Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1954: Captured in Huguang (23)

Chapter 1954 is trapped in Huguang Twenty-three

Hey, hey, hey. The heavy footsteps approached, and it was the impact of the bare feet walking on the concrete, which was also the sound of heavy hatchets as they dragged the ground. Daniel knew that if he walked out of the living room like this, he would definitely meet the monster, so he broke into the other room of the house and hid behind the door!

He is very careful in his actions, and he is confident that such sneak will not make a sound that makes the other party hear. He guessed that the sheep head demon would first enter the room where he had just broken the window to see the situation, and this is the best time for Daniel to get rid of the other side - the premise is that his stealth really works!

He breathed behind the door and listened to the footsteps getting closer. He knew very well that if the sneak was seen, the sheep demon came over instead of entering the room where the window was broken, but instead came in another room where Daniel was, when Daniel and the monster were illuminated. , must die! But fortunately, the sheep-headed demon did not seem to hear Daniel's voice sneaking into a room from a room. It walked along the corridor, and one turned and entered the room that was broken into the window! Daniel secretly looked at the probe from the door, and the sheep head demon was slowly moving toward the room!

One step, two steps, three steps. When it comes in completely, it may find that there is no one in the room, and then it will immediately turn around and look for Daniel's trace in other rooms. It is reasonable to say that Daniel should slip out at this moment and run in the direction of the living room. But he also knows that he is very close to the devil of the sheep's head. Even a very small sound in this distance is very deadly, and it will instantly expose Daniel's stealth! So he waited patiently, waiting for the other party to move to a distance that is relatively far away from him, safe to sneak, and act again!

Four steps, five steps. The sheep's head demon has moved far enough. If it is a little farther away, it will look at the situation inside the room opposite the light, then turn around and continue searching for other rooms! Although the heart was full of fear, Daniel did not hesitate for a moment. He sneaked out and walked close to the door of the room and walked around the living room! The Black Iron Knight teenager successfully sneaked a short distance and immediately moved to the corridor between the living room and the bedroom and no longer moved!

The monster didn't come right away, it couldn't hear Daniel's voice. It did not immediately chase out the living room, because it checked the living room when it came. It has left the first bedroom at this time and walked towards the other bedroom! Sure enough, I have to check another bedroom! Daniel, who had secretly spy on the corridor from the corridor wall, immediately retracted his head, because he knew that the devil would go back to the living room from one bedroom to the other to confirm whether Daniel would have Escaped to the living room! That thing really stopped the pace for a second, it should have looked at the living room, but did not see anything, because Daniel just hid in the blind corner of its vision! It then continued to move, and went to another bedroom, trying to find the hidden black iron knight boy.

Daniel recovered from the breath, he sneaked in a low-key and quickly sneaked out of the living room in a few steps. That thing hasn't been chased yet, although there is not much time for Daniel to breathe. He has left a private house and walked to the common corridor on the same floor. Because this strange world of different worlds has seriously ruined all tangible things, there have been numerous caverns in the corridor. He clearly heard a bell coming from another house opposite, but there was no way to get there directly. It seems that it is not a good choice to skip the collapsed pit. On the platform that seems to be able to land on the opposite side, the concrete floor has been severely cracked, and some of the steel bars are exposed, even in this extremely dark environment. Get serious rust! Daniel is worried that the impact of jumping over will cause the opposite platform to collapse further. At that time, he will not only be unable to reach the opposite side, but may even fall to the next layer or the next layer or counts due to the collapse of the opposite platform. Countless and deeper places, because the underground floor is too dark to see clearly, God knows how deep the bottom is, will there be a platform to catch Daniel? !

Can you only take the road? And still in the case of being tracked by the sheep demon. The pressure is great. Daniel frowned and looked around to see if there was anything else to walk. There is no way to go, he still found another way to go around, the wall over there collapsed because of excessive aging, just enough to allow a young boy like Daniel to squeeze into the wall!

Behind him, the footsteps of the sheep's head demon are approaching. Daniel has no other choice, so he doesn't even want to go there. He was so easy to get in, but Marfa found that the room was full of nurse dolls with all kinds of deadly weapons! He took a sigh of relief, but he did not panic. The nurses do not seem to be standing still. If they are not stimulated, they are not expected to move at all. Daniel slowly lurked all the way. He could see the dolls beside him shaking in the same place and shaking in a strange way. It seems that he will suddenly move up and attack the Black Iron Knight!

