Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1941: Captured by Huguang (10)

Chapter 1941 captures the lake light ten

Vivienne's lightsaber originally had the property of [absorbing energy]. The purple light sword is not just a display, it is a very special "enchantment."

Its principle is extremely complicated, but in short, it can be considered as a "phase shift" capability.

The light sword with this special enchantment immediately grabs energy from the target when hitting something, and turns into its own energy by the principle of phase shift, which is stored inside the high-capacity battery of lightsaber. In theory, the greater the energy contained in the things it hits, the more energy the light sword absorbs instantaneously by means of the phase shift principle.

This is Vivienne's "special for warfare warfare" equipment. Normally, if her opponent is a mage, she can almost win. No matter how powerful the spells her opponents fired at her, this lightsaber can absorb the energy of the spells that come on. Needless to say, fireballs, electric **** and other flying props, even more abstract energy objects, such as pure magic light bombs, such as various kinetic energy shock waves, and even various high-energy rays, can actually rely on these lights. The special enchantments of the sword resist or at least weaken their power.

And because Vivienne can manipulate nine lightsabers at the same time, waving around her body, protecting herself in all directions, in fact, she is almost invincible in the magic war. The wizard who did not know the truth will be scared by Vivienne's magic light sword array immediately after a wave of attacks. He will die under the lights of the Succubus before he understands what it is.

The thunderbolt of the whole body was thundered, and it was twitched at the moment when it was hit by this special purple lightsaber.

Electricity seems to be draining from it and absorbed by the lightsaber!

At first, even Vivienne himself was not sure whether this would be successful. After all, the high voltage power on her opponent is likely to exceed the absorption limit of the lightsaber in her hand, causing the internal battery of the lightsaber to be overcharged and destroyed. So she used the previous block to carry out the actual test - if the lightsaber can block the emitted plasma bomb, the lightsaber body does not have any adverse reactions, the limit of the voltage and current that it can absorb should be enough to deal with her. The enemy in front of you.

The test results were very successful. Vivienne used the lightsaber to block the attack and the high-voltage electricity on the enemy's plasma bombs was sucked clean, but the lightsaber in Vivienne's hands did not have obvious fever or smoke. .

Therefore, she only boldly used this shot at this time. She used the lightsaber to cut the scorpion itself, which is the gel opponent. It is not to kill the opponent, but to weaken the high voltage power on the opponent!

About two seconds later, the hair that Vivian used to manipulate the lightsaber could feel the hilt of the lightsaber starting to smoke and smoke. She knew that this is the limit of the light sword's absorption of electricity, and then continue to use this handle. The lightsaber goes to the opponent, and the internal system of the lightsaber will be damaged by the load! So she took the opportunity to take the light sword back!

The monster in front of her was stunned for two seconds, and then the electro-optic light on her body also weakened by one tenth!

"Oh, ah!" The thing made a wonderful cry, like the sound of dirty water being washed into the sewer.

"Not so strong, big waste?" Vivian said with a sneer, using his hair to roll up all the lightsabers that can be used, waiting for an opportunity.

"Oh ah!" The monster was a little angry and angry, and began to desperately split his body into a torrential rain of electric plasma bombs. It turned into a giant electric plasma bomb, and it fluttered toward Vivienne. Come!

After all, it’s just a monster. It has nothing but an IQ like a beast. Under unfavorable circumstances, I don’t even know how to escape. I also rushed to death. Vivienne couldn't help but sneer. In her hand, she picked up the light sword that had just been filled with electricity and waved it out!

Draw! ! The lightsaber in full-power operation emits a huge light blade. The phase shift enchantment on it has been temporarily canceled. It is now a green, pure photon blade with a high power consumption. The photon's blade is very powerful, and it directly flies the oncoming plasma bomb to the sky. It directly flies out the flying monster and hits it on the wall!

Vivienne rushed forward at the moment when she slammed her opponent. She exchanged a position with her opponent and she rushed to the front door.

But she didn't plan to escape from this motor room, because it is very dangerous to put this monster that will absorb electricity. God knows whether it will do things again after the power system is restored, and screw up the power system that is not easy to repair. ?

