Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1630: Change to the battle (35)

Chapter 1630 is transformed into a battle (35)

The Yoonton Giant is still there, and it has been deployed outside the cave like this, seemingly waiting for something!

At this point, Bediville realized that he had thought too simple before!

In fact, the outside is not a snowfield, but Biddeville sees it from the cracks of the stone and sees the illusion of the face of the Yodon Giant!

The light outside is not the kind of "lazy afternoon light" that is lazy and warm, and the light has always been the cold light from the eyes of Yodon! The giant has been monitoring the actions of Bediville from the beginning to the present!

Huh, Ha - The chill of the giant spurting out of the mouth is compelling, because the landslide has already dug a large hole, and this chill is even worse. Even if the flame of the magic turpentine is burning here, it resists. Can't be this kind of cold.

"Oh..." Lawrence shuddered. "Boss, can't you add a fire? The guy is either going to smoke us with his bad breath, or is going to freeze us with cold air."

"My inventory is running out." In desperation, Bedieville took out a packet of flame rosin powder and walked over to the burning magic turpentine mass. The flame didn't seem to get much bigger, but the heat seemed to rise a little, giving people a little peace of mind.

"What are you doing? Continue to dig!" Biddyville saw the three mercenaries stop and urged.

"Can't continue to dig!" One of the mercenaries opposed: "If you dig the hole again, the monster will come in!"

"How are you a bounty hunter, and you will be afraid of that giant?" Biddiville couldn't help but ridicule.

Huh—but the Yodon Giants blew a cold air at this most appropriate time. The biting cold wind immediately attacked like a blade of sword and rain, causing everyone to subconsciously shrink to the fire.

The three mercenaries, including Lawrence, did not speak. Indeed, these people are experienced bounty hunters. I used to have dug a lot of ancient tombs and smashed many dangerous places and killed countless Warcraft monsters. But obviously, this time the Jodon Giants and their Warcraft or monsters from the front are completely different.

It is noble, ancient, majestic and full of power. Its breath is also full of danger and insidious atmosphere.

When people face opponents that are much stronger than themselves, they will be subconsciously afraid. This is probably the case. Even if Biddeville could hardly feel anything, the three bounty hunters should have noticed it clearly, and they would be hit by the Yoon Giant!

Because the giant is terrible, can't let it in. If you continue to excavate the rockfall in accordance with the instructions of Bediville, the three mercenaries are very aware that they will be in danger!

"This is really nonsense." Biddyville then advised: "Look at the size of the guy! He can't even reach his arm! What's wrong with the big pit here, can he interfere with us?"

"In theory, this is true, but..." Lawrence pointed to the distance: "Hey, boss?"

Bediville then turned his head and looked at it. This look, he saw his scalp numb.

Who said that the Yodon Giants must be giants and cannot enter this cave? The Yoon Giant, who had blocked the cave with the entire face, suddenly became the size of a normal adult, so he stood at the mouth of the cave.

There are too many guys who are proficient in shrinking techniques in the giants. They have made their bodies bigger and smaller, but they are just a little effort. The Yodon Giants must have understood the words of Bediville, so they will become such a demonstration in the demonstration, which means that he can rush into the cave at any time to attack Bediville and others!

However... it also reveals a secret that should not be exposed.

"Call." Biddyville then smiled and said: "Since the giant can get smaller, it should be able to open this passage and run straight in to attack us. Why has he never done this?"

The answer is actually very simple. After the Yodon Giant became smaller, the power of the giant itself would be attenuated. Now his physical strength is no different from that of an ordinary person. So for the Yoon Giants, even if he can get smaller through the cave, there is no way to remove the falling rocks and attack the Bediville and others on the side of the landslide!

"Digging, continue to dig." Biddyville shouted: "The guy is stopped by me. You just dig up the stone beside Solar and save him from the landslide."

"But doing this cave may collapse further..." A mercenary said.

"It doesn't matter." Beddyville wrapped his trembling tongue tightly around his arm. The whip had been tightened like a spring, and he was able to hit a destructive blow at any time: "Before the cave collapsed, I will open a road."

He threw the golden hammer to Lawrence again: "Lawrence, when the stone begins to loosen, you pull the Soral out forcefully, and then use this to open the return portal, carrying him back and running. I am coming behind the temple."

