Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1899: Steel virgin (seventeen)

Chapter 1899 Steel Virgins Seventeen

In the face of the bats that suddenly spread, Arthur couldn't help but frown.

Vampires are known for their ability to breathe blood, and they are very troublesome after they have sucked blood. Although the person who is sucked blood will not die immediately or become a vampire, the blood pressure will continue to drop, just like body dyeing. The virus gradually became weak and eventually died. Therefore, the person who died will either become a ghoul or become a secondary vampire for the vampire of the higher level. That is to say, as long as it is sucked into the blood by the vampire, it will not escape.

Now Arthur is not just a vampire in front of them, but countless vampire bats. If Arthur's guess is not wrong, each of the vampire bats is the same as the original vampire ancestors, and their blood-sucking fangs have a vampire-specific virus. If you only deal with a vampire, Arthur can concentrate on sneaking the other's bite and not being bitten. But now there are hundreds of thousands of vampire bats, attacking and smashing people in groups, even if Arthur, I am afraid it is not easy to take care of it!

"Zuster!" So, Arthur shouted before the bat group launched the siege.

"Understood!" Xiao Zuster only responded briefly, already knowing what Arthur wanted to do. He took out a few bottles of holy water from his arms and could throw these holy water bottles at any time to burn the enemy!

lb! - The bats madly attacked, but they just greeted a flash. It was Arthur's [breaker], and Arthur took the scabbard of the sacred angel's sword (the sword of the physical sword) and launched it before being besieged by the bat group.

The effect of this scabbard is comparable to Arthur's original king's sheath, and it is also possible to launch the special trick of [Breaking]! The Breaker is a special move that can upset the enemy's spells and even directly cancel the spells cast by the enemy. Arthur’s eyes became the true ancestor of the bat group. They should also rely on some kind of spell to play the form of the bat group, or control the action of the bat group, so if the [breaker] is past, how much will always be disturbed or The action that affects the bat group is right!

Arthur’s idea is correct. Originally in groups, the bats that were very organized and attacked, after the white light explosion of [Breaking], immediately flew like a blind fly, and all of them were completely messed up. When they fly each other, the distance is relatively small. At first, the bats hit the bats, and the whole bat group was scattered in the chaos!

The holy water bottle in the hands of Xiao Zuster has also flown out at this time. He is worthy of being a well-trained vampire hunter. The holy water bottle is very accurate. The bats in the air will explode immediately, turning the whole group of vampire bats into a flying sea of ​​fire!

Then the group of bats began to spread, fled in confusion, and did not attack again. But how could Arthur let go of such a good opportunity, the blazing angel blade in his hand is ready to become a ten-foot-long huge blade of light, accompanied by a leap of juveniles, and achieves a wide sweep of the sky. !

At least hundreds of bats were hit by this trick and disappeared instantly. The sacred enchantment on the Holy Sword was originally used to deal with the Mozu, it can cause great damage to the Mozu!

The broken bat group was divided into five or six clusters. At this time, Zuster also caught up. He waved a silver lash with a sacred enchantment and slammed it continuously. The road was long, sturdy, and affected. Huge whip, jumping between several scattered bats, quickly smashed dozens of vampire bats!

At this time, Jude also sprinted up with a very fast speed. He used a long sword to cut the scorpion in one hand, and the other hand had already pulled out a slender thorn sword, which was spurred with the action of the long sword. The ingenious and flawless attack of chopping and spurs has caused a lot of vampire bats to fall and fall!

The arrogant bat group was immediately wiped out most of the time! Turn yourself into a large group of bats, thinking that this will take advantage of the cheap tenth true ancestor Cyrus, this time also had to reassemble the broken bats and form his own body again!

"Cough!" The tenth true ancestor took a step back and spit a blood, it seems to have been hurt - although Arthur couldn't understand, the injury suffered after becoming a bat, how would it affect Cyrus's Ontology. This kind of transformation magic is a mystery that people can't understand!

"Not bad! Very good!" Cerens erased the blood from his mouth and said, "The three of you are attacking and attacking, and my bats are completely less expensive."

"If you plan to **** our blood, in order to take advantage of it, your wishful thinking must be wrong." Arthur clasped the scabbard: "How many more times, [Broken] enough to make your bat They can't act, they can only be beaten!"

"Hahaha, this is hard to say." Cerens sneered, and began to unnaturally distort his body. It seems that he is going to change again, but he will not become a bat group again, winning by number, another thing.

