Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1923: Escape to stay up late (six)

Chapter 1923, Escape to the Night 6

The white light from the explosion made Albert shocked. He thought he was really so bad, and he picked up the explosion arrow.

This crystallization cave is not too big, and the explosive arrows are exploding in this close range, and they still have a lot of threat to Albert. Not to mention that the explosion may cause the cave to collapse, or allow the hole to withstand the pressure from the corpse, let the bodies slide in and bury the cave.

However, Albert is actually very lucky, because the arrow that is shot is not an explosion arrow, but an arrow of ice. Its initial explosion was small and a means of spreading the refrigerant. The scattered refrigerant not only did not damage the hole, but turned into an ice wall and blocked the hole.

In this way, Albert does not need to worry about the collapse of the cave. But the problem is coming again, and the frozen caves are getting colder.

The tiger shuddered and picked up another arrow.

Three choices, one of the arrows has also been tested, and the remaining two arrows are estimated to be [explosive arrows] and [burning arrows] - at least the standard configuration of the archers that Albert can think of It is like this.

That is to say, he has half the chance to pick up the explosion arrow, and the other half has the chance to pick the burning arrow. In any case, it is more troublesome to launch a frozen hole like this, which may cause a big collapse.

Albert looked at himself behind him.

This side of the cave is a crystal wall or a glass wall, and the material must not be known. These nearly transparent walls seem to extend towards the endless distance, and only a few slits can breathe. Where the slits go to the end, how long it takes to go outside, is also unknown. The underground glass sea in the Sahara is not good. The glass can deflect the light, make the distant scene look very close, or let the very close scene look far away, constantly confusing the eyes. Shooting arrows at the crystal wall here can't completely avoid the landslide, but the chance of landslides here is smaller than that of the corpse.

Albert dragged Chanel over, and he carried a cold ice wall and fired a second arrow at the other side of the cave.

Boom! The arrow is embedded in the hollow of the wall.

啪滋! It began to be ignited and fired. The fire began to spread along the entire crystal cave. In this huge underground glass world, the distance was shining red, and the fire was shining like the sun.

Albert was relieved. His luck was not bad, and he finally picked up the burning arrow.

So, this shape is like a red radish, with four barbed arrows, is the arrow that burns the arrow? By the fire, Albert picked up the arrows and observed them carefully. This stuff has a very reasonable design. It is tied to the enemy, and the barb is smothered in the opponent's flesh. The burning arrow begins to burn intensely, and at the same time, the fuel is sprayed on a larger area of ​​the enemy to expand the range of the flame. The thicker and thicker the monster, the more unfavorable it will be in the face of this burning arrow.

Albert broke open the arrow of a burning arrow and placed it on the ground. Then he was worried. This thing uses the technology of compression space, which contains a lot of fuel, and has its own trigger (ignition) device, which has no problem for firing. But he can't always scatter the fuel. He didn't know how to disassemble this ghost thing. Just throwing it on the ground and igniting it always feels a very dangerous thing.

At least look for a rag and wrap it up. Albert then looked at Chanel next to him. Chanel wore less clothes, and it was a close-fitting short-sleeved dress. Even the cloak she used to wear was used by Albert to surround her waist. The tiger had just torn off a lot of fabric from the elf girl to dress her wounds. If she tears it down, she will run away. Albert couldn't bear to do this, so he tried to find a way out of himself. What he thought of was to use his cloak that was wrapped around his waist and shy.

The cave was getting colder and colder. He didn't think much, just tearing off a whole piece of cloth. The cloth he used to cover his shame was getting less and less, and his **** was exposed. However, Albert thought that he would live too long, and he still had to starve to death in this underground cave, and he would not think more.

He wrapped the arrow of the burning arrow with cloth, placed it on the ground not far away, and then directly hit it with the bow. The arrow was triggered smoothly, and the fuel ejected from the arrow was soaked and began to burn steadily.

Finally there is a more reliable source of fire. Albert also took advantage of the broken wood arrow and threw it into the fire. He was very cold, and he knew that Chanel must be colder, so he held the Elf girl and snuggled down next to the fire.

sleepy. The consciousness is gradually blurred. Want sleep.

Albert's eyelids slowly collapsed. He is tired and thirsty and sleepy. There is no pain in his body. It is uncomfortable from the inside out.

In order to survive, he has done everything he can do. There is nothing left to do. Perhaps this is the end.

