Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1819: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (25)

Chapter 1819 Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (25)

At the same time (?), Great Britain, Prince Kai’s mansion.

The time is about 8 o'clock in the morning, the canine boy climbed up from the bed and only felt pain in his body.

"Oh--" almost all of them are small scratches, and the most painful part of Husky's feeling is his head.

His head seemed to be knocked over by a stick, and the pain from the inside out eroded his sensory nerves in all directions, making the dog-and-boys feel that their heads are about to explode.

"Right, Hal Wang -" When he was still in a headache, he was able to think normally, the first thing he thought of was his little friend.

And Hal, lying next to another bed, is still asleep. The leopard teenager slept very quietly, and there was no painful feeling after the war, or there was no scar at all in Hal.

Haski endured the pain of the whole body (most of which was muscle soreness), climbed down from the bed, and went over to look at his little friend.

The "Haar" dog is young and young, but his voice is extraordinarily small. On the one hand, he does not want to wake his little partner, on the other hand, because his own throat is also hoarse due to thirst.

"Will you wake up?" And the dogman has a voice behind him.

"Is Harry brother?" Husky turned his head and saw the black crow standing in front of the window sill. Night Devil Harry is still here.

"Don't you go back to Uncle Merlin? Wang?" Haas asked.

"Not yet, I have to explain the things of yesterday to you before I can go. You have the right to know all this." The big crow blinked. "But this can only be known to you, please don't tell things out." Ok?"

The canine boy nodded.

The night demon also flew over Husky's shoulders, and at the same time cast a black-faced enchantment, and instantly wrapped him and the canine boy.

"So, the monster that robbed Hal's body yesterday, what is it?" The night magic Harry did not speak, and the canine boy could not wait to ask.

"The ancient god." Harry replied directly.

"Ancient God? Ancient Gods and People? Wang?"

"No. The ancient god. Infinitely close to the things of God, can escape the reincarnation of the universe, can ignore the decline of the soul, have true immortality, and have a higher level of existence than the ancient gods and humans." Harry replied: "Although yesterday That is definitely not the whole body, but I saw the ancient **** at such a close distance. I am also the first time."

"Ancient God?" Husky said: "I want to invade the body of Hal, the ancient **** is also a bad person."

"They have no good or bad ideas, and your morality can't restrain the ancient gods. They exist forever, exist before the universe, before all time and space exist, and they are moody and unpredictable." Harry Said: "The ancient gods have no interest in everything in this world, but some people in this world are interested in the ancient gods, trying to resurrect the ancient gods."

"For example, the ancient gods and people? Wang?"

"They are one of them." Nightmare said: "I shouldn't have told you too much as a monitor, but you are already involved, and you are just a child. I can tell you it.

The ancient gods and humans were destroyed, or they were facing destruction.

They entered the new universe from the ruined old universe, escaped, the destruction of physical nature, but could not escape spiritual destruction. A long time ago, [the decline of the soul] spread within the ancient gods. This is a kind of death without warning, they will suddenly fall to the ground and can no longer climb.

In order to avoid [the decline of the soul], the ancient gods and humans thought of countless methods. Some people study the darkness and try to find light from the darkness; others study the spirit, study the essence of the soul, and try to turn themselves into similar things; but they all fail, and no plan is truly successful. . In order to avoid [the decline of the soul], there is almost no other way than to use a special means to freeze and seal together with consciousness. But storing itself is equivalent to stopping the time of living, but it is by no means a way to save yourself.

Therefore, some of the ancient gods and gods, and the ancient gods set a contract. They believe that as long as enough sacrifices are given to the ancient gods, the ancient gods will bring them real immortality, and let them be exempted from the suffering of [the decay of the soul].

do you understand? All of this is a ritual. Human beings are sacrifices, orcs are performers, demons are monitors, and ancient gods are the ultimate beneficiaries.

When the souls of all human beings in the area are harvested and turned into quantum forms and dedicated to the ancient gods, the ancient gods and humans will return to the earth and re-rule the planet. By then, whether you are an orc or our demon, will be their slave again. " "Halski doesn't want to be their slave Wang." The canine boy trembled.

