Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1951: Captured by Huguang (20)

Chapter 1951 is trapped in Huguang 20

At the same time, somewhere in Edinburgh Berge.

The whistling sound screamed from Daniel's cheek, and the iron rider was destroyed during the battle. Some of the windshield was destroyed, so it did not block the oncoming wind, especially when it was flying at high speed. This kind of gust is more and more embarrassing

Feeling that one side of his face was about to be swollen by the airflow, Daniel avoided the wind with an awkward posture, his head went to the side, let the iron ride on the remaining part of the windshield covering his face. And behind him - or behind the iron ride he was riding - there was another iron ride in pursuit. The other side came full of killings and continually opened fire on Daniel's iron ride. In the midst of a sudden burst of artillery, dozens of light bombs have been caught up from behind and surrounded Daniel.

The Black Iron Knights then twisted the joystick and tried to avoid the dense rain with fine operations. However, it is still very difficult to do so. After all, his operational proficiency is not high. The iron rider is like a drunken old man. Under a few shaking, the left jet engine of the iron ride is shot in unexpectedly!

"Hey!" Daniel snorted and continued to twist the joystick, trying to stabilize the fuselage. He took advantage of the inertia of the fuselage itself and the shift of the center of gravity after tilting the fuselage, and it was hard to stabilize the iron rider who lost an engine. However, his crisis is far from over. The enemy chased after him will not stop attacking because his iron ride is shot! On the contrary, the enemy behind him is planning to give Daniel a fatal blow to end his life! The other party has approached at high speed, firing more and more dense light bombs, screaming towards Daniel!

The state of the iron ride was not good. Daniel knew that he could not drive this half-bad iron ride to escape this crisis, so he -

Draw! The black iron knight boy pulled out the high-powered ship photon army knife from the robotic arm of the iron ride, and slammed the attack with the opponent's attack.

Only with the support of hydraulic mechanical arms, human flesh and blood can normally swing this incomparably heavy and huge photon saber. It is also because its output and power is so great, as the last killer of the riding battle, also as the most powerful equipment of the iron ride, this photon saber can be described as a special equipment for the close-knit warfare! Only when it is incomparably close to the enemy, or if the rain is so dense that it cannot be completely defended, the Cavaliers will use this photon saber to reverse the situation of the battle and try to find a breakthrough point!

Hey! ! The main main points of the bombing were blocked by Daniel's high-powered beam saber, although other insignificant parts of the iron were hit by the light bullets, making his iron riding rotten! However, this is the moment when Daniel counterattacks. He uses the beam saber to stop the iron rider's engine, but his opponent does not slow down, hitting Daniel's iron ride! From the very beginning, his opponent thought that Daniel would continue to run without slowing down. He didn't expect Daniel to use this almost suicidal way to get close to him!

Seven yards, six yards, five yards! The speed of the iron ride is already very fast, and it is only a tenth of a second from the distance of the effective attack of the photon saber. Daniel saw that the other side's iron ride had fallen into his palm, and he did not hesitate to raise his sword!

"Yeah!" The other side also quickly pulled out the photon saber on the iron ride, and Daniel on the sword! However, it is still a slow step!

Oh! ! The huge photon saber smashed the opponent's iron ride! The opponent was driving, and the high-speed collision was not completely divided into two iron rides, but it was fiercely hit on Daniel's iron ride. The two damaged iron rides caused the photon explosion engine to overload because of the collision, which immediately triggered a strong explosion!

Bang! ——

The huge white flash spreads across the sky, and the heat heats everything in the vicinity of the iron ride into steam!

[you are dead].

A red character prompt appears on the system panel.

"Oh!" Daniel was kicked out of the simulated scene by the system. He gasped and took off the visual helmet that was originally on his head.

The battle just seemed to be just a dream, but it was an extremely real dream. That was the virtual scene of the battle simulation system in Great Britain, and this time the interface was specially prepared for the riding battle, used to train the knights who need to use the iron ride.

"It's unbelievable!" On another bench next to him, an instructor also took off his visual helmet, his face flushed with a look of anger. Needless to say, he is extremely dissatisfied with Daniel’s operation: "Are you crazy? The operation of the iron ride is a mess, and the iron ride does not want to escape the battlefield when it is seriously traumatized. Instead, they are desperately fighting with the enemy, causing both losses?! Do you want to die, kid? You are dead, and Britain is nothing more than a lame knight. But do you know how expensive an iron horse is in Great Britain?! Everyone is like you, using the iron ride as a bomb to kill the enemy. The country will not go away for a long time!"

