Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1831: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (37)

Chapter 1831 Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (37)

"A big pyramid." The great Lawrence, who had experienced many excavations, saw the part of the pyramid that was exposed to the ground. He began to marvel: "There is only a dozen of the tops. If it is a standard pyramid, it is a regular ten-story. Structure, how big is the bottom of this ghost thing?"

"Is not a standard structure, we don't know." Sir Zuster replied, "This is the grave of the first Pharaoh, and in theory the first pyramid in the world. The original technique of building pyramids in Egypt has not been completely stable. There is no hard rule to make it look like it. No one knows what the pyramid looks like. We only know that this grave has been buried under the ground for a long time. The bottom layer here. Reinforced by special techniques, it is harder than steel. It is unwise to excavate from the outside of this pyramid."

"So we have to go from inside the pyramid?" Biddier frowned and asked: "I thought you were going to dig the ground. Did the magical figures with the sonic blasting function come out, all of them have no use? "

"Don't prematurely conclude, Mr. Bedieville." Academician Zuster smiled lightly, and in the distance, the technicians also found a hidden organ at the top of the pyramid, opening the entrance to the top: "Let's go Let me explain it to you in detail when I encounter something on the road."

Bediville was dissatisfied with the attitude of the other party who was unwilling to reveal the information clearly. But he turned to think, maybe the situation is really complicated, and it is very troublesome to explain? So he didn't ask much, he jumped from the entrance at the top of the pyramid and joined the group of researchers.

This is just the first layer at the top of the pyramid, but the space here is unusually large. Perhaps the pyramid itself is a closed structure, using the technique of subspace to supplement the normal space, expanding the normal space several times or even tens of times. This kind of technology is not uncommon. It is generally used in some confined spaces. Even Betwell’s desert boat dawn seems to use similar technology. The internal space is bigger than the outside. many.

If this is the case, the tomb of the first Pharaoh King Menis is estimated to be amazingly large, and the more you go down, the bigger it is.

Bediville can be seen from the exquisite carvings on the ceiling wall of this floor. This ancient tomb is unimaginable except for the big ones: the scholars of the Melson Brotherhood are carrying portable lights and the purity of their lanterns. Bright white light hits the ceiling on the floor, and it immediately transforms countless golden light reflections. There are countless gold-painted murals, and the murals are mixed with a lot of Egyptian texts that Bediville can't understand, maybe even It is a magical spell.

Imagine a golden eagle on the corner of a large room with hundreds of square feet. Although the amount of gold used in sheet metal is not too large, the number of carvings is too much. After they are all put on gold, the total amount of gold consumed will be huge!

Surprised to be surprised, things to do still have to do. Bedyville looked around and tried to find a way out of this big room. He soon appeared to have a door all around, and seemed to be able to go out.

"What to do? Do you want to split up?" Biddyville asked.

"No - here." Academician Zuster pointed to a doorway in the far left of Bediville.

The Werewolf youth just wanted to ask why the people of the Melson Brotherhood would be so convinced of which way to go, but he quickly got the answer: the other three doors were filled with flowers and tablets similar to those used to commemorate the deceased. Needless to say, these doors are probably fatal organs, and some people will die when they open the door. The people of the Melson Brotherhood should have explored this ancient tomb before, and the way to go in front of this small section is the answer of the fraternity's life.

"Hah, is it really an ancient tomb?" The young wolf man tried to bravely swear: "My nose can smell the danger, but it can help you explore the road."

"No, I am going to take the lead. You can protect the academician Zuster." However, Cosmo Eric replied, manipulating his floating wheelchair and taking a few scholars to the front. At this moment, seven floating shields were separated from the back of his wheelchair and floated in midair. Needless to say, these floating shields are of course manipulated by the brainwaves of Little Lawrence (Eric). It is because of the need to manipulate so many shields to do the **** work, which consumes a lot of concentration, so Eric is not willing to walk with his legs.

