Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1642: Change to the battle (47)

Chapter 1642 The transformation is in the battle (47)

It was dark and surrounded the comet's horizon. It took him half a second to figure out what was going on, but the monster's throat had begun to squirm, and a strong suction began to **** the comet into the belly of the Blood Devil.

"Call." However, the comet did not struggle, but instead took this force to inhale him.

(It is what you asked for.)

The comet counted the time, and before he was about to be swallowed into the other's stomach pocket, about the beginning of the abdominal cavity, he restored his prototype of Xinghuilong. The original "person" suddenly expanded and became a dragon. Xinghuilong also applies dragon flame to his body, and inflates his own body to burn his opponent with the heat around his body! This burning fire quickly became a more powerful flame explosion, expanding from the inside out together with the comet's enlargement!

lb! The Gorefiend Dragon Brake was broken from the inside by the Xinghui Dragon! Its chest expansion broke through the limit and was defeated internally by Xinghui Long! The flesh and blood that flew out were ignited, and the inner skeleton of the blood-stained dragon began to smash. The dragon ribs on the chest were scattered like a dart to the square!

"Hah!" As the comet became bigger, it also raised its head and spurted fire. The scorpion fire column sprayed directly on the head of the blood-stained dragon. It burned its head in a flash, leaving only one dragon. bone!

Then the comet instantly becomes a human form, spreading its wings and flying, and catching up is a knife! The blushing knives are cut on the leading bones of the Gorefiend Dragon. Cut a deep hole in the position of the skull and smash the skull out.

Boom! ! It flew far and far, landed heavily, and swayed on the ground for dozens of times to stabilize!

Here, literally, a scattered blood demon dragon was dismantled because it lost its head and was burned with most of the flesh and blood. The skeleton was scattered and could not be reunited together. Basically, the trend has already gone. The comet flew in the air, overlooking the enemies who slowly fell to the ground during the violent burning, could not help but make a smirk.

But he knows that things are not over yet, the monsters in front of him are just awkward, and the people who really manipulate the disgusting monsters are still hiding in the darkness of this crypt, overlooking the hustle and bustle. He only remembered Husky and Hal at this time, turned his head and looked at the past: "Hey, little devils, you still have"

There is something that suddenly runs through the chest of the Xinghui Dragon.


"It’s screaming." A sinister voice rang behind the comet: "To run through the dragon scales, you still need to use the keel. I have collected the keel of the keel, which has occasionally come in handy."

The comet turned a little surprised and looked at the enemy from behind.

Is that a demon? This guy's face is white like paper, even in the shadow of the fire, there is no blood red at all. Then the comet found that the blood in his body was repeatedly taken away by the sword, and he felt that his body was rapidly weakening!


"Yes, do you think you are very smart?" Xinghui Long whispered.

"What?" His opponent then made a low-pitched voice, which made the big thing worse.

That's right, the pale-faced Mozu sneaked through the back of the Xinghui Dragon's chest with a keel. He also knows that he can't escape this blow at his own speed, and the opponent rushes with such confidence. The weapon is powerful and powerful enough to run through the comet's dragon scale.

However, since the comet knows that he is inevitably injured, he will count on it and twist his body!

As a result, although the opponent's stabbing sword runs through the chest of the Xinghui Dragon, it is only wiped from the heart of the comet, because the dragon scale is always very hard, and it is enough to give the Xinghui dragon before piercing the comet body. Time to escape the most deadly blow! In contrast, the comet is the kind of dragon that will never be easily taken advantage of. When he is smashed by a knife, there is no reason to make a difference. The opponent's stabbing sword just passed through his chest, and the blushing knives in his hand were also poked back, slid down from the armpits of the comet, and tied unbiasedly in the heart of the man behind him!

"Cough! Cough and cough!" The pale-faced Mozu spit a big blood.

"Not so proud?" Xinghui Long sneered. Although he was very hurt, he was not fatally wounded, but his opponent was fatally wounded, or was caught in the heart of the blushing knives that could absorb the magic! "Fashion!" The guy’s pale face now seems to be getting paler.

"Call." The comet sneered. The other side's keel sword seems to be a very sinister weapon. While stabbing the comet, it also constantly **** blood, making the Xinghui dragon weak. But than the sinister poison, the keel thorn sword is far from the blushing knives, because the knives **** the blood is not the blood, but directly absorb the magic!

