Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1614: Change to the battle (19)

Chapter 1614 is transformed into a battle (19)

Nourish and nourish! - Corrosion is still going on, the time is getting more and more urgent, and the sound of every acid corrosive metal is like the countdown stopwatch that declares the defeat of Segrad!

You must take off this armor and escape, but you can't simply show your true identity in the eyes of the public. What should you do? ! The youth of the leopard can’t help but be anxious.

Hey! What flew past Sedge. That is a bee statue. It’s this little thing that is responsible for shooting the game. At this time, the armor on Segrad is being corroded and rusting, so the little bee must want to fly over and see it. The rusty details of the armor are taken!

But wait! It’s not the little thing that took all the battle scenes here and reflected them on the screen. If you remove this thing...

No, the organizer of the round table trial will only send another bee golem to continue the photography, which does not help Serge's identity confidentiality!

so troublesome! The leopard was young (small) and immediately took out all the turpent he brought from his belt and picked out ten bags from it. ——

As long as you limit the sight of the bee's demon, but don't break it, isn't it? ——

It’s easy to say, but it’s hard to do it.

But in this difficult situation, you can only let go!

The joints of the armor have become more and more eroded, and Segrad’s activity in this armor has become more and more difficult. Despite this, his enemy marksman Faris seems to have no plans to continue to attack. Farris saw his victory in the grip, it is estimated that he intends to wait and see, and wait for SGL to come out of the armor. Faris did not want to attack the situation in the supposedly stable situation, giving the Leopard youth a chance to fight back!

The opponents did this, but it helped SGLADE a big deal, so that the Leopard youth had more time to prepare. Segrad picked up the bags with turpentine powder and threw them out in the air. Then they pointed at the bag and pulled the trigger on the moonlight of the Luna Steel.

The shock wave from the plug-in system hit the bag that was loosely tied, and the rosin powder in the bag was blown all over the battlefield! Of course, the magic of the turpentine powder itself will not be released directly because of this impact. They only react with the metal on the weapon, and must collide with the weapon before they begin to release the magic!

The godsman Faris has not had time to figure out what Slaged wants to do. The leopard is a young man who raised his long squat and suddenly jumped into the air! That is the backpack on the back of his armor is spraying, although the capacity of this backpack is not large, the number of injections is not much, the duration is not long, and can only be used for emergency purposes. But this armor is constantly rusting and decaying. At this time, it does not use its last hidden ability, but when?

Sigrad, who flew into the air, lifted the Luna Steel long squat, and it was anxious to align with the ground! Gravity acceleration, the jetting ability of his backpack, and the power of Luna Steel itself make this shot extra powerful! The godsman Faris did not understand the intention of SGLed to do so, and he had to keep alert to the air to avoid the upcoming shockwave!

Boom! ——The power is super strong, and the momentum is also exceptionally striking. It fell on the rocky ground of the playing field, and instantly a huge hole was thrown on the ground! The turpentine powder scattered throughout the battlefield was also inspired by Segrad's slamming and began to release magic! A frozen cold front is accompanied by a heavy blow, spreading continuously along the center of the collision! !

Rumble and rumble! ! ——

Hey la la la la la la! ! ——

The ground is cracked and collapsed, and it begins to freeze! Numerous icicles are pierced in the fallen ground, making the entire battlefield quickly change!

To put it simply, Seglade took out a large hole in the ground of the battlefield, and at the same time used frozen turpentine to turn the hole into an ice cave filled with icicles and icy ice.

The bee magic that had been flying in midair was also affected by this cold storm and was frozen in the icicles!

"Yes, it's really good." Fascia, who escaped the impact and chill, fell from the edge of the ice cave and reached a small ice-cold plate with a diameter of 30 yards. The fog is lingering here, because the topography of the ice cave itself, the air-conditioning is not easy to disperse, it is estimated that it will be a few hours in this place!

However, this extreme bad vision did not stump Faris at all. The sharpshooter has strong vision as the backing of strength, he can easily see through the ice fog, so that everything hidden behind each icicle is invisible. Thinking of this, Faris couldn't help but smile. Segrad thought that the venue was suitable for him to play sneak attacks, but did not know that this is the home of Faris.

But what about the facts?

