Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1886: Steel virgin (four)

Chapter 1886 Steel Virgins IV

He knew that the little shield was full of rust, and the workmanship would not be too good. If it is really a boutique, it will certainly not be placed in the corner of the armory that nobody cares about, and it will be left out.

But it does fit the current pursuit of Arthur. He wants something that is light and flexible enough to be used as a shield. This little shield is just the right choice.

Arthur, who could only rely on skill to fight, can easily evade the normal attack. It is not necessary to rely on the shield. This shield is instead a tool for Arthur to effectively counterattack. Because the attacking power of the small dagger can't be expected, and it is too easy to be resisted by the opponent's shield or armor when confronted with the opponent's front, Arthur needs the help of this little shield. The tactical principle is probably to use the small shield to block the opponent's motives, let the enemy reveal flaws, and then use a short sword to smash.

Imagine that it is true. Can you put it into practice? You have to find the answer in actual combat. Arthur picked up the little shield from the corner of the wall and rubbed it with his hand. The rust on it fell and fell a little disgusting. The thickness of the shield itself is also ok, it is completely a solid small round iron shield, the long sword stabbing sword can not pierce it. Moreover, the middle part of it is thickened, arched from the shield surface, and the thick place is just as big as Arthur's slap.

"You shouldn't really want to use this kind of waste?" Joey looked at it for a long time and finally couldn't help but ask.

"Do not look at the appearance of everything, it depends on the practical value it contains." Arthur wrapped the rust iron shield with cloth: "Is there oil? But butter is also OK, vegetable oil is OK, give me a little."

"Is it going to use oil to remove rust, Master of Aslan?"

Arthur nodded. "It’s better to get some sand for me, to be smooth."

"The oil should have the kitchen. There are dyed sands for the gypsy merchants selling sand paintings in the Brotherhood. I will ask them for some." Joey said.

"Very good, I am waiting for you in my room. I will go back quickly." Arthur urged.

An hour later, Arthur sat at the table and polished a small shield of refined vegetable oil with fine sand. The part of the surface of the small shield that has rust is soaked by oil and becomes more likely to fall off. It is more quickly falling into pieces after the sand is polished, and the rust is easily removed. After grinding, the small iron round shield emits a dark silver metallic luster, and there are some slightly fine carvings on the surface that are not understandable. In fact, it is not bad.

"I don't know that the Master of Aslan even knows this kind of craft." Joey looked at Arthur and turned a black and rusty iron shield into a bright look, and could not help but marvel.

"Just because the material of the shield itself is excellent." Arthur smashed the iron shield. "This is probably a deoxidized manganese steel. It is not easy to rust in a humid environment, but the surface is rusted. In addition, the decorative layer is covered, and there is isolation between the two layers, so it can be easily removed. Well, although it is a ferry, it is ok to work."

"Deoxidation? Manganese steel?" Joey asked with a puzzled head.

"Forget it, when I haven't said it." Arthur remembered that the people of this era were behind the technical level, and the ironware was made of iron ore that was close to the rough. (See the quality of the short sword.) ), the deoxygenation technology that they used to carry out deep processing of steel is almost a cow playing the piano. However, in this way, Arthur was surprised to find another question - which special manganese steel shield is produced?

"Joy, where did the weapons of the Brotherhood Armory be collected?" Arthur asked.

"It's possible anywhere. The Melson Brotherhood is not a mercenary group, nor is it necessary to fight. Most of the weapons are donated by merchant officials who join the Brotherhood. They are placed in the armory just for the occasional need." "The blonde teenager said: "Although the possibility of being attacked is close to zero, we still have to guard against the troubles of various demons coming to us."

"Oh." Arthur muttered. Although the Brotherhood seems to have no enemies in the human world, there are people like vampire hunters inside the Brotherhood. It is indeed possible that the Devils will find trouble. However, the blood family rarely leaves their nest to attack other organizations, so the possibility that the vampires come to attack the base of the Brotherhood is not zero, but it is also infinitely close to zero.

Having said that, the small broken weapon in the armory has been enough to deal with human beings, and it is even more impossible to fight against the Mozu. There are really demons coming to attack this base, and the base of the Brotherhood is estimated to be very badly damaged.

"You really lack a sense of crisis." Arthur said.

"What?" Joey looked blank.