"And you are the [special point] of this plan. You will be the key to everything." The more blurred Harry's voice is: "They will try to induce you and awaken the ancient gods. But you must never give up. Don't give up on yourself." Don't give up the world. Otherwise everything will be finished -"

The sound of the night magic is so blurred that it can’t be heard clearly.

"Harry brother Harry brother?" The canine boy continued to call in the darkness, but the existence of the other side seemed to be getting farther and farther away. The big crow, which should have been on the shoulders of Husky, had turned into a dark, almost black curtain. The darkness of the enchantment merges into one.

"What should Husky do?" The canine boy asked for the last time.

"Wow!!" But he didn't get the answer, but he woke up from the bed.

Everything just was a dream?

Husky, who just woke up, hurriedly turned to look out the window sill. Sure enough, the night magic Harry is not there at all, the big crow has long disappeared, it is estimated to be back to Merlin Prime Minister.

Just a dream? Everything in the dream, the canine boy can only remember vaguely. But all this feeling is so real, I heard Husky out of a cold sweat.

Human beings will become sacrifices, sacrificed to the ancient gods, and become a stepping stone for the resurrection of the ancient gods. Just thinking about this, Husky felt infinitely uneasy. He turned his head and looked at the little Hal, who was sleeping in another bed. The leopard boy who was almost invaded by the ancient **** last night, now sleeps very sweetly.

The "Haar" canine boy breathed a sigh of relief and walked pitifully to gently grab the hand of the leopard.

"Husky?" Who is whispering outside, seems to want to call the canine boy out, but does not want to wake up the leopard.

"Is it a black cat sister?" The canine boy went out from the room and saw the golden girl Charlotte, who was waiting outside the room.

"Is everything ok?" After Charlotte and other Husky came out, they began to ask nervously: "After you were swallowed up by the black sphere space, no one knows what happened. You don't seem to be too Serious trauma, but Xiaohar has been sleeping. Harry is not willing to say anything. So in the black sphere space, what happened to him?"

"Ancient--" Husky just wanted to answer, but he vaguely remembered that he had promised to spend the night of magic Harry. If he didn't say it, he changed his voice instantly: "No, no birth."

"Nothing has ever been born?" Charlotte said. "You have completely disappeared after entering the black sphere space. After more than an hour, it appeared in another part of the forest. The search team has been looking for you for a long time. Fortunately, it’s just a false alarm. Are you sure that you haven’t really had anything in that sphere?”

"No, no Wang" Husky tried to make a natural expression. "The sphere is probably a portal, and it moves people from one place to another."

"But the gray-grey giant's monster has completely disappeared. Has it escaped or was wiped out by Harry?" Charlotte asked again.

"That's not clear about Wang." Husky replied casually: "I'm afraid only Harry knows Wang."

When it comes to this, Charlotte can't continue to pursue it. She sighed long and sighed: "Hey, how can everyone be irresponsible? When he needs a comet, he is not there. Even the guy in Harry ran away without saying a word."

"Who is gone?" A voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

"Uncle Uncle Wang!" One day, after seeing the Stars of the Stars, Husky could not help but scream.

"You are finally back. Do you know what happened to you last night?" Charlotte looked angry at the Xinghui Dragon.

"Sorry, sorry, I had the promise to be honored yesterday. I really can't get away." A starry golden armor and a young boy like the Stars of the Stars come to Charlotte and Husky: "Overview, I just got from Kai. The fascinating idiot got it. What's wrong, I didn't entrust the two little devils to take care of you? Are you there, and even the guy in Harry, can you still have any uncontrollable events?"

"Things have not yet reached an uncontrollable level. The children have not suffered any serious harm." Charlotte said with anger, "But I don't know what happened to Harry last night. He is not willing to take it yesterday. The evening event was reported to us and left without a word."

"Cut, the guy can't rely on it from the beginning, what do you expect from him." Once he talked about the night magic Harry, the Xinghui Dragon always looked disdainful: "I don't die if he is dead. As long as the two little devils are safe and sound." Isn't it alright?"

"This" Charlotte is speechless.

"So," the comet stuffed a golden dragon scale to Husky. "Give this to you first, then take a wind with me, kid?"

"Cave a ride?" Husky groaned and asked curiously.

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