Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1816: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (22)

Chapter 1816 Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (22)

At the same time, somewhere in the Red Sea trench.

Bedyville was fascinated by playing a small scorpion in his hand.

This is the sharp vertebral scorpion cast by Syracuse with the black moon steel. Although the cockroach is not big, it hides a great glory and has endless power.

It is actually translucent, and the surface is coated with a special paint such as [Long Yanxiang], which is convenient for tampering. Because Long Yanxiang changed the shape of the black moon steel, the originally highly transparent sharp vertebrae turned into a cast iron-like lightning-reflective dark black, which looked like a black iron at a distance, but when viewed carefully, it still has transparency. , like black glaze with strong reflective ability. Its tip part also contains a more sophisticated mechanism. When it is linked with the tungsten tortoise whip, the sharp vertebra can be split and opened into a mechanical claw. The mechanical claws can firmly grasp some smooth planes, so that Biddiville can even use the whip to smash the wall on the hard wall and fly away.

But all this is not the point. No matter how precise the structure of this small cymbal is, how rare it is to cast its material, it is just a tool.

The [phenomenon] born on this tool is far beyond the common sense of Bediville, and even more physical laws.

Because, in the battle of the underwater caves, this sharp vertebrae "absorbed" a piece of golden gems. The so-called absorption, as it literally, the piece of gold gems completely ran into the interior of the sacral sacral sacral sinus, and was completely fused with the sacral vertebrae.

How it is done, it is still a mystery. Betdiville only knows that Black Moon Steel is a special process material that uses the special phenomenon of mass collapse to compress the mass of matter into a small subspace. Now this slap-sized cockroach may actually be a giant-sized magnesium-aluminum alloy that is compressed by multiple spaces. Perhaps the sub-space contains more things, and it is not a problem at all.

And that small piece of golden gemstones, in the sacred scorpion of the Black Moon God, is a star-like faint golden light. The light starts to rise, but it is extremely constant, as if there is a creature in it breathing. Because the black moon steel shovel itself is like black glaze, the translucent interior has the characteristic of absorbing light. This light can't be seen without careful observation. Most people may think that this is the magic power of the weapon itself after strong enchantment. The light.

It seems safe to hide this piece of golden gemstones. If Bediville does not say it, no one in the world can know its existence.

is it safe?

Even Beddwell himself felt ashamed. Why did he have this idea and want to protect the safety of this golden gem piece? ——

It won't be, this ghost thing has a hypnotic effect, hypnotizing Bediville, let Biddiville to protect it safely? !

"What are you looking at?" A voice suddenly rang from Bettyville, scaring the werewolf youth.

"No, nothing!" Biddyville then put away the sacral spine and stuffed it directly into the subspace pocket.

"Hey--" King Arthur stretched his face and looked at the werewolf youth. "You kid is so strange. It has been vague since the beginning, and the things that were born in the caves of the sea have not been reported clearly. You should not." What would it be hiding from you?"

When King Arthur and Bedieville spoke, they generally called [I] and rarely used [朕]. When he would say this, he usually put pressure on Bediville as his own king.

"Because, there is no." Biddiville also felt the pressure and almost wanted to tell the truth: "I didn't say it, the tungsten tortoise whip out of the unusually strong current, put the sea snake When the electricity is dead, I will survive the sinister battle, and nothing more."

However, he still chose to conceal, especially [to find the pieces of gold gems]. Although it is just unfounded intuition, Bedieville always feels that if he says this kind of thing, it will lead to another storm.

What is that gold gem?

"The occupants noticed that they are now floating." There was a mermaid in the broadcaster of the lounge, and the voyage of the ice crystal seemed to be at the end.

"Let's go to the mechanical warehouse." Arthur Road.

"Okay." Bedieville climbed up from the sand and patted his **** to leave. It seems that they need to go back to the warehouse and go back on the small transport boat that was originally used. On the transport boat there is a top secret research project in Great Britain - the four sets of [decontaminable armor] - of course not to be left on the boat in Iceland.

"Can be turbid" Biddyville whispered before going out the door: "Can't you change a name? This is really a mouthful."

"The name is from the mysterious Orientals, or from the empire of the East in the past thousands of years. This is the name used in their Eastern empire. There may be no sense of disobedience in their language. But the same The name changed to English through the translation device, and the taste changed. "The Cavaliers explained: "Betdy, if you think its name is difficult to call, why not try to give it a new name? Is there any good idea?"