"I am sorry," Daniel couldn't respond to the sentence. It was really bad for him. He was so hot-minded that he came up with a high-risk tactic that would almost end up with his opponent. It should be said that he initially thought that the photon army knife could completely cut the opponent's iron ride, and the iron rider cut in half should fall directly instead of hitting it to cause an explosion. But it turns out that his idea is still too naive, and how the bridges that will be in the movie can happen in reality - even in the analog system.

"Forget it!" The instructor was so angry that he was trying to calm himself down. Maybe he has taught a lot of mischievous students like Daniel. He has learned to be patient: "That is tonight's training. Take a break and start the next training at five o'clock tomorrow."

"Come at five o'clock?!" Daniel couldn't help but screamed: "Is this really true? My tomorrow's driving test seems to be at nine o'clock in the morning-"

"Feeling this kind of thing is changing with the mentality. Your mentality has collapsed. Now, if you continue to practice, there is no use for it. Go home and have a good night's sleep. Come and pick up your mood." The instructor ordered a Smoke, sucking up from the self: "At least you have mastered the general operation of the iron ride. To complete the battle part of the battle tomorrow, you should be barely ready to prepare for the driver's license exam."

Daniel’s forehead blew a drop of cold sweat, revealing a silent silence.

"It’s useless to look at me like this. I should go to work." The instructor said irresponsibly: "I will come over to guide you early in the morning, and you should be grateful to Dade."

"But the venue for the exam is on the London side. When will it be practiced at five o'clock tomorrow? Seven o'clock? If you rush from London to Edinburgh, I am afraid -"

"You don't have to worry about that little thing." The instructor grinned and raised one eye: "Edinburgh is just doing the new conveyor here, although it is not yet powered. If you use that, it will be a moment." I can send you back to London. Tomorrow you will be the first person to test the transmitter."

"Oh, I don't want to," Daniel whispered. A transmitter that has not been thoroughly tested is dangerous, after all, it is a device that connects two places with subspace pipes. If the parameters such as coordinates are not correct, it is likely to transfer Daniel to another place on the planet, or even to other planets. Which of the world's undead will deliberately run to use a conveyor that has not yet completed the test? !

"Anyway, you are such a fool who is not desperate, afraid of anything." As if he had already read the subtext of Daniel's heart, the instructor said contemptuously.

"I'm not--"

"There are fewer people to lie." The instructor did not listen to Daniel's explanation. He took a sip of cigarettes and said, "The way a person drives an iron ride is the most true embodiment of his inner thoughts. Just now you are not dying." The method of combat has already proved the problem very well. Huh, it’s a madman. What kind of excitement has your kid ever been, want to find yourself short-sighted?"

Daniel had no way to refute the other party's words and could only continue to be silent.

"Although my uncle said this to you, it doesn't seem to be convincing. But the young man is jealous, look at the opening. You have to go the way in the future. It is just a stupid act to simply look for short-sightedness. Perhaps you can find a chance to perform the mission of the Knights of Great Britain [Glorious dereliction of duty]. Perhaps you will be treated as a hero, the name is engraved, and it is commemorated on the stone of the martyrs. But this is nothing but for future generations. The thing, for the dead, has no meaning."

"what do you want to say in the end"

"Even if it is a temporary coward, it is better than a so-called hero, who died violently." The instructor lost the burnt cigarette. "If you live, you will meet more good things one day. Do you understand, the devil? ?"

"I have to get up early tomorrow, I have to go." Daniel did not answer, but turned and left.

After he left Edinburgh, he originally planned to return to London by car. But I don't know why, he walked while meditating, and the scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

"this is?!"

The scenery suddenly changed, and the Black Iron Knight Junior had come tonight, the tavern where the singing girl was singing. He was a bit puzzled, but did not think about it. He knows that the family of the Knights Thunder is now at the hospital, and there should be no acquaintances here. If you come, just go in and sit down. Maybe you can hear the beautiful song of the singer again? Daniel thought so, and walked into the bar without hesitation.

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