But he noticed from the beginning that the hearing of these monsters does not seem to be good, they may even be embarrassing, relying entirely on the hearing that is not so good. The faces of the dolls are completely blank, and they can't see the organs like the eyes. The actual situation and Daniel's guess should not be too different! And that sheep demon should not be much better, although it has normal vision, can see Daniel and act, its hearing is very general, after all, it is covered with a thick and impenetrable sheep bone! Daniel had just been sneaked from behind the monster and was not heard, enough to prove the fact that it was poorly hearing!

In such a place, as long as the resistance continues to move forward, should it be safe to pass? Daniel stopped breathing and walked slowly, for fear of being alerted to the nurse dolls who had been wiped by him. But he is extremely agile, and now he is wearing a casual suit, without wearing any armor in the way, it is still very easy to slip through these badly-sounding groups of people!

Just when he passed most of the dolls and thought he was going to be safe right away -

lb! ! The wall hole that he had just passed through was forcibly opened by the sheep head demon with a kitchen knife! The guy really found Daniel’s whereabouts and caught up! And because it is too large to pass through the small wall hole, the guy is actually solved with violence, directly smashing the wall to expand the entrance!

This embarrassment is not just about making Daniel’s whereabouts so simple. The voice also alarmed the nurses! These strange hands with all kinds of deadly weapons began to frantically squirm, even though they haven't found out where Daniel is, they are extremely dangerous when they dance! The Black Iron Knights must carefully carefully sneak out the last short walk while carefully avoiding the scissors, scalpels, and syringes that the nurses are waving! On several occasions, such sharp things fell on his head. He turned away when he turned his head. The sharp scalpel made a small blood mark on his cheek and ear, which was incomprehensible! and the sheephead demon took a few seconds to recognize Daniel, who was sneaking in the nurses’ group. It sprinted toward Daniel, and the hatchet in his hand waved horizontally. All the way to chase all the way to the nurses of the road are a smash! It is really imposing, full of killing!

Daniel also passed through the dangerous nurse dolls, at least for the time being, there was nothing to threaten him. Not only did the group of nurses not attack him, but they helped Daniel to stop the road and slowed down the momentum of the demon chasing, so why not? So the black iron knight teenager climbed up from the ground and ran away!

Of course, he will also alarm the group of nurses. The dolls are still screaming and wielding their weapons in the last second. After a second, they have turned and ran, and rushed toward the black iron knight teenager! But this group of people, after all, ran slower than Daniel. They chased together not only did not threaten the boy, but turned into a roadblock, hindering the pursuit of the more dangerous sheep head demon! As a result, although it was still chased by a group of monsters, Daniel ran to the front, behind a group of less dangerous nurse dolls, while the sheep head demon was at the end, and had to slow down and wave the hatchet to smash the dolls. This scene is beneficial to Daniel!

The teenager didn't think much about it. He was very close to the source of the bell. He saw a room at the end of the hall. He slammed into the room and turned and locked the door! It took him a few seconds to move around some messy things around the door and look at the place where the bells were in the middle of the room!

That is not a bell. It was a pure white light, in the dark and dilapidated room, it continued to shine!

Outside the door is the sound of a group of monsters hitting the door, the danger is very close. But Daniel was attracted by this white light, slowly approaching it and reaching out to it.

Is this the holy grail?

The white light that couldn't be touched was just a bell, but nothing, even if Daniel reached out and tried to catch it, it would slip away from his fingers.

its not right. The Grail fragments have been returned and should have been kept somewhere in Great Britain. There should be no more holy grail fragments here.

"It is [erosion]." A voice suddenly sounded in Daniel's ear.

"People who have [hope], it will drag you to [desperate]." Another voice also sounded.

Daniel turned and looked at him. There were three black women behind him. They were like ghosts. They were all translucent and could not see the shape.

"You are?"

"The sly witch." "The person who served the shard." "The original maid of Pantoraken's royal family, the dark witches." The figures of the three women began to say a word to me.

"Witch, witch? What a ghost"

"Maintain the pillars of spiritual stability." "Without us, you will collapse." "The cockroaches will be swallowed up by [desperate]." They said faintly.

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