Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1943: Captured in Lake Light (12)

Chapter 1943 Captured in the Lake Light Twelve

At the same time, in the suburbs of Edinburgh, Gothic coffee shop.

"This dinner you have come to eat is too late." The black cat spit on the side while bringing the food. Although they are strangely styled dark dishes, they look very delicious.

"Don't ask me why." The comet replied depressedly, glanced at the female giant sitting next to him.

"They have all eaten." Fu Lei carefully observed the food placed in front of her. It looks like some kind of chocolate ice cream, although its shape is wonderful, a bit like a devil's claw.

"Just because the children are clamoring to come and eat the desserts you made in Charlotte, so bring them over."

"Oh." The black cat looked at Frey tentatively and glanced at the comet. Xinghui Long seems quite helpless. It seems that Fulei did not intend to let Comet alone take Husky and Hal out to eat. She simply believes that the ability of the comet to take children.

"You are really sad." The black cat then smiled and said to the comet.

"Whatever you say." Xinghui Long replied absently, but he kept looking at a small glass bead in his hand and was fascinated.

"Uncle Uncle has been like that since yesterday, like a magical Wang." Husky said, lowering his voice to the black cat sister.

"His childishness is not a day and a half." The black cat smiled and then urged the comet: "The food is in front of you. You just look at your glass beads, don't even touch the food?" Is this a bit polite?"

"Oh, okay." Xinghui Long had no intention of eating anything at all, just came to accompany the two little devils. But he wanted to be hated by Charlotte, so he carefully took the glass beads that looked worthless, and then moved the knife and fork at random, playing with the tomato juice and cowpea spaghetti in front of him. The taste of the spaghetti itself is not strange, but the spaghetti is made from a special kind of rye flour. The body of the spaghetti is black, just like some dead worm, and then with tomato juice. The red color is bright red, and the taste of the normal tomato juice, the kidney bean spaghetti, has become a dark dish or a normal food in the shape of a dark dish.

"So, you are still living in the house of Prince Kai?" The black cat turned to look at Husky and Hal, curiously asked.

"It's Wang," Husky said with a sigh of relief: "Mom and Vivian Aunt don't know what they are doing. Husky hasn't seen Mommy for a few days!"

On the side of Xiaohar is playing with his strange shape of steak, it looks like it is completely scorched, but exudes the wonderful aroma of just cooked meat, Hal does not know if he should bite Go down and taste the taste.

"That's really pitiful." The black cat tried to defend the mother of the two children: "But they must have their difficulties. Maybe the work is really busy recently? You can bear it."

"I don't understand what the magicians and scholars are thinking about. Maybe Vivienne and Lianyin are now busy cutting people who are not pleasing to the eye~" The comet sneered.

"Hey, don't say this in front of a child!" The black cat immediately interrupted the comet.

"What about Little Hal? Are you missing mom too? Why didn't you talk?" She turned to the leopard boy.

"Hey, Hal is still awkward." The leopard, the young man replied casually, and seemed to have a snack.

"Fortunately? How is it possible!" Fu Lei seems puzzled: "My little princess, but she didn't see her father for three days, she cried and kept going. It was a headache. You are just a child, you don't have to suppress yourself. If you feel unhappy, just say it."

"No, it's really okay." Hal said: "Mom has always been busy with her own affairs, leaving Hal and my brothers in the turbulent moor. Hal is actually a brother and Elizabeth. Big cockroaches. So it’s okay to say that I haven’t seen my mother for a long time."

"Really, Vivienne is too much." The black cat originally wanted to continue to say something, but she suddenly thought that what she said might eventually reach Vivienne's ear, so she stopped.

"Hey?" Just at this time, something jumped out of the restaurant bar. The little thing was hot and red. When it just appeared from the bar, Husky almost thought that something was on fire in the bar. However, he took a closer look and found that it was actually a chicken with a red-hot color.

"Hey, you can't come out!" The black cat heard a voice over the bar and hurriedly rushed over. He wanted to hold the chick and send it back to the cage. But the chicken was exceptionally sensitive, and jumped to the top of the black cat's head, then jumped out of the situation, and a high jumped on the table where Husky was on.

