Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1860: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (64)

Chapter 1860 Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (64)

It is reasonable to say that when the players of the Angolan team take the ball, the ball in their arms should still be in a normal "solid matter" state.

And those Bose-condensed blues can penetrate everything except ceramics, which they can penetrate solids. So, should the **** in their hands not penetrate the bodies of these guys and fall directly to the ground?

Do they have any way to make the **** that they touch with their hands become a Bose condensate? !

No, it should not be the case. Albert turned to think.

If there were any, they wouldn’t have forcibly taken the ball from Albert’s hands before. It is reasonable to say that the opponent will hit the ball, the ball will turn into a bluish state and slip away from Albert. However, in fact, when the opposing player reached out and grabbed the ball in the hands of the young tiger, Albert could clearly feel that he had a certain degree of physical contact with the other party. His hand was frozen by an inexplicable cold. It is.

There must be some institutions in this. Perhaps it is only an extremely simple method, but because it is hidden too well, Albert has not yet realized the mystery.

If you understand the organs, this magic trick can be completely cracked.

Albert squinted and looked at the opponent in the distance with suspicion. Careful observation of his opponent, and then proceed to the next step, is the most basic code of Warcraft Hunters. But I don't know when, Albert has forgotten even such a simple thing.

Layout, ready to kick off. Only the last minute and forty seconds are left.

Albert, they know very well, as the game time goes by, the ball grabs or becomes more white. This time, the Angolan team basically gave up the defense completely, and placed only a few red-skinned soldiers who were able to make plasma changes in those places where meaningless, while other players were all intensified soldiers with blue skin. This will ensure that almost all teams in Angola have the ability to launch a raid and grab the ball from the Sphinx. And the moment when the raid was successfully launched, they used the Bose condensate state to sprint and the moment of counterattack.

"It's a little bit worse! Don't let them grab the ball!" Just after the battle, the team leader Hiloma shouted.

American football has one of the most troublesome regulations. Even if the game time is completely used up, the player still has the last chance to attack. As long as the player holding the ball does not fall to the ground and does not pass the ball, he will run to the finish. After completing the touchdown, this final offense is still considered effective.

Therefore, even if the time is exhausted, as long as the ball is no longer in the hands of the Sphinx, the Sphinx still has no way to guarantee that he can win the game.

In other words, you can't relax in the end, and you can't do it without stopping the ball to the last moment.

kick off. The ball is in the hands of center Gusta, and he can already feel its huge weight. In front of Gusta is the opponent of the gaze, two of the catchers will face him at any time, as soon as Gusta passes the ball out, the moment the ball leaves his hand, his opponent will prepare Good to grab the ball. Whether the ball is passed to Hilo or passed to Redlitch is not safe, but it has to be passed, because the rules of the game are like this.

Gusta took a deep breath and seemed to be praying to a **** in the midst of it, and then doing his best, throwing the ball down on his knees like a bet!

At the moment when the ball flew out, the two opponents in front of Gusta had already rushed over. Center Gusta knows that he can't stop these guys. After all, the opponents all have a Bose condensate transformation, which can penetrate almost everything like a virtual shadow.

Almost everything except ceramics.

Boom! There is something to resist the two players in front of Gusta!


"Call." The sturdy Tiger Man Gusta grinned and let the cold spread of his chest.

"Gusta!" Even quarterback Hiloma was taken aback. Gusta's little tricks were something that Hiloma didn't know. It was completely the center of center Gusta's arbitrariness!

Before the start of the game, Gustad smashed a vase in the lounge and fixed the pieces of ceramic directly on the protector of his chest with glue.

This is just a piece of ceramic, and the effect is certainly not comparable to a special ceramic-made protective gear. However, these ceramic levels still have some effectiveness when faced with Bose condensed opponents.

The result of is that it delays the opponent's offense. The two opponents who turned into a glassy state wanted to use the shadowed transformation to penetrate Gusta's body to **** the ball from the back of the center, but unexpectedly found that they were passing Gusta's body. I have encountered great resistance!

