Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1632: Change to the battle (37)

Chapter 1632 is transformed into a battle (37)

Just a few minutes of effort, Bedieville was beamed by a gravitational beam with a gravitational beam that flew back into the desert boat to manage the room.

"Well, it's a boat!" Biddeville was actually only a few seconds behind Lawrence, so Lawrence had just heard the words of himself when he arrived, and the werewolf youths heard it clearly.

"Boss, is this your ship?" Lawrence turned to surprise and asked, "Awesome, is it the legacy of the ancients? I have seen such a black technology again!"

Bedieville did not intend to take care of Lawrence. But after thinking about it, there seems to be something wrong with Lawrence's words, so Bedyville was shocked and asked: "Have you seen a similar gravitational beam? Where?!"

"Oh..." The bounty hunter knows that he has leaked his mouth and spit out his tongue: "No, no, I haven't seen it. I have a duty of confidentiality. I shouldn't just say this thing..."

Betteville frowned: "But you just said it. I guess - the Mohammed business group has this equipment, I am right?"

Lawrence then succumbed and shrugged in a compromise: "Well... boss, you were originally a Mohammed business group. You shouldn't be clear about this kind of thing, even try to test me."

"When did I say that I am a business group?" Bettiville grinned. "No, not at all. If I have to say it, I am actually more inclined to belong to the opposition of the business group. It is the enemy of the business group. You have to figure this out."

After listening to Bettiville’s speech, Lawrence trembled like a needle: "Oh!...but the boss’s action yesterday was to..."

"Just because the business group kidnapped my friend, I went into the lab to save my friend." The werewolf youth then answered.

"You are so daring..." Lawrence whispered in his mouth and said, "What happens to the business group? You really don't know?"

"I am waiting to do a good job with them." Bédiville did not move, and moved his injured leg forward: "Help me to get Soral into the medical room. What are we going to continue talking about along the way."

"Oh..." Lawrence was a bit reluctant, but since he was on the thief boat, there was no way to give up halfway, so he continued to focus on the unconscious Solar, and walked behind Bettyville.

"So... boss, are you really not a Mohammed business group? You suddenly appear on the top of the glass pyramid to help us suppress the out-of-control [polymer]. That should be the Guard in the business group. The work of the executives."

"I want to ask you," Biddyville asked. "Why do you have a few guards in the entire institute to deal with the situation? Aren't any guards officers?"

Lawrence didn't talk. It seemed to be aware that Bedyville was setting his words, so hesitated to tell everything that Bedieville knew.

"Listen," the Werewolf youth continued to persuade: "I said that I am the enemy of the business group, but I am not your enemy. If I am, I killed you yesterday, and will not let you You go. Didn't you hear the news? The Mohammed business group was ruthless. After I let you go yesterday, the people of the business group immediately released another [aggregate], and everyone in the institute was Killed and absorbed - all to destroy the mouth."

"Really...really?" Lawrence stuttered. But he must have received a similar message, otherwise the guy would not doubt the words of Bediville, but directly negated.

Of course, this is the smoke screen that Bediville deliberately released. There is nothing other than Bradyville and others.

There is no second [polymer] in the institute. The reason why the institute was destroyed was because Bediville did not completely kill the first [polymer], and it subsequently escaped.

"Now we are on the same boat (literally), you better tell me everything you know, then I can still find ways to protect you." Bettiville continued to persuade, "You don't even know yourself." They have been targeted by the Mohammed business group. They can do anything to destroy the mouth. Sooner or later, they will find a door to kill you."

"But I have served the business group for at least five years...!" Lawrence was a little angry: "How can I turn my face when I turn my face! This group of git...!"

"There are old scientists in the institute who have worked for the business group for at least ten years. They are different from the death of the polymer." Biddyville sneered, apparently giving pressure to Lawrence.

Lawrence was silent again, and the tone was finally loose: "Well... boss, what do you want to ask, even though. Since the business group is so ruthless and unjust, I don't have to be polite with them. But I know There are very few things."