"Hey?" The red-hot chick licked his head and observed Husky.

"Is this?" The canine boy suddenly stunned.

"Hey!" It seems that the chicken is nearby. The small squid that had been hiding in the pocket of Hal’s belt suddenly popped out and began to excitedly turn around the red-hot chick: "Hey? Choo Choo Choo!"

"Pochi, what are you doing?" The leopard boy hurriedly reached for the balloon fish. "Come back, don't fly in the black cat's sister's bar, you will scare other guests!"

"Hey!" The little white squid thought that the leopard was playing with him, swimming at a faster speed, and agilely sneaking the hands of the leopard. Although Hal is not clumsy, but Pocci is much more sensitive than Hal, the little balloon fish slid back and forth between the leopard paws of the leopard boy, and they can't catch it.

"Hey!" The chick seemed to be scared, and suddenly he trembled on the table, and the whole body shrank into a red-hot little ball of fire.

"So what is this Wang?" Husky raised his small claw and poked the chicken, and asked curiously. (The chicken shakes even more.)

"This is some kind of endangered bird in Africa." The black cat didn't know much about himself. He had to explain it casually: "Harry's father, Sir Paramitis, found it in the Rift Valley of Africa. But they didn't have it." I took care of this little guy, so I sent it over and took care of me."

"Red birds?" The comet looked at the chicken around. As a dragon, he was not very knowledgeable, but he lived for tens of thousands of years and knew more species than normal people. But he has never seen such a weird bird. The fluff of this chick is red, and the small mouth and legs are a kind of metallic blue indigo, which is very interesting. The comet seems to be able to vaguely feel the magical power of this chick - but this feeling is extremely illusory, as if it is true, it seems to be just an illusion.

"So what is this endangered bird called?" asked the comet.

"The flamingo and the like." The black cat sang along.

"Hal knows the flamingo, and the flamingo's young bird is not the same as the long one." Hal couldn't help but correct: "The color of their young birds is grayish white, and when they grow up, they turn red." It is not this kind of fire red, it is a relatively shallow red dragonfly."

"Yes, is it?" The black cat smiled awkwardly: " Anyway, um, it is some kind of endangered bird. In detail, the people of Great Britain have not told me, I am not sure, ah hahahahahaha- —""Hey!" Just at this time, as if by the little squid, the red-hot chick jumped to the top of Husky’s head and then on the top of the dog’s young furry head. Shrink up into a ball.

"Hey?" Husky snorted.

"What are you doing? That's my special seat!" The comet on the side couldn't help but spit.

Then he naturally attracted the strange eyes of everyone around him.

"What? After getting small, you are super comfortable in that position!" Xinghui Long defended himself without any problems: "Furry and warm!"

"Uncle Uncle You" Husky looked at Xinghuilong with a depressed look.

"And in that position you can easily see everything around you, and it's easy to use a shield like a shield. That's the best place to protect this kid." The comet added another sentence.

The people around me squatted for a while.

"It seems that this little guy really likes Husky's head." Then the black cat smiled bitterly: "I have a bold idea. Maybe you can help me take care of this child? Just like what you see. In this way, I am too busy in the store, and the child is too naughty, always running out of the cage to harass my guests. This is not good for the long-term operation of the store."

"The mission of the people of Great Britain to you, will you just kick it to us like a ball?" Starlight Dragon Comet can not help but swear. His "special seat" was occupied by the chicken and it is currently unpleasant.

"This little guy was originally found by Sir Paramitis." The black cat turned to look at the leopard boy: "The animal that Xiaohar's father discovered. Perhaps it is because you have a similar smell on it. Like to stick to you? It seems that this is fate (Kama). Your recent days have been very boring, what is wrong with taking care of this child?"

"Husky doesn't like Wang." The canine boy said with a long stretch.

"Why? It's so cute."

"But, the birds are flying, aren't they?" Husky continued: "The little birds that can't even fly, aren't they even Pog?"

"Hey!" The balloon fish on the side made a triumphant posture and looked proud.

"Hey!" The red-hot chick on the head of Husky looked very lost. It was obviously able to understand the words of the canine boy.

