Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1604: Change to the battle (9)

Chapter 1604 is transformed into a battle (9)

There was a lot of cold sweat from the peas, and the strategist Lawrence realized how terrible and rogue it was.

"It can be like this... you are a swindle!" he said.

But he won't give up, he also has reasons why he must always win. ——

In order to get [free].

There are probably a hundred photon thin blades left on the field, plus a more powerful light shield and lightsaber. If you mobilize all of these things, it is enough to cut the white shark Elaine about two or three hundred times.

Whether he can regenerate or recover, no matter how powerful the white sharks are, there must be no absolute invincible power in the world. The process of recovery must also have the consumption of something, such as energy, so by constantly damaging the white shark, Lawrence will eventually defeat Elaine.

At least he thinks so.

Then he raised his hand, and countless floating weapons screamed and slammed into the white shark. In any case, Elaine can recover in this state regardless of multiple injuries - in this case, there is no scruples, except for the head, the various parts of the white shark can be attacked!

Elaine, the white shark who resisted there, seems to have no particular advantage except for the amazing resilience. The white shark's transformation does not look strong at all, the limbs are slightly slender, there is not much muscle strength, and there is only a thin layer of shark skin on the body, which is incomparable with the powerful dragon scale. The only advantage of the White Shark is that... is it more sensitive?

Elaine snarled on the battlefield, while flashing the thin edge of the photon flying around, while attacking with his claws from time to time. Despite this, he has been hit countless times, adding dozens or even hundreds of scars every second. His claws are not sharp, and the counterattacks are powerless. They just scratch the photon thin blades on the trajectory that passes through them, and they are not even scratching them. This powerless resistance is not only useless, it can even cause Elaine's claws to be injured.

Have you lost your mind? It really is just a beast. Coach Lawrence couldn’t help but feel awkward. But it seems that something is wrong. What happened to the sly smile that the White Shark had just crossed on his face? In these seemingly powerless counterattacks, is it still hidden?

No, how is it possible? That guy is obviously a beast. To counterattack, Elaine should have used more effective means to wave his weapons to counterattack. However, this beast will not even use weapons. Is it possible to use tools? Is it a watershed to judge whether a creature has a rationality?

If this is the case, then Lawrence’s win in this game is only a matter of time. Anyway, the White Sharks simply can't respond to the threats that Lawrence poses - in order to guard against Elaine's attacks, Lawrence has already risen to the higher air level from the battlefield ground.

Hey! The bit of the photon blade turned from the white shark's back, and almost a big hole was made in the white shark. But Elaine twisted the body even if he twisted the first bit, causing the damage to be reduced. To the smallest!

Snapped! The huge sword wheel that the lightsaber turned into swept the white shark's arm and cut off the white shark's arm. But the arm that flew out was immediately caught by him and was dismissed in an instant. He had hardly been hurt!

Lawrence's brow, who observed all of this in the air, wrinkled, and the photon shield was released, turning the shield into another cutter wheel and crushing it to Elaine. This shot is precise and wonderful, and the two legs of the White Shark are directly smashed!

However, when Elaine just fell to the ground, he immediately reached out and put the broken legs on, and the speed was incredibly fast. He just ran up after picking up his legs and sneaked away all the photon blades that fell from the top of his head!

Lawrence's brow wrinkled again, manipulating the lightsaber and the photon shield to rotate, and the two weapons turned into a large and small cutter wheel, and again attacked the white shark!

Elaine twisted his body and slid with the least displacement while flashing the sniper, eventually letting the two cutter wheels pass from his chest and back! The cutter wheel cut two large pieces of meat from the white shark, but the flesh that flew out immediately adhered to Elaine's body, and the white shark quickly recovered!

But Lawrence also arranged the traps here. Thirty photon thin blades suddenly broke out and attacked Elaine's joints from every different direction!

Zazazazazazazaza! They didn't turn into the body of the white shark, but they were tied directly to Elaine!

Because this effect is better!

The white shark who was struck by countless light blades wanted to move, but suddenly found himself unable to move. Although his body has a strong and unrelenting resilience, it is still only a [biological], and the body is limited by the physical structure of the creature!

Cosmo Lawrence shot the photon blade in Elaine's body, and each shot accurately hit the white shark's tendon, cutting and plugging these tendons! As long as the thin blade is not removed, the continuous action of the photon thin blade will always hinder the recovery of the tendon, and the cut tendon is the basis of the physical activity, they are kept in the cut state, and Elaine has been unable to force!

