun and the moon, then the photon thin blades that are spread over the battlefield are stars. There are so many weapons on the field, all under the control of Lawrence, this scene will make people feel desperate!

"So, the game is over?" Lawrence smiled and the two arms moved slightly. His ribs were broken, so the body was inconvenient to act, but it did not affect his pace of controlling the floating weapons.

The lightsaber and the light shield rotate at high speed, turning into two large and small cutter wheels, sweeping the white dragon Elaine. And those small photon thin blades have become countless countdown to countless photon drills, the number is about fifty. This offensive can be described as overwhelming, so that the White Dragons have nowhere to escape! Coach Lawrence now does not need to control his "body", just floating in the air, full of energy to control these floating weapons, so he can also mobilize more floating weapons at the same time!

Oops. Even if the white dragon Elaine is stupid, it is very clear. In the next moment, if he does not want to go out of trouble again, he will inevitably be defeated in this fierce and fierce attack.

But is there really a way to get out of trouble? He has broken his legs. It takes more time to connect the broken leg. It is impossible to see it under the attack of the opponent.

There is no way to get out of trouble...

There is no way to win...

There is no way to remain undefeated...

No way... save the father...!

If he can't do anything, he will change back to the original one.

"No! -" The more I want to get more and more sturdy, the white dragon Ilan, who is going crazy. His body gradually became red.

The rationality of Red Dragon Elaine was swallowed up by anger and instinct only by instinct. He put the broken leg on the part of the leg that was cut down, and the body cells were highly activated. He immediately completed the regeneration of his legs and ran! The two deadly photon cutter wheels didn't hit Elaine, just falling heavily on the ground where Elaine was lying!

"哼-" At this time, the strategist Lawrence analyzed it indifferently: "The third form of the white bear Elaine, the red dragon form. All your abilities in this form are highly strengthened, and the body is not only powerful. The dragon scale is protected, and the healing power is raised to the same level as the white bear. But - "

Countless photon thin blades frantically chased Elaine and attacked the Red Dragon from every direction. The furious Elaine also furiously waved the weapons on both arms to counterattack, and smashed the photon thin blades that dared to come close together!

However, in this chaotic scene, he only looked at the sky, but he was counted by the things under his feet! Ten photon thin blades suddenly broke out and hit the Red Dragon!

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