Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1934: Captured in the lake light (3)

Chapter 1934 is trapped in Lake Light III

"Oh, you really have no mercy." After listening to Paramitis's plan, Bediville said jokingly.

"Oh, I am looking forward to comparing you seriously in the finals." Paramitis also grinned half-jokingly.

Although Paramitis can be full of action, but who is not terrible? Beddyville does not need to say that other candidates such as the swordsman Soral, such as the fisherman prince Tristan, and the eldest bear of Elaine, in fact, are all like monsters.

And in the list of strong enemies in Bedieville's impression, the two sons of Paramitis had to be counted. When Segrad can enter the finals, there seems to be no suspense. Saifei will face Paramitis tomorrow. The father and son will fight who is the final winner. It is still unknown.

"In short, I wish you a good performance in tomorrow's battle, Little Betty." Paramitis said.

"You too, Parami." The werewolf youth drank another soda.

"They really grew up." Paramitis took a sip of steam, and suddenly he came to a cold.


"I mean Saifel and Segred." The big cat whispered, "In my memory, the two of them are still children, even children who take up arms to fight." In the eight years when I became a stone statue, I really changed a lot. Seeing the replay of their two battles, I can't believe it is the home of Saifel and Segred."

Bedyville doesn't know what to say.

"Children like this, it really means that they will grow up and think about it." Paramitis continued to drink soda, but it was not so much a non-alcoholic drink, but rather a drinker. .

Having said that, is this soda really completely non-alcoholic?

"So? Are you going to show your feelings to Saifei tomorrow?" Biddyville then tried to ask: "He is also very strong. If you don't make all your efforts, it's you who can't lose the game."

"Oh, I know, of course." Paramitis smiled bitterly: "This kind of thing doesn't tell you to tell me. In my memory, you were just a small ball of hair eight years ago. I was hiding behind Arthur, and I only knew that I was crying for help."

"Nothing!" Bedieville blushes.

"When you are crying, just forget it." Paramitis joked and said: "Although you were taken away by us, and finally Arthur used other pieces to exchange hostages, this can't be denied."

Bediville remembered that Paramitis was the only one affected by the unchanging fate. Perhaps it was because when Bediville changed the destiny of the world seven years ago, Paramitis became a stone statue, and perhaps for other reasons. In short, everyone in the world can't remember what Badiville once existed and done, but Paramitis remembers.

"Paramy, so how much do you remember?" Bettiville could not help but curiously ask: "All?"

"Probably all." Paramitis replied: "Including Arthur’s taking this little ball to Rome, and the encounter with our envoys. Also including I took you away and asked Pantora. Ken will use the remaining key fragments to exchange your life."

"Does also include the rescue of Saifei and SEGed?"

"Of course." The leopard warrior smiled and said: "I am curious why people in the whole world can forget such important things. And other details are still there, but they have forgotten your existence. They remember How is the blank part filled? It’s unbelievable."

"I also want to know." The werewolf youth sipped the whole bottle of soda, and suddenly felt a cool body. He reached for another bottle of soda on the table.

"The events of exchange of hostages can't be filled anyway, unless they have no exchange of hostages in their memory?" The big cat continued to drink soda, staring at the meaningless TV direct screen on the TV screen. Speaking casually: "I asked Vivian, she seems to remember your things. That is to say, I should be the only person in the world who remembers your existence. The more you think about it, the more you feel wrong. Maybe I should talk to King Arthur and let him remember you."

"No, don't do this." Bedyville said busy.


"It's useless. No one will believe it." The Werewolf youth sighed: "Those that don't exist in memory never exist. Let it drift with the water."

The big cat licked his head: "I always feel that this is very unfair to you."

"I am fine. I don't care." Biddiville speeded up again and sipped his soda: "If you say this, they will only treat me as a fool or a liar. This doesn't help anything." It also ruined my image. It is good to maintain it now, why not?"

Paramitis listened to silence for a while: "I remember that Tristan was the best friend of your life, but now you are very stiff. So, would you rather break his relationship with him forever?" Every time I talked about Tristan, Bedyville had a sting in her heart.

"If you don't do anything, some things are lost and you lose forever." Paramitis shook his head again. "Is that really good?"

Bediville did not continue to answer the question of the Leopard warrior, but instead drank himself or said that he was soaked in soda.

"Which." Paramitis did not continue to ask, picked up another bottle of soda on the table and continued to pour it into his mouth, silently accompanying Biddiville to drink soda.

