Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1865: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (69)

Chapter 1865 耀世之之日轮六九

The game is suspended! Seeing that Albert was seriously injured, Captain Hiloma shouted and called the medical team.

No, I can still play. Albert insisted on climbing up and saying.

What you can't do will only drag our hind legs. Redridge looked at the wound on Albert's shoulder and said faintly.

Rumble! ! At the same time, the Angolan team of purple-skinned players exploded one after another. This is the price of their ability to use that taboo.

They are all dead? Mutt looked at the fierce scene and couldn't help but whisper.

Anyway, this batch of dead light, there will be another batch of substitutes to play. Hiloma did not agree. Sure enough, there are already a group of blue-skinned intensive human soldiers on the field.

Those guys with purple skin should have really died, and there are no more purple people on the field. All the intensive soldiers of the blue skin are looking at it, fearing that they don't want to steal the Sphinx's ball in the crucial moment of the last twenty seconds or less.

The Sphinx also pushed the front line of the attack to a position about 30 yards from the bottom line of the Angolan team and will soon be able to complete the round of the round. Unfortunately, the Sphinx's tricks have gradually been touched, and all the small tricks that can be made have been seen by the opponent. If this continues, the Sphinx team is afraid of being robbed of the ball!

Let Elliott come on. After a comprehensive measurement, quarterback Hilomar frowned slightly and said.

Is it the last offense? The Jackalid Redridge confirmed to the captain again: There are still 30 yards, Eliot may not be able to finish the 30 yards?

Let Mutter assist him and wait until he is close enough to let him run. Hilomar said: When should I start running and let Elliot make his own judgment.

Ok, understand. Redlich went on to do all this and informed the players of the Second Army.

Can that Eriet really do it? Albert could not help but ask curiously.

What are you doing here? Hilomar looked at Albert, whose arm was hurt, and couldn't help but anger: What did the medical team do? Do you have time to listen to us and have no time to carry this little devil?

Once the medical team was urged, they quickly came to see Albert's injury and forced the tiger to rest on the stretcher.

and many more! But I still want to struggle with Albert, but the more his frozen shoulders are thawed over time, the more they are eroded by the pain.

You have helped us a lot, then go off the court to have a good rest and watch how we can win this game. Hilomar said indifferently.

Albert then turned his eyes to the cat boy next to him. Although he did not say anything, his intention to express it is already clear: don't let Mutter encounter danger.

I know. Siloma has a pretty face and promises seriously.

Albert was carried on a stretcher and was bandaged in the off-site lounge while observing the situation on the field. Hilomar used the previous strategy and ran to the center very strangely, and temporarily gave the quarterback position to the catman, Mutter. In this way, the smashing ball that Siloma passed out will almost only be able to catch Mute safely. Even if the opponent penetrates the wall of the Sphinx team, it will not be able to catch the irregularity in midair. Flying ball. But what should Mutter do after catching the ball is still unknown. According to Hiloma, the blind leopard boy named Eliot should have no way to run 30 yards so far. He ran very fast and his explosive power was amazing, but his legs should not be able to withstand his own over-powerful ability. After running for a while, he would start to twitch, and Eliot could not continue running.

Fifteen yards should be the limit of Elliot's running distance. Albert analyzed the situation as before. But people exist in the world, originally intended to be more extreme. If you run wild, then God knows what the blind leopard boy can do.

kick off. Hey! The ball flew out like a cannonball and it was almost at its best. Originally, everyone thought that Hilomar would send an extremely difficult change ball, relying on the changing characteristics of the ball itself to prevent opponents from stealing the ball. However, Hilomar just did the opposite and used the fast and sudden straight ball to pass the ball, so that the Angolan team did not even react, and passed the ball to the temporary quarterback position. Hands!

I have to run! The cat-man teenager called, this reminder is to the leopard teenager Eliot beside him. Because Eliot was originally a blind man, he could only use the hearing to accept the next action command. When Mutter yelled, he also ran out and ran out. He just passed the two blue shadows that came over and grabbed the ball. The blue guys whose Bose condensate changes need to use the tip of the finger to touch the ball. Other parts of the body can penetrate the object. On the contrary, they can also be penetrated by the object, even if Mutter directly hits. It doesn't matter in the past!

