Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1936: Captured in Lake Light (5)

Chapter 1936 is trapped in Huguangwu

The huge waves and the fire wall, pressed towards Saifei. The fire wall burned fiercely, and the sparks it spewed out even ignited the fire scented flower seeds floating around the water, causing a more violent fire, a fire floating on the water! The young Leopard can't help but conceal his opponent's arrogance, because this is Biddiville's own ship, because this is in a pool, can you do it without consequences? !

To escape the oncoming attack, it is actually not as difficult as imagined: Saifei just has to drill into the water.

However, this is obviously a trap. In this pool with deep water but no knees, just drill into the water to escape the flames, which means that Safir must kneel on the ground in an extremely unfavorable position. In this case, the attack by the opponent, Safir can almost be said to have no power to fight back.

Therefore, drilling into the water is definitely not a correct solution. The correct solution should be to cut the oncoming huge waves together with the fire wall in half! Saifel raised his hands and slammed the black moon, and the blade and the huge waves instantly touched! This is the advantage of long-handled weapons, because it is long enough, so users can resolve the oncoming crisis at a relatively safe distance, without worrying about being attacked by too close!

Oh! ! The big waves are separated on both sides. The nature of Luna Steel's weapons is extremely special. When the object is touched, it can generate huge kinetic energy (actually it is decompressed by the huge mass of space compression), so that this wave is divided into two. The special scene has also become a matter of course!

At the moment when the huge wave was split into two, Safir was still careful to guard. He originally thought that Biddeville would hide behind the huge waves and wait for the moment when the huge waves were separated. However, there is no one behind the huge waves, and Bediville disappears!

and many more! What exactly is going on? Why is there no one? Where did he go? There are countless questions in the mind of Seifer, only in less than half a second.

Where did Bedieville go? Where can he go in the very short period of time from the hitting of a huge wave to the breaking of a huge wave? !

He did not hide behind the waves, of course -

Hiding in the waves!

Hey! At the moment when the Leopard youth wants to understand, the Werewolf youth has suddenly emerged from one of the separated waves, waving a machete to attack Safir! The angle of the knives of the scimitar was extremely smashed, and it was cut from the slanting back and down to Safir's armpits!

Block? No, it’s too late! Because of the long-handled weapon, the black moon **** steel scorpion has just been used by the leopard youth to cut the huge waves, and the action of closing the hand has not yet finished! This way, before Safir completely took back the long squat and started to block, Bedyville's scimitar had already been cut on the shoulders of the Leopard youth!


Hey! Safir pressed a button on the handle of the long cymbal, and the long handle of the long scorpion contracted instantly, changing from a long scorpion to a scimitar! Because of the change of the center of gravity, the black moon steel scimitar in his hand is already in a state of complete control, and Saifei then lifted the black moon steel scimitar to block!

Boom! ! He felt his right hand numb! Because he hurriedly shrank the long gong into a machete, he could only hold the machete with one hand. When the block was blocked, the impact was absorbed by his right arm. It was strange to be so numb and soft!

"Call." There is a reaction and there is a reaction. Bettiville should have suffered the same amount of impact, and his arm should feel the same degree of numbness. But Bettewell’s previous blow was actually made by holding a machete in both hands, which means that he used his hands to bear the impact of the blow evenly, so his hands were shocked and the hard and far-reaching game Fair little half!

Therefore, after the attack was blocked, Bediville's hands and Yu Yu made the next wave of attack. The scimitar that he swung out suddenly moved the plug-in system and came up with a reverse shock wave! Bedyville also took advantage of the blade of the machete to flip a hundred and eighty degrees, with a sharp blade to face Safir's belly!

bad! If you don't block it, you will be seriously fatal! When the Leopard youth realized this, he forced the left hand to take the machete and use his arm that had not become paralyzed to block the attack again!

Boom! ! The more violent the collision between the scimitar and the machete!

Because the left hand urgently held the knife and forced the block, Safir's arm suffered more serious damage. He actually couldn't completely block the blow. The whole person was shocked and flew out, and fell into the water. !

He knew that he was in a bad condition. He just struggled to climb out of the water when he was in the water, and hoped that Bedyville had not come before. However, how could there be such a good thing in the world, Saifei just got up, and the blade of Bettiville's scimitar has already reached the neck of the Leopard youth.

"Okay, it’s better than the end of the test." The werewolf youth said with a smile, but there seemed to be a hidden kill in the smile.

"I admit defeat." Safir sighed: "Mr. Bedieville is so powerful. It seems that I can't win your embarrassment."

"I think it's just the opposite." The Werewolf youth retracted the scimitar. "You are too dependent on the performance of your own equipment. Because of this, you have not observed the situation well, and you have not been able to make reasonable use of everything that can be used on the battlefield. Help yourself win."

"Yes." Seifer couldn't help but glance at the bath that had been messed up by Bedieville. Because of the huge waves just now, the water in the bath was knocked out. The sporadic fire scented flower seeds floating on the waters of the baths are still burning, and the fire begins to weaken after a few seconds. The bath that was originally cold water turned into hot water, and even hot was a little uncomfortable.

