Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1918: Escape to stay up late (1)

Chapter 1918 Escape to the night and night

Turning around, it seems as if the senses are stripped from reality.

"Arthur? Arthur?"

In the midst of it, there seems to be a voice calling.

"Arthur, are you okay? Wake up!"

Who is gently licking the face of the Cavaliers.

"Hah!-" Arthur suddenly opened his eyes, accompanied by a convulsion of the whole body.

He returned to reality.

"Here?" He looked around and looked at Bediville, who was already a werewolf.

Here is the battlefield of the Great Britain battleship, the attacking Paramitis. That is, they first went through the space-time passage to the place of the world nine hundred years later.

Today, Arthur and Bedieville are back, returning to Great Britain nine hundred years ago. Oh no, it is accurate to return to Africa, the Red Sea.

"Arthur, are you okay? Remember who you are?" Bettiville continued to eagerly ask.

"I am fine, very good." The Cavalier King slammed his head and tried to sort out his thoughts. Then he suddenly became angry: "Merlin? What did you do just now?! Why did you suddenly pull us back from another world?" ??"

"I have to do this, kneel down." Merlin is sitting aside at the moment, his face seems a bit pale: "The situation you just said can be said to be very dangerous. I must pull you back to our world as soon as possible, otherwise you may never again Can't come back."

"What do you mean, Merlin?"

"The memory of the body you used is awakening." Merlin said, "And at the worst of times, awaken in the worst state.

The young man's body, I am afraid that it really belongs to another person, with his own past. Under normal circumstances, those memories should be unrelated to you, not affecting your actions, and should not affect you. But I don't know why, those memories suddenly wake up and begin to erode your own memories and personality. This is the most dangerous situation in which time travel only comes. "

"Is it so dangerous?" Arthur squinted: "I don't think there is a problem at all."

"The worst situation is that you have completely forgotten your true self and let the [self] role be completely replaced by the teenager in another world. When you completely forget that you are King Arthur of Great Britain, you think you are nine hundred years old. After that teenager, you will become like the Queen of Greenville, completely lost in that world, and can't come back."

When I heard this, King Arthur couldn’t help but take a sigh of relief.

"Queen Greenville has forgotten who she is, firmly believes that she is Jude, and persuaded them not to persuade." Merlin said: "There is only one of our troubles. Don't add more. Please kneel down. You hold on to your [self], don't forget your essence."

"Even if you say this," the Cavaliers whispered.

"Don't worry too much, I am still there." Biddiville grinned at the side: "If Arthur also forgets himself, then I will slap and slap him up. Keep it safe."

"It's so simple." Merlin gave a look at the werewolf youth.

Arthur got up from the ground and always felt that he had a snack. There is nothing discomfort in his body, because it is only his light soul that travels time, not the body of the Cavalier.

"Let's take a break, kneel down." Merlin also closed the passage of time and space: "It's not clear yet how the reverse erosion of memory will affect you, and in this situation continue to act in that world. It is a very dangerous thing. Your Majesty should continue to act in this world and consolidate [self] first, so that we can continue to travel more safely."

"Can we still return to the same time in the world accurately?" The Cavaliers couldn't help but ask: "When you go back next time, will you not jump for another ten years?"

"Don't worry, sire. This time Kama (marginal)'s connection is deeper than before, and it can be said to be abnormal." Merlin said: "Next time I can send you back exactly to the same night on the same day." Just after your headache attack."

"Isn't that bad?" The Cavaliers could not help but ridiculed: "As soon as you get to the world, you will have a headache?"

Merlin pulled a face: "Your Majesty still knows how to make jokes. It seems that there is no problem. Then go back to rest. When the time comes, I will contact you again."

"Oh, finally -" Betdiville also stretched out: "There is no need to be trapped in the body of a big wolf, you can act as freely as a person~"

"You are really laid back." Arthur couldn't help but smile and glanced at the clock in the conference room. It’s just the afternoon of the same day when they set off, it seems that there is not much time left. They traveled for a time, and after nine hundred years, the time here didn't flow much—or rather, they just returned to the tens of minutes after departure.

Bedyville walked out of the battle room with his shoulders. "If I don't have anything, I will go back to my boat first. Please contact me if you have something."

