Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1667: Interlaced at the meeting (22)

Chapter 1667 Intertwined (22)

"What?!" As soon as he heard the injection, Seglad's face turned pale. And that's not an ordinary syringe, but an arm-like thicker – actually thicker than the arm, because now SGLADE has become a teenager, the arm is smaller than the adult – the syringe !

"You, are you kidding?" Segrad said: "This thing is tied to the body, are you sure you will not kill people?"

"Normal people are expected to." Miss nurse said: "But the doctor said that your body is different from ordinary people, and ordinary needles are pushed out on you, just like eating dirty things and spitting them out. So They can't help you with injections or even drip, the only solution is this -"

The nurse nurse raised the giant needle that was as thick as an arm and almost as long as an arm: "Forcing the liquid into your body by a huge injection port, this avoids the problem that the needle is spit out. ""

"Are you serious?" Slaged asked with wide eyes: "Whether you can avoid the needle being spit out, such a needle will definitely be dead on your body?"

"Hey, you don't have to worry about this at all." Miss Nurse seems to be snickering, but across a thick mask, SGLADE can't clearly determine if the other person is laughing: "Because this thing looks like a syringe, In fact, it is a rectal syringe - injecting liquid directly into the rectum."

"Hey!-" Segred shuddered again: "Right? Hey, that is, the needle is going to poke into [that]..."?

"I just want to poke into [that] and then inject." Miss nurse nodded. Even with the mask blocking, this laughter is already very obvious. This nurse is really laughing: "Now, children, take off your pants, my sister will help you with an injection... Well, enema?"

"You must be joking with me -" Slaged took a step back. Now, how can he be enema with silence? Want to escape from here? But the nurse Miss used her entire body to block the main entrance. It is not an easy task to escape from here.

First escape the attack of the nurse, and then flee. Segrad got this conclusion in an instant.

But this also means that the nurse must be introduced first...

Seglad looked at the huge syringe (actually the enema) and saw the needle on the syringe with a cold silver light. Although the needle is indeed blunt, at least not wearing the skin, but to get that kind of thing in close contact with the part of Segrad? I think it’s terrible...

"Don't be afraid, it won't hurt -" Miss Nurse approached step by step, and it seemed that she wanted to take off the leopard's pants and give him an injection.

"Well, go, don't come over." The leopard boy said, grabbing his own pants: "Without your help, I take off my pants -"

"Well, that's the best." Miss Nurse is ready to lift the huge syringe.

"Call--" Segrad turned and pulled off his trousers, facing the nurse with his ass, and began to bow slowly.

Just as the leopard boy bent his small body into a 90-degree right angle and lifted his tail to reveal the part, the nurse was really mercilessly lifting the giant syringe (enemater) toward the little leopard's ass. Go up!

"Call!" Slagrid was certainly well prepared. He pulled off half of his trousers and immediately rolled it up. He also made an agile turn and escaped the fatal blow of Miss Nurse (fatal?). The giant syringe was immediately tied to the bed behind Sygled!

"Dare to lie to me!?" Miss Nurse said angrily, preparing to take back the syringe and give Segrad another shot. However, the leopard teenager has swung agilely and ran towards the door of the medical room compartment.

Finally escaped! The leopard youth is proud of her heart. The huge syringe stuck on his **** is not a joke - and it is an enema - how can he bear the huge humiliation!

However, when he was eager to push the door open, he felt that his foot was soft. He slammed the whole cat and fell to the ground. It was not too light.

At this time, he only realized that Constantine was a doctor. There was nothing wrong with his physical analysis. His body is indeed weak to some extent, and may not notice the difference during normal activities, but the moment he forces to dodge, the difference comes out. As if to make up for his sudden exertion, Segrad’s physical condition deteriorated instantly. He only felt that his hands and feet were weak and he could not climb on the ground.

"Where, very good, so it's good to lie down--" Miss nurse showed fierce light, holding a huge syringe slowly toward the leopard.

Segrad couldn't help but feel cold, not only because of physical weakness, but also because he perceives the fate he is about to face.

Miss Nurse also really unscrupulously tore off SGL's trousers, sneer, lifted the syringe: "Resist the point, and immediately finish."

"Hey!-" The leopard boy closed his eyes and waited for death... No, wait until he was poked by a syringe. He thought that the moment the steel needle stuck into his **** would bring great pain, and he was already prepared for death (?). however--

Boom! The syringe did not poke into Segrad's ass, but plunged deep into the floor.

