Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1843: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (47)

Chapter 1843 Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (Forty Seven)

At the same time (?), somewhere in Africa, among the pyramids of the first Pharaoh King Nice.

"Wow." Just down the stairs and into the lower level of the pyramid, Lawrence immediately gave a very funny sigh.

Bedyville did not go to the spit. Lawrence’s sighs are also a cause. The scene before them has gone beyond common sense, and even Bedieville did not expect it beforehand.

The room in front of them was simply exaggerated. Originally, the ceiling of this ancient tomb has a rune that will give off the magic of shimmering. Even if there is no other lighting system, it should be able to brighten the environment. However, Bedyville had a huge room with at least a thousand square feet in front of them. It was too big to even cover the center of the rune on the ceiling wall, so the room was very dark.

And it seems very deep. What is causing it to be "deep" in the end is still not clear. Bediville only felt that there was a mist blocking the light source from the door to the door, as if after entering the door, there was a bottomless abyss, and when it stepped in, it would fall.

"Let's take a look." Academician Zuster raised the ultra-high-brightness flashlight for lighting and found the way in front of him.

The flashlight is very bright, it penetrates the mist and directs into the space underneath the room, which seems to be a bottomless abyss, but it reflects the ripples.

This **** huge room turned out to be a lake.

and many more. An artificial lake? In the grave of Pharaoh?

This is too frivolous, right? !

"Oh, this is not ordinary water." Eric, who was quietly observing the situation, snarled.

Bediville then took a closer look at the water in the room. Under the light of a flashlight, under the thick sputum of the soup, the black water surface ignited the microwave. The black water seems to be bottomless, but it is also possible that the water is originally black, and what ingredients are inside, Biddyville does not dare to imagine.

Moreover, there seems to be something moving downstream of the surface of the water. The ripples on the water are not the result of the wind and the grass, and it is estimated that it is caused by the strange things swimming under the water.

Is that fish? In the ancient tomb of the Pharaoh, in the never-ending environment, the ancient fish that have survived for thousands of years?

However, it is not. The horrified scene emerged from the water and emerged in front of Bediville. It was the forest bones, which were the remains of some ancient marine life that had already died, but they appeared in front of people in the form of a dead spirit. The fossil fish showed a spiked white bone dorsal fin from the black water, and it was particularly horrible against the white light and thick fog.

"Is that the dead spirit?" Biddyville said, "Is it still a ugly gothic look?"

"It's possible." The academician replied: "The ancient Egyptians were at the world's level in the art of making the Golem. The Necromancer is not particularly different from the Golem."

"Hey?" Hearing Biddiville was a fog.

Seeing the ignorance of Bediville, the priest Eric frowned and explained: "The so-called [death] that you are talking about is actually a technique that injects the core of the commanded photon into the body and lets them move. For example, it is directly loaded with a carrier that commands the photon core, put it into a well-made body, and let it move. The two are also driven by a photon core."

"This is the first time I heard that," said Bediwell.

"More correctly, the technique of making a photon core is close to a spell, not a magic. The curse is very popular in ancient Egypt, and the ancient Egyptians were best at enclosing a certain kind of photon with a commanding nature." "Using the core to manipulate the Golem action." Eric continued, during which his eyes glanced at his older brother Lawrence, though it was just a glimpse: "The Egyptians did not know how to manipulate a large number of demons. Artificial labor, so there is enough labor to build a super-large building like a pyramid. Of course, some fine parts - such as the magic runes inscribed on the wall, still need people to do it. The gos are too stupid, do not Come."

"Oh." Bedieville snorted and counted as an answer. Long experience. But whether it’s a dead spirit or a golem, the bone fish that swims in the pool of black water in front of them is still very dangerous. Obviously they were originally ordered by the builders of this pyramid to kill all the people who tried to pass it.

It is a very irrational act to swim through this large artificial lake by hand. What's more, Bediville was originally a dry duck.

"I believe that you have the equipment to cross the lake?" So Bediville turned to ask the academician Zuster: "I will explain it to you first. I can't swim, and it is the kind that will drown when it gets wet." And there seems to be a lot of monsters in this **** black water, and I don't plan to fight them in the water."

"The equipment of the crossing lake is available. Before the excavation team comes, it will always prepare the corresponding equipment for various situations." Zuster said: "I don't know if I can support the monsters in the water."

