Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1872: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (76)

Chapter 1872 耀世之之日轮(76)

With the opening of the golden gate, the endless treasures in the door poured out like tides, shining on the dark corridor.

Oh, of course. The great king, the pharaoh of the early generation, since he is such a prominent figure, his tomb will not be shabby. Even if Nice has no interest in the treasure, and is not willing to decorate his future burial chamber too much, his future generations will certainly not think so.

As a result, along with the emperor's sleep, the huge treasures that he found in his life were also piled up here as funerary objects to show his unusual identity and his status as superior.

Here, gold, silver, jewellery, finely crafted art, magical treasures, ancient artifacts, and all the treasures that Beddyville can imagine.

"Oh, make a fortune." The great Lawrence on the side walked over excitedly and touched the gold and silver jewels on the ground, looking like a ghost.

Although the treasures piled up in one place are indeed luxurious, the mysterious magic weapon in this tomb and the mysterious magic weapon that does not know the purpose are actually more - not just wealthy, these mysterious treasures are full of murderous, full of super Technology atmosphere. They are just enough to tell people that in addition to being a wealthy emperor, Pharaoh Wang Nice was also an outstanding adventurer and a brave warrior.

In the middle of this giant burial chamber, sleeping in a super-large gold coffin, it is estimated that it is Pharaoh Meinice. From the huge coffin that is at least ten feet high and ten people can't hold it, it is intentionally designed to look like this. The huge and heavy coffin itself is enough for the robbers to fail to subdue the body of the pharaoh inside the coffin. What's more, there is a giant lock on the top of the coffin. It is estimated that later generations locked them with special magic. I don't know if the correct method can't open it!

"Hey. I finally got to this place." Biddyville said, "What are you going to do next? Move the treasure here?"

"No, the treasures can't move, let them continue to sleep here," said Academician Zuster.

"Hey?!" The great Lawrence, who was rolling in the heap of gold coins, snorted dissatisfied.

"The treasures here belong to the Egyptian government. It was the Egyptian government that first revealed the existence of this tomb to the Melson Brotherhood, and the Brotherhood could find this place. However, we have also traded with the government. Some of the treasures are owned by the Egyptian government. "Academician Zuster emphasized: "You can take some, but the total value of the treasures you take can not exceed 10,000 Egyptian coins. After we go back, the Egyptian government will come over and search for it. The part that gets too much will be confiscated by the government."

Bedyville frowned. He has no interest in other treasures, but he has [the sun **** of the sun god] on his left arm. Isn't that the most precious treasure in the pyramid? If it was discovered by the Egyptian government, wouldn’t it be very troublesome?

But at the same time as Bediville thought, the secret silver prosthesis of his left arm seemed to react. Originally, it is a secret silver memory alloy that can be controlled by the brain. It is entirely possible that this prosthetic arm makes a slight deformation. It has been deformed before, and the discharge organ of Paramitis to Bediville is also stored inside the arm, so that the arm has the ability to discharge. Now it seems to have sensed Bediville's troubles, once again deformed, the part of the armband began to stretch out a layer of skin-like things, wrapped in the armband.

In this way, Bedieville's arm seems to be the normal Mithril prosthetic arm, without any special place. The sun god's sun wheel has been completely hidden inside the prosthetic limb, and it is one. Bedieville didn't know how much the Egyptian government sent the searcher, but he doubted that the other could find the armband hidden inside his prosthetic limb.

And it is very likely that no one knows the existence of [the sun **** of the sun god], but Bettiville himself thinks too much. Before the start of the excavation, the Melson Brotherhood did not mention the existence of the Japanese ship. Even the focus of the Ezek is only on the Yingqi Baozhu. If Karna did not remind Bediville at the beginning, the werewolf youth did not even know that [Japanese] was hidden in this tomb.

The process of Bedieville's getting the day wheel was only his own experience, and there was no half bystander. That is to say, no one knows that there is [the sun **** of the sun god] in this ancient tomb, and no one has seen Bediville get [the sun wheel]. If this is the case, perhaps Betdiville can perfectly smother the past and take [the sun **** of the sun god] from this ancient tomb without anyone perceiving it?

