Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1821: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (27)

Chapter 1821 Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (27)

Thousands of miles of snow drifting, thousands of miles frozen.

The plains of Western Siberia, still blowing a vicious snow today, the whole world is covered in silver and white, and is ruled by the bitter cold. When the wall of the world becomes transparent and the dark continent regains its light, this piece of barren land is still desolate; when the dark area has been renamed as the Twilight region, Wanmu begins to grow on fertile land, only this The tundra is still silent.

Nature is not unfair. Not also. Only this place has always been like this.

This land continues its tens of thousands, hundreds of millions of years of tradition - insisting on maintaining its noble and glamorous, with the cold of snow and ice, with harsh tests, rejecting outsiders. Only the most powerful will, the toughest race of life, can survive in this silver land. Only the races that have survived in this world's worst environment are qualified to be in the world and to be proud of everything in the world.

Of course, it’s just [alone]. Two races that once lived on the plains of Western Siberia, one is the descendant of the **** of snow, the fighting nation, the Belarusian (white bear); the other is the nation that is resistant to cold and hunger, and is unyielding. Eskimo (Wolfman). These two clans did not lose to nature, but lost to people. The battle between the orc clan has brought these two peace-loving clan to the crisis of the genocide. A small number of surviving ethnic groups left the hard-to-find silver country and were semi-protected to move to Western Europe.

Therefore, this snowfield has become a veritable deadland, no more residents and villages, only a ridiculous, and endless wilderness. The wind and the snow are floating, everything is silent, the world is dead, and there is only one flaw.

In this silvery world, there is a shadow that stands out.

A golden shadow in the snow, scratching the gray sky stained by snowflakes, flying over the snowfields of Western Siberia. It does not fly straight, occasionally around a detour, because this gold shadow did not know where its destination is, the guide is entirely dependent on the canine boy.

The canine boy Husky, sitting on the dragon's back, was able to find a variety of landmarks that could be used for recognizing in the snow of the sky while resisting the cold of the Western Siberian snowfield. Not only is the heavy snow blocking the sight of Husky, but the scenery of the Western Siberian snowfield has also changed with the passage of time. Hawthorn Peak, the banks of the valley, all of them have been in the past few years, even Husky feels incomprehensible.

Husky trembled coldly as he struggled to identify the signpost. He didn't expect Uncle Comet to be so anxious, and suddenly he would look at the Bazaar's treasure room. If the canine boy knows that Xinghui Long will do this, he should wear a few more thick clothes before going out. Nowadays, he can only squat on the dragon's back and seek warmth from the body temperature of the dragon, so that he will not let the shirt thin and he freeze.

"Oh," Husky breathed a sigh of relief: "Before, the mountain in front."

"Is it finally found the way?" In the snowy mountains of the barren hills, the patience of the comet was almost wiped out: "How should I go after the mountain?"

"There should be a deep valley behind the mountain to be against Wang." Husky continued to say: "Go along the end of the deep valley and keep going north."

"Good. Endure, just come, wait a minute, I will give you a fire." The star slaps its wings and speeds up the flight.

Xinghui Longfei crossed the hills, and after the hills, as Husky described, there is a deep valley. The deep valley slanted from south to north into a huge mouth. It flew deep and was very wide.

The comet then lowered the height of the flight, landed in the deep valley, and headed north. There seems to be a river below the deep valley. The comet can hear the sound of the water. The depths of the deep valley are covered with darkness and ice fog, and the reflection of the river cannot be seen. The cold winds of Western Siberia are generally cold winds from north to south, and they come from the Arctic to the cold. But this slightly twisted deep valley itself has the ability to block the cold wind. Although it is a valley extending from north to south, it has a slope. It seems that it has blocked a lot of cold during the process of the nine bends and eighteen bends. The north wind. Husky’s hometown was built in such a hidden and mysterious place, which made the comet open its eyes.

As a result, Xinghuilong flew about 10 kilometers along the river valley, and the valley gradually opened up and became brighter. The comet can see a large river in the middle of the valley. The big river does not occupy the entire valley, and there are some flat sand dunes on both sides of the valley. In the far distance, a ruin similar to the village, also reflected in the eyes of comets and Husky.

"Is there?" Xinghui Long could not help but curiously ask. Comet has been psychologically prepared before coming, knowing that Husky’s home has been abandoned for a long time, but he really does not know that it is such a dilapidated desert village.

