Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1962: Captured in Lake Light (31)

Chapter 1962 is trapped in Lake Light 31

After a few minutes.

"It hurts and hurts." The tiger-man boy muttered like a spoiled child: "Mummy helps me more than wow~"

"Well, it won't hurt if you take a few more trips." Chanel sat next to the little tiger and took the forehead of the bag from Ober. "All the pains are flying away."

"啧" Albert deliberately sat down in a position far away from Ober, and licked his ass. His tail had just been pulled so badly that it was not broken.

"So, in the end, where is the wild child, there is no education at all." The tiger youth said unhappy.

"It really fell from the sky." Biddiville repeated again, "and also called Chanel called Mom. I don't know if I was deliberately mischievous, or I admit the wrong person."

"Most of it is in a prank. I love the little devil who makes things." Albert looked at the tiger boy with a slightly hostile look.

"哼" Bettiville snorted thoughtfully, then suddenly asked: "Obert, you know who your mom is, then what about your dad? Is there any clue?"

"I don't know, Big Brother has never had anything to mention with Dad." The Tiger Boy said, "Mummy has not mentioned it. It is possible that Dad is no longer there."

Bedyville and Albert looked and shrugged.

"What do you think?" Biddyville asked the young people of the tiger: "The same person is a tiger. Should someone in your family be similar to this child?"

"Impossible, the tigers with white coats are not many, and it's still the weird ice blue tiger pattern? I haven't seen it." Albert flipped his head.

"What about your brother?" Biddyville then lowered his voice and asked. He vaguely remembered that Albert's brother was also a white-haired tiger, but Robert was a white-skinned tiger. He had no tiger stripes on his body, and his whole body was white.

"Are you an idiot?" As soon as he mentioned his brother, Albert's temper became very bad. "Robert was made a fool by the foxes with special brainwashing techniques. Now he is still living in Great Britain." How can you leave a child on the Egyptian side?"

"I just asked. Is it possible that your brother had a child before it became like that?" Bettiville was a little wronged.

"The Egyptian massacre was something more than a decade ago. Robert was sent to Great Britain seven years ago." Albert turned to look at Ober: "- How big is this little devil?"

"I am six years old this year!" The little tiger raised his finger and said that he raised his fingers with seven fingers.

"That would be even more impossible." Albert concluded.

"In any case, the only clue is broken now. It seems that it is more and more difficult to find his mother." Bettiville shouted.

"I sometimes really obeyed you." Albert whispered coldly: "What a bad guy you are. A little devil descends from the sky and says to find a mother, will you help him find a mother? This kind of thing is given to The government of Great Britain or Egypt will not be able to deal with it."

"But he seems to need help very much," Bettiville whispered.

"Hey, whatever, how do you like it, don't pull me on." Albert was impatient, then subconsciously licked his ass: "Don't pull my tail."

"So," Chanel seems to be afraid of trouble, and wants to retreat: "The time is not early. When I chased the child, I have not had time to lock the door of the hotel room. If there is no such thing as me." I will go back first."

"Hey! Mommy don't want to go, even mommy hugs~"

"So you admit the wrong person," Chanel said with a smile and pushed the tiger away: "I am really not your mother, don't stick me all the time? Then goodbye, I hope you find your mother soon, little tiger." ""

Chanel licked the face of the tiger boy, then turned and ran away, estimated to be afraid to continue to be wrapped up.

"It's too late now, we should go back, don't bother others." Bedieville climbed up from the couch and said to Ober.

"People still don't want to go, this deluxe room is great, and I have to play again." The tiger boy did not mean to retreat at all.

"Don't be willful, this uncle of the tiger has been hurt, and he is dying. We must let him quietly recover. Otherwise, he will die if he is really dead." Biddyville joked as a joke.

"You are dying, crow mouth!" Albert angered.

"Hey, the uncle of the tiger is so weak." Then the tiger boy and the young man also said that he was so angry that Albert almost vomited blood.

"I know it, then let's go." Biddiville ignored Albert's protest and said to the little tiger: "Resume tonight, and continue to find your mother tomorrow." "Hey, are you really going to take this stupid?" Albert saw that Betteville was about to leave with Ober, and he couldn't help but ask.

"What else can you do? Let him live on the streets?" Biddyville replied for granted.

"Hey--" Albert failed to pick up the words for a while and fell into silence.

"In short, take a step and take a step." Biddyville used to pull the little boy's hand and walked outside the door.