This resistance was originally insignificant, only slowing down the speed of the opponent's passing. But the delay of less than half a second played a decisive role, allowing the ball to fall safely into the hands of Hilo, and not to be snatched away at the moment of passing!

Of course, Gusta will pay for it. The use of ceramics to slow down the opponent's speed means that Gusta is also in direct contact with the Bose condensed matter. It is a deep cold close to absolute zero, even if it is only a semi-direct contact, it will cause frostbite! Gusta's chest sticking to the ceramic fragments immediately popped up countless icicles, as if those icicles had penetrated the chest of the tiger Gusta like a sharp gun!

"Gusta! Damn!" Hilomar's hesitation lasted only a thousandth of a second. He knew that the ball in his hand was very important. Of course, it was impossible to hesitate because of that kind of thing and was caught by the opponent. When he received the ball, he threw the ball to Albert, "Run!"

"Yeah!" The tiger rushed out with the ball, and it was sparsely distributed to the depths of the enemy! He just ran two steps and immediately launched [Shen Yin]. Only one minute left, he has to pull as far as possible to win more survival opportunities for the team!

[Shen Yin] can last for a long time, even he does not know. But he now knows when Shenyin will end, so he knows how to deal with it at that moment.

One second, two seconds, three seconds. Albert continued to run, no one in the world could see him, or he felt his presence.

Four seconds, five seconds, six seconds. Albert is almost running against the boundary line of the stadium, because there are almost no enemies here, even if his [Shen Yin] is lifted, the enemy will not catch up immediately! Of course, Albert is still nervously watching the enemies in the distance, carefully monitoring the other's line of sight. Their eyes are still free. If they don't look at Albert, they say they haven't found Albert yet, and Shenyin is still starting!

Seven seconds. Probably at this moment, an opponent five yards in front of Albert suddenly turned his eyes and looked at Albert.

The tiger youth know that their [Xinyin] has expired!

This is the moment! Albert put the ball on the ground!


"The Sphinx team advances five yards! The first gear!" The referee blew the whistle and announced.

Because the number of files is updated every ten yards, the Sphinx has won another three offensive opportunities for himself!

What time is it? Albert turned to look at the scoreboard in the distance. No, time is still too much, so the attack only takes eleven seconds. The remaining time of the game is one minute and twenty-nine seconds. It’s really long.

"Mr. Gusta! Mr. Gustard!" said the cat man, Mutter, over there. At this time, Albert turned back to pay attention to the fallen center Gusta. The medical staff has already rushed over, but Gusta's situation does not seem optimistic. After all, he is also positively affected by the extremely deep cold caused by the Bose condensate.

"呜" Gusta spit blood when the medical staff removed the breastplate with countless ice thorns. He turned to look at Mutter: "The only thing I can do is that. Then you have to work hard."

Albert looked at Gusta's chest and the injury was very serious. The removed breastplate was still cold, with the flesh and blood on the chest of Gusta, and the fur on the chest of Gusta. Almost all of them are necrotic due to freezing and are stripped off. The rest can be said to be **** and fuzzy. Fortunately, he did not have real direct contact with the Bose condensed enemy. The damage he suffered was actually at least not fatal.

"You are a fat man, why don't you listen to my advice." Hilomar looked very angry: "What if the injury affects the next game?"

"I am afraid I can only find another person to replace me." Gusta smiled bitterly, and his pale face was so weak and weak: "I am sorry that I really can't stand myself." There is nothing to help there."

"Don't say it, go on!" Siloma angered, letting the medical staff quickly put Gusta off the field for first aid.

"Mr. Siloma" asked Albert.

"It’s really hard to do." Quarterback Siloma snorted gimmickly: "On a **** game, it’s a loss of the soldiers. The guys are even just outsiders, only knowing how to abuse them. American football is a sport."

"In this case, it is even more impossible for them to win." Redridge said quietly beside him.

"Yes." There was a fierce light in Captain Hilomar's eyes: "Must win this game. No. It's going to be completely beaten. Let the guys who are **** insulting American football know what kind of game is. Real game!"

"Let Elliot also come on." Hilo.

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