Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1881: Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (85)

Chapter 1881 Yao Shizhi in the Japanese Ring (85)

Ten minutes later, Badiville's sand boat [Twilight].

"Well, you finally brought the little black back!" Kate said happily as he held the kitten and touched it.

"Be careful, you are too hard to break his neck." Bettiville saw Kate's rude movements and couldn't help worrying about the kitten.

"Oh, it won't be, people are so gentle, and Xiaohei is not so simple, it will be played by a bad domestic cat. The wild cat's vitality can be strong." Kate ignored Bettiville's advice and continued to Holding the kitten and throwing it away. The cat was estimated to have been used to this teenager, and he did not resist. He also screamed with a very happy look.

"Does the unique vitality of stray cats?" said the Cavaliers in an understatement.

"Okay," Segrad just finished a phone call and said, "The delivery person is ready, and the pine tree seedlings can be shipped at any time. I will go to the preparations for planting and see you later. ""

"Go and go, the detailed handover procedure will let Eve deal with it." Biddyville said.

"Understood, the captain is an adult. Now the implementation of the green plant migration agreement." The ship's artificial intelligence navigation system said.

"Well, I actually have a plant that I want to plant in your green area." Rogan, who is playing with various chemicals, picks the opportunity to pick it up.

"Oh? What to plant?" Bedieville always felt that the old man was uneasy.

"The **** leopard should have picked up the herb and is on the way back. You can ask him in detail," Rogan said.


"Hey, little Beddy" At this time, Paramidis came back, and returned with a bag of mysterious things.

"Paramitis, shouldn't you have any strange deals with Rogan?" So the Werewolf youth looked puzzled at the Leopard Warrior.

"Transaction? There is no such thing. Just pick some herbs and come back to the Master to configure the potion. The potion can sell the money, I will collect a little." Paramitis grinned and took a bag from the bag. Like a radish, the roots have a weird herb with a human face: "Rogan, this is the mandala you want. I will take it back, nothing else."

"Very good, you really have nothing to do with this kind of thing, admire and admire." Rogan took the strange face-lifting herbs from the leopard warrior.

"Do you want to grow this?" Biddyville asked.

"Can you plant an unknown number? The growth conditions of Datura grass are very special, need to be cloudy, and need to use animal blood to nourish"

"What a ghost, it is a kind of herbal medicine." Bettiville could not help but spit.

I did not expect Eve suddenly said: "The analysis is completed. The replica of the herb sample Mandolin-t721, the growth conditions have been established, and the corresponding nutrient solution is being prepared. The modulation will be completed within 24 hours."

"Sure enough." Rogan didn't seem to be too surprised, as if he had expected that things would look like this.

"Sure?" Bedyville raised his brow.

"This is the ship of the ancient gods and peoples, right?" The old master grinned. "They are all kinds of exotic herbs developed by genetically modified technology. They are all over the corner of the earth. It is estimated to be a part of their biological experiments. The growth conditions of the mandala grass are very strange. It doesn't look like the herbs that should have existed on the earth. I have long suspected that this herb is the masterpiece of the ancient gods and people. In any case, this ship can provide enough for it. The planting conditions are the best. This is our cash machine, the kind of mandala grass, it is equivalent to a lot of money rolling in. Wait."

"Interesting." King Arthur said aside.

Paramitis also said: "I thought it was another kind of mandala. It really has a lot of legends in the world. There is no one in it."

"What?" Bettiville then glanced at the big cat again.

"Nothing. Nothing. I am talking to myself." Palamidis was busy taking this topic.

"In other words, Paramitis, isn't the place where you take this herb? It's not the death canyon?" King Arthur also asked at this time: "I heard some rumors in the place, I didn't expect it to be true."

"Oh, yes, sire."

"That red light is also your masterpiece?" Cavalier further questioned.

"Red light?" Palamidis shuddered, but deliberately pretended not to understand: "Hey, it seems like this is the case, after all, when I fight with Warcraft over there, I burned a piece." cliff"

"Yes. In the border between Egypt and Sudan, you are so sensitive. Your courage is really fat." The Cavaliers deliberately did not ask, and said in an understatement: "There are no witnesses on the round trip?"

