Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1607: Change to the battle (12)

Chapter 1607 is transformed into a battle (12)

Twenty-six years ago, it was 500 AD, the eve of the Passover, Panto Lacan, the city of the Holy Camilo.

The old man sneaked out from the shadow and gave two hand knives at the same time behind the necks of the two guarded knights. The two knights immediately fainted and fell to the ground. The old man took the knight's cloak with his hand and quickly stopped the guards' armor before they hit the ground and made a loud noise.

After quietly solving all this, the old man stepped onto the pedestal of the Holy Sword and extended his arm. He was about to remove the sacred sword that was entangled in the storm from the pedestal.

"Come on, father!" The head of the Pantolaken Knights of the East Heaven, the Knight of the Heavenly Knight Uther Pantoraken, even if it appeared, stopped the old man: "You know that you took the sword, it means What is it?!"

"Of course I know." The old man turned around and smiled lightly. The old man's face was mostly hidden in the shadow formed by the hood, but his golden eyes shimmered in the darkness. The cold wind whistling, blowing his cloak and hood to whistle, but his hood was firmly fixed with a rope, no matter how braged by the wind, never slipped, or revealed the old man's appearance.

"The Storm Sword is Panto Lacan's national treasure. It is both a symbol of state power and the patron saint of this sacred Camilo. Losing the protection of its power, the city is expected to fall after more than a decade."

Uther frowned. His thin face was reflected in the light of his lightsaber. It became more cold: "Since you know this, why?"

"Because Camilo must fall." The old man replied firmly: "The secrets hidden in this city are too dangerous and terrible, but you young people know nothing about this, stupidly Peaceful day."

"What the **** are you talking about, father..." Uther, the Knight of Heaven, wrinkled his brow deeper, saying that he did not understand it at all.

"At the time the machine is mature, you will naturally move." The old man ignored the dissuasion of his son and went straight to the pedestal to pull down the storm sword.

The thunderstorm that guarded Camilo on the top of the tower began to diminish and eventually annihilated. This magical white city suddenly enveloped a pale breath.

"After about ten years, you will have a son." The old man continued, "He will become king and become the destroyer of the world. All of you are convinced that the world can be redeemed and will be better." But in reality, everything is illusory.

The same is true.

The same is the only way to save the world from destruction. "

After the speech, the old man leaped from the window and fell into the fog of the night under the tower of the White City, disappearing.

"Would you like to chase, Uther?" At that time, Juggernaut Jacques, who was a vice-president, chased him in from outside the room and asked him if he saw this scene.

"No, it's too late." The Knight of the Heavenly Knight sighed: "If the father wants to escape, it is estimated that no one in this country can catch up with him."

Juggernaut Yake then looked at the void outside the window, thinking about it.

Today, twenty-six years later, in 526 AD.

The old man woke up from his sleep and looked at the decadent rust of the sewer pipe and took a breath.

"Grandpa?" The thin young boy on the side is playing with the cat. When the old man wakes up, he will come over and ask: "Grandpa, have you slept for a long time, is there any problem with your body?"

"You worry less." The old man got up from the dirty ragbed bed. "Walt, I told you to do the practice of combat skills. Have you finished practicing? Why is this time still leisurely playing cats here? ?"

"Oh--" The thin child squinted: "This kind of thing is of course done."

"Done?" The old man looked at the boy with a little anger: "I told you to practice here for two hours. The time has not yet arrived. Have you finished all the exercises you have done? You will be joking with me. Stinky devil."

The teenager spit out his tongue.

"Let's continue your practice, I'm watching it!" The old man took the kitten from the boy's hand: "Don't finish 10,000 times of practicing punching exercises before the evening, you don't want to have dinner!"

"Hey -! How can I do this!"

"Listen, little devil." The old man suddenly pressed his hands and fell on the little shoulders of the child who didn't have much muscle protection: "I brought you the dying man from the street. I taught you all this." Let you have a way to be self-reliant. But all that I have done is really just saying good things? I really want you to finish something, do you remember? Answer me."

"Oh..." The thin teenager whispered: "Kill...killer..."

"Yes. I only have one purpose for training you: to make you a killer." The old man's eyes sparkled, but the volume was kept to a minimum. He whispered to the thin teenager: "There is not much time left. The world will soon be destroyed. The only thing you have to do is to kill the destroyers of this world and prevent the world from being destroyed. This is not the case, but only you can do it. Do you understand?"