So Vivienne just turned around, and the remaining eight lightsabers were drawn out, hitting the wall that was hit by the lightning slime!

The monster hit the wall, and the soft gel-like body had turned into a muddy four-way splash in the process of hitting the wall. It can now be said to be on the wall. Since it can't move, it is naturally hit by Vivienne's attack! Eight lightsabers were chopped at the same time on the wall with electric light "slurry", and began to absorb the power of it!

The eight lightsabers work at the same time, and the effect can be described as a group. The light on the thunderbolt of the thunder has weakened with an astonishing momentum, and soon changed from "a bit glaring" to "dark"!

Originally because of its own light, the body of Thunderbolt is almost invisible, but now it can be seen clearly because the light is dim, Vivian sees only that the body of the monster is almost entirely gel The object is composed, but somewhere in the body there is a metal ball with a large fist size!

Vivian didn't think much about it for a moment, and the remaining light sword was stabbed toward the position of the metal ball! God knows if this monster will find another way to supplement the power. It is the best policy to destroy the vital parts that may exist!

tie! The light sword with green light easily penetrates the monster's gel-like body and pierces the metal ball in it!

啪 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋- There is some kind of electric sound, but it is very weak!

Vivian took back all the lightsabers and guarded everything around her body. The plasma bombs that were launched were still moving on the ground. These electric plasma bombs, which were not absorbed by the electric energy and still glaring, were still moving slowly toward the direction of the monster’s body. Convergence with the body of the monster. However, they seem to have stopped moving when they moved to the middle. The gel-like objects twitched on the ground, twitching constantly, and the twitching of the body became more and more twitching! After about a minute of twitching, the monster's body began to soften on the ground and couldn't move!

The side of the sphere pierced by the lightsaber rolled out of the clump of the gel. Its structure looked like some kind of precision mechanic, but it was pierced by a lightsaber and was burnt black by its own high heat. It is now difficult to tell whether it is the product of high technology or simply the core of a certain creature.

"哼" For the sake of safety, Vivienne reached out and pulled out an ice fog, letting the deadly deep cold spread on the ground. The ice fog binds the core of the monster together with the nearby gel, and this time, Vivian is very certain that there is no electric heating ability to warm up, this monster is absolutely impossible to break the ice again.

Is this finished? Vivian wrinkled her brow. I hope so. She had to rush to another motor room and try to restore the power of the institute.

The succubus put away her lightsaber and turned to think, but at this time -

Hey! Something suddenly popped out of the ruined core! It looks like some kind of shadow, and it easily penetrates the ice that blocks the core and rises into the air!

"It's still unbelievable!" Vivian also noticed the situation behind him, a step and the wonderful thing pulled away, and turned to look at the thing.

It was just a shadow, it looked very vague in the dark, and there was only one [person] outline. Under the light of the lightsaber, Vivian could see that there was some kind of black inflammation around the body of the shadow or some kind of energy field that distorted the air. Although it was dark and opaque, the strange black shadow had two more strange red glowing eyes. Its "eyes" seem to suddenly open two gaps from some dark abyss, from the two twisted gaps.

"It’s a good hand. It’s so simple to beat Slim.” The shadow said, even though it doesn’t look like an organ like a mouth: "To deal with you, it seems to work harder."

"So you are the black hand behind all this?" Vivian asked: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

She doesn't even need to ask this question, the answer is already coming out. The reason why she asks this is purely acting, letting the enemy think she is really a stupid woman and knowing nothing about what is happening in this institute.

The black shadow did not say anything, and fell into complete silence. I don't know if it is seen through Vivienne's acting, or is it simply snickering the stupidity of the succubus?

In any case, it reveals claws and cavities. Its black-eyed arms show huge exaggerated claws, and it poses for preparation.

This black-eyed thing just looked at everything from the core, but there was no lightning-only Slim action? Vivienne frowned. If it had control of Slime's actions, Slim's attack would not be unruly, and it would be so easily defeated by Vivienne. So, this guy has only been [watching] since the beginning, just to see the Vivienne battle style? The bottom of this side has been seen by the opponent, and Vivian has nothing to know about this shadow, it is not good.

Hey! At the same time as the succubus thoughts, the shadow has already flew over, and one paw grabbed Vivian!

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