"No, squat." Paramitis blinked. "I went alone when I went. The return function of the bracelet was directly returned to the transfer room of the Great Britain battleship. No one saw it. Probably. "

"That's good." King Arthur no longer pursued it.

"It turned out to be the ghost you made." Bettiville also glanced at Paramitis.

"In fact, there is one more thing." Palamidis was embarrassed to take a thing out of the bag at this time. At first he thought that he could talk to everyone. He didn't expect him to take the item out of his pocket, and the alarm of the mechanical warehouse rang.

"Warning! Warning! A level 5 Resident Evil is detected!" Eve's voice sounded throughout the room: "Unknown wildlife in the cabin, now compulsory isolation!"

"Hey." The big cat spit out his tongue, almost wanting the white worm that was wrapped in silk in his hand and stuffed it back into the bag. That thing is as big as a fist.

"Palamidis" King Arthur looked at the looming shackles in the bag with a pale face: "Please don't tell me, this is the egg of the canyon tarantula?"

"Oh, yes, sire." The big cat replied embarrassedly.

"Why are you bringing this kind of ghost thing to my boat?!" Bedieville's face suddenly blackened: "Is it wanting to make my ship plagued?!"

"The canyon tarantula can't be tamed, it's a fierce Warcraft." Rogan also said: "If you plan to raise this thing as a pet, give up."

"No, I don't intend to tame it. I just want to isolate this spider in a safe room, and take it in the future." Paramitis said: "The spider silk is very hard and tough, almost It’s quite the same as the silk of the desert silkworm I got. If it’s energy production,"

He remembered the silk rope Rosetta had made for him. The rope is very useful as a tool for climbing, and the amount is too small. If you extend it three times, Paramitis can use that kind of thing to play more tricks, perhaps to develop more available tactics.

"No, throw it away! Destroy! Immediately!" But Beddyville was angry. He is very afraid of bugs, especially the fear of swarming spiders. It’s not because spiders are poisonous, it’s just because a large group of spiders crawling up and crawling is too disgusting.

Paramitis looked at the werewolf youth sourly: "Don't be like this, little Brady. I also endured great disgust before I got it from the spider's nest."

"This behavior was a mistake from the beginning!" Biddyville was furious: "Is your hand washed? You should wash your hands first and then disinfect. Don't touch anything on my boat before!"

Kate snickered on the side.

King Arthur smirked.

"You said that I am also very troubled." Palamidis still reluctant to lose the insects.

"What do you want this spider silk to do? Do silk? Even if you have a way to collect spider silk, you can't make good use of it?!" Biddiville asked the geology.

"Come on someone's words, maybe." Palamidis suddenly flashed the face of the gem queen Rosetta in his mind, but he changed his mind and immediately changed his face: "No, it is impossible." ""

Girls are afraid of bugs, especially spiders. Not to mention the big man of Rosetta, the rich, how can there be always time to help Paramitis deal with this little thing.

"So you will wipe it out!" Bédiville couldn't wait to say.

"呃" Paramitis is still a face of reluctance, after all, it is the insects he has worked hard to get back from the spider's nest. He made it difficult for him to hand over the things, and he was going to hand it over to Bediville and others to deal with the estimated high temperature to burn it.

However, at this time, the worm suddenly began to shake, and Bettiville’s scalp was numb.

噗通! No one waited for the reaction, and something had broken out of the insect.

"Wow, ah," Bédivil, who was shocked, shouted exaggeratedly to the refuge behind King Arthur, as if he was afraid that a small spider would climb out of the worm and jump on his face.

(King Arthur glanced at Bediville with a gloomy look.)

Although everyone thought that there would be terrible bugs running out of the insect, it was not.

"Hey?" The little thing that came out of the worms made a wonderful cry. Everyone looked at it more. It was not a spider at all, but a chick of a bird. It looked like a chicken. The color of the fluff was a special flaming.

"Ha?" Biddiville was a bit stunned. Why did the spider eggs run out of the chicken? baffling.

Then he looked at the so-called "worm" again. Although it is wrapped in spider silk, the inside of this insect is actually a bird's egg, which has an eggshell. It’s strange that this fiery red chicken didn’t break out, but broke the egg.

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