Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1803: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (9)

Chapter 1803 耀世之之日轮(九)

After the explosion, a burst of blood swayed in the deep sea - even though the blood of those deep-sea fish was not red at all.

Under the light, the deep-sea fish's blood is close to blue-green, and there is bio-fluorescence (estimated bioluminescence comes from some kind of luminescent bacteria in their blood), which spreads out a large piece, even if the headlights of Bedyville et al. are not illuminated. When I arrived, there was a sick blue-green color.

However, Cador’s attack did not deter these violent deep-sea creatures. There were still more than a dozen of their remnants, and they began to distract them.

"Well?" The round table knight Cador seemed to notice something and made a sigh. However, he had not had time to explain that a deep-sea fish would smash the same as an arrow. Cador quickly lifted the shield block, slamming, the long-shaped fish turned into a ray of light and slipped away from the edge of the shield, while Cador was subjected to a rather powerful impact, stepping back one step, almost Fall to the ground.

Hey! In order to cover the almost falling Cador, Ivan opened three shots in a row. However, the bullet's rate of fire is quite slow. It is still possible to threaten the fish. It is unrealistic to use it to kill them.

Bedieville swallowed a sip. In the deep sea, they are unable to confront these fish in front of them. The speed of swimming is much faster than that of Bediville, and it is very difficult to block using the large shield of Cador, not to mention wielding weapons to fight back. Perhaps only the sword of the King of Arthur can be fair to the big fish.

Or maybe not. A deep-sea fish rushed over to attack the Cavaliers. The Cavaliers moved to the body and slammed the lightning-fast attack. The backhand cut a sword and was planning to let the big fish suffer. However, the sword of the King is still chopped, and the attack is always one hundred percent late. It is not that the sword of the King of King is obstructed by the water pressure and cannot exert its power, but the arm of Arthur is unable to swing freely under the obstacle of heavy armor and water flow, so the Holy Sword cannot move in place!

If even Arthur’s weapons could not be used properly in the water, the black moon steel scimitar in Bediville’s hands would be even more useless...? The Werewolf youth has seized on its own weapons and is annoyed with how to use the weapons effectively. On the other side of Cador, another deep sea thunder is thrown, letting it burst in front of more than ten yards, and three of them are deep sea fish. Into it!

Seeing this, Bedieville suddenly realized. Those are just fish, and they are not big, they are easily towed away by a little water.

Since the water flow can do things, Bediville has no reason to do it. Just a big fish rushed toward the werewolf youth, and Bediville raised his left arm subconsciously, hehe! - Launched a steel cable. The big fish didn't seem to expect that Bedyville would attack with a steel cable. It was too late to turn to dodge, and it was hit by a steel cable.

The werewolf youth pinched the palm of his left hand. The steel claws on the cable were associated with the machine on the arm, and immediately contracted, pinching the head of the big fish. At the same time, Bedieville made a movement to recover the cable, and the steel claws caught the deep-sea fish and dragged the big fish! Bediville prejudged the opportunity, he waved his black moon steel scimitar to cut it, and cut the big fish with a knife!

As the deep-sea creature died, a burst of blue-green fluorescent blood expanded in front of the werewolf youth, and Betdiville seemed to be able to smell the **** smell through a completely airtight helmet, although that was definitely his illusion. The werewolf youth let go of the steel claws, and the fish head caught by the steel claws drifted away with the water flow. At that moment, Bedieville seemed to see that the fish head had black things.

"Sure enough," said Cador. "These creatures have dark reactions in their bodies, albeit extremely small. This has led to their violent temper."

"There is a crack in the wall of the world. Did you leak the dark spot from somewhere?" Biddyville asked.

King Arthur couldn't help but yell: "It's hard to say. Maybe before the world's wall divided the earth into two halves a thousand years ago, is there a source of darkness in this deep sea?"

The werewolf youth shrugged. No one knows how the wall of the world was formed at the beginning, and at what specific time and how to form it. The original situation was estimated to be urgent. In order to block the dark creatures from the dark continents of the East, the wall of the world will be set up.

After mastering the style of play, everyone will be more comfortable. Arthur grabbed it almost continuously. Here, a deep-sea fish was caught and cut with a holy sword. Another side of the fish was fired to grab another fish.

The number of deaths and injuries of the big fish died in a short period of time to less than three. The remaining defeated soldiers will see Arthur and his entourage so fierce, and they will be frightened and fleeing, no longer posing a threat.

