Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1895: Iron Maiden (13)

Chapter 1895 Steel Virgins Thirteen

Sunset in the west, the twilight is getting deeper.

From the skies that floated down in the sky, under the snow of the seasons, the castle on the far horizon was smeared with a strange silver white.

The teenager rode on horses and traveled fast on the snow-covered grasslands. Walking with him is another young man wearing a vampire hunter costume. The brown horse he rides is as strong as the young man.

"I must remind you, Master Aslan." Johnny Zurst also saw the Fort of Tully far away. At this moment, he could not help but open his mouth: "The Melson brothers have no political position. We are with France, or England has no friendly or hostile relationship, so it will not interfere with the war between them. If it is a distant war, I can accompany it. But in my position, I cannot intervene in this battle. Otherwise, my action will be Bringing awkward situations to the Brotherhood."

"I know." Arthur replied in an understatement: "I didn't expect you to go to war. I came here to find Jude, not to fight the British. You can send me here. If you are going to suffer damage to your fraternity, you should stop here and go straight back to the fraternity."

"But it is mine to protect the safety of the adults of Aslan -"

"Hah, it’s as if I really need you to protect." Arthur smiled disapprovingly.

Although through the time of 900 years, the soul of light is trapped in the body of the now weak boy, but the king of Great Britain is still the king of Great Britain, and King Arthur, who is brave and warlike, is not afraid of everything. Compared with him, Little Zoster is just a young vampire hunter, and the combat experience is not even rich.

What's more, Arthur held his holy angel's sword in his hand. Normally, no human enemy in this world can threaten him. Things outside the human body, such as the Mozu, are another thing - such as vampires. But the true form of the sacred angel's sword is specifically used to hunt the Mozu.

"I said you, Master Aslan." Xiao Zuster sighed and picked up his hood on his cloak and buckled it on his head. Because the hood obscures most of his face, he thinks this will make him a bit more low-key, at least not so easy to let his vampire hunter's identity be seen by the British or French.

"Despite this, let me be guarded by your side. You look like this, the French army will not easily let you see the saints, you need someone to be recommended."

"You are free." Arthur muttered.

At the same time, the position of the French army.

The girl looked at the fortress in the distance and was in a daze. This cage city war has been going on for more than a month, and the French army responsible for the siege from the initial momentum to the current physical and mental exhaustion is entirely due to the slow progress of the siege. In the siege battles of several previous cities, the various wooden fortifications used by the British army were not strong. The army of Jude could burn them with a fire attack, and they could break through with a fierce attack, so before The battle was almost unimpeded, and the French army rushed to the England squad like a flood.

But this time the situation is completely different. Tully Fort itself was designed to carry out long-term battles against the city, and the deep and turbulent rivers on both sides gave the fort a natural barrier, making it a breeze. fortress.

Jude’s army could not spur the original unbreakable steel gates of Fort Tully as they did in the past; they could not sneak into the past from the rivers on both sides.

No matter which method is used to quickly attack the toll, it will surely first surprise the opponent. The British troops on the top of the tolls were initially suppressed by the arrows, and the attacking front forces suffered huge losses.

This is the case in a month. The French army is still on the surface, and it is believed that the French army will be able to win the toll under the leadership of Jude. But there must be doubts in the army, and some people will begin to doubt the command of Jude. The tug-of-war was dragged on like this, and the French army could not only break the fortress, but even be in danger of being defeated.

Once the hearts of the people are shaken, the French army will regain their homeland and drive the British army out of France, which will become more difficult.

Realizing this, the girl knows that she is not doing anything, and the situation will become one-sided.

Must do something. But what can she do?

Just as the girl was confused about the next strategy and fell into meditation, a knight came behind her and said: "The saint, the Duke of Alençon, asks."

"Duke of the Duke is coming?" Zhai De slightly turned to look at the blond knight behind him: "Why would you let the Duke of Alençon come to such a dangerous battlefield?"

