Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1621: Change to the battle (26)

Chapter 1621 is transformed into a battle (26)

When I heard this, Bedieville suddenly noticed something: "Wait. Arthur, you just said [four kinds]? Not [three]??"

According to Bediwell, he can use [Frenzy] and [Booty], plus the current [prototype] that he kept while he was invariant. There are three forms in total. However, Arthur said that there is [the fourth form] in the orcs. Is this kind of thing really possible?

"Well, it's really four." The Cavalier King smiled mysteriously: "We have done a detailed study of the chromosomes in the [transformed organs] and will be so sure.

The test results show that in addition to the known three variants of [prototype], [madness] and [beastification], the orcs actually have a hidden fourth form. And this fourth form, ironically, is actually making you change almost exactly the same as humans. ——

We call this [humanization]. "

Bedyville bowed: "Humanization... You mean, we can become human!?"

"Theoretically," Arthur said: "However, this kind of humanization can not be maintained for a long time. It is also an unknown number. Perhaps it is like [crazy], it needs to consume concentration to maintain, too tired It’s all about theory. In fact, we have never seen any orcs succeed in [humanization]. After becoming human, the combat power will not increase, it will only decrease. This is an unclear meaning. It turned out that it is because it has no meaning, so it will be completely abandoned during the long evolution of the orcs."

Bedyville was silent again. There seems to be no useless thing in this world. Even a seemingly wasteful transformation is estimated to have its meaning, but it has not yet been discovered.

Then the Werewolf youth suddenly interrupted the words of King Arthur: "This will not be said first. Others? Have everyone successfully advanced?"

The Cavaliers’ face had a subtle expression: “If you are talking about Paramitis, they are all well promoted.”

"Including Albert?" Bediville asked with concern. He knew that Albert had been hit hard before his battle, not playing in perfect condition.

"Including the stupid tiger." The Cavaliers nodded. "Either Elaine."

"Hey." Biddyville was surprised to raise his eyebrows. He knows that Elaine is going to fight against Lawrence, who is known for his strategy today. Elaine, who had a bad brain, is estimated to have been struggling. However, the White Bears still won, and they are grateful.

"And they have been struggling in today's game, and then the animal is big - just like the battle you just had." King Arthur added another sentence.

I heard that here, Bedieville probably understood. The purpose of King Arthur’s visit to Bediville this time was to talk to Bedieville about the "beastfulness" of these orcs. Bediville still hasn't had time to watch the replay of the game. I don't know how the other orcs are fighting, but he can be sure that there are definitely many people who are being rushed today. The "beast" is so big that the Cavaliers are quite worried. .

Bediville then tried and asked: "Palamidis also...?"

"No," Arthur denied. "The stupid leopard was fascinated by the alcohol and became drunk. Although he finally won the game, he was still intoxicated and almost put the clothes in public. All are stripped."

"Ah, hahahaha--" Bedyville's forehead had a big drop of cold sweat. It sounds like what the drunk Paramitis would do. The guy’s wine has been very poor, and everything can be done after drunk.

"So," the Cavaliers then revisited the beginning of the topic: "Beddyville, if I tell you that there is a surgery under study in Great Britain that can make the orcs completely human, get new life, you will accept Is this surgery?"

"Do you mean it, Arthur?" The werewolf youth stared at the Cavaliers.

"There are still some technical difficulties that have not been overcome, but this is true. We will have this kind of surgery in the near future, and we can transform the orcs into real humans."

"No, I asked, [Do you mean it?], Arthur?" Biddiville repeated again: "Why do you think that I will give up the identity of the orc and become a weak human? You may I forgot all of this, but I have never forgotten it. I am the most pure werewolf of the Aiskimo Welsh, the patriarch's nephew, the blood of my family's pride. Arthur, what do you think, Will I give up the pride of my family and willingly be a weak man?"

"Because humans are afraid of you, Bedieville." The Cavaliers also said it straight out: "Especially today, when you become a beast, after the brutal wild battles are shown on television, it is estimated that the human world is afraid. You will have more and more people. Let us face the reality, Bediville. There can be no long-term peace between different races. Especially your orcs, occupying the twilight region - half the size of Europe, With such a good physique and such a powerful force, can you expect human beings not to fear you?