"First of all, I have no intention of sucking your blood. You can keep it as it is now, and you should never and cannot be tarnished by [the original sin of the blood family." If you are defiled, then you are not the original, The purpose of coming to you will be degraded."

"What do you mean by this?" Arthur said he could not understand.

"As a person who is [innocent], you are qualified to challenge [source evil]," said the tenth true ancestor: "You must kill Satan in this pure identity, that is what it means."

He split himself into three shadows, and the shadows quickly reshaped into three large white bats. They are obviously different from the small but bloodsucking bats that were previously large but incapable. The three white bats, like wolf dogs, began to fly and soon became three white shadows, hovering throughout the basement! "How many times it is no longer useful!" Arthur raised the scabbard again and launched [Breaking]!

lb! ! - Once again, the milky white light spread throughout the basement and rushed out of the scabbard.


Hey! The three white lights passed at a higher speed, as if ridiculing the power of the lawbreakers. They flew faster than white light, and escaped from the effective range of the [breaker] before being hit by the light!

"It doesn't work if you can't hit it." The sneer of Cerence came from the basement. The voice didn't know which one of the three white bats came out. In short, the unpleasant laughter was already there. The entire basement echoed, and the echoes swayed back and forth dozens of times in this empty and stuffy place.

Yes, Arthur’s lawbreakers are also influential. To put it bluntly, it is only the explosion of photons. The heterogeneous photons scattered from the scabbard will decay, disappear, and eventually annihilate in time and space. The farther away from the center of the scabbard, the less effective it is. If the opponent's speed is very fast, it can escape at its own speed before being spread by [Broken Law].

Having said that, that thing is really fast. Already close to the speed of sound, right? Arthur squinted and observed. There is no breakthrough in the speed of sound. If those white bats can break through the speed of sound, there is already a burst of sound in the basement. Despite this, they are flying very fast, and the speed of normal people can't cope.

"Be careful! Hiding behind me!" Arthur said. Among the people present, only Arthur can use [heart] to predict the opponent's attack orbit. He himself does not have to worry about being attacked by white bats, but the other two people present, Jude and Xiao Zuster, may not have the power to fight back in such a high-speed attack. If they are hit, they will be seriously injured. . Nowadays, Arthur can only rely on his own eye to assist his companions!

"Where, the right choice." Still, seeing Arthur and their three people gathered together to guard against the battle, Cyrus still smirked with a confident look.

"Hey?!" The sorrow of the true ancestors has not yet fallen, and Xiao Zuster has already made a scream. Arthur didn't even have time to rescue him in the past. On the shoulders of Johnny, the white bat that had passed by the high speed cut a wound and began to bleed!

The wound itself is not big, it is just a wound in the flesh. But what really surprised Arthur was that the attack of the white bat just passed, Arthur’s mind was not noticed!

[No heart]? ! - Arthur couldn't help but take a sigh of relief. That won't? At this time, in this occasion, Arthur actually encountered a guy who would use [unintentional] to attack? !

Say good, "The photon civilization of this world is extremely low"? Why is a vampire in the district able to use the highest level of combat skills that the Knights of Great Britain can master?

And regardless of this - now the shock in Arthur's heart is derived from the sense of crisis that can't be lost now!

The speed of the three white bats was already fast enough, they could use [no heart], and all the attacks could not be predicted! This is not only the danger of two companions, but even Arthur himself is in danger! As long as they don't pay attention, they are all likely to be cut by the wings of a white bat that suddenly passed by!

Hey! The white shadows hovered throughout the basement, the speed was very fast, and the sound was like the sound of the death of the scythe, which made people feel astonished!

At this time, Arthur can also use his [breaker] to temporarily repel the white bats and temporarily solve the problem. However, the [Broken Lawyer] could not be used continuously, and the number of those bats was three, and one of them smashed the attack, swindled Arthur to use [Broken], and the other two attacked, and Arthur had nothing to do!

No matter what, now he can't protect himself and two other companions at the same time!

In any case, this battle will be in a dead end, and it will definitely end in the serious casualties of the people on Arthur's side!

Unless there are new variables!

At this moment, the scabbard in Arthur’s hand once again gave off a light blue glow. It seems to remind the teenager to use it, and Arthur has no other hair anyway, and he is a dead horse, and he directly knocks on the scabbard with the light blade of the holy sword!


Once again, the nature of the sacred angel's sword changed, and its milky white light sword blade suddenly became like a cloud of clouds, making a strange, pale blue light -

The sword of fog and shadow, the world!

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