Then there were several scholars behind him who took out a wonderful rucksack-like object from the pocket of the object. After they were spread on the ground and began to be inflated, Bediville knew that it was originally an inflatable rubber boat.

"Ah, let's take a balloon, it's fun." Biddyville sarcastically said: "Then I can only sincerely wish that these balloons will not be pierced by the bones of those monsters in the middle of the crossing."

"This is a special high-toughness reinforced rubber that can't be cut with a knife." One of the scholars shouted. However, he was obviously afraid of Bedieville and did not dare to speak out loud in front of the werewolf youth.

"Hui" Biddiville used to squeeze a few rubber boats. The rubber boat's rubber is indeed very solid. Biddiville took out the dagger and cut it a few times and even tied it a few times. The rubber is not only flexible enough to cover the cutting and piercing, but also deformed along with the blade, relying on the special strengthening rubber itself. The elastic deformation compensates for the strength of the blade puncture.

In general, the rubber boat looks really strong. Whether it can resist the attack of bone fish in the water that does not know whether it is a dead spirit or a golem is an unknown number. But since Bettiville they don't have a better way to cross the lake, he can only rely on these rubber boats that don't know how to rely on them.

"If you are so scared, I can cross the lake alone, and then send you over with the conveyor." Coach Eric told Bedyville. The tone of the words did not bring any ridicule, but Bettiville was a dry duck and always felt that Eric was mocking him.

"No. The transmitter is not the only two left, just keep it. Maybe the following layers of organ traps will be more dangerous." Bedieville said with no anger.

"If you insist." Eric did not speak. Anyway, the least worried of the people here is him. The strategist does not even need to rely on these rubber boats to cross the lake. The wheelchair he is sitting on is originally floating, and can be directly suspended in the water and flew over. In fact, when everyone is sitting on a rubber boat and it is inconvenient to move, only Erik's floating shield can guarantee the safety of the excavation team.

The premise is of course that the monsters in the water did not sink the rubber boat.

Hey la la la la la. Researchers have thrown the rubber boats down and let them float on the water's edge. There was a bad passage from the edge of the room. If the scholars were holding the ropes of the rubber boat with their hands, maybe the rubber boats would drift away before they went on.

Bedyville also carefully jumped down and landed on the rubber boat. In fact, this thing is not as bad as the Werewolf youth imagined. The part that touches the water surface is almost inflated, and only the next circle is a bucket-shaped guardrail that is enclosed after inflation.

Designed for outdoor rafting adventures, the dinghy is thickened with reinforced rubber at the bottom, and the thick and hard rubber boat bottom can even stand on it and feel no sway. This design not only makes the rubber boat itself more stable during the voyage, but also prevents the air from leaking from the various possible sharp rock scratches on the underside of the water.

"It’s not as bad as I thought." Grand Lawrence also jumped onto the rubber boat and landed next to Bedyville. This guy even deliberately swayed the rubber boat, as if to scare the already obsessive Bedieville.

"Don't make trouble." The Werewolf youth then whitened Lawrence with a glance.

"Hey." Lawrence then honestly sat cross-legged, but still looked smirked, and Biddeville wanted to kill his heart.

The young werewolf grabbed the armrests on the edge of the dinghy and unfolded the electromagnetic protection ring of the tungsten tortoise whip. Although he is not sure whether the electromagnetic protection ring can defend against attacks from the surface of the water, but for the time being there is no other defense means, the protection ring is better than nothing.

"So, let's go." Celebrity Eric, who was sitting on a floating wheelchair and floating on the water, took a look at Bedyville and Lawrence, and his face passed a very subtle look, but it was fleeting. The floating shields that he released have already become large-scale shield wars, all patrolling around three rubber boats, but this shield can only defend against attacks from the side, from the bottom of the water, especially from under the bottom of the ship. Attack, it is estimated that there is no way to defend.

"I hope that those bone fish will not sink the boat." Academician Zuster also said, sitting beside Bediville, as if Betdyville could provide him with a certain degree of protection.

The rumble of the rumble. Along with the small motor-driven propeller rotation, the three rubber boats slowly moved across the lake about a hundred yards away with a minimum of noise. Scholars believe that this speed and noise can avoid as much as possible the things that stimulate the underwater, but Bedieville is not optimistic.

The Werewolf youth seems to be able to feel that in the misty fog and the unknown black water, what is peeping at them.

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