It is because humans and orcs have common enemies that we have to join forces to maintain this delicate peace for the time being. But one day, when we completely remove the [darkness] on the other side of the wall of the world, humans and orcs will inevitably have a big battle in order to compete for living space. ——

At that time, who should choose which camp, Bediville? "

"I will choose the camp you are standing in, Arthur." The werewolf youth replied without much thought: "But I will not give up my identity as an orc. Even if I would be called a traitor, I will be rejected by the same family." Even to be enemies with former friends - the idea that I want to guard the king will never change."

Hearing here, the Cavalier’s brow was slightly wrinkled: "I understand. Sorry, Biddyville, I doubt you. Just what I said, you just have never heard of it. What you choose It may be the most difficult road in the world. But since that is your choice, I will respect this choice."

"Thank you, Arthur." The werewolf youth sighed with relief: "But there is one thing, I want to ask you."

"But it's fine."

"In the future, if - I mean if - if I can get my lost son back, then please help the child to carry out this operation and turn him into a real human. I know that The child will definitely oppose, the pride in his purebred blood is not less than mine. But I know. The child deserves more. He should live freely without discrimination in the human world. So even if he objects, please be sure to turn him into a real human."

"Well, I will consider it." King Arthur replied thoughtfully. Of course, all this has to wait until Bediville finds his son who has been separated for many years.

Bedieville himself is not willing to become a human being, but he wants his children to be happy in the human world. The idea itself is really intriguing.

"We don't want to mention this for the time being." Biddyville struggled to climb down from the hospital bed. Although it has recovered more than half of it, the wound on his body is still faintly painful: "Ath you are free this afternoon? Are you going to follow up on Juggernaut? Is the fall of grams?"

"No, it’s good to deal with this matter for us. Don’t intervene." The Cavaliers saw that Biddeville seemed to be eager to help, and quickly interrupted: "You are not suitable for a long journey." Going to South Africa to find someone - even if you find it? If you really get up, you can't help yourself now. You can still have a good night's sleep."

"But..." Biddeville saw Arthur's face stretched, and he dared not continue to do so. Instead, he switched to the topic: "Where is Merlin's prime minister? When can we go back to the 900-year-old?" Different world?"

"There is still not ready there, and Merlin will inform us when we are ready."

"It's a weird thing." So the Werewolf youth spit out: "It's a clear time to shuttle through time and space. Just make sure that there is another time to go. We can go right at any time here. Why wait?"

"Things are more complicated than you think. What is Merlin's original words?... To re-establish the connection between the two worlds. If it is not good to establish contact, we will only be lost in the wrong time and space. Time travel is more complicated than we think, and we don’t go too far out of the laymen who don’t understand anything."

"Okay." Bedieville sighed. "Since I can't help anything, I will go back first."

"Go back. Take this opportunity to take a look at your own sand boat. Maybe you have any new equipment to buy, Captain Bradyville."

Betwell white gave King Arthur a look: "Don't call me the captain, I am embarrassed."

Arthur smiled funnyly: "But you are indeed the captain."

Hearing here, Biddeville knew that King Arthur was actually taking his pastime, and he did not take care of the Cavaliers again, shaking his head out of the compartment of the medical room.

As soon as he stepped out of the compartment, he saw the round table knight Cador relying on the wall, a boring look.

"Are you listening to our conversation?" Biddyville asked with a disappointment.

"No, you think too much. I am waiting for you." Cador.

Bediville then whispered a little and left. King Arthur also stepped out of the compartment and lowered his voice and asked, "What is the situation in South Africa?"

"It has already been found." Cador seems to be afraid that Biddeville has not gone far, and he whispered in a low voice: "Is this going to pass?"

"Of course." The Cavaliers smiled lightly: "This matter is confidential to anyone, and you and the two are going."

"Lancelot can't know?"

"Especially Lancelot." King Arthur whispered.

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