Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1890: Steel virgin (eight)

Chapter 1890 Steel Virgin Eight

The ghoul is looking for prey, but Arthur has already prepared. He chose to go from the stairs to the second floor, which was originally calculated, because the current angle of sunshine just makes a large enough shadow under the stairs.

Before being discovered by the other party, Arthur pulled hard and pulled himself into the shadow of Joey next to him. Now he is perfectly lurking in the shadow of the bottom of the stairs, not so simple to be discovered.

Sure enough, it can't be seen. The eyes of the mad ghoul were turbid and rotted quite seriously. As the most perishable organ in the five senses, when these monsters change from [corpse] to [monster], they are already destined to be big myopia. They look at things mainly by moving vision, which means that as long as Arthur is hiding in the shadows, the other party is extremely difficult to detect.

The madman couldn’t see anything, and turned back to continue enjoying his lunch.

"Call." Arthur himself did not have time to relax, and his weighted Joey Zuster took a sigh of relief.

Arthur then glanced at the young boy and packed his mind and continued to move up. This time he learned to squat, and the limbs were pressed against the wooden stairs on the upper and lower floors. Because of the many points of force, the pressure on the stairs was dispersed, and it did not make much noise.

Upstairs, the group of brothers was particularly nervous, as if Arthur was adventurously climbing the ladder, but they were the ones who had to suffer.

The whole process is a torment and a patience. But Arthur did all this carefully, and reached the second floor without a slight noise.

"What are you doing here?" Arthur crouched close to the bookshelf and lowered his voice to ask the group of people hiding on the bookshelf.

"You are?" Tidy's inspector looked at Arthur with a puzzled look. Of course, people on their side did not know Arthur. After all, they did not see the moment when "The Holy Man" woke up from the stone statue.

"This is the adult of Aslan." Joey, who followed Arthur, said.

The group of scholars had a surprised look on their faces: "Oh! This is -"

"Hey!-" Seeing the scholars making louder and louder, Arthur quickly interrupted.

"Oh, sorry." Tidy said, he began to explain: "We came to the library to find an important book this time. The book has been found, but there have been some conditions. Hey, the Holy One Adults, you should see what happened here."

"The library was invaded by madman ghosts." Arthur yelled: "Why is the library so insane that it was invaded by the madman? It's unbelievable. Is there no guard in the library? What do the Knights of Burgundy do? ?"

"The Knights? Are you referring to the army?" Tidy's inspector did not understand Arthur's meaning, but understood on his own: "Most of the military power is transferred to the front line, the British army and the Burgundian army." At the front line and the French army are fighting. The rest of the old and weak soldiers are guarding Burgundy. They will only patrol around at most, and they will not manage what happens in the library."

"Oh?" Arthur had some doubts about this.

"We don't know where the corpse ghosts came from, but they came out for no reason and attacked the people in the library. Fortunately, the people of our fraternity were alert enough to hide at the top of the bookcase. The group of cannibal monsters don't know how to climb, they can't attack us, they just go out and find the body to eat. It all happened after midnight last night."

"It seems that the ghouls are moving in the dark and entering the library from the back door." Joey explained to Arthur: "Their physique is similar to vampires and cannot directly withstand sunlight."

"Who is planning all this in secret." Arthur concluded: "They want to use the ghoul's hand to kill the pediment. You are probably the one you got."

"Maybe." Tidy said, shrugging: "So, what do we do now?"

"Yeah--" Arthur blinked and observed the surroundings. It’s daytime, if Joey’s statement is true, the sun shining from outside the library can be their biggest weapon, and the corpse ghosts can be wiped out with the sun. However, the structure of the library was originally blackout. Most books need to be kept away from light and cannot be exposed to the sun. This library is full of dead ends that the sun can't reach. If the corpse ghosts are hiding in the dead corner, the sun can't help them. The hexagonal star structure of the library center, although there is a large skylight at the top to open, but he is now covered by rags, someone must take the rag from the top of the building, the sun is likely to come straight in.

"Joey, do you know what I am thinking?" Arthur asked.

"I understand, Master Aslan." The child was very clever. He guessed Arthur's plan from the direction Arthur was watching.

