Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1968: Battle for the morning (3)

Chapter 1968 is a battle of the morning

At the end of the battle, the simulation system also stopped working.

Daniel just removed the hood of the analog system from his brain and immediately heard the instructor's complaint: "I don't think it is, don't count it! Don't play it like this! See what you did!"


"You just made a thing that you can't do under normal circumstances." The instructor's face is dissatisfied: "Is the normal person directly taking the light sword to block the iron rider's big output photon saber? Try to estimate the instantaneous arm of the block." Lost! The hand is broken and talk about what counterattack!"

"But-" Daniel still wants to argue.

The instructor continued: "You just used the loopholes in the battle simulation system to win! You know that the characters you control in the simulation system will not break your limbs, you will only feel the pain, so you use this loophole to force the block. The attack of the photon saber, isn't it? If you are in actual combat, can you do the same thing? It is estimated that the arm has been broken into two pieces!"

After Daniel decided to think, he said, "No. I can do it."


"It's true. I have the equipment to do the same thing. And my body is not the fragile body of human beings. It is estimated that the arm will not break off easily."

"I’m talking about it again! How can your child talk when he opens his mouth?"

"Instructor," Daniel did not argue with the other party, but asked: "In the next driver's license exam, I have to face a similar [combat], right? That is, even if I rely on myself With those advantages, you can get a driver's license when you pass the test in actual combat, right?"

The instructor bowed, "Theorously this is true."

"That's it. Then I will find a way to adapt myself." Daniel replied, "If this is all training, then I can probably go?"

"Okay, let's go." Although the heart was very upset, the instructor did not continue to retain the reason of the Black Iron Knights: "I really hope that your set will work in actual combat. Otherwise you will wait for the failure. I have been with your father for many years, and I saw that the son of Cavalier Yang is such a conceited guy. I really feel sorry for your father. You regard this sentence as a good advice or a meaningless embarrassment. It is very difficult for you to continue to do this in the Knights of Great Britain. The qualifications that a knight needs most, in addition to combat power, have the ability to coexist with others. And you obviously have no way to handle the latter."

"It’s really hard to worry about it." Daniel replied in disapproval: "But I never thought about staying in the Knights of Great Britain."

Daniel, who has nothing left, is tired of it all. He will continue to stay in the Knights of Great Britain just to achieve a goal. When this goal is finally reached, Daniel will leave this long-lost Knights and have a relationship with Great Britain - at least he thinks so.

The teenager then quickly left without heading back.

At the same time, Cairo, Egypt, in the Cairo Grand Hotel.

"Is it?" The sigh of Arthur’s intriguing sigh came from the microphone: "Beddyville, you are a nosy guy."

"Not too much." The werewolf youth self-justified, turning to look at the little tiger who was still sleeping in bed. Obert played very late yesterday, and he couldn’t wake up early in the morning. Elaine on the other side of the bed is also lazily screaming, and yesterday’s practice must be very tired.

"No?" Arthur yelled at the other end of the phone. "A child wants you to help him find a mother. You can help him find it. This kind of thing could have been handed over to Great Britain for help, even if the child said that he does not believe in Great Britain." You can also send him to the Egyptian embassy, ​​let the Egyptian government help find someone? However, you are not willing to help the child to find a mother. You are very busy."


"Though this is the case," King Arthur turned and said: "You promised that the child would not help the people of Great Britain, but you called to find fault, what does it mean? The most basic credit between people. Not keeping it?"

"I promised that Albert would not help the Knights of Great Britain, but I did not say that I could not find the King of Great Britain to help." The Werewolf youth blinked: "Just looking for Arthur to help you, should it still be possible?" "

So, the microphone came over with a laugh from the Cavaliers. After laughing for about five minutes, King Arthur stopped laughing and stopped and said, "Betdyville, Biddyville, you are such a jealous bastard. It is really overkill for you to be a werewolf. You become like this, How can I not be a fox?"

"Actually, I just want to ask you to borrow [recalling the magic mirror - Raelthefield] and "wolf youth whispered:" Arthur, around so many circles, how do you answer me, whether it is borrowed or not borrow?"

"This question is quite subtle." Knight Wang said: "You may not know about this, but Reltherfield has recently changed a bit. Now using this artifact, there are too many unstable factors, too Dangerous."