"It’s finally solved." Bedieville breathed a sigh of relief.

"I hope there will not be more sea creatures to attack us." Ivan also sighed. "There are too many abyss flying fish in this trench that interfere with my vision, and the eagle eye is so tired."

"I wanted to ask from now on," Biddyville said a little unhappy: "Your eagle eye is the best potential after you take off your glasses? Why didn't you take off your glasses when you put on your armor? It’s not enough to use the eagle eye surgery now. Do you really intend to perform the task well?"


"Don't blame Ivan," did not wait for the half-long youth to explain, the Cavaliers King interrupted: "The strong vision after he took off his glasses will put too much burden on the eyeball, so he can only last for ten minutes. You can't take the helmet off and re-wear the glasses in the middle of the mission. Go with him."

"Hey?~" Biddiville finally found a point of entry for Evan, and he was full of joy and spit: "What? You guys can only last for ten minutes. As a man, you are Don't you feel embarrassed?"

The communicator seemed to burst out of the laughter of King Arthur and the Knight of the Round Table, and a cold light swayed. It was the light of the headlights on the helmet of Evan. The young people of the werewolf seemed to feel the unfriendly look of the young people from the half dragon.

"Ivan, in which direction the fish school just fled, can you always track it?" I didn't take care of the little noise between the Werewolf youth and the Half Dragon Youth. The Cavaliers continued to ask.

"Well... can be traced. Come with me." Ivan then ran to the south.

Everyone followed. It was just landing on the sea floor, so I didn't feel very hard. Now I changed to a seabed walk on the horizontal line. Bediville only felt the impact of the deep sea water pressure and water flow on the already heavy armor. It was a feeling of moving in sticky greasy mud, and it was especially illusory. Bediville always had the feeling of not eating enough to make it feel bad. In short, it was very uncomfortable. If he could, he almost wanted to take off his heavy armor and rush on the endless, down-to-earth plain.

After moving about ten yards, the werewolf youth couldn't stand it anymore. He subconsciously launched a steel cable obliquely toward the front ground, grabbed the ground with steel claws, and then used the traction force brought back by the steel cable to forcibly drag himself. past. Because you don't have to walk on your own legs, it will be much more comfortable to catch up.

"Don't do anything, save the temperature of the cable system." The Cavaliers reminded: "It's not infinite use. If you use a battery, if there is any emergency, you can't handle it."

"Hey..." Biddeville said with a long tone, "Okay."

So Bediville seemed to hear the laughter from Ivan.

He just wanted to say something, but Ivan, who was in front of him, suddenly stopped.

"Everyone pays attention." Half Dragon Youth made a state of leaning down: "Like... what?"


"Damn... I can't see clearly. I don't know if it's a large group, or a single giant creature. The interference here is getting more and more serious." Half-long youth shouted: "All in all, be careful! The enemy looks like this time. Very big?"

Without the half-long youth, Biddiville seems to have noticed something. Or, it is his headlights that have seen the shadow of rapid swaying in this murky sea. Although the sea water is turbid, the visible range is only ten yards, but the light is penetrating at a certain distance. Depending on the angle of observation of the people at that time, sometimes there are some faint moving things in the far distance. . What's more, Bedieville is an orc, and his visual acuity is much stronger than that of human beings. This moment of shadow hidden in the muddy sea is captured by the keen youth's keen vision.

"With steel claws!" Biddyville exclaimed.

Hey! - Without waiting for him to finish, the huge shadow was approaching at an alarming rate, and the rising currents and the mudslides on the bottom of the sea came in front of everyone like a storm!

Nourishing and nourishing! At the same time as the Werewolf Youth reminded, the players almost no time difference to launch a steel cable on the ground! Fortunately, they shot in time, the steel claws just caught the storm before the sea bottom hit them, firmly grasp the ground!

"Yeah!" Bettiville felt an amazing flow of water from his body. Without the traction of the steel rope, the Werewolf youth is now estimated to have been washed away by tens of thousands of yards by this violent current. However, he can only hold on for two seconds, because the current hits the rocky ground at the bottom of the sea, and it also creates a slanting upward impact force. This impact is hitting Bediville upwards, eventually raising the werewolf youth to In the air! Bediville can only pull the steel ropes with all his strength, and he is dancing like a kite in the stirring water!

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