His vision became a seam, and the eyelids covered all the sights. Only the fire in front of him passed through the eyelids, so he was in a red light. Behind him was a bitter cold, and there was a fire in front of him that seemed to be extinguished soon. He curled up and tried to keep the only thing warm, but it didn't help. Difficulty finally caught up with him and dragged him into a heavy dark dream.

I don't know how long it has passed.

Who is opening his mouth and pouring something into his mouth. I don't know if it is water or food or a mixture of water and food. Anyway, after the thing slides into Albert's throat, the tiger feels a sweet smell. He didn't consciously **** a few more.

"Slower" who whispered to him.

Albert then slowed down the speed of smoking. He didn't want to be greedy, but he slowly followed the instinct of his own to enjoy the nectar that slipped into his throat. The fever made him confused, unable to think, and in confusion he only felt who was lying in his arms.

"Please, don't let him die." Who is saying, "I am so hard to find such a person who is willing to listen carefully. Don't let it all be wasted."

Albert did not understand the man's petition, he just continued to eat what was sent to his mouth. He didn't think too much, just let his body follow the survival instinct to act. After eating, he fell asleep in a groggy way.

I don't know how long it has passed.

The tiger youth finally woke up and opened their eyes slightly. The scene that someone had fed him seemed to be just a dream, but his feeling of fasting did not seem so serious, and the pain on his body seemed to be much better (perhaps the credit of the moonlight disc).

The fire is still there. I don't know if the fuel burning the arrow is so hard to burn, or because it has been fueled several times.

"Are you awake?" Elbert's ear rang the soft voice of Chanel.

"唔" Tiger whispered, "In the end"

"We are temporarily saved." The Elf girl smirked Albert's tiger head and said, "You found this cave that you can take refuge. You still have a fire. You still know how to bandage me." Wounds. Thanks to your gift, I am much better now, and I am finally struggling to survive from the death line."

"Chanel" Albert is still suffering from low fever, and his body is still particularly weak, but he seems to be unable to die for a while.

Since he has not died, he can't help but find a way to continue to live: "What do we do next? Is there any way to ask for help?"

"This is the depth of the earth, I can't think of any good way." The girl said: "I got a small bee from the arsenal of the British warship to send a distress signal. I just took it along the cave. The gap has been sent out. But we still don't expect too much. The small thing is estimated to be stuck somewhere in the ground, and it will never go out."

Albert was silent for a while.

"So we are not doing anything here, just waiting to die?" he whispered.

"I can only expect the emergence of a miracle." The girl stroking the tiger's head again.

"You are not worried?" Albert could not help but ask.

"How could you not worry, stupid tiger." Chanel pinched Albert's tiger's ear and said, "But all that can be done, then let it happen."

Albert did not continue to say anything, just lying without words.

He tried to accumulate as much physical strength as possible, although there is nothing to do now, but if there is a chance, the physical strength he retains is very useful. God knows when the opportunity will come?

The bonfire is burning continuously, weak and stable. This was originally a space that was not too big, and the ventilation was surprisingly good, so it was not extinguished. The cold of this underground cave was gradually replaced by warmth, although its cold still dominated.

In the sparkle of fire, the ceiling of the underground crystal cave, the walls, and the ground, some of the stars shine.

The light of these stars comes from the ore at the bottom.

"It's beautiful." Chanel sighed as she saw the light.

Albert remembers that the people of Great Britain mentioned that this underground glass sea in the Sahara is a special terrain left over from a war a long time ago. The great power of the ultimate magic makes the entire Sahara desert underground melted into glass and creates a huge underground hollow structure. The underground part of the desert edge is also affected by the power of the ultimate magic. The underground cavity is relatively small, and the vitrification of the underground is less complete. The earth's bottom in Africa originally had many veins, especially various metal deposits. These natural ores will vaporize and disappear in the great heat, so there is almost no metal particles in the center of the underground glass sea. But on the edge of the desert, in areas where heat is not so alarming, underground veins are incompletely vaporized, so they become pure metal particles that condense between the intricate underground glass caves.

This is the source of [Starlight] in front of Albert. Although they look as dazzling as the stars in the night, they are actually just a myriad of metal particles, interspersed between the glass.


What Albert seems to think of. But it is impossible to completely figure it out. Just as Albert was contemplating, Chanel came over and fell on the chest of the tiger youth.

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