Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1851: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (55)

Chapter 1851 耀世之之日轮(五五五)

The deadly explosion aperture is on the verge of pressing, almost to the face of Bediville!

The distance of the attack was close, and Biddiville had almost no way to dodge. If the attack was hit, even the burning fire could not stop it. If the fire was saved, Bediville would soon be taken by the thousands and hundreds of Small insect attack with a bayonet!

"Not yet!!" However, the tungsten tortoise whip in Bediville's hands has already been thrown out. The werewolf youth did not even think about dodging. He intends to use the whip to force the opponent's attack to block it!

The apex of the apex at the end of the whip instantly sticks to the aperture, which drives the aperture to fly together! Beddyville was very close to the opponent at this time. It was unrealistic to force the open aperture to open. He then manipulated the whip and directly pulled back the explosive aperture stuck at the end of the whip and let it blow up in the sun. The face of the worm!

lb! ! Aperture explosion, numerous photon fragments scattered out, hitting the square! Bedyville has a body of fire, and the killing power of photon fragments can be ignored. Instead, it is a sun-worm with a heavy carapace. The face has an explosion of aperture, and at the same time it is covered by scattered debris. Its outer shell is It has become tattered! The point is that the photon's explosion has been smashed, and the sun worm has suffered a lot of impact. It simply stands still, and the squat lower body begins to twist backwards, and it also falls backwards!

Bedyville had already taken the opportunity to fall on the sun worm's chest. He stood in front of the hard shell of the chest that was smashed by the previous explosion. He lifted the golden tweezers with a golden tweezers and mad towards the huge monster. Rotating gold ring, stab it! !

The dagger at the end of the tungsten tortoise whip hit the sun **** of the sun god!

No, it's not so much [hit], it's better to say [integration]. The vertebral dagger at the end of the whip originally contained fragments of golden gems. At this moment, it is not only as simple as hitting the Japanese wheel. The fragments of the golden gems are close to being attracted by the sun wheel. The two are close together and have strong Attractive to make them glue to each other! As a result, the tungsten tortoise whip is like a rifle passing through the ring directly from the sun god's daylight!

Bedyville can also clearly see a golden light detaching from the sacral dagger, and a golden ring with warm white light. It is self-healing!

The crazy sun-roofing sun **** began to slow down the speed of rotation, and the satellite-like ball flying around it also stopped flying, and finally attracted to the outside of the gold ring like a magnet, forming an orderly and tight ball. Array.

The sun god's sun wheel stopped working.

With the cessation of the sun, the sun worms gradually gave up resistance in a violent convulsion. As the frequency of twitching decays rapidly, the light on it is rapidly diminishing, and its outer shell changes from a bright black to a grayish-like color. This huge monster is really a kind of magic, its power source is the sun **** of the sun. Just cut off this source of power, it will shut down completely!

"Call, finally" Bedieville breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well?!" However, there was a golden light flashing in front of him, and the werewolf youth couldn't help but scream, and in the panic he wanted to pull his hand back.

It is too late. The sun god's day wheel takes only half a second from pause to reverse rotation. Within half a second, it rotates in the opposite direction, and as if it was automatically adsorbed, it flies upwards along the tungsten tortoise whip, and it flies upwards toward Bediville's arm!

"Wait, what?!" Biddiville hadn't had time to react. The sun god's sun has fallen on Bettiville's arm. It turned into an armband-like thing, tightly hooped. Lived in Bediville's left arm and fixed it in his armpit about three inches!

"Hey!" Biddyville, who was shocked by the big hand, tried to kneel down the armband, but it was very tight, and the werewolf youth could not move!

At that moment, Bediwell even felt the heat that almost burned his arm. But wait, his left arm is originally a prosthetic limb. It is a fake hand made of special Mithril memory alloy. It has no pain, and it can't feel hot and cold! ?

Is this illusion? It is not a real heat, but something like a telepathy that directly conveys [feeling] into the human brain and affects the sensory feelings of people. Even if Bettiville's arm is just a prosthetic limb, the sensory feeling of this arm being burned and rotten still exists!

Not only that, but Bedieville can feel a lot of information coming into his mind, despite the large amount of information and special encryption and compression, Bedieville can not understand their meaning. But there are some images that can be directly understood, which are in front of Bediville, and let him see some pictures that are just like watching flowers!

