Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1956: Captured by Huguang (25)

Chapter 1956 is trapped in Lake Light 25

The memory suddenly surged into Daniel's mind like a flood.

The knives that suddenly appeared in front of his eyes seemed to be illusory, but illusory but real. It sturdyly blocks the opponent's critical blow, which is enough to show that it is really good. Although this thing is a small one, it is not the one used before Daniel defeated [the seat of greed], is there a big knife? !

That thing is indeed hidden in the subspace, and it will suddenly pop up to attack the enemy in response to the user's call. However, Daniel had been able to use the knives before, because the fragments of the Holy Grail were giving him strength. Now the Holy Grail has been recovered by the Knights of Great Britain, and the Black Iron Knights thought that this thing could no longer be summoned! God knows that it can still be used! Although it was a small one, it became a little knives!

In any case, Daniel was finally saved by the knives that were summoned out of thin air. Moreover, the hand that he did not block was swung out. He had only a small scalpel in his hand. It was impossible to get the opponent from the handle. But while Daniel was wielding a knife, another murder knife suddenly popped out, almost exactly the same direction as his sword, and the knife tip just touched the opponent! The second murderless knife made a wound on the chest of the sheep's head demon. Although it was not deep, the guy was finally injured!

"Well--" At the moment of hitting the enemy, Daniel was also alert to a few steps back to the danger zone. He knew that the sheep head demon in front of him would not be defeated so easily, and he knew that the sheep head demon could not simply let him go. He must be prepared to continue the battle, using the characteristics of the virtual sword to find the breakthrough to defeat the opponent.

First of all, this illusory knife is a special weapon hidden in the sub-space. It appears in front of Daniel in the blink of an eye just in response to the user's call—or floats on his hand, and swings with his sword. . At the moment of hitting the enemy, it will disappear and disappear into the subspace again. The weapon itself seems to be very heavy, so heavy that you can use a curved knife to directly block the hatchet of the sheep head demon several times larger than it. But no matter how many times it is, because it is only a weapon summoned from the subspace, Daniel himself did not have the strength to wave it. This feature makes the incomparably heavy knives, but can swing freely in the air like air, it is really interesting.

Moreover, this thing seems to have two or more? When Daniel played against the greed seat, the monster could summon Daniel's vain knives but more than three. It used the big knives to make a continuous attack, almost forcing Daniel to go nowhere. Daniel can now make it seem that the two murders are already the limit, but there is better than nothing.

Then give it a try.

The Black Iron Knights watched the action of the opponent while driving the move. The sheep head demon did not stop because of a small scratch on the chest. On the contrary, its offensive was more fierce, and rushing over Daniel’s head was a flea!

The teenager has already seen the other party's movements. He jumped away from the moment when the flea fell, and took the right hand to the ground!

brush! The murderless knife is pierced from the ground, just at the foot of the sheep head demon! This is the thorn attack of [Ghost of greed], Daniel has long been taught. He believes that since he can use the virtual sword, he should be able to make the same ground attack, and his conjecture is proved to be correct!

The belly of the sheep's head was hit by this sharp and heavy machete, and it was also shot because of the powerful impact of this attack! Obviously, it reminds the six-foot brawny, but this guy can't stand the puncture attack of this small curved knife! The [heavy] of the murderless knife is also true!

"Opportunity!" Daniel saw the sheep head demon being shot into the air, and immediately rushed over and waved again! Another murder knife was summoned along with the black iron knight's waved action, and smashed toward the back of the sheep's head demon, and then smashed and smashed the opponent!

The damage caused by this time is very impressive. The blade of the curved knife has already interrupted the spine of the sheep's head demon. The guy should have been paralyzed and he couldn't move.

However, the devil of the sheep head climbed up from the ground. Although the wound on the back was bloody, it was not as serious as it looked. The most important thing was that even if the spine was broken, it did not affect its action, as if it were on the back. The spine is just an ornament!

"I will know." Daniel sighed. This is probably not a creature at all in front of him. What is the broken spine? In this strange world like a nightmare, everything is grotesque and cannot be explained by common sense. This sheep demon must also be a member of these grotesque things.

It seems that it is impossible to end the battle without cutting down its head. Daniel even once suspected that even if this guy was beheaded, the body might still move. If it really becomes like that, then you can only cut off its hands and feet, shred its body, and let it be completely inoperable!

The sheep head demon attacked again, and it may be because of the injury, this monster attack is even more fierce than before!


auzw.comThe huge hatchet rushed to the black iron knight boy, but the boy did not hide and slam, and rushed up and waved!