"Let's go, too." Bettiville also said that all the weapons in his hands were also drawn. The Luna steel scimitar he held in his right hand has almost no help for the defense, but in an emergency, at least he can use a knife to block the arrowhead weapon that flies in the face. The tungsten tortoise whip that he used to use in his left hand has turned around him into a ring array. Although the operating principle is unknown, this electrostatic ring array is still a very reliable means of protection, and has previously saved Biddiville many times. This time, in addition to protecting himself with the ring array, Bediville also surrounded the Great Lawrence and the academician Zuster. The ring array consisting of whip is very large, and it is more than enough to protect three people. It is only necessary to protect three people at the same time. The ring array needs to be distracted, and the loopholes will be larger.

After pushing the door open, the front is a long corridor, and the two sides are empty, there is no door to enter and exit. At the end of the corridor is the downward staircase. This peculiar design seems to have been arranged by the original designers of the pyramid, which seems to be a corridor for "welcome visitors." The corridors need not be said, and they must be full of deadly organs. The designer of the pyramid seems to say to the people who came to the tomb that you are absolutely unable to enter this great tomb, and you will die in this empty corridor.

"Oh." Looking at the trap of such an explicit body, Bedieville could not help but snorted. He wondered what fatal organs would be waiting for him to dismantle.

Following the group of scholars led by Chris Eric, Bediville and other three also entered the corridor. The first ten yards of the code can be regarded as calm and calm, without touching any organs. However, when the last big Lawrence was just ten yards from the door, the door behind them suddenly closed.

"Come on, be careful." Bettiville knew that there was a scam, and immediately reminded everyone.

Hey! ! - Like a rainstorm, the poison arrow immediately shoots out from every corner of the entire corridor and hits the people present!

Hey! ! In front, Eric manipulated the floating shield to quickly and meticulously block the poison arrows that came from every corner. Even the dripping water did not leak the underground arrows, and it also guaranteed the safety of the five scholars behind him. He couldn't fully take care of the place, and there were two guards holding shields and waving swords to block the protection. It looks good for the time being!

The electrostatic protection ring made up of the tungsten tortoise whip on the side of Bediville is also madly twisted like a floating mad snake, and the poison arrows shot from all directions are bounced off!

Boom! Occasionally, a poisonous arrow became a fish that slipped through the net. Bedyville also waved a scimitar block with a quick eye, and hit the arrow before the poison arrow hit the big Lawrence!

"Hey." Grand Lawrence swallowed a sip. "Thank you boss."

"Don't stand still! Don't you know how to protect yourself?!" Biddyville angered.

"Oh!" The idiot took the scimitar from his waist at this time, and the other hand ignited his fireball called the "Fire of the Curse." Bedyville can understand the purpose of the machete, but he can't always understand the significance of Lawrence's summoning the fire of the spell in this case. However, he did not have time to ask more, because Lawrence could at least protect himself from the rain, and the other academician Zuster did not seem to have any fighting power. At this moment, even a weapon could not be taken out. It seems that Really a harmless scholar!

Hey! It seems as if the academician Zuster has no fighting power, or is it just the illusion of Bediville. The arrow rain seems to be more intensive on the side of the academician? Fortunately, the electrostatic protection ring of the tungsten tortoise whip is completely automatic. Without the control of Biddiville, it can automatically defend against the dangers around. The werewolf youth has almost no need to exercise too much heart for the academician Zuster. Two scimitars to block the poison arrows that are not blocked by the protective ring array are enough to protect the people around them.

"Well," he also knows that it is not the way to continue this way, and the arrow rain around it seems to be more dense. The best way to survive from this deadly institution is to leave this corridor as soon as possible!

"Come on! Go to the end of the corridor!" Buddyville shouted.

He could see that the group of people led by Chris Eric was already moving towards the end of the corridor, and had already walked through the corridors and would soon be able to leave this dangerous area. Bediville then marched forward with the great Lawrence and Sir Zuster, and the heavy rain of the poisonous arrows marched.

"The front is a dead end!" The strategist Eric, who was at the forefront, shouted: "The road is blocked!"

"Ready to release the demons for excavation!" The academician shouted at the end of the corridor, which was tightly locked by the steel gate.

Several scholars in the previous team originally took advantage of the spherical magical figures that were as big as the human head, and under the orders of the academicians, they released the three magical images.

In the intensive arrow rain, three goths with high-frequency sound waves moved to the steel gate and placed an inverted triangle in the air.

Academician Zuster took out the remote control from his arms: "Prepare to charge, three, two, one - shoot!!"

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