"What is the child's name?" Fu Lei stretched out and touched the chicken, but the action was more like touching Husky's dog head: "To bring it back from Africa to Great Britain through quarantine, there should be a walk. Kind of legal procedure?"

"It seems to be called [fluffy]." The black cat replied: "The name is as cute as the appearance, isn't it?"

"One - point - all - no - can - love - Wang!" Husky said with his tongue.

At the same time, Africa, the underground glass sea of ​​the Sahara.

In the battlefield ruins of the battle between Albert and the Golden Crab, the knights of Great Britain rummaged through the mysterious third-party forces, but in addition to the forces left behind by the forces, they were able to generate enchantments. There is nothing else outside the vector.

Then these knights finally gave up and walked into the portal one by one. After all, the portal cannot be opened all the time. The portal here is connected to the transfer room of the Great Britain warship, and only one portal can be opened point by point at a time. If the transfer door here is not closed, it will affect the operation of the transfer room, so that others can't use the transfer door to get anywhere else.

"Oh oh, they finally left." A child put down his telescope and grinned: "The knights and uncles are so busy, but unfortunately they have been busy for a long time, hahahaha!"

"We are just lucky." Another voice replied, next to the child was a man in a black cloak, and the voice of this person was that he had helped Bidwell and collapsed the Solar. The voice of the man rescued from the ruins.

The two of them stood in midair, as if they used some special tricks to float in the air, there was nothing under their feet, and they were covered by some special optical camouflage, and others could not see them from a distance.

The child just now is not a human child. The child is very special. He is a tiger boy about six or seven years old. He is in the most naughty and ignorant stage of his life.

This tiger-haired boy, who is covered in white hair, has a very special ice blue. He looks completely different from ordinary white-haired black-skinned tigers. His ice-blue tiger stripes are not the color that normal orc hair should have, as if they were deliberately dyed, but their color distribution is extremely natural and uniform. The method of dyeing is impossible to reach that level.

"You have seen enough, Obert. Is it time for us to go back?" The man in black robes had nothing to see here, and he urged the child to leave.

"Let's go down again, big brother. People are so easy to get out of the shelter." The tiger man said with a sigh.

"No. Waiting in this place, sooner or later will be discovered." The black robe man said depressedly: "We are acting in this era, and it is a matter of not being discovered and secretive. If you are not obedient, In the future, my older brother will never bring you out to play."

"This is hard to do." The child put away the telescope: "But the hairs also want to come out and breathe occasionally. Are you saying 喵, hairy?"

"Hey!-" There was a low-pitched voice at the feet of the two. Yes, the two are not hovering in the air, they are actually a huge bird, but the big bird as the mount is now using some kind of magical light to hide himself, and he To do better, he is almost completely invisible, so he becomes the special scene of two people standing in midair - of course, the light mirror can not be seen from a distance, the two people in the air It will also be hidden by optical camouflage.

The black robe man is very clear that the tiger man in front of him is absolutely unwilling to go back like this. But he had no choice but to persuade him: "Listen, Obert. You said that you came to see what your mom looked like when I was young, so you saw it. You said, you saw I will be satisfied later, and I will go back with me. If you are a man, you should abide by your own promises. When you say it, don't you? If you don't want to go, I will find your mommy after I go back. "

"Hey, big brother is good or bad." The tiger-man teenager slammed his feet. "Well, let's go back. But still have to sit around and take a ride around, just look at Cairo's night scene!"

"Well, if it's just a ride." The black robe man reluctantly promised, then shifted his posture and sat on the ground - or sitting on the back of the big bird: "Get off, hairy."

"Hey!-" The huge bird obeyed the command and suddenly rose from the ground.

He fanned his wings, unfolded a protective cover, and passed through the sand bunker on the top of the glass sea, and easily flew away from the underground glass sea. When the giant bird detached from the quicksand, it peeled off the optical camouflage on his body and turned into a dazzling, red-hot bird in the night.

It’s not necessary to hide your posture. He is a flamingo in the desert, a legend widely circulated here, so even if it is occasionally discovered by witnesses, it is a matter of course.

The flamingo carried the two people to take off, and instantly caught the sky at night.

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