"Hey?" Biddiville heard a fog. Isn’t the mirror of recollection not the artifact used to enter other people’s dreams to mine data? Bedyville had nothing to do with Obert, and all the clues to help the child find his mother were completely broken. The only way that the werewolf youth can think of next is to use this magic mirror to enter the dream of the tiger boy, and hope to get more clues from the child's dream.

Is it dangerous to enter other people's dreams to view the information?

"It seems that the light can't explain the problem well from the phone." King Arthur sighed and knew that there was no way to convince the werewolf youth: "Well, you brought the child to the warship of Great Britain. You personally gave it to you." Description."

I don't know what medicine to buy in the gourd of King Arthur. Bettiville can only listen to the advice of the Cavaliers. Of course, it’s not easy to wake up the sleeping kid.

"Get out of bed." The Werewolf youth shook Obert.

"Let's sleep for another five minutes," the little tiger replied in confusion.

"Don't you find a mother?" Biddyville shook the tiger boy again: "Uncle will bring you to find a mother now?"

"Mummy hasn't found it yet," Ober continued to stumble.

"Chanel is not your mother." At the thought of last night, Bedieville felt very rude. "You don't confuse your mother in the future, ruining the reputation of the ladies, do you understand?"

"Hey, let's just take it." The little tiger began to be annoyed by Bedyville. He buried his head in the pillow and continued to sleep.

Bedyville was a little unhappy, reaching out and using the tiger's tail to pull off.

"Hey!" The little tiger, who was still asleep, suddenly the whole cat bounced off the bed: "Hey! It hurts! Don't pull the tail!!"

"Let's stay in bed!" Bettiville said with a face: "Cash and wash, we are about to leave. Believe me, I will find your mommy this time."

"So I said, Mommy has found it." Obert licked his head. He wanted to sleep. He was sleepy when he was hurt. He had no choice but to walk in the direction of the bathroom.

ten minutes later.

"Where is this?" The Tiger Boys only remember that the Werewolf Uncle had opened a door-like thing with a bracelet. They passed through the portal and suddenly came to a transfer room.

"You don't need to know where this is," Biddyville deliberately concealed this is a battleship in Great Britain. "I will take you to a friend of my uncle. The treasure in that friend's hand will definitely help you find your mother." ""

The "Hot" little tiger snorted and expressed doubt. In fact, he has already determined that his mommy is Chanel, not so much as the world is looking for a mother, it is better to take him to see Chanel.

"Oh, is it already here?" Knowing that Bettiville used the conveyor function of the magic bracelet, Arthur also rushed to the transfer room. Of course, he was wearing a half-covered silver mask, covering all the faces above the bridge of the nose, in order to prevent the child from recognizing that he was a great Briton.

"Is this child?" King Arthur looked at the little tiger curiously. Obert is a very special existence among the tigers. The white hair is very special. The ice blue tiger is even more unique among the tigers. The Cavaliers seem to be able to feel the magic of the ice blue tiger.

"Hahaha, uncle with a mask, are you going to participate in a masquerade?" Obert pointed at the mask of King Arthur and smiled.

"It's true." Arthur stuffed a special plastic mask with a tiger shape on his face: "The mask uncle also has a gift for you, do you want to wear it?"

"Oh--" The little tiger took the mask and played with interest. The workmanship of the mask is actually very exquisite, and the shape is very cute. The tiger face painted on the mask is almost the same as the face of Obert, but it is a white tiger with black hair. Obert loved this novelty gadget and put it on without much thought.

"Oh, I can't see clearly." His vision was limited by the mask. After all, there were only two small openings in the tiger's mask on the eye, just enough for him to see the object in front. The structure of the mask blocked the view on both sides, and there was no way to do it.

"It doesn't matter if you can't see clearly, it's cool enough." Arthur laughed and laughed. "But when you wear a mask, walk carefully and don't hit the wall."

"Well!" The little tiger didn't know that it was a routine. He also happily wore this seemingly cool mask, thinking that walking on the road would increase the rate of return.

"Now, let's go." Arthur said to Bedyville, "The details of [Relseyfield], we will talk again after you see it. At that time, you will judge whether you are braving yourself. Life is dangerous, use that dangerous prop."

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