When Mutter ran, Elliot also naturally followed the cat boy. Eliot’s eyes are invisible, and the action relies on hearing, but because it is necessary to make up for the defects in his vision, Eliot’s hearing is particularly sensitive. He just follows the sound of the wind that Mut’s running, and he knows How do you move forward next! The cat-and-boys opened the road with the ball in front, and the leopard teenager followed the cat-man in a shadow like a shadow, ready to catch the ball that Mut passed to him!

On the way to Mutter's progress, there have been five players who have undergone a change in the condensed state of Bose. As a group of fascinating, they flocked to each other and rushed to the cat-boys! They stretched out the fascinating clutches, and they planned to take the opportunity to **** the ball from Mutter. They even planned to forcibly pull the hands of the catman and hold the ball and seize the ball in his hand!

It’s not too clear that it’s not a scope. But he knows that the Angolan team is so ruthless, even if they foul, they can always find a way to perfuse the past. If Mutter does not sneak in this way, the ball will be taken away! However, in addition to catching the ball, there is no such thing as a cat and a boy. There is no absolute penetrating power like Albert's divine, and there is no strong body that is almost immortal like Philaeus. In the crazy robbing of the other side, he is very Difficult to escape directly or face the past!

Can only break into three yards? The cat-and-boys are a little bit sloppy.

Yes, Mr. Mutter. Then give it to me. Elliot, who was behind Mutt, whispered.

Mutter is not full of confidence in the leopard boy behind him. Or maybe he is full of doubts about whether Eliot can run the rest of the road. But he knows that he will not hand over the ball to Eliot, and the Sphinx's possession will be taken away. The situation of this game will suddenly reverse and deteriorate to the point of irreparable! So he got a sigh of relief, or put the ball behind him!

The deal was close to a zero-distance handover. Although Eliot couldn't see it, he seemed to be able to feel the movement of Mutter, so he reached out early to catch the ball. This zero-distance handover has almost no gaps in the ball, so the ball is stuffed from the hands of Mute into the hands of Eliot!

Go ahead! Win this game! The shout of Captain Hilomar came from afar.

Haha, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! The blind-headed leopard teenager screamed as he ran and his figure suddenly became blurred, just as the light was torn from him, because his degree was already light!

lb! A strong tremolo roared on the court. That is the sonic boom that occurs when the object breaks through the sound!

Elliot broke through the sound! And still broke through when his ability was suppressed by the magic bracelet! If there is no suppression of the magic bracelet, what kind of horrible situation can this kid reach? !

While Albert took a sigh of relief, Eliot had already flown out like an arrow from the string, and it went through the center of the enemy! The degree of those blue illusions is very fast, but they are still fast, and they still rely on human reaction ability to cope with the changes in the game. If the opponent’s degree is far beyond their reaction, they will even react. It’s too late! Elliot is always in line from the past, but this simple straight line is fast enough to be invincible. The guards of the Angolan team can't stop it, or they can't stop it, let the blind leopard teenager break through their defense line!

La la la la la la la blaze a flame from the ground, that is the traces that Eliot sprinted and left on the ground. And this grass that was cut by the blade, this burning cut, all the way extended, arrived at the bottom line of Angola!

thump. Elliot, who barely rushed to the destination, fell down with the ball, but it was a beautiful line. At the same time, his legs collapsed. It was a near-explosive flesh-and-blood crack. It was estimated that even the leg bones were crushed together. The leopard teenager has extremely amazing leg strength, but if he uses this power, he must pay the same amazing and painful price.

Tat, touchdown! The referee who looked at the stupid eyes only blew the whistle at this time, and announced to the leopard boy lying in the pool of blood.

Time is left? Albert turned to look at the huge scoreboard in the distance.

There are zero seconds left. The hour hand on the scoreboard has long since stopped. Before Eliot fell, time was long gone. Of course, the last touchdown has nothing to do with time. As long as Eliot has not fallen, the attack will be effective.

This final sprint not only brought the decisive touchdown score to the Sphinx, but also declared the absolute defeat of the Angolan team.

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