"I can't think of anything." Bettiville's mind is not a blank in his mind, but he has already been filled with other things. He has no time to think about more problems. He has begun to talk about what he just said. I feel regret."There is no idea at all? It’s really lack of creativity." Knight Wang said, "Come on, think about a name. Even if it’s a bad name, I won’t make fun of you. of."

"I really don't have an idea." Werewolf youth can't help but feel embarrassed. Why does Bediville in the world have to come up with a new and nice name for a broken armor that has never been seen before?

"Oh. Forget it, you won't force you." The Cavaliers then used it again [朕], which sounded harsh.

"Say, is your ship taking a new name?" Arthur asked again.

Bettyville, who was behind Arthur, couldn’t help but beat a spirit.

"Not yet." The Werewolf youth once again reluctantly replied: "There is no idea."

"Would you just let the ship help you get a name?" Cavalier asked half-jokingly.

"Okay." The Werewolf youth initially couldn’t hear that it was a joke, and even a little happy to go straight back. However, when the Cavaliers turned his head in disappointment and looked at Biddiville, the Werewolf youth knew that his answer was actually the worst answer.

"Beddy," King Arthur began to seriously teach the young people of the werewolf: "I don't know if you are afraid of trouble, or really lack of opinion. But as a candidate for round table trials, you are a Knight of the Round Table. The target person, in the future, if you really become a round table knight, but you want to form your own knights, command people in the superior position. You are not my follow-up, nor can I be my follow-up for the rest of my life, if you I can't make a good idea for the future. How is your life in the future?"

"You are right, Arthur, sorry."

"This is not something that can be solved by apologizing, Bedieville." The Cavaliers looked at Bediville with a serious look, then did not continue to say anything and walked ahead. They quickly arrived at the submarine's mechanical warehouse, and the ice crystal that had floated to the surface of the Red Sea also opened the gate of the mechanical warehouse so that the transport boat could fly out.

"Well? Have you just quarreled?" The disco knight, who was good at observing the look, looked at Arthur, who was unhappy after the arrival, and Bediville, a wolverine wolverine behind King Arthur, immediately realized what he was.

"There is no such thing." The Cavaliers replied in disapproval: "Let's go, take the confidential content back to the Paramitis and say."

"Follow the orders." Cador did not ask too much. When King Arthur and Bedieville also boarded the transport boat, they immediately moved the engine of the transport boat and let it fly.

At that time, the ice crystal number was already close to the stone pillar forest of the Red Sea. In fact, the transport boat did not fly far away and returned to the Paramitis of the Great Britain battleship.

"Eve, can you receive my signal?" A farewell to Arthur and others, Bedieville knocked on the earring-like little thing in his ear (actually it was made of a gold The scarab of the scarab is changed).

"Can receive your signal, Captain."

"Ready to send the beam. Also, connect me to the room where Lawrence is." Bettiville said lightly.

"Okay." Eve responded at the same time, the ship in the distance already had a golden light extending towards Biddeville. Bediville had previously used the transmitted beam to get out of the desert boat, and really did not observe his boat from this angle. Now that his sand boat has finished painting the outer shell, the special invisible coating made by Great Britain has turned the original gold boat desert boat into a low-key but glamorous icy matt silver, which looks more like the original cheesy gold. Yellow is still beautiful. However, there seems to be something missing on the ship - Bediwell thought about it and finally understood.

What it lacks is [name].

[Name] is very important. Only the possession of the name will begin to dye its proper color, and will have its true affiliation, will be called, be remembered, and eventually forgotten.

The warships of Great Britain used to paint the name of the ship on the ship and even stamped the ship's special badge. But Bettiville’s ship has nothing. The original and simple desert boat, now looks like a monotonous silver.

This is a ship that was given to Bediville after the restoration of King Arthur. It is a special gift from the King of Great Britain. It is no wonder that King of Arthur will be so angry when the werewolf youth wants the Cavaliers to name the ship.

The transmitted beam was close, and it suddenly bent a little less than a yard in front of Bediville, so it fell straight on the deck of the Paramitis, waiting for the werewolf youth to approach. Time is almost noon, but today it is cloudy. In a dark sky, suddenly such a ray of light descended from the sky, as if it was some kind of dawn in the darkness.

"The Twilight." A name naturally emerged from the minds of the werewolf youth.

"Eve, log in to the new information - this ship will be called the Twilight afterwards." He whispered.

"Login is finished, Captain Bradyville." While Eve answered, the werewolf youth was also sucked away by the golden light.

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