"Well, there is the village of Husky’s old Baashak or the remains of the village." The canine boy still replied, but the embarrassment was not just because of the cold.

The remains of the villages of the Basaks.

Before encountering a canine boy and a teenager, the comet did not even know the existence of this Baashak. It is estimated that the vast majority of people in the world are not aware of the existence of this mysterious canine family. It is no wonder that this race is hidden in such a remote and isolated place, living in a low-key and secret way, and how can the world know about their existence when they want to sever the contact with the outside world.

From this deserted village, Husky may even be the only surviving Bashak in the world. God knows what kind of treasures can be hidden in a small village in the North.

Hey. Xinghui Long landed on the edge of the village's remains. The dragon's landing raised a burst of snow and ice fog, making the surrounding area more foggy. The remains of the entire village were covered with snow faintly - although the village itself was protected by the valley, too much violent snow could blow it.

Time can bury everything.

"Hey--" The comet puts Husky on his back and turns it into a human juvenile. At the same time, he also picks up a low-temperature flame ball in his hand that only has the right temperature but does not ignite things. To Husky: "Hold the warm body."

Husky, who was getting cold, seemed to have caught the straw and hugged the fireball. He even took out his photon dagger in the other hand, adjusting the dagger to the lowest output, and letting the heat from the lightsaber become a source of heat. Husky wants to get as much warmth as possible so that he can freeze his puppy paws back.

At the same time that the canine boy was numb, he still needed rest and recovery. The comet also looked around and observed the remains of the village.

The situation can only be described as horrible. The villages of the Basaks are not small. There should be about 100 village houses here. From the perspective of their size and structure, some of them are relatively more impressive. These rooms, made up of solid stones and wood, were built to be very stable, even without fear of the cold and cold winds of Western Siberia. But I don't know how, these sturdy houses seem to have been overturned by some powerful natural force overnight, or destroyed by some fierce behemoth, they have become sloppy. Even most of the houses appeared to be overturned, and the house was torn into two halves.

"What happened here?" So the comet asked curiously.

"It's a monster." Husky whispered: "Husky was still small at the time, and he couldn't remember Wang. But it seems that there is a big monster with a fire that ruined the village of Husky. Dad and Mommy were originally guests in the village. They knocked back the big monster, but they finally saved from the disaster in the village. Only Husky had a king."

"Is it yours?" Xinghui Long looked at the canine boy with amazement.

"Don't say that, Husky took Uncle Xingxing to the treasure room. Wang." The canine boy took the word and walked in front.

"Hey." Xinghui Long then snorted and followed Husky. I saw the canine boy walked to the largest village in the village ruins and dug a few times in the snow of the ruins.

He found a switch from the dilapidated stone floor, pulled it, and the hidden organs in the floor acted. The dark passage under the stone floor slowly opens, shaking off a lot of snow, leaving traces of white flowers on the ancient stone steps that extend downward.

"The road is very slippery, Uncle Uncle is careful to point to Wang." Husky said, and then walked down the wall that touched the dark passage.

"Oh." Xinghui Long made a deep exclamation, followed by Husky and entered the ancient underground dark passage. A group of isolated dogs have hidden this kind of dark passage in the ground, and the workmanship is quite clever. I really don't know the resources and technology that these canines have come from, and build such a clever institution.

This ancient stone channel has been extended to the bottom of the earth, and the comet has been calculated from the number of steps, and it is estimated that they are already a hundred feet away from the surface. At first, the dark passage seemed to be an artificially excavated, slightly rough tunnel, but as it went deeper into the ground, it became more and more delicate. Even the stone steps on the ground became angular and polished, and the stone steps were originally created. Even the anti-slip metal strips were added to the edges of the steps, and the cut skins were also laid on the stepped surfaces. The wall is attached with the mysterious glowing moss, letting the world of the earth gradually light up. The fire in the hands of Husky was originally the only light source that illuminates the dark tunnel, and this light source is gradually replaced by the glowing moss on the wall. It was even completely covered up by that kind of bio-fluorescence.

"Go to Wang." Husky said, pointing far away to a large hollow in the depths of the ground, and the faint gate at the end of the void.

It has a completely different atmosphere from the dilapidated villages and the artificially excavated underground stone steps. The thick steel gates have an extraordinary sense of super technology.

In the center of the thick iron gate that feels very high-tech is surrounded by numerous hydraulic valves, it is a string of clear characters extruded by steel stamping technology:

[nirvana] - Nirvana.

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