The emaciated teenager swallowed a sip and gently nodded.

"So, Walter, answer me again, what is your purpose?"

Although extremely reluctant, the thin child whispered in a low voice: "My mission is to kill [World Destroyer] and prevent the destruction of this world." "My mission is -" the boy took a deep breath and said: "Kill the King of Great Britain, Arthur d Pantorac."

Most of the old man whose face was hidden in the shadows, his eyes narrowed into two slits, and he seemed to smile with satisfaction.

All this has been arranged.

At the same time, Great Britain, Prince Kai’s house.

"Wow! -" The leopard boy jumped from the bench and sweated.

Things are harder than he thought.

Counting this time, he has been "dead" thirty times in the game. This time, he was still mad by a savage Husky sword and died in the head. The system has an analgeous overload protection. Once an excessive damage nerve such as a headshot occurs, the player will be kicked directly from the virtual world of the game, so Hal will automatically log out of the system.

Everything looks extremely desperate. Hal never thought that after learning the swordsmanship of Uncle Xing, Husky would become so strong. The canine boy, Husky, didn't even rely on the combat skills he had learned before, but only used the exquisite swordsmanship and the incomparably accurate combat intuition to defeat the leopard juvenile Hal.

No, maybe not only that. There will be repeated failures, and there is a great responsibility for Hal.

If you only face ordinary enemies, the Leopard teenager may not fail. But Husky is now controlled by the violent mind of the dragon, and he is so hot and ruthless. Every time he uses the extremely cruel way to kill the leopard, so after he died a few times, he gradually became timid. Woke up.

Because of fear, he couldn't let go, and every attack was hesitant, but it made him continue to fail.

Because of the continuous failure, the leopard teenager began to be depressed.

"It’s dead again? Is this the first time?" Xinghui Dragon’s comet still looks at his face and looks at him. He sees that Hal’s face is lost, and he can’t help but feel a little funny.

"I think you still give up. It will be dinner time in a few hours. At that time, even if you don't rescue the puppy from the game, Kay's muscular idiot will do something."

"But," the leopard teenager looked at his uncle Uncle innocently: "That means that Husky must have been trapped in the game for hours, until dinner time. Even Uncle Kay will save him. Come out, these few hours, I don’t know if it will have any bad influence on him."

"You think too much." Comet said. However, he has to admit that the idea of ​​a leopard boy is not unreasonable.

The canine boy Husky is mad because of the influence of the dragon scale, and the consciousness has been trapped in the virtual world of the game. If this state of anger persists for several hours, how does it know that it will have a bad influence on a child's mind?

But the comet said that he did not intervene in this matter, he could not change his position at this time. The dragon is such a mass that is concentrated by stubbornness and self-respect, and sometimes it is really inconvenient.

"Hall is going to try again." The leopard boy looked thoughtfully at the Xinghui Dragon, then lay on the bench and wanted to wear a hood.

However, his hand was shaking subconsciously. He was afraid to log into the virtual world of the game again, and he was afraid to face the maddening Husky again.

He is afraid to be hurt by his friends again.

"Hey~?" However, before he put on his hood, the small squid suddenly swept past his eyes, attracting Hal's attention.

"Pocci, wait a second." The leopard boy was slightly depressed and said: "Now you can't play with you, wait until Hal will rescue Husky and say it later."

"Hey!" The balloon fish wandered a little irritably in front of the leopard teenager and seemed to want to say something.


"Hey! Hey!" The fish continued to snarl, preventing the Leopard teenager from wearing a hood and logging into the game.

No, maybe the opposite is true, the little squid wants to get into the hood.

Hal gradually understood: "Don't Bocci... Do you want to help?"

"Hey!" The little fish nodded.

"Don't make trouble, Poggi..." Hal frowned. "You're just a little fish. Even if you can log into the game, what can you do?" This game has a painful system. Even if you are injured, you will feel pain when you are injured."

"Oh." However, the little balloon fish nodded seriously and looked as if it was taken for granted.

"Yes." The leopard was stunned.

Indeed, in order to help friends, this is not a matter of course. In the game, it hurts to get hurt, but in reality they won't really hurt. It’s all about what’s happening in the virtual world of the game. And as long as they don't give up, they can try infinitely - so why not?

In order to help your friends, which way can you do it? A voice rang in the mind of the leopard boy.

He was mad, put on his hood again, and logged into the virtual world of the game with his pet squid.

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