Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1902: Steel virgin (20)

Chapter 1902 Steel Virgins Twenty

"Oh, good!" The true aura of the lower abdomen was stunned by the true ancestor of the sword. Although he has a strong defensive power, he still can't bear the sacred enchanted sacred sword. The strong damage caused by this sword, even the vampires should be taboo.

"You have completely angered me this time." Tenth true ancestor Cyrus's forehead has more blue veins.

"Oh." However, Arthur also seemed to be completely amused, and gave a sneer: "It is obvious that you are looking for yourself, and you are full of confidence and want to test my ability. Who can blame after killing? - Brady!"

"Hey!" As if he had understood Arthur’s intentions, the white wolf screamed and screamed. His blade was further immersed in the palm of the vampire's true ancestors, and it was cut all the way until the batman's arm was cut in half from the palm of his hand!

Arthur also dragged the blade of the lightsaber, and began to yank from the position where he entered, dragging a huge deep mouth on the monster's abdomen, and directly smashing the tenth true ancestor Cyrus!

One person and one wolf passed the giant monsters on both sides. After they passed and pulled the distance, the monster fell to the ground and became a black blood!

But of course, the vampire can not be killed as simple as that! Once again, it shaped its own form and changed back to the batman to reproduce. At this time, Arthur knew clearly that the tenth true ancestor Cyrus is different from ordinary vampires, and may even be different from other true ancestors. Because he is free to change his body, he is almost immortal!

In order to truly kill this tough deformer, I am afraid that I will continue to inflict a great deal of damage on him with the Holy Angel Sword, and use [Sacred] to continue to purify such undead monsters. But Arthur's physical strength is limited. This is obviously not a viable method. He needs other strategies to assist!

"Run!" The blonde boy suddenly jumped on the back of the white wolf and shouted: "It doesn't make sense to entangle here, leave the dungeon!"

In addition to saying that he said to Bediville, he also said to Jude and Xiao Zuster outside the big room. At the same time he said this, he has already launched the shape of the sword of the holy sword, and continuously strokes in midair. He knows that the nets under the shadow of the shadows can't really block Cirence, just slowing down his actions! But this is also enough - as long as it provides enough time for those present to escape the dungeon!

Cirence thought he would have a battle with Arthur, right in the basement. Arthur’s sudden change of action was beyond the expectations of Cerence, so he settled for a few seconds.

"You want to run away?!"

"You want to run away?!?" The guy repeated it incredibly.

However, Arthur and others have escaped far away.

"Women!" The tenth true ancestor was further irritated. His batman's body was more angry than the usual, and the muscles swelled as if they would explode at any time.

He flew up and desperately chased from behind!

Of course he also slammed into the minefield of the photon thin blade under Arthur Bu!

However, his physique at this time is close to the invulnerability. In fact, he used magic to strengthen the fur and muscles of his body, so that they have amazing anti-sniping ability! This knife and gun, he directly smashed the invisible photon thin blade in the air, tearing the heavy cloth under the juvenile cloth one by one!

"Come on! He has to catch up!" Arthur, who was riding on the back of the white wolf and constantly waving the shadow of the fog and shadow, shouted. The batman in the sprint of madness, from the escaping Arthur and others, there are thirty yards!

Normally, they can't escape in the dungeons of the nine bends and the underground labyrinth. But when Bedieville rushed into the maze, he didn't press the card at all. He smashed the wall of the labyrinth and slammed into the depths of the dungeon in a straight line! Those passages that were smashed into the wall are self-contained. At this moment, it is already a shortcut to escape from this dungeon, so Arthur and others can escape so smoothly!

Along with Arthur's faster sword speed, more photon thin blades are placed behind the track of the big wolf running, forming numerous invisible roadblocks!

But these roadblocks have almost no effect on the violent batman. He is still flying at a constant speed, tightly behind Arthur and others, even slowly but surely, getting closer!

"Is that monster really unstoppable?!" Even Arthur could not help but sigh. The **** batman is like a fierce dragon, and the rampage can't stop. Thousands of tens of thousands of photon thin blades could have cut countless creatures into flesh, but they are so fragile in the sprint of the monsters, and the thin blade is loaded with the undead monsters, like the piano that has been pulled to the tipping point. Strings are broken and broken, becoming a debilitating band of light, disappearing instantly!