"Do you know less?" Beddyville sneered, but the laugh involved the muscles of his injured leg, causing a distorted face on his painful face: "A person who can be a senior security guard in that place." I definitely know a lot of insider bars?" "No, no, you don't know, boss." Lawrence shook his head: "Everything in the institute is highly confidential. I don't know people at higher levels." What is the situation, but we are just the guys who work in it, they are usually only delivered to a single job, and we only carry out the job. My job with several other guards is [in the alarm When I arrived at the top floor to deal with the very state of affairs], we have nothing to do with everything else."

Bedyville was shocked: "What? They give you a salary every month, just to make a few of you usually lazy and not working, just to pick up the mess in a very bad situation?!"

"This is exactly the case. It was originally a bad thing, until the accident happened yesterday..." Lawrence said with a wry smile: "I can't go back because I have such a big scorpion, so I ran back to be my own." Old line. I really didn't expect to meet you again.... Wait, boss, are you really not looking for me?"

In fact, Biddeville did semi-deliberately find Lawrence. After all, there were nine people who came to the interview. Biddyville ignored the better candidate and picked out Lawrence. But Bediville did not answer directly, but opened a joke to ease the atmosphere: "Yes, in fact, I am a business group, and I deliberately found you, just to secretly kill you in this boat." "

"Ha ha ha ha... this is not funny." Lawrence smiled coldly and sweated.

"So, what research is being researched at that institute, you are not aware of it?"

"I am just a small person, I don't dare to ask. The research seems to be doing some very dangerous research. Of course, the less you know, the better."

"Interesting." Bedieville couldn't help but swear. From the very beginning, he saw that Lawrence was the kind of person who would not inquire about the news, and this is probably the reason why the Mohammed business group originally hired Lawrence. It seems that it is almost impossible to ask anything from Lawrence's mouth, because this guy has nothing to know.

Despite this, I am afraid that I will still see some details of the research in the unconscious. Just letting him go is a loss.

"Eve, giving Mr. Lawrence the right to open the ship's guests freely - I mean, giving him maximum freedom of movement and not letting him break the authority of any facility in the ship."

"Understood." Eve replied immediately. "The identity of the person has been redefined as [VIP]. The separate living room has been opened to it. The medical room, the gravitational beam control room has been opened to it."

Another sacred beetle came over and landed on Lawrence's chest and turned into a brooch-like ornament.

"Please carry the sender with you. You need to tap the sender when you need to use it. The ship will calculate your location and use the gravitational beam to pick up and drop off."

"Hey, boss...?" Lawrence looked at Bedyville with a puzzled look.

"Just guarding against it." Bettiville said: "You are absolutely safe in this boat, but it is hard to say in the outside world. I don't know when the Mohammed Chamber of Commerce will be against you. Hands-on, but I know that they will kill you sooner or later. If you feel dangerous, don't hesitate to use the gravitational beam to flee the scene.... They shouldn't be able to catch you, probably."

Unless the other side also drives the iron ride all the way to catch up, and fire in midair to attack Lawrence, which is attracted by the gravitational beam. However, the possibility of that kind of thing is extremely low, not to mention the matter of hitting the gravitational beam in high-speed flight.

"Oh... well, thank you. I don't know what is happening here, but thank you." Lawrence said.

At this time, Bediville had brought Lawrence to the medical room of the sand boat. He just started to undress when he got in.

"You are also quick to take off the clothes of Solar." Bédivil just said that he had taken off his shirt.

"Hey, what?" Lawrence turned his face away: "Hey, boss, pay attention to decent..."

"You can't wear clothes when you enter the medical cabin. That's all." Bettiville was too lazy to explain too much to Lawrence. At this time, the pants had been taken off, and the medical cabin on the side was opened to Bediville, waiting. The young man who was naked in the body lay down.

"This...this way..." Lawrence then smiled bitterly: "It is the black technology of the ancients."

"Eve," Biddyville's trousers were all taken off, half lying in the medical compartment, and asked: "How long does it take for my leg to be completely cured?"

"The ligament tears, a large area of ​​secondary frostbite, it takes about 20 minutes for complete treatment."

"So fast?" Lawrence couldn't help but groan.

"You also remember how this medical room is used," Biddyville said with a bounty hunter: "If you don't, it will save you a life."

Then he ignored Lawrence and lay in the medical cabin. The lid of the medical compartment was instantly closed, the oxygen mask was covered, the air gel poured in and filled the entire medical compartment, and Bedieville fell asleep in a few seconds.

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