"Then we will act separately," Arthur said.

Downstairs, in the place from the partial hall close to the central connection, the vampire hunter Johnny Zurst is still moving at a very slow pace, in order not to make a little sound. Arthur has slipped down the handrails of the stairs, all the way to the hexagonal connection area that is silently going to the center of the library.

Little Zoster hasn't read what Arthur wants to do. Arthur has taken a lot of small flying knives from his shoulder straps.

Hey! He raised his hand as a series of throws. Flying knives flew out from all directions, and shot in the library's various partial halls!

"Are you crazy?" - At that time, Xiao Zuster had such a surprised expression on his face, as if the expression was enough to express what he wanted to say.

However, Arthur is not crazy, but his thoughts are very clever. He put his ideas into action and the result becomes like this.

Hey! ! The continuous glass breaking sound is aroused with the small flying knife throwing out. The library's partial halls are windowed and are located at the end of the hall. They are only covered by curtains, and the entire library is so dark, it is entirely because books can't be exposed. But the original designer of the library left a window for the library!

The shattered windows began to leak, the wind outside came in, swaying the curtains, and letting more sunlight come in at the same time!

The sun fell on each of the partial halls and landed on the group of corpse ghosts who were eating their bodies. For these undead creatures, the sun is like a strong acid! Even if only a little bit of sunlight falls on their rotten skin, their body surface will immediately begin to make a sizzling sound! The monsters that were sore by the sun also stopped, and they stood up and turned their eyes to Arthur in the middle of the hall.

At this time, it is no longer meaningful to lower the sneak. Little Zuster strode forward and joined Arthur, and Arthur back-to-back to form a defensive battle: "Asslan, is this your strategy? A little reckless."

"Where, you are walking." Arthur sneered: "Do not stick to it for two minutes, don't die."

"Two minutes is not a problem." As a well-trained vampire hunter, Zuster also has a full-time self-confidence, and the madman can't scare him, even if the number of ghouls is really large.

"Hey! Hey, ah!" Hundreds of ghouls began to come from all directions and surrounded the two in the middle of the library. Some of the ghouls did have some sunburned and injured, but the sunlight that was projected from outside the small windows was not violent, and it was far from enough to turn the madmen into ashes. Some of them are unscathed, and another part has been burned, but the more crazy and angry madmen, facing Arthur and Xiao Zuster in the middle of the hall, can’t wait to tear these two humans into pieces immediately. Fall!

They rushed over! Running so fast, people can't help wondering, are these guys really made up of human corpses? !

A corpse ghost wants to throw Arthur to bite, and Arthur flicks along the momentum of its slamming, and has been pressed by the blade in the direction of its attack. Arthur hardly used a little bit of strength to swing the sword, but the strength of the other side was too great, the blade fell into the head of the madman ghost, and cut the head of the monster into two halves!

Here, the former madman ghost fell to the ground, and the other three corpse ghosts have already smashed into the small Zuster! Johnny waved the silver whip of the hunting vampire, and the whip hit a special effect on those undead monsters. Its enchanted [sacred] silver cut the monster's body in half like a butter! Only half of the body was left, and the ghouls who fell to the ground continued to climb to Arthur and Johnny, but they could never climb, and they ruined the flame of the holy water bottle thrown by Xiao Zuster. in!

More madmen are coming in, and there are still about 120 left. They are so dense, moving like a wall of people (the corpse wall) and pressing quickly! The momentum is fierce, and even the silver whip of Johnny is not easy to get rid of them! The other five mad mad ghosts flocked to Arthur's body in madness, and they were trying to catch or at least scratch Arthur!

However, at this time, Arthur shouted: "It is now!"

"Okay!" the voice of a teenager on the top of the building responded. Just as Arthur was responsible for attracting the attention of the monsters, Joey quickly ran to the top of the library, grabbing the sturdy rope on the top of the library to control the curtains!

He tried his best to yank and pulled the top rags apart!

The time is just noon, and the sun is empty. Outside the curtains that were opened by the glass zenith, unreservedly, mercilessly, the violent sun plunged from the top and fell on the top of the corpse ghost army!

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