Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1639: Change to the end of the battle (44)

Chapter 1639 is transformed into a battle (fourty-four)

"Well!" Xinghui Long jumped to the edge of the bed and raised a hand to release a strong protective cover.

The over-expanded high priest is like a human flesh bomb, increasing by a hundred times at a horrible speed, exploding himself in half a second!

lb! ! - That loud noise was especially scary, but the sound kept reverberating in the room, and it seemed that it was not coming out.

After a **** fog passed, the comet carefully lowered his hand and removed the shield. Except for the bed where the comet was located, the whole room was covered with slimy flesh and blood, and there was **** smell everywhere, even the smell of human internal organs, which became dirty and disgusting.

The comet knows it is a spell, an extra evil magic. It is buried in the human body like a bomb, and it is launched when certain conditions are met. In the case of the high priest, the condition of the spell is that he tells the secrets of the church, and once the spell is launched, the traitor becomes a human bomb and kills himself.

... It’s a terrible and clever way. This will not only ensure that the secrets in the church are not revealed, but also kill those who have seized important members of the church and attempt to use the confession to set aside secrets. If the comet just responded for half a second, it is estimated that it will be implicated in the explosion and it will be seriously hurt.

Xinghui Long has a mouth. He wants to be angry, but it is not the time. He hurriedly opened the door and glanced outside. The explosion did not alarm anyone in the church.

No, this is actually normal. The power of the human flesh bomb is not as big as expected, and the room is estimated to be soundproof. The high priest specially arranged a room with very good soundproofing for the sake of fun. In this way, even if the child's hypnosis that was kept in the room suddenly lifted, the loud screaming rebellion in the priest's embarrassment would not be passed on.

And the high priest can enjoy his victims here, and finally kill him. The whole process is completed in the same room, and no wind noise will leak out. Moreover, who cares about the disappearance of a child in a slum?

The star who remembered the choir before the comet said that there was a child who was chosen by the high priest to disappear forever. Coupled with what the high priest mentioned before, what seems to be there in the underground of this church. That is to say - this room is likely to have a place to deal with the body, a pothole to the bottom of the ground - the analysis of the powerful Xinghui Long immediately reached this conclusion.

Comet tried not to think about these insignificant details, but also carefully locked the door. He blew on his palm and pinched out a harmless low-temperature dragon flameball for illumination. Under the fire, the scenery in the room was really disgusting. The comet frowned and walked over to the bed, trying to shake Husky and Hal.

Useless. The two children who were hypnotized completely slept, and the two unconscious devils were now shaking together, completely unaware of everything that happened around them.

It’s really troublesome to die. Xinghui Long secretly stunned the round table knight Kay, it was the Kaina idiot who brought them to this terrible situation. At the same time, I was struggling to separate the two devils and tried to help Husky put on her robes.

But the comet is a bit guilty. The high priest was in front of other cadres and nicknamed Husky and Hal. There were only two cases in which the two children went out from this room. One was sent away after being finished, and the other was killed by the high priest and turned into a corpse.

If the comet is like this, Husky and Hal, who are unconscious, will definitely cause doubts from the Order. At that time, it is estimated that it would be worse, because the Xinghui Dragon must run away with two little ghosts at the same time, and even can not vacate their hands to fight.

But wait. There is no need for him to take two children out. He can open a portal directly to escape. Just find a bottle-like thing and put Husky and Hal into it. The comet can put the bottle in the mouth and jump into the portal...

Thinking of this, Xinghui Long suddenly trembled. wrong. This plan won't work.

Because there is a biological protection enchantment in the [absolute domain] in the human body, all negative spells acting on the human body cannot be directly effective. The party that must be affected by this spell, that is, the consent of the surgeon, is reduced. The technique can work.

The comet looked at Husky and Hal, who were lying in bed like mud. These two boys don’t even know who they are, let alone accept the contraction that the comet releases on them. The comet is not clear about the mechanism of the hypnotism of the church, and it is impossible to use hypnosis to let the two children take the plunge.

In short, if Xinghuilong can't make two children smaller, they can't put them in the bottle and protect them in their mouths;

If the comet does not shrink the children and protect them in the mouth, it is impossible for Husky and Hal to cross the dangerous transmission space - the subspace can only pass through the dragons, and other creatures will be turbulent in time and space. Torn into pieces;

In other words, the comet wants to use the portal to take Husky away, and always needs to let the two orc boys recover consciousness.