Boom! The virtual curved knife that appeared out of thin air solidly blocked the opponent's heavy blow, and there was still Yu Yu, the bucking knife bounced off, the strength was great, and the sheep head demon slammed back!

Daniel rushed up to take a scalpel and poked it. Of course, the real punctured opponent was not the small scalpel, but the second virtual knive that was summoned! That thing runs directly through the monster's chest, and blood splatters for a while! The sheep head demon is hit by the powerful impact of the hollow knife, and loses its center of gravity and stumbles backwards!

Daniel stepped out and the other hand had already patted the ground. The hollow knives emerged from the ground where the sheep's head demon fell, just in time to catch the trend of the sheep's head demon falling to the ground!

tie! ! The sharp curved knife runs through the monster and is penetrated by more than half of the chest, causing more serious damage! However, this guy is still extremely resistant, so he is not dead! It also regained its center of gravity by the impact of the sudden spur attack, and waved the big hatchet to reverse the attack on Daniel's brain!

The boy was originally a half-squatting posture. He heard the wind beside the head and immediately lowered his body. The big hatchet of the sheep-headed demon passed over his head! Daniel took advantage of the moment he climbed up and slashed it. The summoned knives slanted up and down, from the left side of the sheep's head demon to the right lower abdomen, and Daniel was already close enough to the opponent. The words in the fight are enough to divide the monster into two!

However, the sheep head demon did not stand still and beaten. Its big hatchet was originally a very heavy weapon, and its inertia was also great. Using this inertia, it spins up, wielding the big hatchet for three hundred and sixty degrees, and once again coming to Daniel!

Boom! ! This is followed by a more intense collision between the Void and the Big Hatcher. This time they are evenly matched! No, it should be said that the sheep head demon is slightly more advantageous here. After all, it uses the power of the body to make a roundabout! The virtual curved knife that was summoned is also of actual quality. It collides with the opponent's big hatchet. The strength is not as good as the opponent. Then it is hit back and back. This retreat is on Daniel and even knocks the boy off!

"Yeah!" Daniel stepped back and barely held his body. But he did not stop the attack because of a momentary defeat, his hand has been shot to the ground, and summoned the ground thorn attack from the ground!

However, the devil of the sheep head jumped agilely and escaped the ground thorn! It has been twice in this trick, and it is time to guard against this move!

tie! However, another thorn stabbed from behind him and stabbed his right leg. A thorn can be avoided, but Daniel can open the hand with both hands to make a continuous thorn, which is an ordinary side jump can easily dodge past!

However, the sheep head demon just paused, just like nothing else, dragging the pierced wounded leg to Daniel, it should be said that because of the impact of the ground thorn, it ran even faster than the original! This monster does not know the pain, it seems that it will not be affected by the wound, as long as it is not cut off the whole body, it is estimated that it will continue to attack non-stop!

The devil of the sheep head speeded up and ran, facing the sprint of Daniel’s sprint, and the situation was extremely fierce. Daniel knew from the opponents that his opponent's collective strength was a powerful blow, and even the power of the summoned knives could not be completely resisted!


Hey! Daniel greeted the opponent's attacking momentum and waved his hands together! If a virtual curved knife can't completely block the opponent's attack, then use two! The two virtual knives that almost coincided with each other and the big hatchet of the sheep's head demon violently collided together, the Mars splashed, and even fell to Daniel's hand, burning a burning sensation! But the opponent's all-out slam, it is better to be resisted by Daniel!

"Let me tell you a good thing." The Black Iron Knight said: "The Void Knife is free and easy!"

Just use two curved knives to block the opponent's attack, so that the sniper strength of the sheep head demon completely disappeared, Daniel reversed the call of the two scimitars, and rushed to the chest to the devil's chest to the nearest distance! He waved his hands again and drew an x ​​on the opponent's chest!

Brush it! ! Once again, it was summoned, and the double-empty curved knife that was out of the ghosts immediately split the opponent's chest! !

The sheep head demon was repelled by two consecutive snipers and pulled back one step later! Daniel rushed up and smashed the original machete, summoned it again, and swept his hands twice! Deeper wounds form in the monster's chest and abdomen!

"Dead!!" Daniel turned sharply, re-calling to make the scimitar disappear, once again summoning the scimitar to appear, and then the cross of both hands!

Oh! ! - The monster is divided into two from the position of the chest and abdomen! No matter how hard it is, the sheep head demon can't bear the continuous sniper of the double-empty machete. It is smashed! !

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