"But there is no such a convenient pool to use on tomorrow's playing field." Bettiville grinned and reached out to Saifei, trying to help the leopard youth.

"Really," Saifei did not climb up directly, sat in the pool, and whispered, "Mr. Bedieville, please tell me the truth. Oh, my game with my dad, how big is my win?" ?"

So Bedieville told the truth: "If you are still you, if your equipment does not have any special breakthroughs, and the Paramitis guy is shocked, your winning percentage should be infinitely close to zero."

"I think it's also awkward." Safir grabbed Bediwell's hand and tried to climb from the pool: "But-"

Then he was so cold that he made a move to fall back and broke the vigilant Bediville.

"Hey!" The young man of the werewolf first landed on the ground and made a low voice.

"I can also be very treacherous." As if the mischief was successful, Saifei smiled proudly.

"You kid!" Biddyville climbed from the water and rushed for a fight!

"Ah hahahaha!" The two joked in the pool.

Brush - But at this time, who opened the door of the bathhouse, just saw the two big boys wearing only a pair of pants, wrestling in the water.

"Hey." Paramitis wanted to take a shower before going to sleep and get rid of the sweat. However, when he first stepped into the bathhouse, he looked dumbfounded and almost became like a stone statue: "You guys?!"

"Hey, Dad -" Saifel climbed out of the water: "Things are not as embarrassing as you think."

"We just tried it, and then we changed from using weapons to using fists." Bettiville also tried to explain.

"Oh, of course, I understand, of course I understand." The Leopard warrior pretended to turn around without incident: "Well, young people, energetic, very, very normal. I am not a so open parent. What's between you, oh, I don't see it, you can continue -"

Then he ran away with a smog, as if the limits of the enchanted bracelet had been lifted and he ran amazingly fast.

"欸" Saifei's face became pale: "How could Dad suddenly misunderstand in a strange place?"

"Do you mean it?" Bettiville glanced at Seifer, who was only wearing a pair of pants and drenched, and glanced at himself in the same situation. It is reasonable to say that he should have smiled at this time, but he feels that he is not funny at all.

"I went to tell my dad about it." Saifei climbed out of the bath in a depressed mood.

"No, you go to tell him that it will only get darker and darker. I will tell him." Bedieville also climbed out of the bath and tidy up the clothes he had already drenched.

A few minutes later, I changed to a set of dry clothes, but the body was still brave, and found the room of Paramitis.

"Hey, it’s a small Betty." When the big cat opened the door, he also deliberately avoided the eyes of Bedieville.

"What you just saw is really a misunderstanding." Biddiville did not go around with Paramitis, and said it as soon as he came up.

"When, of course, just a misunderstanding." The smile on Paramidis's face was a bit stiff: "Although you just wriggled in the pool almost, it looks very happy."

"Please, don't think about it!" Bettiville almost vomited blood: "You know, I am already a man with a wife and a child, how can I see the little devil of Saifei!"

"You [have] had a wife and a child." Palamidis corrected: "Then they are no longer alive. I know, you have been lonely for so many years."

"Budget!" Bedieville couldn't help but anger.

"And, my family's Seifer is a big guy, isn't it a matter of course?" Paramitis said stubbornly.

Bedieville spit a **** old blood. Then he couldn't stand it, and the black moon steel sword in his hand came out of the sheath: "Oh, the explanation is useless, it seems that I still hacked you!"

"Wow, swear, it’s terrible!" Paramitis stepped back.

"Yes, I want to kill you like this, then I can go back and play wrestling with Saifei happily, doing things!" Beddyville screamed at himself.

"噗" Then Paramitis was like a funny joke, and suddenly the leopard laughed.

"Wow, hahahahaha! I caught you!"

"You just all of them are acting, right?" The werewolf youths put away their weapons, but the blue veins that appeared on the forehead have not dissipated, but they are more clear.

"Anyway, you are the type that can't be particularly jokes. It's especially fun to tease you occasionally." The big cat smiled and said: "I can't do it, my stomach hurts, my tears are coming out, hahahahaha!"


"But Uncle, I am finally relieved." Palamidis tried to put away his smile, which made his expression extremely funny: "Look, even if there is no memory for you, Saifei can still Be nice with you. The orcs are very pure creatures. They used to be your friends. They will be the same in the future. Even now, you have never given up re-friending with your best friend Tristan. Isn't it?"

Bedyville reported a silence.

"You are really nosy, Paramy." For a long time, Bedyville said.

"Maybe, little hairball." Palamidis grinned. "Don't hide everything in your heart. Go talk to him, little Beddy. He may not remember you, but he can." Read you."

"I think about it." The werewolf youth replied slightly.

"Speaking back," Paramitis licked his back. "The bathhouse was destroyed by you. Where else can you take a bath in this boat?"

"My captain's room has a private bathroom, you can wash it there." Bedyville said with a sigh of relief: "I will wait for you in bed after washing."

"Bathing can be. Other services don't have to be thank you." Paramitis refused with a funny face.

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