I don't know how long it took, the big cat looked at watching TV and went to sleep.

"I thought you were just not drinking. I didn't expect you to get drunk even with soda." Bettiville, whose head was a little groggy, shook Palamidis in the past and tried to wake the big cat, but there was no Any effect.

"Forget it." Biddyville took a blanket from the chair next to him and covered the big cat sleeping on the sand. He turned off the TV and felt that it would be useless to stay here. He took the last bottle of soda from the table and was about to turn and leave.

Bettyville, who just walked to the door, was surprised to see that Safir was waiting at the door.

"Hey" Biddiville looked at the Leopard youth a little slyly: "Seifer? Your dad is asleep in the lounge, maybe you should find a way to send him back to the room to rest."

"Not too cold tonight, let my father sleep there, don't bother him," Saifel said.

"Is it." Bettiville couldn't help but slammed the girl: "Have you heard the conversation with Paramitis?"

"I only heard a small part of it." The leopard youth whispered: "I have done a new plug-in system. I am coming to find Mr. Bedieville and you are testing weapons. I didn't expect you to talk to Dad. I am happy, I am not going to bother you."

"Eavesdropping is still a bad habit." Bedieville was a little unhappy. He knows that the sound insulation of the door is good. Saifer is waiting outside the door, and generally can't hear too much content. But he also knows that the orcs are very sensitive to hearing. Maybe this door with excellent sound insulation can't stop Safir's curiosity.

In any case, Bedieville did not intend to continue the old things, he said: "You find me something? Test weapons, right?"

"Yes, let's go to the workshop and say it." Saifeier showed his enthusiasm: "The seeds of the fire scented flowers that Segrad got can come in handy, plug-in system. The power has improved a lot, and I can expect to come in handy in tomorrow's battle. But it was a shock wave, it has become something else, and the feel will change. I hope to hear from Mr. Bedieville. The opinion, it may be able to further improve the flaws."

"Very good." The werewolf youth did not say much, just nodded.

Ten minutes later.

"This is all right." Safir returned the modified Black Moon Steel Scimitar to Bediville. The Werewolf youth took a careful study after taking the scimitar, but did not see any mystery. After the transformation, the scimitar seems to be exactly the same as the transformation?

"So what's the change?" Biddiwell couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Here," the young Leopard pointed to the part of the scimitar shank, a small hole that was vaguely revealed: "There is already a small sub-space pocket filled with nectar flowers. As long as you are as usual The ground triggers the trigger of the plug-in system, and when it hits the shock wave, the sub-space pocket is also activated synchronously, and the flower seed raft is sprinkled from the inside. The flower seed is ignited by the impact wave, and can be sprinkled like a flame. Meow."

"If I only want to use ordinary shockwaves to move?" The werewolf youth asked.

"The usage is exactly the same, the impact of the shock wave is not affected," said Saifer. However, after a second, he changed his mind: "Or, the impact is actually increased." The flower seed explosion will bring extra impact."

"What do you mean by [feeling change], does that mean this?" Biddyville touched the hidden trigger on the scimitar handle, but did not mean to buckle down.

"The second impact it brings may make your original combat experience a bit different." Saifel said: "And the reaction to the enemy shooting fire is also very powerful, you must pay attention when using it. Meow."

"Okay, I understand." Biddeville looked at the workshop that was transformed from the ship's warehouse: "If there is any place where you can carry out a weapon test, just like a sword, I am afraid that it will break your workshop." The instrument inside."

"This is easy to handle," Safir shrugged. "You didn't let Elaine get out of the boat yesterday, didn't you transform a bathroom in another warehouse next to it? The bathroom was reinforced by the energy field, testing the weapon. There is no problem. And there is a big pool inside, and the flower seeds of the enchanting flower are not there to worry about the fire."

"Is the place to take a bath into a place to test weapons. You are really talented." Bettiville couldn't help but sarcastically say, "Okay, let me try."

"I am going to squat." Saifel picked up his modified Black Moon Steel and said: "A person can't test anything with a weapon, right? I'm going to be your opponent."

"Are you serious?" The werewolf youth looked at the leopard youth with surprise.

"After all, it’s playing with Luna Steel’s weapons. It’s probably not realistic to say it.” Saifei smiled: "But I will pay attention to not let you be seriously injured, Mr. Bedieville." ""

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