"The Duke insisted on coming to inspect." The blond knight said: "The battle lasted for so long. He thought that the singer had a block in the siege war, so I wanted to personally check the situation here.""Oh, of course." There was a sudden indifference on the girl’s face that was undetectable by others: "The soldiers and supplies of this war were provided by the Duke of Alençon, and he was worried. It is a matter of course that your own [investment] suffers losses."

"So how can I talk to him? Let him see the situation directly in the battlefield?"

"No, Demes. You will let the Duke of Alençon come over, I will talk to him personally." The girl said: "I have a plan to lead our army to victory and win this hard. It’s a very risky attack, but I’m going to let you know that this is part of my plan, not a strategic disadvantage. You just need to follow the plan, you don’t need to waver, Don't be afraid to panic."

"But, saint?"

"I will take you to win this battle. Believe me. If anyone here will suffer sacrifice, it is only me, I am enough." The girl's face is not half-moving, her face is one. As her nickname is, it is cast by steel, and it is unyielding.

"I am relieved to hear you say this." An old man appeared on the viewing platform: "Do you have any plans, Grandma?"

"Duke Alençon." The girl turned her eyes to the old man: "I need a shield. It covers the whole body, a large shield. Many, many, at least a hundred."

"Yes. I should be ready for your army tomorrow morning." Duke Alençon nodded.

"That can't be. It must be tonight." The girl looked at the sky in the distance: "There will be a storm coming tonight. It is the best time for us to remove the toll. I definitely miss the opportunity tonight."

The Duke of Alençon frowned, but he quickly nodded and agreed: "Yes, if a rough wooden shield can be used, I will be ready tonight before 7:00."

"So, just wait for the good news of the Duke adults." The girl also nodded. "Wait for it. When the sun rises tomorrow, the castle of Tully will become our bag. Orleans will be thoroughly Liberation, this is also the most important step for us to drive the British out of France."

"I am waiting for your good news, the Virgin." The Duke of Alençon slightly nodded a bow and retired.

The Knight of the "Grandma", Demes, looked at the girl with a worried look.

"I can handle it." The girl is not worried.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the agreed time is approaching. As predicted by Jude, the storm began to blow up this evening, and the dark clouds covered the moonlight. The wind around the fortress was like a wild animal roaring, especially embarrassing.

Just as the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth is destroyed, the girls lead a hundred people.

The steel virgin holds the sword in one hand and the military flag in the other, standing in front of the team.

Behind her is a group of soldiers with huge wooden shields. The wooden shield was not solid, and it was made with various large planks. But the most powerful bows and arrows that can be fired in this world are just iron arrows. This wooden shield is more than enough to resist bows and arrows.

"The British army listens!" The girl who led the team at the forefront shouted with the biggest voice: "Tonight, the French army will capture the castle of Tully you occupied! All the time, you have smashed our country and destroyed it with war. Our home. But your bad deeds will stop here!

The French people’s tolerance for you has already stopped here! We have given you a month to confess and know your mistakes, but you choose to resist and not be willing to give up this false city at the last moment. In this case, only waiting for you will be destroyed!

This is a grievance, but also a wrath! God will use my hand to bring destruction to you, and you will accept destruction!


"What the female madman is saying?" On the wall of the town of Turtle, the commander of England was looking at the girl from far away, listening to her speech as a play. However, this conceited British could not agree with the girl's words, even if they were defeated by the French in the last few months, and now they have to stay in this castle.

The British believed that their King Henry VI was the successor of the French orthodoxy. If this view is not correct in itself, the war that the British army has started will become an unjust war of aggression. England will never admit that it is an aggressor, no matter how the facts are presented to them.

"I've had enough of the crazy madness of the female madman." The commander said: "Let's throw the arrow! The catapult is also ready! If she is really what she said, the one sent by God to destroy us, Then she must have a way to survive in the rain of arrows? God is helping others, who represents justice, and we can see it when we take a nap!"

Thus, the British troops on the wall set up bows and arrows, and used their arrows to point to the French army on the stone bridge in front of the castle, aiming at Joan of Arc!

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