"You are willing to do this kind of thing?" Biddyville pretended to be shocked and protested: "There was a huge amount of manpower and material resources, even sacrificed some people, and lost such a high-risk excavation, but it was not For the sake of profit? What are the people of the Melson Brotherhood thinking, are you a charity?"

"The part of the cost incurred in the excavation process will be recovered." Zuster sees the werewolf youth looking at them with attention to the fools. They can't help but explain: "But the brothers will dig this time, from the very beginning. Just to prove a certain argument.""Oh?" Biddeville was the same with his brow. He is getting more and more ignorant of the fraternal nerds.

"You will know soon." Academician Zuster smiled lightly and took a golden medal from his arms: "This is a token that was borrowed from the last generation of a Pharaoh yesterday. To convince him, the Brotherhood is also It took a lot of work."

Can you open the lock of the huge golden cymbal with this? The idea that Beddyville suddenly popped up in his heart might just be taken for granted.

"I am watching. If you have anything to do, just do it." Although the heart is full of doubts, the werewolf youth did not ask for an exit, fearing to be the object of people making fun of it. So he was very clever around the circle to urge the road, and then wait and see.

"Okay, wait." Zuster actually looked for a mark from the golden plaque just now. At this time, he finally found it. He walked over the golden medal in the handle and installed it on the golden plaque. Inside the groove.

With the embedding of medals, the whole golden urn began to change. There is golden light flowing out of the lock seam, and the golden light is weaker and stronger, and more glaring.

The rumble of the rumble and rumble - the vibration was accompanied by the glare of the golden light, and the top cover of the coffin began to move, and opened itself. The shock affected the entire tomb and may even affect the entire tomb. Bediville began to worry a little about whether this kind of vibration would have some adverse effects on the pyramid, which eventually led to the massive collapse of the ancient tombs and buried them alive.

But this kind of worry is probably superfluous. Although the vibration seems to be very powerful, the reality is that this special structure of the tomb constantly turns the sound of the vibration into an echo. The echoes are constantly superimposed, and the repercussions make the sounds extremely large, so that people have the feeling that it is like a collapse.

The Bediville, who realized this, began to calm down, and most of the people present at the time were still stupid, or hugged their heads on the ground, fearing that the tomb would really collapse and squat down from the ceiling. Grand Lawrence was even more exaggerated, and he fell behind Bettyville. He seemed to think that Bediville could protect him.

Coach Eric looked at his brother's unpromising look and expressionless face. Or maybe he saw that Lawrence was not hiding behind him, but hiding behind Bettyville to seek shelter, feeling a bit uncomfortable?

"It’s a normal phenomenon to calm down. This is a normal phenomenon. The ancient tomb can hold it." Academician Zuster called and let the group of panicked scholars stop.

At this time, Bedieville was still curious about how the open coffin cover would move. After all, it looked super heavy. Unless there is some very good load-bearing authority inside to lift it up, the gold-cast giant cover is not so easy to open.

The Werewolf youth only hope that there is a certain organ that automatically removes it. Otherwise, things are likely to develop into the presence of everyone must be exhausted to remove the giant coffin cover, then it is not interesting.

Bedyville's prayers came true. The coffin cover was automatically removed, or it was folded from the middle, and after folding several times, the two sides were like a guard-like structure facing the coffin. The sides fell and the coffin opened.

At this time, although the coffin cover was opened, the coffin body was still very high, so everyone could not see the contents of the coffin.

"We scholars have always had a question." Academician Zuster said in a mysterious way: "I once had everything, and I am constantly pursuing the eternal Pharaoh King Nice. Is he really getting into the earth?" "

"Hey? Is this still asking?" Biddiville replied, of course: "I didn't say it, but Nice knows that the eternal life that I pursue is meaningless, and that true eternal life is at the expense of all mankind, so he Have you given up? Should he be dead? With a normal human life, let his life end naturally?"

"That is the outside world. But in fact there is no real and credible information that proves that Nice has died naturally due to aging." Zuster said, "His old age has never been mentioned in history, everything They are all surrounded by mystery."

Bedyville also wants to refute: "So, after a person is old, there is nothing worth mentioning -"

"However, there are clear and credible records that show that the Pharaoh King Meinice in his heyday ruled Egypt for at least three hundred years." Before the refutation of Biddyville, Academician Zuster interrupted.

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