It’s really troublesome to die. Xinghui Long was annoyed with a slap in the face. Somewhere inside the church is sure to be used to relieve hypnosis, but Comet can't move with two children, let alone sneak into the church to find these drugs. Throwing Husky and Hal in this room, the comet acts alone - the risk is very great. ——

What should I do?

"Oh." At this time, there was a low voice outside the door.

The comet can't help but be cold. Was the explosion just discovered? This is really bad. If the enemy rushed in and attacked the comet, the Xinghui Dragon could only hide in the room and fight back. He took two unconscious children and could not go anywhere! Once the enemy uses the means of attack such as poison gas and smoke, they will be finished!

But wait a second. It seems that something is wrong. The sound insulation function of the room is really good. Even if the explosion sounds can be transmitted, it should not be so easy to pass in outside. !

The comet then raised the fire in his hand with suspicion and took the direction of the door.

There, there was a wonderful black hole in which a plant like a trumpet was drilled. The sound came from the plant.

"With this, you can relieve hypnotism." Who said something outside the door. Not a moment, there was a prop that emerged from the trumpet-like opening of the plant and fell to the ground.

The comet will be suspicious of the past. That's right. It was a piece of fragrant wood. Before that, Xinghui Long also saw that the believers used similar things to hypnotize Husky and Hal, and let the two devils become the present. Now, there is a good smell in the similar fragrant wood, which makes people feel refreshed. It is estimated that this is the antidote, and it is sent to the noses of Husky and Hal to let them sniff, hypnotize Can lift it.

"Who are you?" The comet asked again. He heard from the woman's voice that she was the so-called "golden woman" before, and Husky had been looking for aunt who had the clues of the dog father and father.

However, the question of comet does not make sense. The morning glory plant in front of him fulfilled his mission and has quickly withered and disappeared. The hole in the door disappeared together, and the strong and soundproof iron gate blocked it, and the voice of the comet could not be passed outside.

The comet also believes that even if he immediately opens the iron gate and looks out, the woman must have disappeared without a trace.

Although there are many doubts, let's solve the problem at hand now. The comet decided to believe the mysterious woman. He stuffed the fragrant wood into the nose of Husky and Hal, and let the unconscious teenagers sniff.

"Hey! Smelly died!" Husky immediately jumped up after smelling the fragrant wood.

"Smelly?" The comet actually feels that the taste of the wood is not stinky, and even quite fragrant. I don't know if it is because Husky is affected by hypnosis that I feel that the aroma of this thing is stinky.

"Oh, it's really stinking." Hal also covered his nose and climbed up, as if he had really smelled something very stinky, complaining with tears.

Comet put the piece of cedar into the pocket: "Smelly, are you awake?"

"Hey, Uncle Uncle Wang (喵)?" The two teenagers said in unison: "Where are we (Wang)? What happened?" (Wang)?"

The comet shook his head. What happened to him just now, he thinks it is best not to mention it.

"That kind of little thing will not be said. Let's go out from this ghost place now." Stars, take out a small glass bottle that has already been prepared: "First make you smaller, then use the portal to get out of here."

"What? But how can Uncle Kay do Wang?" Husky had an opinion: "The aunt had not found Wang before!"

"The woman has already escaped." Xinghui Long said with no emotion: "As for the idiot Kai, who is still free to take care of him, let him mess up in this church, if he has not been hypnotized if."

"But, but Husky must find the aunt Wang! Husky also wants to ask her about Dad than Wang!" The canine boy did not want to leave, began to temper.

"Don't make trouble." Xinghui Long looked at Husky with anger: "Listen, you have already added enough trouble to me today, I don't want to go on with it anymore. Or you listen to me and walk with me." Either I knocked you out and forced you away. Are you going to make me soft or hard?"

"Husky - "The Leopard teenager also advised his little friend: "Since the aunt is no longer here, we will listen to Uncle Uncle's words first. Uncle Uncle has already remembered the aunt's Smell, it is not difficult to find her in the future."

"But... but Wang!" Husky still didn't give up. He is afraid that after the comet, he will not help find someone. After all, dragons are selfish guys who must first pay for help.

"It seems that we have reached a consensus." The comet did not care about Husky. He approached two teenagers and was planning to cast a spell into Husky and Hal into a glass bottle.

However, in the timing of the step of the Xinghui Dragon, the floor that had been loosened by the explosion was beginning to collapse!

"What?!" Xinghui Long was shocked, but everyone had fallen with the disintegrating room!

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