"You will die, boss." Lawrence replied earnestly.

"Don't underestimate me. I won't fail like Solar!" Biddiville had a look at the stunned swordsman. After the magic swordsman woke up, Bedieville had too many questions to ask him, and the wolf talent would not die in this ghost place for no reason at all - even if he knew that his strength was impossible and ancient. The race close to God - the Yodon Giants - contends.

He has a plan. That's just a plan to slow down, but it's better to delay for a second. In the end, let's suppress the attack of the Yodon Giants. He took out two bags of turpentine powder, one bag for the Luna steel tapered dagger at the end of his tungsten tortoise whip, and the other unwrapped the seal and took it on his right hand.

The three mercenaries then began to dig stones, and have ignored the stability of the rockfall, focusing on the side of the half body of the Soral.

Shasha Shasha - There are sandstones at the top of the corridor that are accelerating. The former mercenary was right. Just digging one side and not paying attention to maintaining the overall balance of the landslide, it will become very unstable, and there is always the danger of a secondary landslide. If you fail, everyone will be buried in this landslide, and the whole army will be wiped out. But things have already reached this point, and everyone can't take care of it. The shovel and the long sword started together and ran wildly. Lawrence also pulled the half of the body that Solar had not been buried, so that as soon as the surrounding stones were loose, Lawrence could immediately pull the buried body of Solar from the crack. .

Hey la la la la! - The collapse is intensifying. Beddyville can only pray that the collapse will happen all at once, at least until they rescue Solar.

Oh! The stone seams are loose. Lawrence also moved the Soral even harder, trying to pull the hands and feet of the Soral from the cracks!

But the surrounding stones are also more unstable, and there is a feeling of crumbling, which is very scary.

"Enough, you all move to move the Solar, and find someone to open the portal in the hall!" Bediville saw the time is almost mature, and ordered: "Go!"

Lawrence then ran to the depths of the hall with a golden hammer. The other two mercenaries also grabbed the hands and feet of Solar and pulled them out, keeping the strength of the swordsman from the cracks at any time.

Bedyville walked to the ruined stone wall and shouted across the hole to the Yodon Giant on the other side of the landslide: "Oh, ugly!"

The Yoon Giant did not take care of Bedieville, but leaned down and made a sprinting preparation.

"Be so stingy!" Biddyville continued to scream: "We just took you a little bit of water. Are you necessary to chase us one day and one night?! You will go back to your lake. It’s good to sleep your laziness, we don’t make water in the river!”

However, the other party is not the kind that can be persuaded. The Yodon Giants have already rushed toward the landslide side, and while running, they have an elbow stance. They seem to want to use the impact of the body to forcibly smash the already smashing landslide scene and open a passage!

"Call, just don't listen." Biddiville also made a sneer, and the collision of the Jodon Giants coincided with his intentions.

The chance of a showdown is only a moment, no matter whether it is life or death, victory or loss, all will end after this moment!

Bedyville raised his right hand and sprinkled the rosin powder that was originally prepared! The powder immediately adheres to the landslide is the surface of the stone!

"It's now, pull hard!!" At the same time as the shot, Bedieville also shouted.

The Werewolf youth raised his left arm prosthetic and used all his strength to make a punch!

The tungsten tortoise whip, which was originally wrapped around the arm like a spring, was released instantly, pierced straight, rolled up a tornado, and at the same time produced a powerful and unbreakable destructive power!

啪滋! ! The tip of the dagger tip of the tungsten tortoise whip first touches the falling rock at the landslide site, and then the thick rosin powder on it is excited to start to produce magic, and the light of the thunder is shot!

Bang! ! As if a violent thunder flashed, the tungsten tortoise whip instantly cracked the stone on the landslide and caused a powerful impact. All the surrounding stones were washed away and flew out in the direction of Bediville! !

After all, the two bounty hunters were professionals, and the actual cooperation with Biddeville was seamless. When they saw Bettiville's shot, they began to desperately pull the Soral out of the stone! They were so hard that Bediville almost thought that the hands and feet of Solar's stone would be broken. But Solar was pulled out of the cracks in an instant, and the two mercenaries immediately ran away with a smog!

The landslide site that was smashed by Bedieville turned into a violent, charged gravel rain, and the Yoon Giants rushed to the front!

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