Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1931: Guild Wars at Night (6)

Chapter 1931 is a battle of the night and night

"Hey." Biddiwei asked slyly: "Have you heard the words just now?"

"I heard it." The tiger youth did not turn their heads to see the werewolf youth.

Then the atmosphere became even more awkward. Bedieville’s face was blue.

"I am going to take you back to my boat and see what the medical cabin can do." The Werewolf youth said, "Don't worry, the ancient people's skills will surely cure you."

"You know that it is impossible, why bother to try." Albert has a dull face: "You didn't hear the doctor say? I am now immortal. The body is not more convenient, what is the visceral function to stop, let this little thing go to hell. Now, if you can, the effect of the anesthetic has not completely passed, can you send me back to Cairo in a wheelchair? Big hotel? I guess Mutter should be waiting for me in the hotel room, right?"

"You shouldn't be discharged like this." Bedieville said unhappy.

"The doctors here are all helpless with my half-dead body. What am I still doing here?" Albert continued to talk about a bunch of things: "Let me go back. If you don't want to help, I I want to go back."

"You are such a stubborn guy." The Werewolf youth knew that he could no longer persuade his friends and had to give up: "Wait here, I am going to get a wheelchair."

"Hey," Elbert suddenly stopped Biddeville. "What about the broken bracelets that I broke, how do the people of Great Britain say?"

"Hey?" The werewolf youth was wrong: "Hey, you just climbed back from the ghost gate. Is this still a small matter? Do you really want to continue to participate in roundtable trials?"

"What if I said that I am?"

"Then I can only say that you are a stupid." Bettiville couldn't help but pout: "You should lie down and have a few months to rest for a few months. How can tomorrow's game continue to let you participate?"

Albert stared at Bediville straight and didn't speak.

"But, after all, you are such a stubborn person." The werewolf youth sighed again: "I also know that it is useless to stop you. The people of Great Britain are not unreasonable. They recycle the fragments of your bracelet. After the identification, it is determined that the bracelet is not destroyed by you. The bracelet is self-destructive because it cannot withstand the enormous magic of your body. This is not your responsibility."

"and so?"

"So they don't intend to hold you accountable. After your body recovers, if you really want to continue to participate in roundtable trials, they will get you a new magic bracelet. Don't worry." Bediville Without feelings: "I said this, your boy is finally satisfied?"

"It's okay." The young tigers relieved with a sigh of relief: "After all, if I don't participate in the knockout, you won't be too easy to win. Can you be cheaper like this, hehehe."

Hearing that Albert was laughing there, Bettiville could not laugh. He is even a bit sour in his heart.

"In general, this is the case. I am going to take a wheelchair, let's go back." He hurriedly fled the compartment of the medical room, feeling that he was even more suffocated at the moment.

Around 8 pm.

"Is it here?" Betteville had some doubts when he went to the doorbell of the luxury suite on the top floor of the Cairo Grand Hotel.

However, it is Mutter who comes to answer the door. Seeing the cat and the boy, Bedyville’s doubts were immediately dissolved.

"I finally sent this guy back, though it wasn't a perfect piece." Bedieville pushed the wheelchair to the front of the room: "The next step is for you."

"Hey, how can you say that I am a cargo?" The tiger man in a wheelchair spit in the tunnel.

"Hey, thank you." Mutt and Biddiville looked at each other.

"Then I am gone, goodbye. Contact me later." The werewolf youth also slammed back and turned and left.

"Hey, little devil." After Bedyville left, Albert greeted Mutter.

The cat-and-boys did not answer. Pushing the tiger-aged youth in a wheelchair and silently closing the door of the room, they suddenly collapsed in front of the wheelchair and fell in the arms of the tiger youth.

"I'm sorry." Mutter whispered, the voice trembled, and seemed to want to cry at any time.

"Why are you saying sorry? It should be that I said sorry." Albert touched Mutter's cat's head and said, "If it weren't because I was **** off with the Sphinxes, All this will not be born."

"No!" The cat boy buried his face in Albert's chest, and the voice of his voice became blurred: "It's me. If I had to advise you not to leave, if I said nothing, I wouldn't let you go." If you want to go back with us, you will not be born!"

Albert did not retort again, but silently continued to caress the head of the cat boy.