No, this is even more terrible. This **** syringe can pierce the steel floor of the spaceship! Seglad was so scared that his legs were soft - it was soft and it was softer now.

"Hot and cry - afraid?" Miss Nurse and Leopard, after watching a joke, laughed. She took off her mask and revealed her true face.

It is Juliet Lusford.

"Oh--" Segrad fainted.

I don't know how long it took, and Segrad finally woke up and opened his eyes slightly. He just blinked, but immediately saw the angry face of Juliet.

"Hey--" The leopard boy once again fell asleep and closed his eyes tightly.

"I know that you have already woken up, Mr. Seglad." Juliet said unhappyly, "Or should I call you [Little Harris], the illegitimate son of Sir Paramitis?"

"Oh..." Seglad opened his eyes in a depressed mood: "Do you know what?"

"You fight so much today [gorgeous], how can I not know your things from other people?" Juliet continued to look at Seglade coldly: "You little liar. Oh no, [ big liar?"

"Oh..." The leopard teenager squinted and looked at Juliet innocently: "This is all force majeure."

"[[ deceiving] this behavior, when became a force majeure?" Blonde girl is even more angry.

"Oh, but yesterday you just refused to go, you must find Sergey." The leopard teenager said depressedly: "In fact, I just wanted to find an excuse to send you away. I didn't expect it to become the last. I was pulled out and went shopping..."

"Oh, blame me? I see you a child is not safe to go around, so I propose to follow. God knows that you are not a child at all, just a man with a child's skin - hey, disgusting!"

Juliet looked at Segrad with a look of bugs, and she saw a panic in the heart of the leopard.

"This is an accident. My body has become such a shackle because of the influence of some kind of syrup..." Segrad said: "And the situation will only last for forty-eight hours, I will be tomorrow. Come back."

"Oh, so I can finally see the real you tomorrow." The blonde girl sneered angerfully.

The leopard boy still pulled his ear: "Don't, don't be so embarrassed... I didn't mean to lie to you..."

"I didn't mean to lie to me at first, but then I pushed the boat along the way, and fabricated the lie one by one, and finally tricked me into a group. Very good." The blonde girl seems to be very upset: "I guess you must sneer in the dark?" The stupid little blonde sister has been playing for you all day, following you to go shopping, tracking your father. Sir Albert Paramus's illegitimate child? Hahaha-"

The more you listen, the more depressed you are: "So... what do you want me to do? Apologize to you? Compensate you?"

"Huh--" Juliet sighed with relief and seemed to be adjusting her mind: "Forget it, it is no longer necessary to do that. Anyway, I just made a prank to you, seeing you fainting in the past, I am also deflated."

The leopard teenager only felt a bit of a cold, and he stretched his face and asked, "So you just said that when I fainted... give me... oh... injection?"

"No fight, it's just to scare the props you use. That kind of thing is really tied to you, it is estimated to be life-threatening." Juliet said: "But, take off pants in front of a lady? Really?"

"Who is not taking the needle in front of the medical staff?" Seglad wants to vomit.

"Shut up, you are a little hooligan!" Juliet then angered.

Segrad did not speak.

"In short." The blonde girl sighed again and tried to control her anger: "The things between us are just like this. Don't argue. I have nothing to look for. I just want us to When you meet, don't hide from me like a god."

"You really have nothing else to look for..." Segrad snorted, and the two cats were still looking at Juliet with doubt.

"Don't think that everyone is like a brother, the idea of ​​playing Solomon's ice on your hand." Juliet is dissatisfied.

"The moon **** steel weapon 喵." The leopard boy corrected.

"Well, Luna Steel weapons, even if it is called this way." It is obvious that Juliet did not care about this matter: "All in all, I am not my brother, I don't care about your ice... Where is Luna Steel's weapon? Who is coming, who is the only one who is responsible for verifying this matter."

The face of the leopard teenager slightly eliminated some doubtful looks. Juliet really does not love to be entangled like her brother, the Viscount Lusford. No, in another sense, Juliet is still quite entangled, but this has nothing to do with the secret of holding the moon **** steel weapons...

"However," Juliet turned and suddenly said: "If you have time, I would like to take you to see someone... or, God. If you really know the man who made Solomon's ice, I think you have a responsibility to meet the god."

"What gods are..." Seglad asked in a suspicious question. Is there really a **** in this world?

"Deus machina, the patron saint of the Lusfu family for generations." Juliet replied without emotion: "He is also the **** who predicted that Solomon's ice will reappear."

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