Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1920: Escape to stay up late (3)

Chapter 1920 flees to the night and night

I don't know how long it has passed.

Albert woke up, or he thought he should wake up.

He only felt that his eyes were dark and the cloth was tightly tied to his eyes. The tightly wrapped cloth not only made him unable to see things, but also brought a burst of pain and pressure to his eyes.

He is very uncomfortable, he wants to shout. But his mouth was blocked by some kind of ball.

The thing was soft and moderate, and there was no particular discomfort on the mouth, but it had a plastic smell and was stuck between his teeth and his tongue, so that he could not even swallow. His slightly open mouth gradually made his throat dry, so that he could not speak, only to make a vague choking, but the saliva involuntarily oozes from the corner of his mouth, even shame.

His hands and feet must have been tied up. He has this feeling, he should be hanged in the air by four feet. However, the straps that tied his limbs were very thick and extremely tight.

They hanged Albert in the air, pulling his limbs nearly straight, and finally letting Albert's limbs and joints stretch for a long time. Completely numb.

Even his tiger's tail was hoisted, hung on the ceiling, and tightened by gravity, as if it would be torn off at any time. In the crazy pull, he felt severe pain.

Who grabbed his head and picked him up. Some kind of sharp thing runs through his skull and seems to have injected something into his head.

Then it took a long time.

Surrounded by such silence, under his own weight, his body and the ground are almost integrated. Albert estimates that he should be in a cell. Like a big cat that melted half, he lay down on a sticky, stinky floor. He was played and tired, so he was temporarily locked in this place, waiting to be sent to accept. The next step.

He knew that the madman's torture of him would not be so simple, it was just a beginning. He has a little time to breathe and stay awake. He knew that if he didn't want to leave this magical cave now, he would not be able to escape anymore.

Therefore, he tried to move his numb body, hoping to get out of this predicament.

However, it is useless. The body is desperate and does not listen, but is even more exaggerated. Self-rescue is absolutely impossible, he can only wait for the emergence of miracles.

Albert has never experienced such despair in his life, and he rarely regrets sincerely in his life. But at this moment, he repented of the gods who might not exist in the darkness, even the repentance of the gods he did not know, and repented only for his stupidity.

If he didn't fall out of the Sphinx's people from the beginning, avoiding danger and preserving himself, he would certainly not fall into this kind of field at this moment, and suffer such huge humiliation.


I don't know why, at this time, he thought of a cat boy, who existed in his memory as his brother. In the uninhabited wilderness long and long ago, the child was cooking at the campfire. The smoke rises along with the aroma of the stew, filled with Albert's senses. At that moment, Albert, who had climbed up from the simple wooden bed, suddenly felt that such a life would be good if it could continue. He had an urge to hold the cat and boy up and hold high.

However, the scene was quickly replaced by another figure. Luf disappeared, and turned to look at Albert's cat, a young man who is very similar to Luf's appearance, but with a similar personality. Mutter grimaced at the tiger's tongue and gave him a blank eye.

So Albert finally knew that from the time he was a long time ago, his life could not go back.

What a sorrow.

The darkness suddenly came.

The hands and feet were tied up, and Albert, lying in the cell, his eyes were thrown tightly by the cloth. But this cloth does not completely obscure the light source. Before that, there was still a small amount of light that could penetrate the cloth and shoot into Albert's eyes, so he knew the original darkness and the complete darkness in the cell. There is a difference.

This sudden and complete darkness seems to indicate what happened here. But what exactly is it, Albert, who is completely desperate at the moment, has not expected it.

Brush it la la la la. With the sound of a metal sliding, the door of the cell was opened.

"呃" Who sighed low. The owner of the voice seemed to be surprised. That was an unexpected surprise.

After about ten seconds, the master of the voice suddenly got to the ear of Albert and whispered, "Are you alright? Can you still act? I will help you loosen it now and escape from here." ""

The voice brought greater despair to the tiger youth, because he recognized the master of the voice.

It is Chanel.

It’s terrible. He was actually seen by her, and now he looks like this.