[The emperor, on the occasion of the age, in order to live forever, do everything and search the world. ]

[The emperor, who found himself thinking of bringing eternal things, but perceives the hidden darkness, a conspiracy that has already been set. ]

[The emperor sealed the darkness in the midst of horror, trying to delay the inevitable demise. ]

[But everyone knows that one day, the forces that are sleeping in the dark abyss will completely wake up. ]

[They will summon the ancient gods and sacrifice humans as tributes, and then they will get the secret of true eternal life from the ancient gods. ]

[And humanity will perish. ]

[So, stop it all in any case! ]

[The sun, can't fall into the hands of the wicked! ]

[The fateful person. ]

[Are you the one who made this all re-turn, or the one that made it all end? ]

"Hey!" Biddyville groaned, and he felt his head was like an explosion. It was a lot of information he couldn't understand, and the result of forcing into his mind.

Blood rushed out of Beddwell's wolf nose, and he even felt that part of his brain was about to be squeezed out of his nostrils.

However, the intense pain of the mind did not last long. Soon, all this stopped, and Bediville had a chance to breathe a sigh of relief at this time!

"Mr. Bedieville?" The dense fog even began to become thin, and a figure penetrated the fog and came over to find the werewolf youth.

Beddyville was half-squatting on the ground—or on the huge body of the sun bug—and turned to look. It’s not someone else who is looking for him. It’s the Eric, who is sitting in an empty wheelchair. That's right. Of course, Eric was planning to run away with Bediville, but the sun bug's tentacles stretched out and took the werewolf youth away, making Bediville forced to fight with the monster. . It was a matter of course that the Brotherhood found Beddyville to fall behind and send someone to find Bedieville. How long has it been since the battle? At least ten minutes, right?

"You came so late." The werewolf youth used the sleeves to cover up the sun god's day wheel and spit out the channel.

"Hey, late?" Celebrity Eric’s face was confusing: "It’s only been less than three minutes since you were dragged into the thick fog by the tentacle."

"Is it?" Biddiville couldn't help but wonder. The battle is over very fast, but it is certainly not the battle that ends in three minutes. But Bediwell did use the [time potion] to speed up his senses and make his world time close to [slower]. Is it time for the pharmacy to have a special role before it completely fails, accelerating the feeling of Bedieville, let him feel that there are more than ten minutes of fighting, actually only three minutes?

This is probably a mystery that will never be solved.

"Is it what you did?" Eric looked at the remains of a great guardian who had become a stone-like gray.

It is not correct to say that it is a body. It is just a magical figure. There is no difference between life and death. It just loses its source of power and stops. It becomes a pile of scrap iron that does not move. It may not even be iron, but made of other materials—Beddyville’s head has been thinking about a bunch of things that are not there. He discovered that it was still a drug that affected his mind and made his thinking overactive.

"You can say this." The Werewolf youth replied with a sigh of relief and tried to stand up. But there is actually a wound on his leg. The wound is just a random paste with a medical gel and a rough wrap with a rag. It hurts when he moves freely.

"Okay, relax, don't resist." Eric once again put his arm on Bediville's shoulder. As before, the Werewolf youth began to be lifted into the air by some mysterious force, and floated like Eric: "We will find a way to deal with your wounds in a safe place. Your face looks awful. ""

Bedyville did not answer, just "hmm" even if it was answered. He is too lazy to answer and directly let the other party drag. The fatigue after the war made him sleepy, although he would not fall to the point where he would fall asleep immediately, but let the young werewolf lazy.

"Speaking back, it’s really amazing." Eric, who had dragged Biddyville away, turned his head thoughtfully and looked at the sun bug’s body, snarling with the volume he could only hear: "In the end How did it do it?"

In Eric's view, the Werewolf youth used a mysterious stunt in three minutes after being taken away, and instantly killed this seemingly powerful monster - the fact is of course quite different from his guess.

However, there is one point that no one can deny.

On the chest of the huge worm-shaped golem, on the unusually hard and heavy worm shell, there is a huge pit that is ten feet deep and at least twenty feet in diameter. The specific shape, the specific crack, is obviously destroyed by a powerful technique from the inside out.

The werewolf youth in the fierce battle did not notice this, and it is impossible to understand the amazingness of this destructive power. Even Beddyville himself did not know how horrible the spell he used before.

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