"I finally caught you, you are a little slippery." Lawrence could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The White Sharks are really unable to escape this time. Every tendon of his limbs is perfectly cut and blocked. It can't be forced to regenerate, and only half a squat is dying.

The lightsaber then plunged into Elaine's chest. Lawrence let the lightsaber spin up without saying anything. The sharp spikes on the lightsaber began to dig the flesh and blood of the white shark's chest and abdomen. Once again, they opened holes in Elaine like a meat grinder, opened holes, and dig constantly. Cut the hole!

"呜 嗯 嗯 嗯 —— ! ! ! " " " " " " " " " " " " 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白His body was constantly being dug, flesh and blood flew, and the flesh and blood that flew out was frantically flowing back, constantly trying to restore the body of the white shark.

This is a constant struggle for destruction and regeneration, but it is a very desperate situation for Elaine. Because he has been caught and can't move, he can only be beaten unilaterally!

"Stop! Going forward!" Although I don't know if the White Sharks have self-awareness, the strategist Lawrence urged: "If you don't want to continue suffering, you can lift this transformation and surrender!"

"呜 嗯 嗯 嗯 —— —— ! ! ! ! 没有 没有 没有 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 白 白 白 白Maybe it's really just a beast without self-awareness!

That being the case -

Lawrence controlled his lightsaber and made the lightsaber spin faster. It stirred the white shark's belly at a higher speed, smashing Elaine's belly and flesh and blood, and plaguing Elaine with pain!

The White Sharks can't do anything but maintain the regeneration of the flesh!

"It's enough, let me stop this game." The round table knight Cador in the bridge whispered. The scene has become too **** and terrible, and he can't see any chance that Elaine will win. This is not a fight at all, but the white shark is unilaterally abused by the opponent!

"No, wait. It's a bit strange." Arthur said.

Cador's patience is almost exhausted: "I have to wait? You shouldn't be biased -"

"Hey! Come!" King Arthur interrupted Cador's words.

Indeed, in this extremely desperate situation, the war situation has undergone a subtle turn.

The photon thin blades that stabbed on Elaine began to vibrate.

"Well?" Lawrence Lawrence frowned at inexplicably. Those floating weapons are all controlled by brainwaves. Basically they must receive Lawrence's instructions before they can act. But the censor obviously did not give any instructions to these floating weapons. Why did they vibrate?

Is that good thing for the white shark? However... impossible! The tendon on Elaine should have been perfectly cut and blocked. As long as the photon blade is not removed, the white shark can't act! What is he relying on to make these thin blades vibrate? !

There is no need to wait, Lawrence’s doubts are immediately solved.

The answer is simple, of course... relying on brainwave control!

The dozens of illuminator thin blades that run through Elaine's body were pulled out. Or, they are spontaneously flying away from the white shark! Even the singularly rotating lightsaber that had plagued Elaine gradually reduced the speed of rotation and finally stopped!

In other words, those floating weapons are not controlled by the strategist Lawrence!

"What?!" When his weapon suddenly became uncontrolled, Laurentston felt inexplicably surprised.

This is absolutely impossible. The brainwave receiving device installed in the floating weapon is adjusted to be the only system that only listens to its original user command, and it is absolutely impossible to change the middle of the battle!

However, Lawrence has been floating in the air to observe the battlefield because he is afraid of what little action Elaine will do. He certainly cannot know every detail that happened on this battlefield.

The truth is that the claw attack before the White Shark Elaine was not completely meaningless.

The truth is, whether the white sharks are deliberately hit, or those seemingly powerless claws, in fact, just to achieve an ulterior purpose!

Through continuous injuries and attacks, the White Sharks sprayed their body fluids on the thinner edges of the photons, causing the lightsaber and the photon blade to stain his body fluids. These things were originally part of Elaine's body, and they were powerfully aggressive. Because of the "erosting ability" of the white shark's body fluids, these floating photon weapons—including thirty photon thin blades and one lightsaber—have been robbed of control, liberated from the **** of the strategist Lawrence, and turned into Iraq. Ryan's stuff!

The strategist looked at the floating weapons that floated around the white sharks but were not controlled by Lawrence himself. Deeply, they took a sigh of relief!

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