After the ball in the mouth of "呜" was pulled out, the tiger youth began to make a low-pitched voice: "Things are not what you think."

"I know." Chanel was busy unpacking the ropes on Albert's hands and feet, but accidentally hit Albert's tiger's ass, and the big cat suddenly twitched.

"Sorry." The girl knew that the young man at the moment was very sensitive. She immediately retracted her hand: "I know that you are ashamed, but it is totally unnecessary. You are only calculated."

"I was calculated??"

"The guy you met in the military base in Angola is one of Seth's capable men. No one knows his real name, people only call him [hunter]. The hunter is the only remaining master in the world. The level of the disappearance expert, he can sneak into the back of the opponent almost without anyone's awareness."


"You have no chance of winning from the beginning, and it is a matter of course to be taken away." Chanel continued: "You have been lost by the moment he approached from behind. He injected an anesthetic into your back and controlled your spirit." With the flesh. Then you can only let him kill."


What Albert seemed to want to understand, suddenly asked with anger: "So you saw it all? You have been observing everything I have suffered from the beginning, but you have not shot me to save me?"

In the face of Albert's questioning, Chanel bowed.

"Sorry, I can't find a chance to start." She replied: "Even if I am, I can't face the front of Scitech's men."

"So you have been following, watching in the dark, watching me being tortured?"

"What are you talking about?" Chanel just untied Albert's blindfolded cloth and asked with a blank look: "I spent a lot of time trying to find the secret base. I found it here. When you came, you are already like this."

"You" the tiger whitened the girl, but did not see a little false from the other's eyes. He was a little annoyed and shouted: "Forget it!"

In fact, Chanel saw Albert's lower body naked and still sticky, and already guessed it. She pretended not to see, and untied her black cloak and stuffed it to Albert: "Where are your gears going? Use this to shame before you get back equipment."

Albert didn't say anything, and he couldn't wait to take a snapshot. He used his cloak to enclose his lower body. Although it was as strange as wearing a skirt, it barely covered his shame.

The weak Albert tried to climb from the ground, his hands and feet were still very numb, and his whole body was weak to the extreme.

Chanel then supported Albert directly with his shoulders, allowing the tiger to stand up. Although Albert is not tall, he is an orc. The petite figure of the Dark Elf girl and Albert's figure have no way to compare. Even if Albert is forced to pick up, there is no way for two people to move around.

Albert felt that his lower body was shaking, and he felt like he was going to collapse at any time. He knew that his physical condition was extremely bad.

"Enough." He held the wall with his arm and stopped moving: "You don't have to take me with you. Or you can escape from here."

"What are you talking about? You can only escape now. When they say [the third stage], you can't escape anymore!" Chanel still tried her best to pick up the heavy tiger: "They will start to Injecting drugs into your body will transform you into a monster. Once you become like that, everything will become irreparable!"

"Even this way!" Abdominal pain is eroding Albert, and the originally paralyzed body gradually recovers, but it is even more difficult. He stepped on the air and the whole tiger fell forward, and Chanel, who tried to support him, fell to the ground.

"Hey!" The girl climbed up awkwardly, and her forehead was bitten by a bang. She looked at Albert, who couldn't climb up on the ground like a group of mud, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Get up, please." Chanel whispered: "The interruption of the power system can only last for ten minutes. This is our only escape meeting."

Albert struggled from the ground trying to climb, but struggled a few times and plopped down. The internal organs were so painful that they were irritated, and he spit a blood.

Hey, hey, hey, hey! The surrounding lights turned on one after another and the power began to recover. It was hard for Chanel to leave with Albert in this state of collapse, but now it is even more difficult.

"Damn." The girl frowned, grabbing the shoulders of the tiger on the ground and dragging it: "Things are now, only"

She picked up the big tiger and walked towards a vent-like entrance deep in the prison. Before the arrival of the soldiers, she stuffed Albert into the vents and jumped in.

The downwardly sloping vents slid down with the two men and fell towards the almost endless depth.

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