Seeing that the power of oneself and the opponent are so different, normal people may have collapsed. But Arthur's tenacious will, like steel, was unmoved by this scene. He simply waved his sword and laid out more photon thin blades in an attempt to delay the pursuit of his opponent. His actions are not completely ineffective, even if it only delays the opponent by a thousandth of a second, it has its meaning!

auzw.comBecause Arthur and others are about to leave this dungeon! The first small sir ran across the stairs and ran out of the basement in a few steps. Next, her action is not lost to vampire hunters! Responsible for the back of the temple, Arthur rode the white wolf to the end, his speed is actually the running speed of the human wolf Bediville, this speed is actually barely able to get rid of the furious batman!

But Cyrus had just arrived at Bettyville at this time. He couldn't do anything other than sprinting, like using his sharp claws to attack Arthur on the wolf's back!

Boom! Arthur certainly won't sit still, he lifts the fog shadow sword is a block! The vampire's claws collide with the sword's blade, giving a special cross!

Arthur’s arms were also shaken, and he almost thought his arm had been broken! The shock made him lose his balance and flew out from the wolf's back. He was like a sphere that was hit out, and the body could not help flying forward! At this time his situation was the most dangerous. In the high-speed movement, he has been unable to return to the back of Bediville, and it is easy to fall into a serious injury on the ground, so if you fall off the team, you will be beaten by the true ancestors!

"Arthur!" Biddyville exclaimed.

Hey! But Arthur didn't fly far, and a whip caught the boy's waist. Xiao Zuster did not stand by in the dungeon. When he saw Arthur being shot from the wolf's back, the silver whip had already smashed out and caught the teenager in midair without helplessness!

When Johnny Zurst caught Arthur’s moment, he pulled it hard and pulled Arthur from the air to the dungeon exit! The only thing that has been chased the most is the big white wolf Bediville, and Jude suddenly took a deep breath and seemed to have launched something!

An almost invisible enchantment, with the girl as the origin, expands in a spherical shape! The reason why it is said to be almost transparent, not because it can be caught by the human eye, but because of the mastery of true vision, can see the world of photon Arthur, at this moment with his eyes caught the expansion of the enchantment scene!

Then, [the first miracle - time and space creation], launched!

[Time] emerged from Jude, and it began to affect this enchantment, or everyone in this "time bubble"! Arthur and others obtained [extra time], from their perspective, the whole world suddenly suddenly slowed down! The tenth true ancestor, who was originally attacked by the momentum, is now moving around in a place about five yards away, in a funny, slow motion! He didn't catch up for a moment, he couldn't catch up!

"Run!" Jude also shouted. She knows her own special ability better than anyone else, and has a "time limit." In many battles in the past, the girls led their own army and used the same [miracle] to go deep into the enemy! Although she knows nothing about the principle, she knows how to use this [miracle] effectively!

The French army became so invincible under her leadership, largely because Jude was able to use the miracle of [time creation] to accelerate his army and slow the enemy! Just by the absolute advantage of this speed, she can lead the team to break through any enemy in the world!

However, this incomparable special move is now used to escape, fleeing from a very evil monster!

Three people and a wolf flew outside the castle's building, and the first miracle of Jude was completely ineffective. I thought it would be a little relieved to pull away the distance, but they screamed the violent footsteps of the true ancestors again!

Cirence has caught up again! The monster is in a violent sprint, and the full-bodied feet can even crack the marble floor tiles of the castle, leaving one after another pits (footprints)!

"Ha! Don't you escape?!" Seeing Arthur stay in front of the building, Serence sarcastically said: "Exactly! I can tear you apart!"

"Idiot, why do you think I am at large?" Arthur took the lightsaber back into the "sheath" and restored the sacred angel's sword into a seemingly unremarkable silver-free sword.

He lifted the sword and pointed at his opponent's bat nose: "All this is to prepare to defeat you!"

"The big words!" Cyrus continued to smile contemptuously: "You can't do anything, you are just an incompetent and weak human! To this extent, you want to defeat Satan? Live in a dream!"

Arthur did not take care of Cirrus, but sneaked at the opportunity of the monsters to whisper to the Jude: "You can use it again once in the move?"

"If it's just for you, and it only lasts for a second," the girl replied.

"One second is enough, with my movements!" Cavalier King Sword rushed up, is about to fight the final battle with his opponent!

Snapped! The batman Cyrus lifted his thick trunk-like arm and grabbed Arthur's head with one paw!

"It is now!" Arthur shouted.

With the help of Jude’s first miracle, it was only that moment, the world in front of the juvenile suddenly stood still!

The young boy who is free to move in this static world has swept his opponent's lower abdomen in one fell swoop, and his (sheltered) holy sword has also penetrated into the other's chest!

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