The two sides are also injured by the opponent's weak weapon, but this small difference is enough to sentence the high. The demon of the body's magical fast decay, even the stabbing sword in his hand was unstable, the comet gently twisted, and the weapon in the guy's hand fell off.

"Call me now, who are you, why are you here?" Xinghui Long turned to question his opponent. The keel of the keel has slipped from his back, and the wound on his body has been quickly blocked. The situation is one-sided.

"Well, the power of darkness, please bless me, eat me, hug me with your gentle hands!" The guy began to talk incoherently about all the words that comet could not understand. This is more like a kind of mantra than prayer.

Xinghui Long frowned, and immediately pulled out the sword and retired. Fortunately, he did so in time. The white-faced demon seems to have launched something hidden in his body, and black smoke began to emerge from his body!

The comet was shocked and slammed the wings more than ten yards. The darkness of the demon has emerged with a more violent momentum. Those things, like little black bugs, are squirming, sometimes gathering together, and sometimes dispersing. But their composition quickly produced a certain pattern, they were turned into a giant in the air, the dark giant!

The starry dragon's brow is lightly wrinkled, and the huge dragon flameball in his hand has been thrown out and squatted on this giant. This is also the kind of fireball that has been burned by the fluid fuel on the opponent's body after hitting the target, but this time it can't burn up after hitting the target, and it is directly swallowed by the darkness like the tide!

"What the hell?!" The comet retreated further and squeezed a powerful plasma dragon fireball in his hand. Xinghui Long does not believe in evil, how can the 10,000-degree high-temperature fireball be absorbed by this black monster? The fireball smashed at the target of the monster and landed in the center of the black giant! This fireball has worked, and a big hole in the chest of the black giant! The comet finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that there is still a means to deal with this guy. However, the plasma dragon fireball did not have time to explode and flew directly through the black giant's chest and landed on the wall of the crypt further afield. This caused a violent explosion and raised the plasma flame storm!

"Really, what? What? Ghost?!" The comet dragged the tone. The black giant seemed to be a thin gas, and the attack on it couldn’t fix the explosion at all, so that no matter how fierce the attack was, it wouldn’t work! And at this moment, the Black Giant has already caught the Xinghui Dragon. The comet does not know what kind of material the opponent is composed of, but he knows that this giant must be deceived, so Xinghuilong did not hesitate for a moment, directly flapping his wings to dodge!

Called like a cold black mist, drifting from the top of the star faucet. Comet felt the bitter cold that he had never felt before in his life! The cold is not just the cold caused by the low temperature, it is more like

Yes, it is more like the starry dragon holding the blushing knives for a long time to fight, the magic of the body is absorbed by the monster knife, the kind of weak cold that you feel!

This dark fog giant can absorb magic (photons)! In the brain of the comet, this conclusion is reached instantaneously.

Moreover, he just apparently avoided the attack of the opponent beautifully. It was only the wind that was raised by the arm of the black fog giant, and the body felt the weak feeling after the slight magic (photon) was taken away, if Being hit directly by the big hand of the guy, the consequences are really unimaginable!

But compared to this, a more serious problem instantly passed the comet's mind.

Two little devils!

The attack of the Black Mist Giant can absorb the magic power. Under such an attack, no matter how strong the protective cover can not resist! The protective cover is only a force field formed by magic. If its "power source" is absorbed, the protective cover will be immediately released!

In other words, the two little devils are dangerous! The attack of the Dark Mist can easily damage the shield and attack Husky and Hal, which are protected by a protective cover!

Thinking of this, the comet immediately flew away in the direction of the protective cover, hoping to save Hal and Husky in the first step before the black fog giant's fist fell!

However, it is already too late. Or it is self-defeating. Unfortunately, the Dark Mist Giant just stood next to the shield. It perceives the dynamics of the comet, and of course the protective cover at the foot of the foot and the two orc boys protected by the protective cover! It didn't hesitate for a moment, kicked it in one foot!

"Wow, ah," Husky screamed.

The "Boc" leopard boy bravely stepped forward at this moment, directing his pet fish to block.

"Hey!" The small balloon fish was in front of the two orc boys, releasing something like a shield with their greatest ability.

Oh! When the black mist giant kicked it, it destroyed the heavy protective cover that the comet released. But the giant's kick was on the shield that Pog had released, but it was blocked.

"Wow, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

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