"I am a little tired." When Mutter cried enough, Albert said, "Can you help me to the bed?"

"You will wake up after you fall asleep, right?" Mutt raised his head and asked worriedly.

"Are you stupid?" Albert vomited.

The cat-and-boys broke into laughter, even though it was a bitter smile.

"嗷" lay on a soft and comfortable bed, and Albert felt a little relaxation at this time.

He tried to close his eyes as usual, but he didn't feel a little sleepy at all. After becoming such a body, you still need to sleep, or a mystery. It is a mystery whether this heart-stopping body has any metabolic function.

Just when he was confused, he felt that the cat man was snuggling beside him.

"What are you doing, Mutter?"

"Hello, you are cold. It's all cold." Mutter whispered, "If you fall asleep like this, you will catch cold."

"So you come over and give me warmth?"

"Just for a while." Mutter said, squatting on the side of Albert and leaning his body tighter. Despite this, this kid actually used at least the back to face Albert, lying next to the tiger youth. The so-called "send warmth" is really not professional enough.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?" Mutt lie there, motionless, but whispered.

"I didn't plan what to do," Elbert replied casually with his eyes closed. "If you can move, go to the competition."

"It has become like this, and I plan to participate in the competition?" Mutton said: "Wait. I am planning to participate in your own competition, or -"

"All participate."

The cat-and-boys then paused again: "You should not remind me of it? The game of Diablo is at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. I even suspect that your body can recover before that."

"This little thing doesn't need you to worry." The tiger youth said: "Unless you don't want me to participate in football?"

"I" Mutter seems to really want to stop Albert from going to the game, but he resisted not saying it. He knows better than anyone else, and now the Sphinx can't live without Albert. In particular, the level cup event has entered a white-hot stage, and the next game will become more and more difficult. The team needs the power of Albert in any case.

Seeing that Mutter was hesitating, Albert couldn’t help but smile: "Since you are not going to stop me, then there is nothing to worry about. Now roll down my bed. Let me sleep for a while."

Mutter did not speak, but did not move.

I felt that it was a bit annoying. The young man of the tiger turned around and caught the cat boy from behind. His mischievous move was originally to scare Mutter, thinking that this would scare off the cat boy. However, Mutter did not resist at all.

"The smell of disinfectant" He just lay there quietly and whispered.

"The doctor sent me back after I finished the wound on my body. I haven't taken a shower yet," Albert said.

"Bad smell" Mutter said: "And there is a woman's perfume."

"So?" Albert did not deny it.

"Slightly annoying." The cat boy whispered, "Would you like to take a shower?"

"I am really tired." Albert interrupted impatiently.

"I can help you wash"

"Shut up, let me sleep for a while!" The tiger youth is even more impatient.

"Okay," Mutter didn't talk.

Then there was another silent silence.

"You really don't plan to roll down my bed?" Albert asked again. "Because I know that I have no strength to drive you down, so I want to do whatever I want?"

"I do not have"

"I met Lufu again." The tiger youth suddenly said.


"He has been there, guarding me." Albert sighed: "Even if we forget each other during this time, there is no way to communicate in the normal way."

"I didn't understand what you were saying"

"It was he who saved me. Once again." The tiger-man youth shrank a little and held the cat-and-boys tighter, just like a furry pillow: "His last words, want me."

(—— Take care of Mutter.)

When I heard that Albert had said half of it, there was no sound. Mutter was a bit strange.

"Stupid tiger?" He tried to call a sentence.

no respond.

The cat man was shocked and turned and looked at Albert.

The tiger youth have fallen asleep.

He slept like that, as if he really died. Mutt explored Albert's breath, and now Albert is really not breathing. Even the heartbeat was completely stopped. He was like a cold body.

Prior to this, Mutter had received a phone call, and Betdiville had already explained to Mutter how special Albert's physical condition is. But when it was actually encountered, Mutter still felt that it was terrible.

The tiger shouldn’t really fall asleep like this, fall asleep forever, never wake up again?

Thinking of this, Mutter could not help but panic. Over the long night, he could have freed himself from the hugs of the tiger youth and ran to do other things. But instead he snuggled up in Albert's arms and put his ear on Albert's chest, again and again, trying to hear the heartbeat that no longer exists. Because time was too long, he was caught by a moment of distress, and eventually fell asleep.

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