"Nothing." Arthur picked up another piece of clean cloth, wiped it on the rust-removed shield, and cleaned the greasy surface of the shield: "Oh, it's too late, go back. Go back. I will tell you the father in the future. I will send it to the sergeant to learn more about the treasure house.

"Understood, Master Aslan. Please rest well tonight." The teenager took a gift and retired outside the room.

Arthur and other Joey just left, and immediately buckled the door of the room. Not because he can't believe the Melson Brotherhood, just because the base is not safe.

He pushed the furniture in the room into the corner, vacated a space in the middle where he could move freely, picked up his sword shield and waved it. This configuration of the equipment has not been used before, the feel is very different from the sword he used in the King of the King, so you must rely on practice, use the body to master its usage. If it goes well, Arthur will see his sacred angel sword soon after seeing the sect. But Arthur knows that everything should be done in the worst way, what if there is something wrong tomorrow? If you have to fight before you get the holy sword?

Hey! Hey! Hey! - Arthur meditates, waving his blade, and the other hand is constantly practicing the shield block. So I practiced until his arms began to sore, and the night gradually deepened.

"Oh, it’s really admirable to practice so late." Suddenly a voice rang and scared Arthur.

"Interesting." The Cavaliers pretended to calm down and turned to the source of the sound - outside the window - raised the weapon and said: "I don't know who you are, but if you want to come with me [practice], I am always with you. ""

"Where, there is no such thing. I am not malicious, just come over and look at the situation."

Outside the window, the black figure was erratic. With the lights in the room, Arthur was able to see the person outside the window just floating in the air, without the use of ropes and other props. The dance technique should be a branch of magic, but in this extremely low-light world, humans do not know how to use magic. In this way, the creatures floating in the air in the air, may not be human.

"Made?" Arthur said: "In general, is it not good?"

"Your guess is only half right. I am indeed a Mozu." The erratic figure outside the window is screaming, "The night magic Mephistopheles, sincerely for your service."

Night magic? Arthur was shocked. Not only the Mozu, this guy is still a high demon, the night magic and Merlin's magical Harry is the same race, and how dangerous Harry is, Arthur already knows.

"But you said that I am not good, it is really not the case." Nightmare Mephistophelm smiled and said: "I received the gossip, I heard that the saints were resurrected, and they came to see you on a special trip. I am not your enemy, just come and express friendship. Depending on the situation, we may have many opportunities to cooperate with each other in the future, so we should not be hostile."

"Oh? Why do you want me to believe in a Mozu?" Arthur couldn't help but sneer.

"You don't believe it, it's nothing wrong." Night Devil Mayfair said, "But I know that you have a night magic friend, who is the same family as me. I am not worthy of trust. You are going to ask your night magic friend. I will know."

This guy knows Harry's things! The Cavaliers couldn’t help but feel tight. It seems that Mephistopheles knows quite a lot! After coming to the world, it was Harry who was in contact with Arthur and Merlin. Harry often flew in the form of a shadow crow, perhaps Harry’s whereabouts had been exposed. But since Mephistopheles did not directly report Harry's name, perhaps Harry only knows Mephistophelism unilaterally, but Mephistopheles does not recognize Harry's nightmare from the different worlds of 900 years ago?

"Understood, if I have time, I will ask my friend to confirm." Arthur said, "Now, please leave - if you don't want to be hostile to me."

"Okay, okay, don't you need to be so nervous? I am leaving." Mephistophelm said helplessly: "But I will come back to you, the saints. We have many opportunities to cooperate with each other in the future." ""

"What is the cooperation?" Arthur asked the other side to ask for cooperation. He could not help but curiously ask.

"Cooperation to eliminate Satan, of course." The night magic Mephistopte dropped a sentence and suddenly disappeared: "But you are too weak now, and you can't even talk to each other. Let's talk about it later."

There was no trace of the swaying figure in midair, he disappeared as fast as he came, and it was estimated that some kind of transmission magic was used.

Arthur frowned. His bluffing has already been seen by the other side.

In any case, the other party’s visit was not malicious, nor did it directly attack it. It was a blessing. Otherwise, in the case of Arthur’s current broken equipment, it may be a little difficult to deal with human beings. To deal with the higher Mozu, it must be a dead end.

You must quickly recycle his sacred angel sword. Arthur ran over and locked the window up—although he knew it was just deceiving himself. There is really a powerful demon attack, and a small lock on the window can't stop it.

After doing this, he went to bed with uneasiness.

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