"Of course." Knight King said: "If you still have a game tomorrow, pay more attention to rest."

Ten minutes later, the Werewolf youth returned to their sand boat, the Twilight, and just jumped onto the deck of the ship, and the deck suddenly opened. The lower green area rose up and showed a good view of the garden.

"Not bad." Bettiville looked at the green planting area and planted six rows of magic pine trees, and could not help but sigh. The evening has already arrived, and the red light of the embers shines above the pine forest, and the scenery is very unique.

He saw Slaged on the side and went over and asked, "Is it all planted? You are moving very fast."

"I didn't do it by myself. It was the credit of the person who came to deliver the goods." Seglader was still looking at the book, and said: "There are some other small things, Eve said to be Biddeville. Sir, your approval can be planted, so there is not a lot of planting, only a small tree is planted here to see the effect."

"What?" Biddeville looked down at Segred's fingers and saw the small shrub that glowed faintly in the darkness of the twilight.

"Fire scent flower?!" He was shocked when he saw the thing: "Segrad, are you going to die, plant this kind of ghost on my boat. What if it causes a fire?" Do you want to get rid of it!"

He had encountered such dangerous plants in the No. 0 Quarantine of the City of the Dead. I still have a lingering fear, and I really don't want to see them anymore.

"Mr. Bedieville, you calm down and listen to me first." Segred said: "The dangerous fire scent flower that you have encountered before and this is a completely different two varieties. First this The variety does not move on its own to attack people. It is just an ordinary plant. It is not a flammable product. Secondly, it is a modified variety. Its flower seeds are saturated with water in the fresh state. So easy to burn."

"That is, it can still burn up?" Bettiville's forehead has a blue vein.

"If you take out the flower seeds and dry them, it's awkward." Segrad said: "But I think Eve's Scarab Golem has the ability to handle this dangerous flower seed and hide it in Safe place."

"If you say that you are planting a scent of scented flowers, what do you want to do?" Biddyville then whitened the young Leopard.

"It's very simple, collect its flower seeds to do [burning bombs] 喵." Seglad said: "The flower seeds are hidden in the sub-space pockets and released together with the shock wave of the weapon plug-in system. The effect of the bomb] is awkward."

"You mean, any weapon in our hands, as long as it can use the plug-in system, can match the flower seeds of the scent of the scent of the scent of the fire, and fire the bombs like the shots of Albert?"

"Yes, but only for the burning magazine." Seglad nodded. "The actual effect needs to be tested before it can be used. It may turn into a flame at the moment of launch, and it may become countless. A small fireball shoots at the enemy, and may even become a warhead that burns after hitting the enemy. This is related to the tolerance of the flower seed to the impact."

"It’s still interesting anyway." Bedieville touched his chin.

"And as long as it is planted, we will have a long-lasting [burning bomb] that can be used." Seglad said: "This proposal is good?"

"Well, I approve you to plant the enchanting flower, but it should be stopped. Don't forget that there are children on the boat, so that Kate's kid can touch this dangerous flower, and it will be a bad fire."

"It’s as if I’m going to be a trick!” Kate suddenly popped out of the tree and spit out.

Bedyville glanced at the thin teenager: "You are actually? Is it a good habit to eavesdrop?"

"I didn't eavesdrop. I was playing hide and seek with the uncle leopard!" said the boy, and at this time he held his own black microphone in his hand, and there was a silver lizard on his head, like a pair. A state of happiness surrounded by pets. Not so much as this kid is playing hide and seek, it is better to say that he is playing with pets.

"Hey, find you!" Paramitis also emerged from the cabin: "Well, I’m hiding in this place, isn’t it said that it’s only in the boat? See me punish you. Awkward little devil -"

Paramitis picked up the boy in one hand and took him away.

"Daddy" Slaged showed a disgusted expression.

"It looks like a lot of fun." Bedyville grinned.

The time is about seven in the evening, and Bediville went back to the Cairo Grand Hotel to clean up his luggage and go to his room. In fact, he was a bit worried about the white bear man Elaine who had not seen him all day. God knows that the stupid bear will cause trouble again.

However, taking the elevator back to Bediville on the floor where the room was located, I saw a cat-and-boy who was far away from the elevator, waiting anxiously.

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