"Wait--" Albert screamed at the two.

"What happened?" The werewolf youth yelled impatiently.

Albert didn't respond to Bedyville's questioning, but went to the little tiger and held his little furry face with his hands: "I don't know who your parents are, but since you are a tiger, Let's think it's a bit of a relationship. I want to marry you, I hope you find your mommy soon."

The little tiger grinned and said: "I have found Mommy. And I have always been very embarrassed!"

"A fart, obviously a gangster." Albert was amused by the brazen youth of the tiger, and laughed.

"Mummy said before, the trick is also a part of life, the child should be able to eat eggs when the quail, when you are learning, isn't it?"

Albert smiled in a sullen manner, his hands licking the face of the little tiger: "Your mommy is quite right. It's so good."

At that moment, Bedieville suddenly felt that this big one and two small tigers were quite a father and son. Or, that is the shamelessness of Obert, it will not be a polite style at all, and Albert is quite similar.

how is this possible. It’s just an illusion. Bedyville didn't think much about it. After all, that kind of thing was too illogical—not consistent in time. So there is no room for thinking.

Because it was already late at night, Bedieville did not have too much with Albert, and soon left with the tiger boy. In the corridor of the hotel, there was a pair of eyes observing everything in the dark, but did not dare to come and interfere. Or, he can't come over and interfere.

At the same time, somewhere in Great Britain.


The lighting system of the institute was restored with a wonderful current sound. Originally, the darkness was only maintained by the red emergency lights, but now it is full of light, and the eyes of the lotus can't help but adapt. She waited for a few seconds before she recovered her vision and then saw the blood of the place. The Warcrafts that the intruders were released were killed, and the corpses were everywhere. The Warcrafts were still eating the bodies of these people, which was a bit disgusting.

Warcraft did not attack the lotus sound. It may be because the lotus sound was also in the institute. They also had the World of Warcraft responsible for feeding the bottom layer. They recognized the Lord and knew that they were dealing with the intruders, not the lotus sounds that they usually fed to them. .

In any case, as long as the power system of the institute is restored, the intruders will not sing. Along with the power system, the security system is launched. It will not be long before there will be a strong security image in the institute, and all the intruders will be rushed away.

"Lian Yin? Are you still there?" Just as the Pattimo girl thought about it, the communication device in her ear heard Vivian's voice.

"I have also solved the intruder here." Lian Yin replied: "It seems that you have successfully restored the power of the institute."

"Yes." Vivienne said: "In this way, this farce should be over - or just started."

"Do you have no problem saying this?" Lian Yin asked with a smile.

"Huh. The guy listening is no longer there. Once the institute resumes power, it will send a strong interference wave. Now only two of us can hear it." Vivian also laughed: "No matter what, go back to research." Let's meet in the room. It's time to witness the end of this farce."

"Agree." Lian Yin looked at the Warcraft who were still wandering. They still don't mean to attack the lotus sound, and they will soon be thrown back into the cage, and the lotus sounds are not going to take care of them, towards the center of the institute, they The lab that first set out went.

So far, they have roughly guessed the enemy's strategy of this invasion. Anyway, those guys came for [that thing]. It is not clear how the means are, but Lian Yin knows [that thing] is the last step of the invasion of these invaders.

"Lian Yin!" Vivian and Lian Yin rushed to the research room almost at the same time. Vivian saw a lot of blood on the lotus sound and asked: "Isn't it hurt?"

"I? No, these are the blood splashed from the enemy and Warcraft in the battle, not my own blood." Lianyin replied. She has always used magic guards such as protective covers. It should have been a little scratched, but the battle is too fierce. Both the enemy and the enemy have death and injury. The blood splashing everywhere will sometimes fall on the lotus sound. Stained her beautiful dress.

This dress is still bought by Vestad. It’s a pity.

"All the losses in this time are all public fees," Vivien said with a little sigh. "I remember that all the losses are listed in the list. I will look for Arthur to pay back."

"Ah, hahahaha" Lotus sounds a bitter smile.

The two people slowly entered the research room with a sense of freedom. On the surface, they thought that the crisis had passed, and the enemy fled, but they were actually acting.

In the research room, the special vehicle that is like a ship and a train is still parked in peace. It should have been stopped. Now, because the institute has re-powered it, it has begun to recharge and operate at full power. stand up.

"Who is there?!" Vivian looked toward the [Explorer], and pretended to be angry.

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