Segrad, who should have been hiding, was half-squatting on the ground in this ice cave. Faris almost didn't laugh when he saw the leopard youth. Because Slagrid’s armor is not cold-resistant, plus the humidity of the corrosive liquid that Faris drenched on the armor, and finally the powerful blow that made the whole piece of land freeze. The whole armor of the Leopard youth is iced!

Seglad is really a fool. I thought that I could solve the battle quickly with the strongest blow. I didn’t expect it to be counterproductive because of my heart’s arrogance and arrogance. Not only did I fail to solve Faris, but I was completely frozen. solved!

Faris wants to laugh, but he still can't smile for a while. Although it seems that this is the case, does God know that the scheming leopard youth will have buried other traps? The fact that "the armor is frozen and can't move" is only superficial. In fact, the leopard youth can still move, and is waiting for Faris to approach the past and wait for an opportunity to counterattack?

Cautiousness is the consistent style of the godsman Faris. He is not so simple in the trap of others. He has to do the same thing as the original, just keep the distance and shoot. Thinking of this, Farris immediately took his explosive arrow and pointed at Segrad in the distance.

Hey! The arrows flew out fiercely and slammed straight into the leopard youth there.

Boom. However, after hitting the target, the sound of the explosion arrow was so dull. It did not explode. The arrow of the explosion arrow was originally a pressure-sensing device that began to detonate when it touched the target. But the armor on Seglade is in a state of extreme coldness, and even the explosion arrow can't be detonated, but it is frozen! The blasting arrow was fixed to the left shoulder of the armor in such a way that it was motionless and that Farris was dumbfounded.

Wait a minute – how low is the surface temperature of the armor? It was so cold that the explosion arrows that smashed on it could be frozen without exploding? !

The armor has been frozen like this, so what will the people in the armor look like? !

Faris knows a little about the armor of Great Britain. It is said that the performance of these armor is very good, and there is a strong living system inside. Even if the outside is in a cold and hot summer, the people inside can be safe and sound. But there is a limit to everything. A knight in armor can't walk in the magma, shuttle in the ice water of tens of degrees.

So... this armor has now been frozen into this look, what will the people inside look like?

It won't... has frozen to death? !

No, even if it is not frozen, it is estimated that it will lose all its ability to act because of the strong temperature loss. Can it only tremble in the cold armor? !

Won. After seeing all this, Faris smiled confidently, convinced that Seglade trapped in the armor had no room for counterattack. He can clearly see that the armor freezes the explosion, and the surface temperature is not so much lower. He can also clearly see that the joints of the armor have been secured by the frost, and the people in the armor can't move anyway, no matter how hard they struggle!

Win, definitely win. Faris couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Segrad is more stupid than the imaginary shooter, and has embarked on this path of self-destruction.

But wait. The godsman Faris couldn’t help but feel tight. Although he won, his situation is not optimistic. God knows how long Segred can be stuck in armor without being frozen to death?

If the Leopard youth is frozen in the armor, Faris will also be sinned - he will be disqualified by the organizers of the round table trial!

"Damn." Faris’s forehead has an unprecedented thick blue vein: "With a threat of death, take the opportunity to fight back. Is this your plan?"

From the current situation, everything is obvious. Slaged did not want to come out of the armor, and when he was afraid, he was counted by Faris with poison arrows. Therefore, the Leopard youth would rather hide in the extremely cold armor and wait for the opportunity.

Slagrid has been hiding in the armor, and sooner or later he will be frozen to death, so Faris has to look at the past to see if it is, or use other attacks to quickly end the battle, or save Sedge from the armor. The moment when Faris approached was a great opportunity for Segride to fight back - although Faris still couldn't understand how Segrad could fight back.

Regardless of how reluctant, Faris still had to approach the armor. He took out ten full-explosive arrows from the quiver, all on the bow, and then planned to give the Leopard youth a big bang to end the boring farce.

Twenty-five yards, twenty yards, ten yards, five yards. The sharpshooter is getting closer and closer to the armor that is half-squatting. Sigrad’s armor has been frozen in half of the body and is almost fixed to the ground.

"I am coming. If you plan to use any tricks, it is time to use it." Faris asked coldly.

Of course, the opponent did not answer.

"So - die!" Faris did not aim at the armor, but aimed at the ground next to the armor, firing an explosion arrow.

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